The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1185 Awakening

The three semi-curved boulders are the special battle treasures refined by the Body Refinement Pavilion based on the power of the Great Five Elements, the Three Origins Monument.

After Lu Kun's many improvements, this treasure is very different from the year before.

The big five-element power array inside is made of top-level demon bones and the flesh and blood essence in the middle stage of Lu Kun's bone transformation. The strength of the scattered force field is 1.2 million jin.

In addition, each three-source monument is also attached to a spinal control ring, which contains a trace of Lu Kun's thoughts. With the activation of the magical energy of several physical practitioners, the intensity of the force field can be adjusted.

The supporting force field on its back leaves an empty space. With the assistance of the controlled body repair source force field, the radiation direction of the force field can be flexibly adjusted, reducing the flaws in the staggered edges of the force field.

Duan Yiyun and others control this improved three-source monument, and the power generated is almost no different from Lu Kun's own use of the power of the void, which can be said to be the biggest trump card in their hands.

However, this Demon Zong has a source field of millions of kilograms and is extremely fast, and there was no chance to surround it before.

Unexpectedly, when the magic sword containing blood and blood magic energy entered the opponent's body, there was a sudden problem with this demonic flesh and blood clone.

The 1.2 million jins of squeezing force, even in the strongest state of this demonic avatar, can't break free, not to mention the continuous loss of the opponent's flesh and blood essence, and the strength is greatly reduced.

Although everyone trapped the demon, they didn't dare to be careless. They stared at the huge meat ball that twisted and twisted in the middle. Hong Yuntian's demon body was too weird, and maybe there was some special magical power.


Not far away, several sword cultivators closed their eyes tightly, and their divine consciousness surrounded Dugu Yiming in a strange wave, and they used the technique of unity of divine consciousness, raising their divine consciousness to Nascent Soul. Expect.

Dugu Yiming was sweating on his forehead, and he kept changing swordsmanship in his hands.

Although his aptitude is amazing and his foundation is deep, he has not entered the Nascent Soul stage after all. The consciousness and sharp power he controls at this time are no less than that of a real Nascent Soul Sword Cultivator, and his soul and meridians are always enduring. under great pressure.

In its perception, the Qi and Blood Devil Sword seems to have entered a space filled with endless repulsive power, and every time it moves and turns, it involves a great deal of energy.

Qi and blood magic energy is more terrifying than they judged. It has an amazing devouring power. The essence of the demon's body is constantly being absorbed by it. A broad sword.

But as the essence of the demonic body decreases, the resistance to this blood sword is getting bigger and bigger.

Both Dugu Yiming and Li Qianfeng could sense that there was another kind of energy here, which was fighting against the energy of blood and blood.

The less the flesh and blood essence of the demon, the stronger the resistance of this kind of energy. Compared with this, the phagocytic power of blood and blood magic energy is rapidly declining.


With a loud bang, the squirming meat ball suddenly burst into a turbulent force field, and a thick long sword was squeezed out, clinging to the surface of the meat ball.

Then a flash of sword light flashed on the blood-red sword, and the force of the five elements squeezed around loosened a gap, allowing the full-fed qi and blood sword to shoot out.

The huge meat ball seemed to have found this gap, and the muscle fibers above were trembling, trying to change shape, but the surrounding force field returned to its original state in an instant.

Due to the lack of strength and the liquid form, the squirming meat ball was squeezed by the force field of 1,200,000 pounds. Not only did it not change its shape, but it became smaller and smaller.

Duan Yiyun, who was controlling the Three Origins Monument, looked at this scene, hesitated, and said: "The essence of the devil's flesh and blood was almost swallowed up by the blood and blood magic sword. Lower it a bit, in case..."

Xiao Jin and Zhao Qiming also looked at the tragic appearance of this group of flesh and blood. Thinking of this senior's experience, they couldn't bear it in their hearts. They controlled the magic energy input in their hands and slowly lowered the strength of the force field of the Three Origins Monument.

The meat ball that was being squeezed seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and gradually expanded, until the Great Five Elements force field dropped to 500,000 jin, and then it gradually twisted into a human shape.

The last time everyone was in a hurry, they didn't see his specific appearance. At this time, he looked carefully and found that this was a man with dark black body, no skin, only water-like muscle fibers.

About five feet tall, his body is not strong. From the twisted facial muscles, he can only tell that it is a long-faced man, but his eyes are flashing with a rich blood-red light.

"Senior brother, what should we do next, use the blood of the pavilion master?"

Zhao Qiming asked a question and found that Li Qianfeng did not answer, so he couldn't help but look back.

I saw that the bloated qi and blood magic sword had been divided into four, and they were suspended in front of a sword to cultivate themselves.

On the other hand, Li Qianfeng was sweating profusely, staring at the magic arm, the thick muscles on the latter were contracting violently, and purple-black scales gradually emerged on the skin of the magic arm.

He opened his mouth slightly, and said with some difficulty: "The flesh and blood of the demon that I swallowed is a bit mixed, I have to refine it as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the physical state. At this time, Senior Hong should not be able to escape. You all have the blood of the pavilion master. Try to eliminate the bloodthirsty thoughts of the predecessors..."

After finishing speaking, Li Qianfeng closed his eyes completely, the flesh and blood on the demon arm began to twitch and roll, the remaining blood in the body was churning, and at the same time, the magic stone in the ribs was mobilized, and the rich and pure demonic energy emerged in his body, those purple The black scales gradually stopped growing...

Xiao Jin heard the words without any hesitation. As soon as the monkey's paw was lifted, a jade bottle appeared on the top of his head, the bottle cap was opened, and a mass of silver blood the size of a walnut flew out, exuding the power of qi and blood.

The humanoid flesh and blood in the Three Origins Monument seemed to sense something, and those blood-red eyes stared at the silver blood.

As soon as Xiao Jin waved his claws, the blood poured into the Three Origins Monument, and under the action of the endless force field, it turned into a fluffy silver blood mist and fell on the surface of the humanoid flesh and blood.

The humanoid's liquid flesh and blood was covered by a silver mist, like tar dripping into clear water, the muscle fibers boiled quickly, and the little silver light disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Vibrant black mansions.

When Xiao Jin saw this, the small bottle above shook slightly, and another drop of silver blood floated past.

At this time, the humanoid flesh and blood had become a lot more agile, and it was actively absorbed, and the silver blood mist all gathered at the position of its head and poured into the dark flesh and blood mouth.

After a few breaths, the blood red in the eyes of the humanoid flesh and flesh completely dissipated, the pupils shone with a rich black awn, the black flesh and blood lips wriggled slightly, and a hoarse and vicissitudes voice came out slowly, with a sigh, and it seemed Contains remorse.

"The Body Refinement Pavilion is really powerful..."

two tomorrow

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