The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1207 Outnumbered (1)

As soon as the golden horn man finished speaking, the two people next to him also sensed something and looked up over the abyss.

Within the range of their consciousness, there is a blurry water ball rushing towards here, its surface seems to be covered with a unique layer of energy, stirring the water current, swimming with the help of some kind of terrifying thrust, the speed is astonishing.

Wherever it passed, the sea water was squeezed into a circle of conical ripples, rolled to both sides, and hit the cliffs of the abyss, making a loud rumbling sound.

As the water polo fell into the abyss, more than 30 sea beasts below also discovered it, but neither they nor the three men with golden horns could sense any spiritual power fluctuations on the water polo.

"It's like a sea beast that uses the flesh to parade, but with such a terrifying speed, I have never heard of such an existence, or is it a special magic weapon for immortal cultivators?" The beautiful woman murmured.

The golden horn man narrowed his eyes and said, "It shouldn't be an immortal cultivator. I can sense the aura of demon spirit power in the water polo, which is very strong. It is very likely a tenth-level peak demon beast."

"However, this monster came here so arrogantly, that he didn't take my Wulonghai in his eyes."

While speaking, he raised his right hand, the thick demon spirit power surged, and a mini dragon claw wrapped in golden aura shot out from his hand.

During the flight, the spiritual power of the mini dragon claws tumbled endlessly, and the heaven and earth energy hidden in the surrounding sea water aura was attracted and blessed, and it was gradually increasing.

After flying a hundred feet in the sea, it has swelled to a size of about ten feet, exuding a fierce coercion, like a huge dragon, grabbing the falling water polo.

There seemed to be a cold hum from the water polo, and the fuzzy ripples on its surface circulated for a while, and a deformed palm with a muscle pimple stretched out, with four layers of silver ripples flashing on it, which also aroused the vitality of heaven and earth, wrapping it into a four-foot The size of the halo palm.

One gold and one silver, two palms, one big and one small, were directly bombarded together.

Accompanied by the extremely dull bombardment, the golden dragon claws trembled violently, and after just holding on for a breath, it completely collapsed and disappeared into the sea as a little aura.

"What kind of magical power is this..." The golden horn man's expression changed slightly, he just felt a continuous and terrifying shock force pouring into his golden claws, arrogantly disintegrating the spiritual power inside.

His expression suddenly became solemn, and his clear voice came out along the sea water, with a special majesty: "In Xia Yuanjun, the son of the Five Dragons, the son of the Dragon King, dare to ask which demon friend is here. "

Hearing this sentence, the water polo slowed down and stopped more than fifty meters away. The blurred water flow spread out, revealing the figures of three men. It was Lu Kun, Hong Yuntian and Kui who came from Xiyuan Prefecture. Bull King.

Yuan Jun, the man with the golden horn, recognized the one-legged man at a glance, raised his brows and said, "King Kui Niu, you are a land monster!"

Lu Kun chuckled and said, "Brother Niu is just here to help. Lu Mou is the master of the Southwest Xiuxian Realm and the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion. Lu Kun, this Hong Yuntian, is the great elder of this pavilion."

His words immediately attracted the attention of the other party.

"Immortal Cultivator!"

"Body Refinement Pavilion?"

Hearing the name of this sect, Yuan Jun and the others naturally thought of the practice of cultivating the physical body, and their expressions couldn't help but be a little confused. Could it be that they have been in Wulonghai for too long, so immortal cultivators can cultivate the physical body?

Lu Kun glanced at the two men and one woman with golden eyes, and said with a tsk tsk: "The strength of Wulonghai is really strong, and they dispatched three tenth-level Jiaolongs and so many sea monsters. "

Yuan Jun said coldly: "It turned out to be the pavilion master Lu, why, the immortal cultivators still want to intervene in my demon clan's affairs?"

Lu Kun nodded and said lightly: "Yes, the Jiaolong clan in the outer seas, Lu has protected them, and for the sake of the dragon king, as long as you all leave this place immediately, I can save your life."

The ugly old man and the beautiful woman were stunned when they heard this. Even if the other party was a cultivator-level powerhouse, there were only three of them. The words should be what they say.

Yuan Jun heard the words, and the demon spirit energy in his body couldn't help tumbling. He laughed angrily and said, "Yuan has not met such an arrogant immortal cultivator for a long time. I want to see if your strength is comparable to that of your words. The same breath."

"In that case, Lu Mou is welcome."

Lu Kun let out a loud laugh, and the sea water all over his body rolled, and the whole person rushed towards the strong demonic energy below, as if he wanted to use his own strength to fight against the more than 30 transformed sea monsters.

