The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1163 Secret Realm Mission

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, and more than 80 years have passed in a flash.

Over the years, as more and more Da Zhou cultivators entered the southwest cultivator world, Lu Kun's deeds gradually spread.

The Taixuan Sect and the Holy Demon Sect were severely damaged, and they were able to compete with two gods. When referring to the master of the Lu Pavilion, almost all immortal cultivators thought of the power of the gods in their minds.

Under the protection of Lu Kun, the Refinement Pavilion has developed very rapidly with the resources brought by the vast area, and the number of sect disciples, especially the number of physical practitioners, has grown amazingly.

Today, there are more than 700 people in the body-quenching realm in the Foundation Establishment stage, and there are 29 people in the Bone Treasure Stage, plus the traditional immortal cultivators from Tianjian Pavilion, Hualing Pavilion and Treasure Pavilion. , There are more than sixty existences at the level of formation.

Since the Body Refinement Pavilion blocked Wei State, the outside world did not know its true strength. They didn't know that the body cultivation of the Body Refinement Pavilion's bone transformation period was actually only Lu Kun, Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan.


On this day, at the bottom of the Demon Abyss deep in the Yunling Mountains, several sturdy body cultivators stood outside a cave, and everyone looked very respectful.

The burly young man at the head is the elder of the bone transformation period of the Lianti Pavilion, Huang Xiaoyun. Behind him, there are two men and a woman. They are the outstanding contemporary disciples of the Lianti Pavilion, Li Qianfeng, Zhao Qiming and Evian Duan.

With the help of the Magic Pond in Magic Dragon Mountain and the assistance of Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan, the three of them made rapid progress in their cultivation, and now they have all entered the realm of bone treasures.

"Elder Huang, the pavilion master's exit this time, is it that the cultivation base has broken through again and entered the late stage of bone transformation?"

It was Li Qianfeng who spoke. His muscles were extremely strong, and there was a faint trace of black light surging under his skin, but the right magic arm was extremely thin.

Huang Xiaoyun said slowly: "The cultivation base of the pavilion master is not something I can speculate. The old man called you here this time is related to the secret realm of one yuan."

"One Yuan Secret Realm?"

"The rumored ancient ruins left by the Yuan Dynasty?"

They naturally know that this well-known secret realm, the pure water of true demons produced in it, has an unparalleled attraction to demon cultivators, and can improve the chance of breakthrough of the demon cultivator's Yuan Ying stage.

Zhao Qiming stood beside Li Qianfeng, his body was slightly thinner, and the original hair, I don't know when it fell out, he asked curiously: "The pavilion master wants us to capture the pure water of true magic inside, this is also helpful for body repair? "

Huang Xiaoyun shook his head and said: "Although the pure water of true devil is precious, it has little effect on physical cultivation. The pavilion master sent you to the one-yuan secret realm this time, not to collect resources, but to bring a senior out of the secret realm. ."

When everyone heard the words, their expressions froze.


"Anyone trapped in the secret realm?"

"One Yuan Secret Realm is opened every three hundred years. Is this senior a Yuan Ying-level existence?"

"The secret realm restricts the entry and exit of the Yuanying monks..."

Huang Xiaoyun listened to everyone's words, and sighed softly: "This senior has a great relationship with our body training lineage, and is a disciple of the ancient Yuan Dynasty..."

Next, he explained how the brothers of the Hong family explored the path of body refinement. The four disciples of the first generation were quickly immersed in this story.


After a long time, Li Qianfeng said with a shocked expression: "It turns out that Qi and Blood Magic Power was created in this way. These two senior Hongs are the forerunners of the body refining line."

He raised his dry right arm and murmured: "The idea of ​​​​refining the body magic is very similar to the magic zombie body training. ."

Several other people were also shocked. From this story, they could all feel the difficulty of practicing the Demonic Zombie Body Refinement. Just eating the Demon Zombie Body is not something that ordinary people can do.

At the same time, they were extremely angry with the Han family of the One Yuan Sect. If these people hadn't experimented with the Demonic Body Refiner, I'm afraid that Senior Hong would not have been asleep forever.

Huang Xiaoyun said solemnly: "The pavilion master has come up with several plans to bring out Senior Hong, but the premise of these plans requires you to subdue him."

"Although the Demonic Body Refinement Technique that this senior cultivated has survived from the ancient times due to the special technique, his spirit has been affected by the meaning of true demons and bloodthirsty for many years, and his mind is confused."

