The Ancestor of Body Repair

1215 Shocking change

In the large fragmented rock, a colorful long worm suddenly rushed out.

It has a glass-colored rock armor, a thick worm body, coral-like tentacles, and ferocious mouthparts full of dense and sharp teeth in the front section, shining with a dark golden light.

The body of the giant worm was connected to the ground, and after drilling out seven or eight feet, the ferocious mouthparts approached the dragon head, and the eight-sided crystal inside trembled and was about to come out.

"Swallowing Insect!"

Lu Kun instantly recognized the creature he had dealt with. He reacted extremely quickly, the invisible power of the void surged out, and the sea water near the faucet suddenly solidified, as if it had turned into solid ice, fixing the sacred worm in it. .

The swallowing worm seems to have expected this, and a pair of jaw teeth phantoms spew out of its mouthparts. This phantom is pale gold, and it contains some kind of extreme cold and cold power, exuding a power comparable to the vitality of heaven and earth. pressure.

The ice-like seawater shattered, and the sacred object of the worm turned into a shining streamer, which was sucked into the mouth of the swallowing worm, and then the body of the giant worm swayed, trying to retract to the ground.

"You bastard, you dare to take food from a tiger's mouth!"

Hong Yuntian's figure appeared on the ground at some point, the purple-black face was full of anger, stretched out a pair of huge arms, surrounded by a layer of light black halo, wrapped around his waist and hugged the thick glazed worm body, millions of people. Jin Juli exploded.


He suddenly exerted his strength, and then he felt that there was a continuous force against it under the huge insect body. Not only could the 1.2 million jins force not be able to pull out the Spirit-Swallowing Insect, but the opponent's body was still sinking a little bit.

More importantly, his pair of hands, which had been blessed with demonic energy, were forced by wisps of terrifying aura, and he was a little bit unable to hold it.

Lu Kun's figure flickered, and he also came to the ground. He also hugged the worm's body, and at the same time, the golden light flashed in his eyes. He could feel an aura that was close to the transformation of vitality in the body of the swallowing worm. It was this force that was repelling With them, he also resisted the erosion of arrogance.

"This is the Spirit-Swallowing Insect I encountered before? Why has the strength increased so much, and it has the means to transform into a god!"

"Can't let it escape!"

Lu Kun's eyes sank, and a bottle of true demon water was poured out of his ribs, his mouth opened.


A roar came from his mouth, and a circle of purple-black ripples swayed, bombarding the glass-colored insect body from the front, who knew that Tongtian Roar's close-range attack only made the opponent tremble twice.

Lu Kun's pupils shrank, his fists slammed into his chest quickly, and he activated the transformation of Faxiang Tiandi and Demon Ape.

The demonic energy in the surrounding sea water gathered in succession, forming a pair of substantial purple-black vitality palm shadows on the palms of their hands. The palm lines on the palms were clearly visible, but the palm shadows seemed to tremble at a terrifying frequency. It was as if four layers were superimposed.

Zhen Yuanzhang's advanced vitality combat skills!

Those terrifying giant hands held the two limbs of the swallowing worm respectively, and the shock force driven by the force of one yuan kept pouring into the worm's body, causing the flesh and blood in the latter's body to tremble and unable to exert force, but so Terrible power, but unable to destroy its body.

Lu Kun's copper bell-sized eyes were a little dignified, his hands alternated, and the body of the swallowing worm was pulled out of the ground.

Hong Yuntian was also assisting. Although the two sides didn't fight very much, the worm body alone could resist the strength of the two of them, which showed that their strength was terrifying.

The crystals of the ghost spirit are consumables for the magical power of the fusion. The more of these things, the more confident they will be to fight against the pseudo-gods.

As the worm body was pulled up, there was a loud rumbling sound from the ground, as if the worm body was covered with roots, which involved a lot of underground rocks.

There were bursts of terrified roars from the mouthparts of the swallowing worm, but in the face of Lu Kun's power of one yuan, it had no resistance, and the two souls in its body communicated anxiously.

"It's only been so many years, this guy can actually explode the strength of a demon king."

"What to do, the power of the insect king can only protect the body from being damaged, and cannot resist his power. If the insect body is pulled out, as long as the other party guards the exit, we will surely die."

"Swallowing the spirit, for today's plan, only by using the power of the sacred object to temporarily enhance the physical strength can we survive."

The soul that swallowed the spirit was obviously hesitant: "But this will deplete the source of the sacred object..."

The ants said eagerly: "The energy in the sacred object is sufficient, and it does not consume much. You take the initiative to control the flesh, and I will control the energy of the sacred object, and it will be too late to drag it on!"

The exchange of the two insect souls was completed in an instant, and then a special energy surged out, and the surface of the glass-colored insect body bloomed with a layer of gray brilliance.

Hong Yuntian was directly ejected, and even Lu Kun felt a strong force in his hand, gushing out from the opponent's flesh and blood, and the strength was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't even continue to pull the worm.

"This kind of power is the pure spiritual power in the crystal of the ghost spirit, wait, there is so much pride here, it's not good!"

Lu Kun thought of something, his face changed wildly, and he said eagerly: "Brother Hong, get out of here!"

