The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1211 The Secret of the Maelstrom

In the depths of the sea, a vague shadow of a ship galloped above the seabed.

Under this layer of concealment and restraint, there is a splendid gigantic flying boat, more than twenty feet long and five or six feet wide.

The side of the hull shone with a light blue aura, as if through some special magical power, with the help of the surrounding sea water, it shuttled at an astonishing speed.

There are about ten humanoid monsters in the flying boat, some are controlling the formation, and some are guarding.

Lu Kun stood at the front, with golden light flashing in his eyes, observing the flying boat, Hong Yuntian closed his eyes, as if referring to the exercises.

Aochen, the Jiaolong patriarch, was standing beside him, talking to Lu Kun. Behind him stood the huge body of Aojing, which was nearly 20 feet tall. The dragon-whale beast was carefully observing the surroundings and doing guard work.

"With so many treasured spiritual materials, your dragon boat is equivalent to a small mobile dragon palace. The resources of the sea are so rich, is Patriarch Ao really willing to give up this huge foundation?"

Ao Chen sighed: "Most of the sea monsters in the outer sea have already taken refuge in Wulonghai, and that old man will come soon."

"Although I don't have the blood of a real dragon, my Jiezhen bloodline is equally attractive to him. If I stay in the open sea, even if I don't die, I will be imprisoned by it. When the bloodline is mature, it will be stripped away, and there will be no day to come out. ."

Having said that, he looked at Lu Kun, and his eyes flashed a bit of strangeness: "But I didn't expect that Pavilion Master Lu would have no idea about Ao's bloodline."

Lu Kun glanced at the Jiaolong, and said with a little regret, "Patriarch Ao's bloodline has just appeared, and it is too rare. Even if Lu Mou extracts it, it is of little use, and there is no time to wait for it to mature, so it is better to make a friend. ."

"If you successfully enter the realm of the demon king, you might be able to help Lu in the future."

When Aochen heard this, he shook his head and said, "It's easier said than done, even if you have enough bloodline power, the chance of breaking through is not high. Pavilion Master Lu may have made a business at a loss."

Lu Kun didn't say much. The light flashed in his hand, and a scale appeared. He asked, "Let's talk about the location of the blood of the real dragon. The location you gave is in the maelstrom?"

"I've only heard from King Kui Niu that this place is densely covered with cracks in space, mixed with demonic energy and cold air. Could it be related to the ancient war?"

Aochen nodded and said: "Yes, in the war 70,000 to 80,000 years ago, the place where the maelstrom was located was a piece of land with a range of tens of thousands of miles, and it was also the space stronghold of the Zerg and the Demons."

"Land? Could it be that the war that year sank tens of thousands of miles of land?" Lu Kun looked surprised.

Hong Yuntian, who was meditating on the side, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I have also heard that in the early days of the war, there was also a battlefield in the sea, but I haven't paid attention to the specific process. Do you have records of the dragon clan?"

"I didn't expect that there are still cultivators who remember the deep-sea battlefield."

Aochen felt a little surprised and recalled: "Aomou also heard from the father and king that the war at that time was said to be dominated by the underworld insect race, and the demon race was average."

"But as more and more demons invaded, there was a gap between them and the worms. The cultivators and the sea tribe took advantage of this to start a war, and finally used a terrible formation to completely shatter this land. ."

"That battle not only destroyed the main force of the Underworld Zerg and the Demon Race, but also destroyed all the space nodes. The resulting space storm stirred the sea frantically, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles."

When Hong Yuntian heard this, he sighed: "Unfortunately, the main space node of the demons is on land, otherwise the invasion of aliens will be ended in that battle..."

While listening to the words of the two, Lu Kun probed the scales in his hands. There was an oval vortex mark on the map inside, and two long and narrow black lines on the south side of the vortex, which were very strange.

He asked curiously, "The maelstrom is a sea vortex formed by a space storm. What are these two black lines?"

Aochen explained: "That is the sea of ​​absolute spirit."

"Extreme Spirit Sea?"

