The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1208 Outnumbered (Last Part)

At the bottom of the abyss, Lu Kun was suspended in front of the monsters, beating his chest with both hands, and waves of white halo surging out of his mouth.

The surrounding rich demonic energy seemed to have lost control, and rushed towards these sound waves, actively blessing them, making the sound waves even thicker.

The dozen or so sea monsters that charged towards Lu Kun at the front collided directly with these sound waves. They looked terrified. Whether they were in the form of monsters or humanoids, they all stopped in the sea and couldn't move.

The hard scales and the thick shield of demon spirit power could not play a defensive role, and the fleshly body trembled slightly, as if it was under great pressure, and even a trace of blood flowed out of the gaps in the scales of some sea monsters.

Looking at this scene, Lu Kun did not take the opportunity to pursue him, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"There are so many transformational monsters, just to try the power of that magical power."

Thoughts flashed in his heart, a monstrous aura of ancient monsters spread out from his chest, and the power of qi and blood as vast as the ocean tumbled in his body with the most brutal thoughts.

The hairs on its skin turned into black hairs at a speed visible to the naked eye, the delicate skin gradually became rough, and the face was twisted and turned into an ape.

However, the thick muscles under the skin shrink inwardly, as if a lot of muscle fibers have been taken away, and the blue veins have become invisible. Zoom out.

Five feet, four feet, three feet...

In a blink of an eye, Lu Kun turned into a miniature monkey that was only one-third the size of the original. He was a little two feet tall, with a pair of huge arms occupying most of his body, which looked a bit funny.

During his transformation, those sea monsters gradually regained control of their physical bodies and looked at the scene in front of them with a strange look.

Is this guy a human or a monster?

If it is a human race, what is the bloodline of that terrifying monster just now, and why can it transform into a monster?

But if he is a monster, the body should be bigger than the human form, how can it shrink?

This miniature monkey, no matter how you look at it, is a little harmless to humans and animals, and these sea-monsters froze in place for a while.

Suddenly, the sea water behind the mini monkey was blurred, and nearly a hundred terrifying magic weapons tumbled. This small figure disappeared in place like a black electric light, and the speed could not even be captured visually, only a vacuum line appeared in the dark sea water. .

The ninth-level fish monster at the forefront of the sea-monster group immediately felt a great crisis. This feeling was even more terrifying than the calamity of the year.

It looked terrified, and the demon spirit energy in its whole body was stirred up. The fishbone on its face turned into light blue flying needles, rushing forward like a rainstorm, and a layer of half-human, half-fish skin appeared on the surface. Layers of thick blue scales.

Those dense flying needles quickly collided with a cloud of slightly blurred sea water, barely able to see a miniature monkey zipping through the flying needles at an unbelievable speed.

The fish demon's eyes widened, and before he could look carefully, he was hit in the head by a pair of small fists with black hairs that flashed with a pale silver halo.

The terrifying power surged, the scales on its body could not stop it at all, and the head covered with fish bones exploded into a cloud of blood.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of gray powder poured in from the severed head, and the headless corpse trembled, turning into a six-foot fish body with spikes on its back, and disappeared in a flash of light, leaving only one head and two feet. The tall little monkey was suspended in place.

From the appearance of the miniature monkey to the death of this ninth-level fish monster, it took only two or three breaths. Many of the weaker sea monsters were still slightly paralyzed.

Lu Kun grinned his little monkey's mouth and charged towards the other ninth-level Kraken who was half human and half shrimp. The latter made a sound of anger when he saw this. He was about to retreat, but then he felt an invisible wave. The force squeezed around him.

The soft sea water seemed to have turned into solid ice, imprisoning it in place, and the surrounding sea monsters who wanted to help were also blocked by this invisible force in the sea water.

Before they could make other moves, the little monkey crossed the distance of several meters. The tiny body raised a small fist and slammed into the waist and abdomen of this monster, violently violent.

The red scales on the Shrimp Demon's body seem to be a little hard. Although there are cracks, they are not as vulnerable as the previous Fish Demon.


The Shrimp Demon let out a painful cry, and taking advantage of this gap, its hands turned into two huge pliers three feet long, shining with strong demonic power, and slammed into the mini monkey on the waist and abdomen.


The pliers seemed to be clamped on a piece of hard metal, and there was a harsh rubbing sound from the black-haired monkey, and a fierce splash of water erupted.


The scales on the Shrimp Demon's waist and abdomen persisted for a moment, and then completely shattered. The pale silver fist mixed with terrifying power blasted a hole in its abdomen.

The shrimp demon seemed to be struggling, the strength on the double clamps increased sharply, and a small wound appeared on the hard skin of the mini monkey, revealing the twisted muscle fibers below.


