The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1194 Advancement of supernatural powers


Just when Lu Kun turned his head, on the ground not far away, Xiao Jin, who was covered in charred black, let out a painful howl. The pair of monkey claws covered his ears, and a golden light flashed between his fingertips.

"What's wrong with Xiaojin! Wait, I'm sensing its bloodline..."

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun felt his blood vessels inexplicably throbbing. Since he broke through to the middle stage of bone transformation and fused most of the blood of the tunic ape with his own blood, the connection between him and the little monkey has weakened a lot.

But now, the connection between the two is growing at an alarming rate.

Xiao Jin was half-knelt on the ground, and there were even countless bloodshots in his eyes, and it roared: "Lu Kun...blood...ah..."

Lu Kun's face changed slightly, his figure flashed, and he soon came to the little monkey's side. The blood in his body was churning, his mouth was slightly open, and a ball of blood essence the size of a fist floated out.

Xiao Jin's curled body seemed to be sensing something, and a golden light gushed out from his body, swallowing the silver blood essence, and then the little monkey was wrapped in this golden light.

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun's eyes flashed with anticipation. Through the induction between the blood vessels, he felt that the six-eared macaque blood vessels in Xiao Jin's body seemed to be on the verge of transformation and needed his blood essence urgently.

"It has just passed the fifth catastrophe. It should be the same as I did. The life force that entered the body has integrated all the magic energy. Although it has not passed the catastrophe, it has officially entered from the perspective of the energy in the body. Early stage of bone degeneration."

"Could it be because of this that the blood vessels in the body began to transform?"

Not only Lu Kun, but other people's eyes were also on the little monkey, Yue Longfei even came over with a sound transmission: "Pavilion Master, Xiao Jin is alright, now the interval between thunder tribulations is getting shorter and shorter, the sixth way The catastrophe will come out soon."

Hearing this, Lu Kun raised his head to look at the only two robbery clouds left in the sky. The surrounding heaven and earth vitality were all converging towards them, and the rotation speed of the vortex in the dark cloud was gradually accelerating.

He sensed the blood again, his lips moved slightly, and just as he was about to answer, a raspy spiritual thought suddenly came over: "Lu Kun, Lao Yue, how could something happen to me, the following is a trivial thought."

After Lu Kun and Yue Longfei heard it, they first breathed a sigh of relief, but then they both showed surprise.

Since they are far away, how can the little monkey hear the voice transmission through the divine sense? Could it be that this little guy has already intercepted the divine sense transmission of the great monk level?

The two couldn't help looking up.

The golden light from Xiaojin's body gradually entered his body, revealing a brand-new figure, and his head grew by a section, reaching five feet.

The ears on both sides of his head have completely turned into four ears. There is a golden edge inlaid around the small ears, and there are a few mysterious runes on them. The two pairs of ears are trembling slightly, exuding a thin layer. Thin golden halo.

Then Lu Kun discovered that the little monkey's spirit suddenly disappeared. If it wasn't for the sense of blood, he even thought that Xiao Jin was dead.

"Did it learn that magical power?"


At this moment, the calamity clouds in the sky were brewing to the extreme, and two thick thunderballs like dragons fell down, slamming into the monkey and the demon who were crossing the calamity.

The power of this sixth thunder tribulation, like the power of Duan Yiyun just now, contains the power of destruction at the peak of the Nascent Soul's mid-term, and at the same time adds a layer of heaven and earth vitality.

Hong Yuntian looked at this attack, snorted coldly, and the huge demonic body rose into the sky and took the initiative to meet it.

I saw him raise one hand above his head, a layer of black light film surging outside the purple-black scales, and layers of invisible waves turned into flowing water, spinning outside his body.

The energy of heaven and earth gathered by the thunder tribulation seemed to be attracted in some way, and most of them were separated and blessed on their right fist, turning into a black halo, exuding the unique coercion of a great cultivator.

