The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1184 Siege (Last Part)

Dugu Yiming flashed the sword art in his hand, looking at the four blood-blooded swords that contained sharp power, a bit of pride poured out of his heart.

This set of Four Elephants Sword Formation is at the same level as the Three Talents Sword Formation. Originally, only cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage could activate it.

However, after Dugu Yiming and a few sword cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, they simplified these sword formations and reduced the conditions of use to the stage of forming a pill, which can condense the sword power of everyone and transform them into sharp power.

The meridians of traditional sword cultivators are fragile and cannot withstand this Nascent Soul-level kendo energy. Only top-level sword cultivators who practice the magic sword art can display such terrifying sword formations.

Dugu Yiming had already nurtured such sharp energy in his body, and under the impetus of the Four Elephants Sword Formation, the sharp energy grew rapidly.

Soon, the breath of the four blood-blood magic swords stabilized and hovered above the thick magic arms.

Li Qianfeng's expression was solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the blood-red energy in the devil's palm. This is the blood and blood magic energy he generated with the blessing of magic energy. For some reason, the Yuanyang magic fire also attached to it.

Seeing the Qi-Blood Demon Sword flying, he focused and controlled it, and the blood-red energy trembled slightly, splitting into four silk threads, which rushed towards the Qi-Blood Demon Sword.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the blood and blood magic energy was like a tiny vine, climbing onto the short sword refined from the sternum. The blood and blood magic energy in the magic sword also flickered endlessly, and there was also a bloody light blooming, the two seemed to meet each other. Echoes.

Qi and blood magic energy seems to lack interest in these magic swords, and has no desire to devour them. Li Qianfeng and Dugu Yiming saw this and were slightly taken aback.

"Could it be that the magic sword has nurtured blood and magic power all the year round? Or is the material of the magic sword unattractive?"

Dugu Yiming said with joy on his face: "Senior brother, since the Qi and Blood Demons can't devour the Demon Sword, send more!"

Li Qianfeng nodded, the blood magic power and bone magic power in the body blended with each other, forming unique magic power, mixed with rich blood essence, rushing to the magic arm from everywhere.

In order to prevent the essence of the flesh from being damaged, he injected energy into the blood and blood magic energy through the blood essence, and at the same time absorbed the magic stones in the space of the soft ribs, and the pure magic energy poured into the bone marrow cavity, supplementing the flow of blood.

And the four qi and blood magic swords are connected end to end under the surging force of sharp force, the blood-red light is getting stronger and stronger, like a blood-red two-foot long sword...


"Boom" with a loud noise.

Zhao Qiming's body was blasted out again, and a bloody fist mark was punched out on his chest. He could even see a light blue sternum, but his expression was not painful at all, and he even had some doubts.

"Uncle Jin, this guy's strength, as well as the strength of the bone spur, have weakened a lot."

According to his understanding, the bone spurs of Demon Zong should also be at the maturity level. Now it seems that it only has the material of ordinary magic weapons.

Xiaojin put his hands together, and a whirlwind finger rubbed against Mo Zong's arm, smashing several of its scales, and said with a sound transmission.

"After this guy's body has shrunk, his strength and physical strength have weakened. Hong Yuntian's qi and blood magic can give the body a blessing and a source field, but the loss of the body's essence cannot be recovered."

Zhao Qiming heard the words, and his spirit was lifted: "In this case, I will make a human shield, and Master Jin will attack!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Qiming and Xiaojin Divine Sense staggered for a while, and the body that was knocked into the air reversed, curled up into a human flesh ball, and five-colored aura gushed out from the limbs and torso, forming a layer of colorful light film on the outside of the flesh ball.

Then the meat ball stuck to the edge of Xiaojin's source force field, like a spherical defensive magic weapon, and every time it took the initiative to meet the devil's clutch.

Its body is supported by the source force field of the little monkey, and it will not be knocked into the air. The body contains the power of the five poisons. The devil has suffered a loss, and he does not dare to easily release the blood and magic power to swallow it.

In a few breaths, the two sides fought for several more rounds. Zhao Qiming, the colorful meat ball, was beaten with blood and flesh every time.

Although his physical defense can't be compared to Pan Yan's, the exercises he cultivates are transformed from the wood-type body-refining skills, and the resilience is amazing. Often, after turning around Xiaojin's body, his flesh and blood will return to the original state. The loss of blood essence is also increasing.

"It's alright!"

Mo Zong didn't notice for a while, and was hit by the little monkey's whirlpool finger in the chest, breaking a blood hole.

