The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1210 Transaction

Abyss Dragon Palace, above the huge square, there is a blue light and shadow picture, a huge black-haired giant ape, and his hands are wrapped in a yellow shield.

The dozen or so sea-monsters in the square were silent for a while after seeing this situation. The battle just now was under their gaze, and even through the banning of the Dragon Palace, they could feel the terrifying coercion of the demon king outside.

Aochen, who had a leopard body and a dragon head, looked at the scene in the water mirror technique, and murmured, "It turned out to be an arm demon, how can such a terrible bloodline still be left in the world."

"Gibbon Demon Ape? Patriarch, what kind of monster is this, and it's also a gibbon giant ape?"

When the surrounding Kraken heard the name, they couldn't help but look at Aochen with a little doubt, the latter took a deep breath and said:

"I have heard my father say that during the war between the demons, the giant ape lineage was besieged by a large number of masters of the demons, with heavy casualties, and all the living were imprisoned. The demons wanted to transform it into a beast. Use it yourself."

"But the demons didn't expect that the finally transformed arm demon ape, after entering the realm of the demon king, completely got rid of the control, and even showed unparalleled magical powers, but instead hit them hard."

"The terrifying roar not long ago was the supernatural power that the Tong-armed Demon Ape became famous for. Tong-tian roar. It is said that as long as the physical body is not as good as the opponent's, it will be frozen. If the difference is too large, the body will even collapse directly."

When the surrounding Kraken heard this, they all thought of the scene not long ago. A dozen or so transformed Krakens froze in the sky-shattering roar, and their bodies couldn't help shivering.

The giant whale siren said silently: "In addition to the roar of the sky, the other party also has a special body shape transformation supernatural power. The speed of the mini monkey's outbreak is faster than any of us, and there is no way to escape."

A look of worry flashed in his eyes bigger than a lantern: "Patriarch, if he wants the blood of a true dragon..."

Ao Chen slowly shook his head and said, "Don't worry, in addition to the blood of the real dragon condensed by the father, there is actually another place in the sea."

"And the blood of the real dragon?" The other sea beasts were shocked when they heard the words. Except for the old dragon king, they had never heard of the existence of real dragons in any sea area.

Aochen's body was surging with demon spirit power, and his figure began to twist, and he soon turned into a handsome man in a brocade robe and a face like a crown of jade.

"Aojing, you will go out with me in a while, and the others will keep the Dragon Palace's ban and listen to my instructions."

"Yes, patriarch."


In the abyss, Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian had returned to human form. They looked into the distance. A group of sea monsters in Wulonghai formed a huge mist, swam rapidly to the north, and soon disappeared in the dark sea water. middle.

Hong Yuntian withdrew his gaze and turned to Lu Kun's palm, from which clumps of silver blood were pouring out, slowly wrapping a pale yellow ball.

He frowned and said: "Lu Kun, this Dragon Primordial Pearl only has the meaning of madness and the true essence of the Dragon King, and there is no blood of the dragon king. If you come here, it will not only be useless, but you will expose your position to the Dragon King. "

Lu Kun rubbed the beads in his hand and said, "Only if you lose the trump card of the demon king level, will the guys from Wulonghai really leave."

"As for this thing, I would like to study it. Besides, even if the dragon king comes over, we can still get out of it without being too afraid."

Hong Yuntian thought for a while and said, "Yes, we spared those three tenth-level Jiaolongs, and we didn't form a deadly feud with Wulonghai, but is this Dragon Primordial Pearl really helpful to you?"

Lu Kun nodded lightly and said, "The material of this thing is a bit like bone, but also a bit like fascia. It should have been bred by the dragon king with his fleshly body. At the same time, it stores the meaning of frenzy and true essence, maybe it's a little inspirational."

King Kui Niu stood behind the two of them, listening to their fearless tone towards the Dragon King, his neck could not help shrinking. Now this tenth-level bull demon is convinced of the rumors from the outside world, and Pavilion Master Lu really has a metaphorical spirit. Strength.