Hong Yuntian's demonic body possessed 1,200,000 jins of mighty strength, and he directly displayed his jeet-kun combat skills. The fist with bone spurs slammed into this electric flood dragon fiercely.

The terrifying halo of vitality was intertwined, and along with the display of the jeet fist combat technique, the vitality of the thunder robbery passed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


On the other side, the little monkey's arms had already swelled, and he had used his supernatural powers. It stood on the ground and looked at the electric flood dragon rushing down from the sky, and a brutal aura gradually emerged around it.

The power of blood in its body, mixed with the meaning of true demons, slammed into the chest in a special way. It took a deep breath, and the thick monkey fist slammed into the chest, and its mouth slammed open.


Accompanied by the roar of the sky, a spiral ripple rushed to the sky, and the surrounding heaven and earth vitality were blessed on the ripple, forming a purple-black spiral aperture, which bombarded the electric flood dragon head-on.

The latter trembled slightly, and the power of destruction inside seemed to have fallen into a stagnant state, stalemate for a few breaths, and it fell apart directly. Break directly.

"Tongtian roar!"

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with surprises.

"Xiaojin's Tongtian Roar is exactly the same as what I'm doing now. Not only does it concentrate its power, but it can also incorporate the power of the void into it. If the big cultivator doesn't notice it for a while, I'm afraid he will be severely injured."

"Its spiritual ear supernatural power is obviously advanced. Not only can it eavesdrop on the transmission of divine sense, but it can also learn how to hide it, and the copied supernatural power is also perfectly integrated with itself."

Lu Kun was amazed in his heart.

"Since Tongtian Roar can be performed smoothly, then the magic ape can change his mind, and the little guy should have no problem surviving the calamity."

At this time, Hong Yuntian also shattered the Thunder Tribulation, sensing the power of Xiaojin's magical powers, he couldn't help looking over, looking at the other party's four golden-edged ears, and then looking at the Thunder Tribulation shattered by Tongtian Roar, his eyes flashed a little. Doubtful color.


The high-altitude robbery cloud seemed to find that the thunder robbery was destroyed immediately, the huge thunder cloud vortex turned more turbulently, and the heaven and earth vitality gathered more violently.

After only a hundred breaths, the seventh thunder tribulation turned into a huge thunder ball and fell straight down. The thunder ball was filled with the power of destruction, reaching the level of a great monk, and the halo of vitality outside was even thicker. .

Facing this thunder calamity, Xiao Jin and Hong Yuntian used the same moves as before.

However, the power of the little monkey's roaring to the sky was slightly insufficient, and he survived this thunder tribulation by relying on combat skills, and his body suffered a lot of damage.

Hong Yuntian was much more relaxed. The power of his Jeet-Kun fighting skills was no less than that of a real cultivator, and the Demon Zong's defense was extremely strong. This seventh thunder tribulation only made his scales blackened a little.

Looking at this scene, Lu Kun was filled with emotion.

The calamity of this monkey and a demon is much easier than him. The Jiu Xing physique is familiar with combat skills, and his strength has been completely improved by a level, unlike him who can only resist with brute force and lightning resistance.

"Xiaojin, Brother Hong, according to the aura of Jieyun, it is likely to be the last thunder tribulation. I am afraid that it will reach the level of the peak of the great cultivator, so be careful!"

Hong Yuntian nodded lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the thundercloud above his head.

As for the little monkey, his expression was solemn, and his hands slammed on his chest. Under the operation of the blood essence and the true demon, his body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dark golden hair on his body also quickly turned black.

Six feet, ten feet, two feet, two feet five...

As Lu Kun judged, with the help of the water of the real devil obtained in the secret realm, Xiao Jin displayed the magical power of magic ape and turned into a huge black ape, but compared with Lu Kun, it was slightly smaller.


After a while, two thunderbolts thicker than a grinding disc protruded from the two robbery clouds, and the terrifying aura of destruction quickly spread to the surrounding area...

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