The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1206 boil the dust

In the depths of the outer sea, in a certain vast underwater abyss, a light blue halo shone. These auras were like a giant bowl buckled upside down on the seabed, covering a radius of more than ten miles.

Outside this huge halo shield, more than 30 sea beasts with deep breaths swim, and the terrifying aura of demon spirit power fills the entire abyss.

If there are immortal cultivators here, they will be horrified to find that every sea beast here has a terrifying cultivation base of level 8 or above. .

Through the hazy aura of restraint, nine thick stone pillars dozens of feet high can be faintly seen, surrounding a splendid underwater palace.

This is the Dragon Palace of the Waihai Flood Dragon Clan. In the depths there is a huge square hundreds of feet long, and thirteen sea beasts of different shapes are entrenched on the jade ground.

The most conspicuous of them is the huge whale, whose huge body of more than 20 feet is like a hill, mixed with the tenth-level demon spirit power in its body, and a terrifying sense of oppression permeates.

Next to this whale monster is a pair of light blue carp with two legs. There are ten dragons around them. Their lengths range from thirty to ten feet. They are all four-legged dragon-headed snakes.

At this time, the eyes of all sea beasts are fixed on the front.

It is a strange sea beast with a body only about 10 feet long. It has a head similar to that of a dragon, but its body is like a cheetah covered with pale golden scales. The demon spirit power surging in its body is even thicker than that of the giant whale. , reaching the top ten.

Suddenly, this sea beast with a leopard body and a dragon head opened its mouth, and strands of golden silk threads spit out from its mouth, gradually forming a mass of golden blood the size of a thumb, and an incomparably proud thought spread out.

The other twelve sea beasts slumped their bodies on the floor for the first time, with a strong look of admiration in their eyes.

A hoarse voice came from the mouth of this strange dragon beast: "Prepare for the bloodline reversal formation, I will deny this remaining true dragon blood into your flesh to strengthen the dragon bloodline."

Hearing this sentence, all these sea beasts became agitated, especially those Flood Dragons, all blowing their beards and flicking their tails, and seemed to be very emotional.

"Patriarch, the blood of the true dragon is related to your breakthrough."

"Yeah, patriarch, you have awakened the bloodline of Jairui, and with the help of the remaining true dragon blood, the chances of breaking through to the Dragon King have greatly increased."

"With the Dragon King in charge, only the outer sea can resist the annexation of the Five Dragon Seas."

"We don't have enough potential and don't deserve the blood of a true dragon, the patriarch thinks twice!"

This Jiaolong with a leopard body and a dragon head is the patriarch of the Waihai Jiaolong Clan, Aochen.

He looked at the excited clansmen around him and sighed softly: "Actually, the awakening of the bloodline of Jairui indicates that the refining of the blood of the true dragon has failed, and it is impossible to break through in a short period of time."

The rest of the sea beasts were shocked when they heard the words.

"How could this happen? Jaizhen is comparable to the blood of a real dragon, so it should be easier to refine the blood of a real dragon."

"Patriarch, try again."

Ao Chen looked at his body and said slowly: "After I transformed into a jerk, it is similar to just entering the eighth level, I need to spend at least 20 years to transform my body, during this period I can neither refine the blood of the real dragon nor Unable to break through the boundaries."

At this time, the giant whale opened its huge mouth, and a thick voice came out of its mouth with ripples of sea water:

"The patriarch should keep the blood of the true dragon. With me waiting to be guarded to death, the patriarch will definitely be able to break out of the encirclement, successfully break through in the future, and then retake the outer seas."

"Yeah, let's guard the patriarch to break through!"

Ao Chen shook his head and said, "Don't worry, you don't need to take such a risk. Not long ago, Lao Kui Niu contacted me through Huiyinbei, saying that the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion would come to help us to fight off the strong enemy of Wulonghai. "

"Half-demon with the bloodline of the giant ape?"

"The human race immortal cultivator who killed Elder Turtle?"

"I heard that the cultivators of the Body Refinement Pavilion are more terrifying than the demon clan, and I don't know if they are true or false."

"How many people have come to the Body Refinement Pavilion, but there are three tenth-level flood dragons from the outer sea, more than 20 sea monsters, and those who betrayed the sea monsters, maybe they will help Wulonghai."

Many years ago, in the Great Battle of Wanchao, the Kui Niu King secretly cooperated with the Jiaolong clan, and these dragon beasts naturally knew what Lu Kun did back then.

