The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1193 New Disciple of Bone Transformation

Near the entrance to the secret realm of Zhongzhou, there are only three huge thunderclouds left in the sky, and countless clouds of demonic aura formed three thick streamers, which converged here.

The robbery cloud above Duan Yiyun had turned into a black vortex at this time, with a hazy halo blooming on it, and a terrifying pressure spread out.

Like Pan Yan, this female body cultivator has a six-star physique, and the power of the thunder tribulation is the same. The last thunder calamity not only contains the power of destruction at the peak of the Nascent Soul, but also adds the vitality of heaven and earth, and even the attack of the great cultivator. force close.

Duan Yiyun's expression was solemn, and his whole body made a humming sound, as if countless sharp swords were trembling, and golden threads gushed out from countless sword treasures, and with the help of the source, they converged to his arms.

She placed her hands in front of her chest and clenched her fists. There was a pale golden stone the size of a walnut suspended in it. Small bright golden light flowed out of it, and it converged with the surging sharp force around her to form a ball of golden silk. The ball was also squeezed inward at the same time.

"Faced with this kind of thunder calamity, the attack power of the fist heart sword is somewhat insufficient, but this Gengjin stone still has some sharp power left. Combining it with the fist heart sword, the power can definitely be improved a lot."

Duan Yiyun stared at the clouds above his head, the fists clenched in both hands gradually came closer, and pressed the ball of golden silk into his palms. The sharp breath in the fists became stronger and stronger, as if it could tear the air.

There were some cracks in the palm skin of her bone-transformation stage body repair, revealing the flesh and blood inside, and the golden threads on the outside of her body became less and less, all of which gathered in her hands.


Accompanied by the thundering sound of the sky, a thunder ball fell from the three tribulation clouds at the same time, but the thunder tribulation power above her head was the most astonishing, and it was covered with a dark golden halo.

Duan Yiyun squinted his eyes, clenched his right fist suddenly, took it away from his left hand, and placed it on his waist. This fist was shaking slightly, and it was covered with a layer of blood, and the skin was constantly cracking and healing. under great pressure.

The dark golden halo thunderball is getting closer and closer, forty feet, thirty feet, twenty feet, ten feet...

"It's now!"

Duan Yiyun's waist shook, and his right fist slammed upwards from his waist. With the strength of his whole body, he used the speed of this fist to the fastest.

At the moment when the fists gathered on the top of the head, the ten fingers suddenly opened, and the source power of the flesh body was quickly transformed into the power of the void, like an invisible palm, holding a three-foot-long bright golden dagger, and stabbed the lightning ball several meters away. .

"It's alright..."

Astonishingly sharp power and violent destructive power collided together, and the dark golden thunderball was torn apart in an instant, allowing the golden short sword to stab into it.


The power of the void rippled, and the dagger full of sharp power exploded directly, turning into countless small swords, raging inside this thunderball, and the terrifying aura rippling around, even surpassing other The coercion of two robbery clouds.

Duan Yiyun is a body of profound gold, which has a certain bonus to metal supernatural powers, and this fist heart sword is also mixed with the sharp power of Gengjin that can only be controlled by top swordsmen, and the explosive power is stronger than that of Huang Xiaoyun. Even higher.

In just a breath or two, the power of destruction in this thunderball was smashed into pieces by the terrifying sword qi, and the heaven and earth's vitality was no longer attached to energy, and it all collapsed, leaving only sparse dark golden thunder and lightning.

After Duan Yiyun endured these residual destructive energy, he felt a strong force of life pouring into his body, and his face showed a look of relief...


"I didn't expect that with the help of the sharp energy in the Gengjin Stone, the power of the fist heart sword would be so terrifying. Although there is no blessing of heaven and earth, the extreme sharp power can even penetrate the attack of the great monk."

"If the Gengjin Stone is refined into the sword treasures of the whole body, wouldn't the strength of these sword body martial arts disciples be further improved?"

Duan Yiyun's effort to overcome the tribulation, Lu Kun has returned, he flew to the sky, and while using his magical powers to absorb the remaining life force in the thunder tribulation, he sighed in his heart.

