The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1192 Nascent Soul Differentiation

Yue Longfei's great cultivator-level consciousness locked onto the fleeing figure in the distance, holding the sword in his hand, judging the timing of the attack.

"This person's wind escape technique is extremely mysterious. Even if I use the escape technique of combining human and sword, it is still inferior, but with the speed of the pavilion master, it is a matter of time to catch up."

"The original two clones fled separately, and now one of them rushed to support. Obviously, the pavilion owner is tracking the main body."

"This guy's supernatural powers are extremely mysterious, and the power of the imaginary sword energy is halved, so he may not necessarily kill his body, wait for the pavilion master to chase a little closer..."

"Hey, with the breath of hundreds of sword treasures, Huang Xiaoyun rushed over from the periphery!"

Yue Longfei's spiritual sense glanced at a high altitude dozens of miles away. There seemed to be no fluctuations there, but with the sense of Qi of Void Spirit Sword Qi, he could detect that there were a lot of sword treasures there, obviously Huang Xiaoyun was lurking.

He glanced at Lu Kun's speed again, the sword art in his hand turned directly, the powerful mana inside his body gushed out, and the blue-gold halo long sword in front of him disappeared into the twisted air with a buzzing sound.


At this time, Li Lanfeng had already flown more than 20 miles away, and he felt the ripples in the surrounding void, his body staggered and fell out of the void, and the wind escape technique was broken again.

He narrowed his eyes, as if he had been prepared, and a blue round shield appeared on his chest at some point.

A thick spiritual pressure diffused from it, and the surrounding spiritual energy gathered together, instantly condensing into a thick halo of blue flowing water, wrapping the body, and exuding the energy of heaven and earth inside, more than ordinary monks. Much stronger.

As soon as he did all this, a long sword emitting a blue-gold light appeared from the void.


The terrifying two-color sword qi and the blue halo are intertwined, and the jade ruler inside collides with the blue round shield, and an amazing wave of air spreads out to the surroundings. They were all shaken and rolled backwards.

Li Lanfeng's expression was solemn, and the incomparably thick mana was tumbling in his body, and he kept pouring it into this shield. The latter continuously emerged circles of blue light, competing with this terrible sword energy that was comparable to the transformation of vitality.

After all, the Void Spirit Sword Qi had already been used once, and nearly half of its power was consumed. The two sides held a stalemate for several breaths. , seems to have accomplished the task.

"Fortunately, there is the Water Gang Shield given by the Supreme Elder, which contains a wisp of water's true essence. Otherwise, the blow just now will be seriously injured even if you don't die. Wait, why is there still a sword energy!"

Before Li Lanfeng could relax, he saw a dazzling golden sword light not far away. With his great cultivator-level consciousness, he had not noticed it before.

This sword light contains a strong and sharp breath, like hundreds of swords and treasures mixed together, but the power it contains seems to be only in the middle of Nascent Soul.

Li Lanfeng frowned, sensing Lu Kun who was getting closer and closer, the Water Gang Shield continued to be placed in front of him, the mana in his body was churning, and he planned to ignore this weak attack and re-cast the wind escape technique.

Who knows, the surrounding air suddenly became firmer, squeezing force rushed towards his body, and the blue aura outside Li Lanfeng flickered, and the wind escape technique did not succeed for a while.

After a moment's delay, the huge golden sword light rushed towards him. At this time, Li Lanfeng realized that this sword light with huge sharp attributes turned out to be a man.

I saw this man clasped his hands together, and the golden light all over his body was like a stream, turning to his arms, and finally condensing at his fingertips, his hands were like a sharp dagger.


The fingertip dagger was blocked by the extremely agile water gangster shield, making a crisp sound. The shield shook for a few minutes, and then it was quite easily blocked, and then the blue light burst out, a terrible coercion, The human-shaped sword light shook and flew out.

At the same time, there was a circle of blue aura surging all around, the tight air around it burst instantly, the feeling of the void blockade disappeared without a trace, and Li Lanfeng raised his mana again.


Who would have guessed that at this moment, a magic weapon in the shape of a gray-black brick came from a distance. Not only was it extremely fast, but it also seemed to contain terrifying distance brute force. Before it got close, the surrounding air vibrated strongly, like a circle of ripples. rippling all around.

In the blink of an eye, the brick came to Li Lanfeng, who had no time to react and barely blocked the water shield in front of him.