Although the surrounding sea-monsters were frightened by the terrifying speed and attack power of the mini monkey, they were powerful transformational monsters after all. There were a dozen or so sea-monsters around and seized this opportunity to launch a frantic attack.

All of a sudden, all kinds of magic weapons in the shape of fish bones, fangs, and knife tails slammed into this small body stuck in the pliers from all directions with astonishing aura.

The violent energy tumbled on the bottom of the sea, and the surrounding sea water solidified by invisible forces evaporated directly. The terrifying undercurrent was mixed with colorful auras.

When so many transformed monsters attacked together, the pressure generated was so terrifying that even the tenth-level monsters would not dare to take it hard.

But before these energies subsided, a tiny shadow came out from it, as if no damage was received in the attack just now.

Lu Kun rushed towards the surrounding sirens, and the eyes of the monkeys flashed with excitement.

This state is the supernatural power he recently realized, the miniature form of the magic ape.

The bone treasure in its body can be enlarged under the blessing of magic energy, and it can also be reduced due to the characteristics of silver dragon meteorite iron. Back then, Pang Laomo's blood demon sword, which was born with this special material, could be instantly reduced into a flying sword. Needle, the penetration is greatly increased.

Lu Kun has been able to shrink Gubao for a long time, but in doing so, the starting and ending nodes of the muscles will also be reduced, and the muscles need to be reduced by the method of concentrating flesh and blood in order to exert the power of the human body.

The lack of muscles will lead to a significant reduction in the power of the physical body, which has no practical value. Until not long ago, he and Hong Yuntian discussed the bloodline secret method, and the control of the magic ape transformation was more refined, and the body reduction was effective in combat.

In the appearance of a mini monkey now, he has already used the magic ape to transform into a supernatural power, but he has only controlled the power of the bloodline, and blessed the energy of the true demon's meaning on the muscles through the bloodline supernatural power, and did not use it to enlarge the body.

As a result, the consumption of blood essence and true demon intent has also been reduced to a very low level, and the casting time has been greatly extended.

At this time, the characteristics of the silver dragon meteorite are used to shrink the bones of the body. Although the muscles have reduced the number of fibers due to the concentration of flesh and blood, the power of the body is still not weak with the blessing of the magic ape.

After Lu Kun's adjustment, when the body size is reduced to one-third, the power of the body can reach 1.5 million kilograms with the transformation of the demon. .

Such terrifying power is concentrated in a two-foot-tall mini body, and its explosive attack power and speed have been completely raised by a level.

Although this state cannot pose a threat to the existence of God Transformation, it is more suitable to fight against a large number of transformation demon cultivators.

The resistance of the sea water is greatly reduced due to the shrinking body. With the cooperation of the physical source and the whole body bone treasure, the speed is nearly doubled compared to the previous one.

Transforming monsters are generally larger in size, and it is easier to dodge attacks with a miniature body. Otherwise, no matter how strong his defense is, he will be attacked by twenty or thirty sea monsters in turn, which will consume a lot of blood.

At this time, he shuttled between many sea monsters at an astonishing speed. The tiny fist contained even more terrifying power, and with the blessing of heaven and earth, there were almost no monsters below level ten that could resist.


Yuan Jun, the golden dragon man, was fighting against Hong Yuntian while looking at the scene below. He felt terrified, the speed of the mini monkey, and even his consciousness could not keep up, not to mention those cultivation bases. Lower Kraken too.

At this speed, the sea of ​​​​people tactics can't play any role, watching the two ninth-level sea monsters being killed, he hurriedly shouted: "You idiots, don't try to attack, form a phalanx and combine the demon spirit power. Get up and defend."

Hearing this sentence, the sea-monsters below reacted in horror and quickly gathered together. Seven or eight sea-monsters in the distance who did not participate in the battle also flew over quickly.

After paying the price of the death of four eighth-level sea monsters, the remaining demon cultivators finally converged, and the thick demon spirit power joined together, forming an incomparably thick spiritual shield.

A small part of the demon clan's magical powers are in the flesh, but in the face of Lu Kun's miniature ape form, he sadly turned into a human form, and with the help of the Dantian meridian, he used the cultivator's defensive aura to protect himself.

The demon spirit power of more than 20 transformed demon cultivators has been combined, and it has been able to absorb a large amount of heaven and earth vitality. Every time Lu Kun attacks, the lost shield will be replenished by a steady stream of demon spirit power, which cannot be broken for a while.

He raised the little monkey face, looked in the direction of the two dragons above, and disappeared in a flash.

"not good!"

When Yuan Jun saw this scene, his face changed greatly.

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