The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1216 Windfall

Hong Yuntian stood on the seabed of the valley outside, looking at the scene a hundred meters away, with a bit of horror in his eyes.

The light blue water flow that had fallen down from above was now being hit by a blur of mist, and rolled upwards, and circles of invisible ripples rippled around.

Following this ripple, the worms turned out from the ground, and colorful fleshy mud flowed out of their mouths. Most of them died directly. Only the existence of level 8 or above was still convulsing in place.

And a large number of worms in the distance seemed to feel some kind of terrifying aura, and their red eyes were full of panic, desperately fleeing to the periphery.

Hong Yuntian felt the aftermath of the invisible spiritual force in the sea that seemed to destroy the soul, and remembered what the elders of the One Yuan Sect had said, he couldn't help muttering: "This kind of power seems to be like the self-destruction of the primordial spirit of the cultivator of the spirit transformation stage... "

Then his face changed: "No, Lu Kun..."

Hong Yuntian looked a little anxious. Although he knew that Lu Kun had the technique of concealing his soul, in the core area of ​​the self-destruction of the primordial spirit, it was extremely difficult for even a real cultivator to resist.

After dozens of breaths, the aftermath in front of him dissipated, and the light blue sea water at the mouth of the ground cave fell again.

Hong Yuntian hurriedly flew forward and re-entered the passage. Through the silver blood armor on the scales, he could sense the arrogance in the sea water.

He couldn't help but pick up the speed, and after a while, he saw a huge body of 30 feet high. Lu Kun was stuck on a rock wall at the bottom of the passage. The devil energy from all over his body poured in from the top of his head, and poured out from under his body. An apple-shaped black ball of light is formed outside the body.

Through the halo, Hong Yuntian saw the body's chest rise and fall slightly, he was relieved, there should be no danger to his life.

After his expression relaxed, he observed the surrounding demonic energy, showing a thoughtful expression: "Could this be the use of the heaven and earth's vitality to nurture the supernatural powers of the internal organs."

"To control the devil's vitality so finely, you need to rely on the magnified source radiation range of Faxiang Tiandi. For such magical powers, ordinary body repairs can only be used when they enter the late stage of bone transformation, and blood can be transformed into bones."

After half an hour, the demonic energy around Lu Kun gradually dissipated, and the three-zhang-tall body shrank to six feet in a creaking sound. Those eyes slowly opened, and the vision inside was slightly dim.

"Are you injured?" Hong Yuntian said.

Lu Kun shook his head, his chest vibrated, and his abdominal cavity made a sound:

"Although this shock wave of consciousness is terrifying, my internal organs have been tempered many times by it, and I have avoided the core of the explosion without hurting the source. As long as I nurture it with demonic energy for ten days, I can completely recover... "

Hong Yuntian was slightly taken aback and said: "The shock wave just now is the energy you used to temper your internal organs?"

Lu Kun nodded with a wry smile: "Yes, but I only mobilized a trace of spiritual power in the crystal of the ghost, and combined it with the will of the alien species, creating a small shock wave."

"I didn't expect that the worm directly exploded all the spiritual power in the crystal, attracting the spirit of will in the dragon's corpse, and its power was magnified dozens of times."

When he said this, he looked a little scared and said: "I thought this energy was only aimed at the soul and internal organs, but who would have thought that it would also impact the central nervous system of the brain."


Hearing this, Hong Yuntian glanced up and down at Lu Kun, and said with a strange expression: "Your spirit hides magical powers, and can you still protect your brain?"

Recalling the previous situation, Lu Kun shook his head and said, "It can only protect the soul. When I tempered the internal organs, the brain center also reacted a little, but it was not strong, but the shock wave just now almost blew the brain into pieces."

"At the juncture of life and death, I ran the secret method I studied with Brother Hong, using the spine as a bridge, and risked condensing the brain into the internal organs. Only then did I barely save the central nervous system."

"The soul of body repair can be stored in the spine, but without the brain, the nerves are equal to most of the necrosis. Even if they survive, they will not be able to exert the power of the body, which is equivalent to a living dead."

Hearing Lu Kun's words, Hong Yuntian was amazed and said, "Although we found a way to transfer the central nervous system of the brain at that time, we did not dare to try it easily."

"Flesh concentration is to differentiate brain cells into the skull, but this is to transfer the central nervous system to the internal organs. If there is an accident, the brain cells are likely to stay in the internal organs forever."

"Even in my liquid form, the liquid formed by the brain is concentrated in the depths alone..."

