The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1209 Long Yuanzhu

Yuan Jun took the following battle into his eyes, and instantly killed the ninth-level monster. The attack power of the mini monkey may have reached the peak of the tenth-level monster. With that terrifying speed, this kind of strength...

He looked at the disappearing Lu Kun, his abdomen squirmed, and a pale yellow bead gushed out from his throat, stuck between the sharp teeth.

The red dragon man on the side seemed to understand something, instead of continuing to attack Hong Yuntian, his body flashed and came behind Yuan Jun.


The golden dragon head had a small bead in its mouth, and it roared a loud dragon roar. Circles of pale yellow sound waves spread forward at an alarming speed, and there was also a maddening and terrifying idea in it.


Hong Yuntian's complexion changed, and his figure suddenly retreated, standing in front of King Kui Niu. A layer of pale silver blood flowed quickly on the surface of the purple-black scales, and when he was hit by this thought, ripples appeared.

However, this dragon yin did not target him, most of the sound waves rushed down the abyss, and after a while, the figure of a miniature monkey appeared in the dim sea water, and the distance between the two sides was only less than a hundred meters.

In such a short period of time, the little monkey actually crossed hundreds of feet. This kind of speed is too terrifying.

"What's the matter, the madness can't affect him!"

Yuan Jun soon discovered that the miniature monkey just stagnated, and continued to lash in his direction as if nothing was wrong.

He quickly mobilized the powerful demon spirit power in his body, and at the same time activated a strong Flood Dragon bloodline.

As soon as the ball of light appeared, the vitality of the heavens and the earth in the surrounding sea water all jumped up and gathered here, and condensed into mysterious runes on its surface, exuding the unique terrifying pressure of vitality.

The speed of this halo ball was astonishing, as if it had a tracking function, it turned into an arc, and hit a tiny figure wrapped in blurry sea water.


The terrifying aura swayed in the sea, and the aftermath of vitality surged in all directions, and the spiritual shield formed by more than 20 sea monsters at the bottom of the abyss trembled violently.

The monsters inside looked terrified. If they didn't unite to defend, the aftermath would probably hit them hard.

At the same time, all the monsters within a thousand miles felt this terrifying aura. Those sea monsters in the outer sea seemed to understand something, and their eyes showed a bit of complexity.

"How is it possible, this guy can resist the attack of the energy transformation level!"

Yuan Jun stared at the long eye, watching the amazing scene below.

I saw the terrifying power of qi and blood rising from the body of the mini monkey, and the muscles on the body swelled rapidly, like countless pythons entangled in the body.

Under the power of the Primordial Qi Light Ball, these muscles kept dissolving and recovering, allowing the Primordial Qi Light Ball to vent on its body surface, as if relying on the continuous recovery of the physical body to compete with the power of Yuan Qi's transformation.

Yuan Jun couldn't believe the scene in front of him, the demon spirit power surged in his body, he continued to chant the spell, and the small beads in his mouth lit up again.

But at this moment, a purple-gold giant axe suddenly appeared in Hong Yuntian's scaly palm, and a mass of purple-black liquid containing brutal thoughts poured into the handle of the axe from his arm.

The lavender vitality axe blade appeared outside the giant axe, and under the power of more than one million catties, it exuded amazing coercion, and slashed towards the golden dragon head of Yuan Jun.

"The water of true magic! Magic weapon!"

Yuan Jun had to stop the spell, the beads in his mouth flickered, a circle of yellow aura filled the dragon's claws, and a large amount of heaven and earth's vitality gathered, forming a solid yellow-white light claw outside, blocking the front.


A wave of vitality, second only to the previous one, rolled over, and the violent sea water hit the surrounding cliffs of the abyss, and the seabed rocks that had cracked cracks were completely shattered.

The other two tenth-level existences in Wulonghai, as well as the Kui Niu King, had to defend with all their strength, but even so, they were still blasted out by this residual power.

In the surging energy shock, Hong Yuntian also retreated a dozen feet. He felt the trembling of the Purple Gold Magic Axe and sighed slightly.

After all, there is no demonic energy here. Although he borrowed some demonic energy from the water of true demons, the environment here is special, and the power of the magic weapon is weaker than that of energy.

Yuan Jun looked at Hong Yuntian, who was holding a giant axe, his face was extremely ugly. What he was holding in his mouth was the Dragon Yuanzhu refined by the Dragon King Ou, which contained the power of will and true essence.

With the power of blood and special spells, he can activate this treasure and display the magical power of the demon king. Do it yourself.

However, this magical power takes time to cast. Yuan Jun originally planned to hit the second one. Who knows that the demon monster in front of him is not afraid of frenzy, and he even took out a magic weapon to attack.