"You not only have to subdue him, but also awaken his consciousness, otherwise it will be useless to rescue Senior Hong from the secret realm. According to the pavilion master's estimation, the forerunner of the Demonic Body Refinement Art will encounter a thunder calamity as soon as he leaves the secret realm. ."

"Facing the Thunder Tribulation of Body Repair, if you are not conscious, there is only one way to die."

When Li Qianfeng and the others heard the words, their expressions became solemn.

The fighting strength of the few of them can be said to be the strongest existences below the Nascent Soul stage. Together, even if the two are in the early Nascent Soul stage, they dare to fight, but when they deal with this senior Hong, I can't help but feel a pressure in my heart. .

Listening to Huang Xiaoyun's description, this senior has not only reached the limit strength of the Bone Treasure Stage, but also generated the source power of the flesh.

The cultivation base of Gubao Dacheng's strength is between 250,000 to 300,000 catties, which is not a small gap from the limit of 400,000 catties, and the other party still has physical source power, which will absolutely suppress them.

Duan Yiyun frowned and said, "Senior Hong's flesh body is fused with the corpse of a top demon general. The defense power is probably equivalent to that of the bone transformation stage body repair. Even if I attack with all my strength, I am not sure to injure him."

Zhao Qiming said worriedly: "The strength of 400,000 catties plus the source of the physical body, the movement speed is even more amazing. If we join forces, I am afraid that we can only protect ourselves."

"Hong Yuntian's strength is indeed terrifying, but what if you also generate physical source power?" Just when the expressions of several disciples were heavy, a deep voice entered everyone's ears.

A burly middle-aged man in a gray suit slowly walked out of the stone house gate, with a golden monkey lying on his shoulders.

"Pavilion Lord!"

"Disciple sees the pavilion master!"

Everyone showed respect and bowed to salute.

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with golden light. He looked at Li Qianfeng's magic arm and smiled, "Yes, Qianfeng, you have successfully merged with Yuxuan's three yang magic fire, and the pure magic power of different fire is flowing in your body."

Then he looked at Zhao Qiming, showing a bit of surprise and said: "Good boy, I just mentioned, you actually succeeded, using the artifact spirit root method to complete the five elements spirit root, not to mention the transformation of mana It has become the five elements of poison mana."

Zhao Qiming said respectfully: "If it wasn't for the guidance of the pavilion master and the help of Elder Du, the disciple would not have been successfully transformed."

Lu Kun glanced at Duan Yiyun again, showing a look of satisfaction: "Very good, you guys are in excellent condition, and the blood Mingnian has also been integrated into the bone treasure. The level of physical source power should be able to pass smoothly."

Li Qianfeng said with a bit of doubt: "Pavilion Master, you said before that the source power of the flesh body is generated, do you want us to break through and then go to the secret realm of one yuan?"

Lu Kun touched Xiaojin's tail, shook his head and said, "After entering the bone transformation stage, the energy in the body is converted into magical energy. Even if it is temporarily transformed, it can only stimulate the mana and magic of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, and cannot stimulate the one-yuan jade pendant."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he said, "I mean, after you enter the secret realm, try to refine yourself to generate the source power of your flesh!"

"To generate the source power of the physical body, don't have to face the heaven and earth mines..." Li Qianfeng suddenly thought of something, and his eyes burst into surprise.

The same goes for Zhao Qiming and Duan Yiyun.

That senior Hong Yuntian, who generated the source power of the flesh body, has always been stuck below the Nascent Soul stage, and has never survived the Thunder Tribulation of Body Repair.

If they generate physical source power in the one-element secret realm, wouldn't they have enough time to familiarize themselves with physical cultivation combat skills?

Lu Kun smiled lightly and said: "It seems that you have also thought that if the source of power does not survive the calamity, the magic and mana cannot be merged into magic energy, and it can still motivate the one-yuan jade pendant."

"Both sides also have physical power. The three of you plus Xiao Jin, combined with physical training and combat skills, can completely subdue Hong Yuntian."

"Finally, the moment when you leave the secret realm, is when the thunder of heaven and earth comes!"

The three physique disciples all showed excitement, and the success rate of such a way of transcending the calamity is at least high.

"The One Yuan Secret Realm is still open for a year. During this time, I will teach you all the physical training and combat skills. As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your good fortune."

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

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