An inexplicable color flashed in Aochen's eyes and said: "Old Kui Niu didn't say the number of people who trained in the body training pavilion, but his tone sounded confident, but this pavilion master Lu did not help for no reason, his goal is also the blood of the real dragon. ."

The giant whale looked at the pale golden blood suspended in the sea water, and doubts flashed in the eyes bigger than the lantern: "The Body Refinement Pavilion has the confidence to drive away the Wulonghai forces, we are definitely not opponents, why do you still... "

Ao Chen snorted coldly: "The human race doesn't have a good thing, even if there is no Five Dragon Sea, this Lu Kun will probably be deceived. The blood of the real dragon is condensed by the father's depletion of real energy and blood essence, it is absolutely impossible. to the human race."

"I have my own way to get rid of the Body Refinement Pavilion. The most important thing now is to strengthen everyone's strength and take advantage of the war between the two sides to escape."

"If this is the case, the blood of the true dragon should be kept, and I will wait for the death to protect the patriarch to leave!"

"Swear to death guard!"

"Swear to death guard!"

The roars of various sea beasts fluctuated in the hall.

Seeing this scene, Aochen said with a bit of guilt in his eyes: "Back then, when the father and the old monster of the Spirit Transformation Sect fought to the death, they have already overdrawn the blood of the clansmen. I can't make mistakes again and again."

"For the power of a race, it is not enough to rely on one person. If the blood of the real dragon is reversed into your flesh with a secret method, the blood of the dragon will be more pure, and the future breakthrough may be higher. Not to mention, the probability of giving birth to children is also great. promote."

His expression was a bit decisive: "And after the blood of the real dragon is reversed, there is no way to refine it, even if we kill us, it will be useless. If these two waves of enemies reach an agreement to join forces, even if I die in battle, I will not let them. They succeeded!"

"But the patriarch..."

Aochen said angrily: "Shut up, I'm still the patriarch, preparing to reverse the bloodline!"

While speaking, an invisible power gushed out from his leopard body and dragon head body, and the few dragons who were about to persuade them all stopped, their eyes filled with respect.

"Yes, patriarch."


On a rock somewhere on the cliff of the abyss, there were three figures standing quietly. Their bodies were filled with terrifying demon energy.

The middle-aged man at the head was tall, with a three-inch long golden horn on the top of his head, which looked a bit majestic.

On the right is an old man with thick hair and beard, with pale yellow aura flashing on it, huge cheeks and lips, and a wrinkled face that looks a bit ugly.

The woman on the other side was white and beautiful, wearing a shimmering light blue armor with two small curved horns inlaid on her forehead.

After an unknown amount of time, the man with the Golden Horn looked at the Dragon Palace below and blinked, sighing: "The Dragon King of Waihai has actually kept so much True Essence in this Dragon Palace, even if this restriction is kept open, it can last for a hundred years. "

Hearing this, the ugly old man shook his head and said, "That dragon king has lived for 30,000 years, and naturally has a lot of real essence stored. We don't have the magical powers of the demon king level, so we can't break it at all."

The beautiful woman curled her lips and said, "These sea dragons are really arrogant, and their strength is so weak that they are unwilling to join the Five Dragons Sea. They are so desperate here, do they think that Aochen can become a demon king?"

The golden-horned man snorted coldly: "In order to prolong the lifespan, the old dragon king overdrafted the origin of the blood of this Jiaolong family. The descendants of Jiaolong not only have very few descendants, but also their aptitude is inferior to one generation."

"It is said that Aochen is the descendant of the old dragon king with a secret method, and his blood is not pure. It is impossible to refine the blood of a real dragon for more than two hundred years."

"Hmph, the demon clan should be united in the first place. This Aochen really has a stubborn temper with the old dragon king. After the outer sea demon clan has been divided and fought, the strength has weakened. It is no wonder that other sea demons have surrendered to us."

"If they continue to toss like this, sooner or later they will be bullied by immortal cultivators."

The beautiful woman stretched out her dexterous tongue, licked her plump lips, and said:

"In less than eight years, the father will come over. At that time, these Flood Dragons will take the initiative to hand over the blood of the real dragon, but if you are stubborn and unclear, don't blame me for waiting and disregarding the feelings of our family."

The golden-horned man nodded lightly, and then he thought of something and said, "The Bi-horned Snake said that Aochen had asked the land demon clan for help. Although we are strong enough, we can't slack off. In case the land demon clan..."

Halfway through the words, the golden horn man suddenly raised his head and looked up, with surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Wait, there seems to be something coming, this breath..."

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