He looked at Hong Yuntian again. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine that a human race immortal cultivator could turn into a demon race, and it seemed that he could easily use a magic weapon.

If in a place full of demonic energy, the strength of this Body Refinement Pavilion's Great Elder might have reached the level of God Transformation.

"Pavillion Lu is a half-demon body with the bloodline of a giant ape. Could it be that this Elder Hong is similar to a half-demon, but only integrates the blood of the demon race into the flesh?"

"The pavilion master Lu came here this time to absorb the blood of the real dragon and take care of the blood of two top monsters?"

"As far as I know, there is a great conflict between these two top bloodlines."

Just when King Kui Niu was thinking about it, the ban on the Dragon Palace below suddenly shook, opening a small gap in the position facing Lu Kun and others.

A handsome man in a brocade robe and a giant man in gray armor flew out from it.

"Xia Aochen, Patriarch Waihai Jiaolong, thank Pavilion Master Lu for his help." A clear voice came from the handsome man's mouth.

Lu Kun's hand flickered slightly, he put away Long Yuanzhu, flew down with Hong Yuntian and King Kui Niu, and came not far away, he simply exchanged a few words, and then said directly: "Patriarch Ao , the promised Lu has done it, hand over your true dragon blood."

Aochen said with hesitation in his expression: "This, to be honest, a certain practice went wrong not long ago, and the blood of the real dragon... completely dissipated in the body."

Lu Kun's face sank and said: "Patriarch Ao said that because he wanted to repay his debt."

Boochen felt the seawater that was gradually solidifying around him, and said sternly: "Of course not, there is only a trace of the blood of the real dragon left by the father, and even if there is any, it cannot be extracted."

"But Ao Mou dared to promise Pavilion Master Lu because he knew that there was another place where the blood of the real dragon existed."

Lu Kun snorted coldly, "Then why didn't you look for it when your father was alive?"

There was a bit of sadness in Aochen's expression: "More than two hundred years ago, the father and the senior of the Hualing Sect fought until the edge of the outer sea, and inadvertently broke an ancient prohibition, and sensed the blood of the real dragon from it. breath."

"It's a pity that after the war, the father was seriously injured. After exhausting his true essence and blood essence, he left a trace of true dragon blood, and his body was destroyed. There was no chance to find it."

Lu Kun stared at the other party and said, "Why didn't the patriarch Ao go? If you get more blood of the real dragon, the chances of breaking through to the demon king must be a little higher."

Aochen smiled bitterly and said: " Pavilion Master Lu doesn't know anything, there is a layer of pride that is unique to the real dragon, and Aomou can't enter at all. I heard from King Kui Niu before that Pavilion Master Lu has supernatural powers and can resist the power of will, and he can easily enter if he wants to come. Search, so I dare to agree to this deal."

"If Pavilion Master Lu doesn't believe it, Ao can sign a contract."

Lu Kun's face was a little ugly. Although he expected that the other party would not hand over the blood of the real dragon so easily, he didn't expect this guy to directly say that he didn't have it.

He pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "The contract will naturally be signed, but before that, Lu will examine your flesh to see if there is any remnant of the blood of the real dragon."

When Aochen heard the words, a bit of humiliation flashed in his eyes, but when he thought of the opponent's strength, he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I don't know how Pavilion Master Lu will investigate."

Lu Kun stretched out his palm, a drop of silver blood condensed on it, and slowly floated forward: "It's very simple, just let Lu's blood flow into your body for a while."

Ao Chen looked at this drop of blood, and could sense the powerful qi and blood contained in it, as well as a blood aura comparable to that of a real dragon. After hesitating, he opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Then he felt that this drop of blood differentiated into countless blood threads, which penetrated into various blood vessels and meridians, and the unique blood vessels in his body seemed to sense something, and violently churned.

A large amount of demonic energy poured out of the body, turned into a leopard body and a dragon head, with a short sword in its mouth, a phantom of a mighty strange dragon and beast, and a powerful blood force permeated.

Hong Yuntian, who was on the side, saw this scene, his pupils shrank and said, "This is... the blood of the canthus!"

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