At the same time, a bloodthirsty red light shone in Hong Yuntian's eyes, and a deep magical aura gushed out from his body. Pieces of purple-black scales appeared on his skin, and bone spurs grew on each joint.

The whole person has grown to more than nine feet high, and the sea water within three feet of the body is blurred, as if surrounded by some special energy, rushing towards the three tenth-level flood dragons.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Jun's face changed greatly: "The demons, how come there are still high-level demons in the Xiuxian world, the third sister, in the form of a dragon, and the fifth uncle swept aside."

His mind was suddenly attracted by Hong Yuntian. As for Lu Kun, who rushed down, he didn't care at all. Unless there was a spirit transformation, no immortal cultivator could resist such a large number of transformational monsters.

As soon as his words fell, Yuan Jun's body began to swell, and a layer of pale golden dragon scales appeared all over his body, his limbs became thicker, his palms also turned into four-fingered dragon claws, and a thick tail grew behind him. , turned into a half-human, half-dragon appearance.

The same is true for the beautiful woman beside her, but her body is slightly smaller. The scales on her body have turned fiery red, and there is a vague layer of unknown flames flowing on the surface. Then the two dragon men rushed out directly.

As for the ugly old man, it was still the same as before, but with a complicated spell in his hand, the surrounding sea water solidified and covered the body of the three people, as if they were blessed with a layer of aura armor.

The Kui Niu King on the other side stared blankly at Hong Yuntian's demon body, feeling the terrifying coercion, with a shocked expression on his face.

Thinking of Lu Kun's previous instructions, he murmured a few words in his heart, his hands flashed, and two watermelon-sized lightning balls, with a lavender halo, shot forward.

Although the Kui Niu King is a land monster, his proficient thunder and lightning magical powers are even more powerful in the sea, even a few points faster than Hong Yuntian's speed, and the last one arrives first.

"Brother, I'm coming."

The red dragon figure froze for a while, the claws shone with dazzling fire, and two flaming dragon claws flew out.


The red and purple rays of light collided together, tumbling flames and thunder, and a large amount of seawater was evaporated, triggering a circle of terrifying undercurrents.

Being restrained by King Kui Niu, only the golden dragon man greeted Hong Yuntian.

I saw that the nine-foot-tall body of the demon race was surrounded by a layer of black streamer. Half of the aura of heaven and earth that had been attracted by the dragons in the sea came to it, and a layer of scales appeared on the fists covered with scales. Pale white halo.

The physical cultivation absorbs the vitality of the world and relies on the power and radiation range of the source force field. Hong Yuntian's body is more than nine feet tall, and the range is much larger than that of Lu Kun in the past.


A pair of dragon claws and a pair of fists with bone spurs slammed into each other, violent energy agitated each other, and the surrounding sea water boiled violently, forming a circle of turbulent undercurrents rolling in all directions.

The golden dragon man staggered and retreated several meters away in the turbulent waves, with horror in his eyes.

"What's going on, the demons can actually stimulate the spiritual energy, this is impossible... The other party is called the Body Refinement Pavilion, is it a cultivator who has cultivated into the appearance of the demons?"

"The amount of spiritual energy I absorbed just now seems to have decreased a lot..."

Even the Flood Dragon Clan, the tenth-level physical power possessed by it is only a million kilograms. In addition, the absorption of heaven and earth vitality has been cut off, and it cannot compete with Hong Yuntian's demonic state.

"Brother, I'll help you!" After the red dragon man blocked the thunderball, he also greeted him.

Seeing this, the Kui Niu King waved one hand, and three bull hooves, one big, two small, and three small, appeared in front of him, lasing out with electric light.


At this moment, a long spear in the shape of a fishbone and two short knives exuded a light blue halo, turned into three streamers, and rushed over from a distance, blocking the black seal.

It turned out that it was the ugly old man who shot in time. He was proficient in water attribute supernatural powers, and his power in the sea was equally astonishing, barely entangling the Kui Niu King.

On the other side, Hong Yuntian and the two Flood Dragons fought thoroughly. Although he was stronger and possessed the powerful body of Demon Zong, the strength of the tenth-level Flood Dragon was not much different. He was soon at a disadvantage.


At this moment, a thunderous roar came from the bottom of the abyss, a large amount of sea water boiled, and countless terrifying undercurrents swayed in all directions.

Yuan Jun heard this roar, and for some reason, his body felt extremely uncomfortable, and he couldn't help looking down, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"That is……"

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