When Hong Yuntian heard Lu Kun's words, he didn't hesitate at all, turning into a streamer and flashing upwards. He knew that Lu Kun's strength in this state was no less than that of ancient gods, and these strengths showed the appearance of a great enemy, absolutely not He can resist.

Lu Kun, on the other hand, took back the magic ape and turned it into a six-foot human figure, and then retreated.

Although the body was out of control, the brilliance of the body of the swallowing worm became brighter and brighter, and the arrogance around it also surged, as if it was greatly stimulated.

A pair of frightened small eyes appeared between the tentacles of the swallowing worm coral. As if he did not expect this change, a sharp mental force rolled and roared: "Ming Ant, you are crazy, and you have stimulated all the mental power."

The stronger and stronger mental energy rolled in the worm's body, the huge body of the dragon corpse trembled, and a group of light blue balls suddenly shot out from the dragon's head, exuding an incomparably amazing coercion, like going crazy. rushed into the body of the worm.

Time stood still at this moment, and the tumbling sea water around was in a stagnant state.


The next moment, the body of the swallowing worm exploded, and the sea water was evaporated into circles of gray-black mist, turning into circles of ripples, surging in all directions, filled with violent mental shock.

At the core of the explosion, a hollow eight-sided crystal lased out of the minced meat towards the hole below.

In the crystal, a phantom of a miniature ant could be vaguely seen, and a small insect was sandwiched between its jaw teeth. They seemed to be unaffected by the shock wave and fell into the hole below.

"This divine soul is the tenth-level ghost ant in the secret realm back then!"

Looking at this scene, Lu Kun didn't intend to stop the other party. Instead, the speed of the outward speed increased a bit. The spirit concealed the magical power and urged it with all his strength, and most of the blood in the whole body was indented into the internal organs.

He is very familiar with the surging consciousness shock wave, which is the by-product of his internal will, but what he uses is only a little pure spiritual power in the sacred worm, and other willpower is even rarer.

But now, the spirit-devouring worm used some kind of secret technique to activate a large amount of spiritual power in the sacred object, and a large group of spirits of will poured out from the dragon's corpse, and the shock wave generated was more than ten times. Not the slightest certainty to contend in the center of the explosion.

Hong Yuntian had already fled to a farther passage. Because he canceled his transformation and protected his internal organs with blood essence, he wasted time and was about to be overtaken by the shock wave.

"The meaning of arrogance is the will of the spiritual energy attribute, and the damage caused needs to be restored with the magic energy!"

Seeing this, Lu Kun gritted his teeth, and his body swelled rapidly.

Just after doing all this, he was swept away by the aftermath of the shock wave. If there was a substantial spiritual shock, he even bombarded his body on the rock wall of the upper passage with terrifying power.

Hong Yuntian, who was in the distance, turned his head to look, and there was a bit of worry flashing in his eyes.

"Brother Hong, don't look back, wait for this... hiss..."

Lu Kun's words stopped abruptly, his eyes became dazed, and the surrounding demon energy gathered together, forming a circle of apple-shaped lines outside the body, running through the body from the top of the head, the whole person was motionless and fell into silence.


In the underground rock passage, the ghost ants stubbornly bit the soul of the swallowing worm, and there were cracks in the eight-sided crystal outside it, as if it would be shattered by the shock wave of consciousness at any time.

Around, dozens of spirit-devouring insects are entangled in the surrounding rocks, they are entangled with each other, forming a vast root, stuck in the ground, but under the vibration of the shock wave of consciousness, the souls and internal organs of these giant insects are all shaken Broken, already dead.

The ghost ant's soul traveled nearly a hundred feet and came to the outside of his body. The body was wrapped in layers of small ants, and hundreds of them had already lay down on the ground.

"Fortunately, I was prepared early, and my body was not damaged."

The soul of the ghost ant trembled, and the crystals on the outside were shattered.

After a few breaths, the compound eyes of the ghost ants flickered a few times, and with the remaining clansmen, they fled towards the end of the passage, and the spirit in their minds was quite excited:

"This guy who swallows the spirit has no good intentions. If he really recaptures the sacred object, with the help of swallowing magical powers, he can lock my divine soul in his body. After a long time, it will definitely be swallowed."

"Thanks to this human race, it has put a lot of pressure on it, otherwise this guy would have motivated the holy artifact."

"The first batch of worms that failed, how would they know that the sacred objects of this clan and the primordial spirit of this immortal world will destroy each other and produce a terrifying spiritual shock wave. This kind of terrifying energy specially aimed at the internal organs and the soul, even if it is a worm Lord Wang, it is also difficult to resist."

"The destruction of the body, the power of the soul is greatly reduced, but I have the upper hand and control the origin of the soul in one fell swoop."

"Hmph, no matter how powerful the human body refiner is, how can he resist this kind of mental attack?"

Thinking of this, the tentacles of the ghost ants are all raised.

"This time, not only did I solve a big enemy, but I also gained the soul of the Spirit-Swallowing Mother Insect. Next, as long as I use the method I have learned to practice sneakily, I don't need sacred objects at all, and there is a great opportunity to advance to the Insect King. "

"At that time, I will find all the space cracks and communicate with the ancestors. Sooner or later, my army of worms will come again and completely occupy this special interface..."

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