Lu Kun touched his head and breathed a sigh of relief: "The situation was critical at the time, so I didn't care so much. Fortunately, it was successful."

Then he thought of something, and a bit of excitement flashed in his eyes: "It's a blessing in disguise. The completion of the brain's concentration of internal organs means that the cultivation of the central nervous system is mostly successful."

When Hong Yuntian heard the words, his expression was also a little excited. When they were experimenting with the secret technique of fusion, they accidentally discovered that when the force of life came into contact with the brain cells, it could stimulate the central nervous system and improve the consciousness of the body.

Under normal circumstances, the force of life cannot directly flow into the brain.

So they combined their understanding of the physical body and found a secret technique that could transfer the brain through the bridge of the spine and transfer it to the internal organs. In this way, the force of life can train the internal organs and the central nervous system at the same time.

However, the risk of brain transfer is extremely high, and the two did not dare to try it lightly. Now, by chance, Lu Kun successfully transferred the brain. Can be raised with the body.

Although traditional cultivators and physical cultivators are both cultivating spiritual consciousness, they are fundamentally different.

The spiritual consciousness of physical cultivation is closely connected with the physical body, which can improve the perception and reaction speed of the physical body, so that the power can be fully exerted.

In the early stage of body training, the cultivation of the peripheral nervous system can elevate the consciousness to the level of the early stage of formation of elixir, and the cultivation of the spinal cord in the central nervous system can cultivate to the early stage of Nascent Soul, and the soul is stored in the spine.

Now what they have developed is the cultivation method of the central brain. With this method, the physical cultivation in the early stage of bone transformation can continue to improve the spiritual consciousness, and Lu Kun can also cultivate the spiritual consciousness and the physical body more closely.

Hong Yuntian said: "Your internal organs are injured, and the magic ape can't be used again. Let's quickly get the dragon corpse away to avoid extraneous branches. There may be other high-level worms in the maelstrom, which will be attracted."

Lu Kun sensed his weak internal organs, nodded and swam down.

After a while, the scene of the underground cave fell into the eyes of the two of them. Most of the blue light here dissipated, and the arrogance around them was greatly reduced. The dragon corpse was stuck on the edge of the pool under the explosion just now. From the appearance, it seems that there is no such thing. what damage.

Lu Kun landed on the back of the dragon's corpse and looked at the hole in the ground not far away. Through the broken restriction, he could barely see the bodies of many spirit-devouring insects, and some suddenly said: "There is a whole swarm of spirit-devouring insects below, no wonder Our strength cannot pull it out."

Hong Yuntian came to the entrance of the cave, frowned and said, "These worms are a bit ruthless. After finding out that they were defeated, they actually died and broke the net..."

Lu Kun narrowed his eyes and said, "If I'm not mistaken, there are two souls of the ghosts in the self-destructing spirit-devouring insects, and they escaped with the help of the crystal shell of the ghosts."

"The soul of the ghost ant seems to control the soul of the soul-devouring female worm. If I guess correctly, that ghost ant is the tenth-level ghost worm in the abyss of death."

Having said that, he said with a vigilant face: "The souls of the two ghost ants are both above the tenth level. If the other soul is swallowed, this ghost ant may be able to break through to a new level."

Hong Yuntian pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "In the world of cultivating the immortals, like the demons, they have to rely on the origin of their race to break through. The crystal of the underworld spirit has been destroyed, and this guy may not be able to break through to the insect king. "

Lu Kun also knew this. After thinking about it, he gave up the plan to kill and looked at the dragon corpse under his feet.

The magic energy surged in his body, separated a little mana, activated the magic, and wanted to put it into his ribs, but who knew that the blue light flickered on the dragon corpse, but there was no movement.

He snorted lightly, and then replaced it with magic power to perform the Art of Containment, but found that there was still no response, he hesitated and said: "Brother Hong, the magic power that I separated is only the peak of Foundation Establishment, and the consciousness can't be released, so I can't take this one. Dragon Corpse, try it."

Hong Yuntian took two steps forward, the blood and magic power in his body was surging, he pinched a magic trick with one hand, the dragon corpse swayed, and then it was the same as before, there was no other movement, he sensed the feedback of the spell , shook his head and said:

"The energy contained in the dragon corpse is too powerful. The blood and magic power is combined with the breakthrough of the power of life. In terms of the level of magic power, only the peak of the alchemy, I am afraid that it needs the mana of the great monk level to put away this dragon corpse..."

Lu Kun looked at the huge corpse and said with a headache, "Then try dissecting it..."

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