"The cracks in the remaining space of the maelstrom will contain demonic qi and cold qi from other worlds. In order to prevent the sea area from being polluted, the ancient monks arranged a vast array of formations and used the spiritual qi of the sea area to suppress and prevent the spread of alien energy."

"The black line that Pavilion Master Lu sees is the area of ​​absolute spirit created by the formation. There is no energy there. The sea of ​​absolute spirit and the great vortex divide the connected sea area into two parts, east and west. The east is Wulonghai and Wulonghai. Offshore areas."

Lu Kun pondered and said: "Looking at it this way, the maelstrom is full of vortex power, and there are a lot of space storms. I'm afraid it will be difficult to enter."

Ao Chen said: "Even outside the whirlpool, the power of the whirlpool is extremely powerful, and only the eighth-level monster can resist it. As it goes deeper, the stirring force becomes greater. Even the father can only penetrate half of the great whirlpool."

Lu Kun looked at the mark on the map again. The place with the blood of the real dragon is hundreds of miles in the maelstrom, which is considered a marginal area. He thought of the swallowing worm he encountered many years ago, and raised his brows. :

"The maelstrom has cold and demonic energy, and there should be a lot of powerful worms and monsters in its edge area."

Ao Chen nodded and said: "Yes, so few sea clans approach the Great Maelstrom. It was also a coincidence that the father and the **** transformation discovered that hidden place. According to his old man's speculation, there may be an ancient dragon there. tomb."

Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "The ancient dragon tomb? Are the bones of a real dragon buried in it?"

Aochen said: "The pride that exudes there is much purer than that of the father and king. Nine times out of ten, it is the corpse of an ancient real dragon."

Lu Kun looked at the other party's eyes and said slowly, "I hope you didn't lie to me."

Aochen smiled bitterly and said, "Pavillion Lu, we have already signed a contract. If there is no real dragon's blood, Ao will be devoured by the soul, how could he do such a thing of digging his own grave."

Lu Kun nodded lightly. The contract was signed with the stone of the Mountain of Oaths, so naturally there would be no problem. He had explored all the Flood Dragons on this ship, and there was no real dragon blood.

"There is no response to the oath ban. The ancient dragon tomb should be true. I hope that the method I deduced is correct. It absorbs the powerful blood source and can strengthen the blood in the body."

"If you can enter the late stage of bone transformation, that magical power can have new changes..."

At this time, Ao Chen looked at the surrounding seascape and said slowly: "Pavillion Lu, this place has been heading to the northwest, where the Great Maelstrom is. Ao Mou is going to take his clan to find a hidden sea area to practice, so let's say goodbye."

"Okay, there will be an appointment later!"

"There will be a period later."

Lu Kun didn't say anything more, just bowed his hands, and left the dragon boat with Hong Yuntian.


"This crisis is completely over..." Looking at the two people who disappeared within the range of divine consciousness, Aochen's expression finally relaxed.

Ao Jing, who had been vigilant behind him, also breathed a sigh of relief. The dragon whale beast, whose strength was second only to Ao Chen, muttered, "These two human races are quite good at talking, so I really let us go."

Aochen flashed his skills and placed a layer of sound insulation around him. He sneered: "This pavilion master Lu is just trying to take advantage of us."

"Use?" Ao Jing was a little puzzled.

Ao Chen said: "Pavillion Lu has offended Wulonghai for the blood of the real dragon, but if he discloses the news of the bloodline of Jaizhen, then Lao Bi will definitely focus on me."

"Killing me to take the bloodline of Jiezhen, the conflict between him and Wulonghai is even greater, and letting me go is equivalent to putting a nail in the back of Wulonghai."

"Immortal cultivators are really not good things." When Ao Jing heard this, his face was ugly.

A bit of coldness flashed in Aochen's eyes and said: "I'm not easy to bully, Aochen, the ancient dragon tomb, the father has already discovered it, but the blood of the real dragon has become a filthy thing."

"With such a bloodline, the father does not dare to get half of it, and this pavilion master Lu is probably going to come back empty-handed."

"Boil the whale, you go to control the dragon boat, and we will head to the West Sea at the fastest speed."

"Yes, patriarch!"

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