After this moment of delay, the Origin Qi-shaped light sphere below was about to dissipate, and the miniature monkey's body looked intact.

"Damn, are these two immortal cultivators a human race? One is not like a demon, the other is not like a demon, and they both have trump cards against the demon king. This body refining pavilion is too scary."

Seeing that the little monkey had used up the power of the light ball, Yuan Jun gritted his teeth, and the dragon man's body flickered and stepped back, followed by a round yellow ball of light, shrouding him and the other two tenth-level existences.

The speed of the mini monkey is almost incomprehensible, and he is also assisted by a strong man who can use magic weapons. Although he can rely on the dragon ball to resist, the third sister and the fifth uncle are in danger. At this time, they can only focus on defense.

After a while, the mini monkey appeared ten feet away, looking at the vitality shield outside its body, and did not attack immediately.

Seeing this, Yuan Jun heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Master Lu Pavilion has amazing magical powers, I admire it, I don't know what benefits Waihai Jiaolong has promised, please move a strong man like Your Excellency, and I can give more from Wulonghai."

Lu Kun maintained the appearance of a mini monkey, his eyes narrowed into a slit and said: "What Aochen promised is the blood of the real dragon, can you give it?"

Yuan Jun was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "It turns out that Pavilion Master Lu is also for this thing, but the Jiaolong in the outer sea is declining, but it is still full of arrogance, the blood of the real dragon, even my family is unwilling to give it, let alone the human race. ."

"It's better that we join forces. As long as we can catch Aochen, we will have the means to extract the blood of the real dragon from his body, and then divide it evenly. What do you think of Mr. Lu."

Lu Kun chuckled and said, "Lu also has supernatural powers that can draw the blood of a real dragon. You Wulonghai should get out of here."

"Have magical powers to draw blood?"

Yuan Jun looked at Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian's strange bodies, and couldn't help falling into silence. If someone told him before that the human race could draw the blood of the demon race, he would definitely slap the other party to death.

But the two people in front of them, although they are human beings, have other bloodlines in their bodies, maybe they really have such magical powers.

He looked at the vitality shield outside his body, and decided: "The pavilion master Lu is powerful, but Yuan has the Dragon Yuanzhu given by his father, and with many clansmen, he is already invincible. Going down, the dragons in the open sea can benefit from the fisherman, although they may escape."

Lu Kun sighed softly: "Yuan Jun, you may not be clear about one thing."


While speaking, the power of qi and blood in the mini monkey rolled up again, the tiny body swelled up inch by inch, and Lu Kun's voice came out slowly:

"If the scorpion dragon king is here, it's not too bad to say this, but your little dragon, with just one treasure, dare to compete with Lu?"

Lu Kun's voice was a little small at first, but at the end, it had turned into a roar, the surrounding sea water was surging violently, and his body had grown from two feet to five feet high, and it had grown by more than 20 feet. times.

A mountain-like giant ape appeared in the abyss. It had thick black hair, thick arms on both sides, and the whole body was filled with the blood of a superior.

"This is... a giant ape! No, the black hair, could it be a giant ape!" Yuan Jun murmured while looking at the scene in front of him with a dull expression.

He hadn't seen the appearance of the mini monkey before, but now with such eye-catching huge arms, strong blood aura, and the terrifying roaring magical power before, he immediately thought of the arm-throwing ape that his father said.

Just as Yuan Jun was stunned, invisible power permeated, and the surrounding sea water instantly solidified, and the next moment, the pair of incomparably huge ape palms wrapped his vitality mask.

A large amount of heaven and earth vitality surged here, forming a halo of vitality, covering the pair of monkey palms, and a terrifying coercion spread from above.

The sea-monster below stared at this huge giant ape in a stunned manner. The bloodline and demon spirit power in the body were shaking. This terrifying coercion was even more terrifying than the Dragon King.

The color of fear flashed in Yuan Junlong's eyes, and he clearly felt that the vitality of heaven and earth on the shield of vitality was slowly dissipating.

"How is this aura possible! Father Wang clearly sensed that the vitality of heaven and earth in the Southwest Immortal Cultivation Realm is in a state of no owner. How can this guy have the strength of a demon king!"

Feeling the creaking and flickering vitality shield, Yuan Jun made a clever call: "Pavillion Lu, slow down, if you kill me, the father will not let you go!"

After saying this, Yuan Jun immediately noticed that the palm outside stopped, and quickly continued: "Wulonghai is willing to make an oath and leave immediately, and please open the main net of Lu Pavilion!"

The rumbling voice came from the huge ape's mouth: "For the sake of the dragon king, I can let you all go, but it was a waste of Lu Mou so long, why should I leave something."

"Leave something?" Yuan Jun didn't know what to think, his face turned pale...

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