"Unfortunately, this kind of material is too rare. In addition to the previous collection of the Demon Sect, the Body Refinement Pavilion also obtained a small piece of walnut. If you want to refine all the sword treasures in it, I am afraid that a watermelon-sized gengjin stone is not enough. use……"

After a while, after Lu Kun collected the life force in Duan Yiyun Jieyun, he landed next to the disciple who integrated the life force, and looked in the direction of Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin.

The little monkey has already used his arm supernatural powers, increasing his strength to 900,000 kilograms. With the addition of physical training and combat skills, in the face of the fifth thunder tribulation, he suffered some minor injuries. Hong Yuntian is still the same as before, without the slightest pressure.

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with thought.

"Li Qianfeng and Zhao Qiming have three-star and four-star physiques, respectively. Their thunder tribulations are both triple, Xiaoyun's five-star physique, and the fourth-level thunder calamity back then, while Duan Yiyun and Pan Yan's six-star physique are fifth-level thunder tribulations."

"In this way, the law of thunder tribulation is very clear. The lowest is the triple thunder calamity. With the improvement of physical aptitude, the number of thunder tribulations is also increasing, but it will be one less than the number of stars in the physical body."

"I am the number one physique cultivator. Every three thunder tribulations will bless heaven and earth vitality, which is full of nine levels. Although Xiaojin and Hong Yuntian are also nine-star physiques, their previous thunder tribulations did not contain vitality."

"From this, it is speculated that the thunder calamity is likely to be only eighth-level. The real danger is the last one, which is comparable to the terrifying attack of the peak of the great cultivator."

Lu Kun looked at Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin not far away, squinting slightly.

"Needless to say, Hong Yuntian has a strength of more than one million kilograms, and he can already use the jeet-kun combat technique. The attacks of ordinary monks can be completely resisted, not to mention the strong defensive power of the Demon Zombie body."

"As for Xiao Jin, since his supernatural talent can use his arm supernatural power, then my other supernatural power should also be able to be used, otherwise this little guy will not be so calm..."

At this moment, Li Qianfeng and Zhao Qiming flew over with excited expressions on their faces.

"Pavilion Master, we succeeded!"

Lu Kun looked over with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth. The two disciples only encountered three thunder tribulations. At this time, the magic energy has been completely stabilized, and they have officially entered the early stage of bone transformation.

Zhao Qiming looks like his body is full of strong anger, giving people a feeling of endless life, but under these flesh and blood, there are poisonous and terrifying bones.

In Lu Kun's opinion, the toxicity of the five poisons in one is even stronger than the holy poison of the Poison Refinement Pavilion. This kind of disciple who combines resilience and toxicity may be able to derive a unique fighting style.

As for Li Qianfeng, a disciple who practiced magic exercises and physical exercises, his body shape returned to normal. The muscles on his left magic arm and body were equally strong, and he looked very well-proportioned.

Lu Kun asked curiously: "Qianfeng, after the force of life enters the body, what is the state of the magic energy and blood magic power in the body?"

Li Qianfeng said excitedly: "Reporting to the pavilion master, as we guessed before, the energy bestowed by this catastrophe balances the magic power of qi and blood and the magic power of bones, and more importantly, it greatly improves my understanding of the magic power of qi and blood. control."

"Now that the power of life is added, the magic energy at this time will not be absorbed by the blood and magic power. They form a state of balance, the essence of flesh and blood is also released, and the power of the body has returned to its peak."

When he said this, he paused and said: "If the disciple's judgment is correct, the state at this time is equivalent to the combat state of the orthodox body training. As for the cultivation state..."

Li Qianfeng hesitated a little and said: "It should be to transfer the power of life into the magic treasure, so that the blood and blood magic power can swallow the magic energy. Due to the strengthening of control, I can use the energy of magic energy to enhance the flesh and blood in the blood and magic power. Essence."

"This is the same as the general direction of the Orthodox Body Refinement Art. It improves muscle strength in the early stage of bone transformation. However, the disciple has only a few clues on how to carry out this cultivation state. I'm afraid it needs to be tested."

Lu Kun nodded lightly. He glanced at Li Qianfeng's magic arm. He was about to say something, but he suddenly sensed something and turned his head to look in Jieyun's direction.

"What's the matter, Xiaojin it..."

One shift today, three shifts tomorrow!

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