With a loud bang, Li Lanfeng only felt the surging force of continuous vibrations. Even with the protection of the water gangster shield and the aura of body protection, a small amount of these forces still poured into the body, shaking his meridians so much that his mana could not help shrinking. stand up.

The wind escape spell that I just mentioned was interrupted again, and even the mana could not work.

Behind this brick, there is a huge shadow...

"No, Lu Kun caught up!"

Li Lanfeng's eyes were full of horror, and after the delay of the few rounds of attacks, the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion had already arrived not far away.

The muscles on the opponent's body swelled in a circle at some point, looking like a deformed meat ball, and his arms were like giant pillars, shrouded in black and white halos.

The palms and fingers on the front of the arm were interlocked, turning into a fist the size of a watermelon. Those black and white halos were violently intertwined on it, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.

As a top cultivator, Li Lanfeng can naturally see that Lu Kun is also condensing the dual energy of demon spirits.

His face was extremely pale, but fortunately, the Water Gang Shield was a treasure bestowed by the monks of the God Transformation stage. Even without the blessing of mana, he could spontaneously gather the spiritual energy of the world, exuding a faint halo, facing the huge black shadow that was coming towards the impact. .


Li Lanfeng's eyes bulged, only to feel a suffocating force surging, and at the same time mixed with a destructive aura, the combined power of the two almost reached the extreme of the late Nascent Soul.

What terrified him even more was that the energy of heaven and earth absorbed by the Water Gang Shield, for some reason, was cut off halfway, and all flocked to the opponent's arms, and even his body protection aura quickly weakened.

Under the situation, the two sides only stalemate for a breath, and the terrifying fist smashed the water shield and shattered its protective aura.

At this moment of lightning and flint, a flash of determination flashed in Li Lanfeng's eyes, a terrifying power surged out of Nascent Soul, and the originally silent mana fluctuated violently.


The violent power came out wantonly, and the rich blue light rose into the sky. Lu Kun's burly body seemed to be in a terrifying hurricane. Countless wind blades cut through it, and the remaining halo on the arm collapsed, and the hard skin even disappeared. There were wounds.

At the same time, dozens of blue silk threads shot out from this turbulent blue hurricane and scattered in all directions, and each of these blue threads seemed to be able to teleport, accompanied by countless spiritual lights, flashing to Ten feet away.

"Nascent Soul blew himself up? What kind of magical power is this?"

A golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and he was surprised to find that each strand of blue silk contained the power of the soul, and it seemed that the soul of the Nascent Soul was divided into dozens of parts by some kind of secret technique.

Although he encountered a mutation, he reacted extremely quickly, the magic energy in his body surged, and his hands moved forward at the same time, entering the middle stage of bone transformation, the power of the void had reached twenty feet, and an invisible force field appeared from the air in the distance.

Three or four strands of blue silk were directly bound, but who knew that the spirit inside fluctuated and exploded abruptly, revealing two broken storage bracelets.

Lu Kun's eyes sank, his figure flashed, and he was about to chase after him, but a blue wind flashed past, and another clone of Li Lanfeng, I don't know when, caught up, and the violent aura was churning, and it was like the previous Nascent Soul self-destruction. Open up again, forming a terrible hurricane.

Lu Kun's body that was just about to fly was wrapped in this amazing hurricane. The self-destruction power of a great cultivator was no small matter. Even with his current physical body, he couldn't help staggering a few steps, and there were many more wounds on his skin.

At this time, a unique wave of destruction came from the core position of Zhongzhou, causing Lu Kun to frown.

"Huh? Duan Yiyun's last thunder tribulation!"

He looked at the dozens of green threads again. In the blink of an eye, they had already escaped a hundred meters away, and they were extremely scattered. Even if they could catch up, they would not be able to capture them all.

He shook his head, looked at the golden figure who wanted to chase not far away, and said, "This guy's body is damaged, the soul of the Nascent Soul is divided, even if he escapes, his realm will be reversed. You continue to protect the law on the periphery!"

"Yes, Master."

With a wave of one hand, Lu Kun put away the two broken storage bracelets in front of him, as well as the aqua blue shield, and shot towards Jieyun's direction...

Sorry, there are a lot of entertainment and personal affairs in the past two days. No. 3-6 will be free for four days to code 10 chapters...

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