The red glow in his eyes flashed, and he quickly stepped back several feet. A black light film appeared on the surface of his body, and the dozen or so thick bone spurs on his limbs all lit up.

These bone spurs are surrounded by a conical vortex, which seems to be simulating the whirlpool finger, trying to strengthen the attack power of the bone spurs.

The little monkey's pupils shrank: "He actually realized some mysteries!"

At this moment, Duan Yiyun's body suddenly moved in mid-air, diving down towards the demon.

Zhao Qiming saw this, and some surprised figures came: "That's right. Uncle Jin, this guy has removed the vortex of source power, our chance!"

The little monkey immediately understood, with a happy expression on his face, and rushed out without hesitation.

After fighting for so long, the opponent's strength has dropped to over 900,000 jin. The two sides are almost the same, but the three-foot-thick source force field, and the source force vortex displayed, makes Xiaojin a headache.

Now this guy seems to want to bless the whirlpool finger on the supernatural power of the bone spur explosion, retracting the source force field, and this gap between the supernatural powers is the time to attack!

Duan Yiyun discovered this flaw first. Hundreds of sword treasures in his body burst into golden light, and the speed of escape was astonishing, even one step faster than Xiao Jin, and he was almost three feet away from the demon in an instant.

Her clenched fists slammed open, and a terrifying golden two-foot sword energy blasted out from it. The surrounding air seemed to freeze, and everyone's eyes were filled with this golden light.

It is the unique combat skill of Jian Tijue, the fist heart sword!

The incomparably condensed sword energy gathers the sharp energy of the sword treasures in the whole body, and condenses it into the heart of the fist through the operation of the source force field.

Duan Yiyun has been accumulating power for so long, and has condensed this sword qi to the extreme. At this time, he used the power of the void to shoot it out. After blessing 500,000 jins of power, he shot at Mo Zong's chest with terrifying power.

Mo Zong didn't seem to expect the opponent's offensive to be so fierce, the source field quickly returned to defense, but only half of it was condensed before being hit by this sword qi.


The terrifying sword energy was reckless, and the source field of the demonic force trembled violently. After all, his power was 900,000 jins. Even if he didn't use his defensive combat skills, the impeding power of the invisible force field was astonishing.

The sword energy of the fist heart sword flickered desperately, exhausting its power, and barely defeated the three-foot-thick source force field.

At this time, the little monkey has already rushed to the front of the demon, and the pair of silver light spots condensed with the fingertips, used the whirlpool finger, and stabbed the exposed chest that was not protected by the source force field.

Several purple-black scales almost collapsed at the touch, and a blood hole was directly blasted out.

Demon Zong let out an angry roar, and the power of qi and blood in the body rolled, as if to re-condense the source field.

But at this moment, a blood-red sword light shot from far to near, exuding a terrifyingly sharp power, and an evil aura that seemed to devour everything.

The speed of the sword light exceeded everyone's reaction, and the blood-red afterimages outside had not dissipated until after it sank into the blood hole.

Mo Zong's eyes were stagnant, as if he had suffered some kind of heavy damage, the source force field outside his body all contracted, and his body trembled violently, as if he was fixed in place, unable to move for a while.


The red light in his eyes kept flashing, and a painful howl came out of his mouth. The bone spurs on all the joints and the pieces of purple-black scales burst into black light, as if they wanted to explode.


At this moment, a heavy whistling sound suddenly came from the surrounding air, and three large curved monuments with a height of one zhang and a width of five feet shot towards it.

"Everyone, control the Three Origins Monument and bind its flesh and blood origin!"

When the little monkeys saw this, they immediately reacted. Everyone moved and flashed. After arriving at the giant monument, there were two potholes inlaid with a round stone ball, and their hands were directly held on it.

Under the control of several people, the arc-shaped monument fell around the demonic zombie with the black glow, forming an equilateral triangle.


From each stele, several invisible force fields burst out at once. The force was so violent that it squeezed inward as if it was crushed. The power is held tightly.


Demon Zong's eyes radiated a more intense blood-red light, as if he was venting his strength, but the force field that could be squeezed from all directions was 1.2 million jin, which completely exceeded his source force field level.

After a few breaths, the devouring power in his body became more and more turbulent, and the body of the demon collapsed inward.

The hard bone spurs and the metallic lustrous purple-black scales softened like a candle, and the entire body quickly turned into a dark ball of flesh.

The muscle fibers inside kept twisting and trembling, and a blood-red sword light stirred frantically...

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