The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1217 Magical Bloodline

"Brother Hong, please take precautions, I will first investigate the flesh of this dragon corpse."

Hong Yuntian nodded, maintaining his demonic form, and landed beside the broken hole in the ground. At the same time, aura flashed in his hand, and he held the purple-gold magic axe in his palm.

The previous attack made him a lot more cautious, and he directly took out the magic weapon. Even if there is another ghost with divine power, he can still stand with it for a while when he bursts out with all his strength.

Lu Kun came to the position of the dragon's head, and a cloud of silver blood appeared in his hand, which divided into strands of blood mist, entered from the dragon's mouth, and spread to all parts of his body.

Then he closed his eyes and whispered while sensing, sharing the situation of the dragon corpse with Hong Yuntian.

"This dragon king's body is really weird, and there really isn't a trace of demonic energy in it."

"Most of the flesh and blood has turned into dead flesh similar to zombies, and it is filled with a lot of cold power. Only some flesh and blood close to the blood vessels, under the support of the powerful blood vessels, barely maintain their activity."

"Hey, its internal organs have suffered the mental shock just now, and it has been turned into blood, and there is still a pure magic breath in it, it seems that it has long been demonized."

"The dragon king's bone, the breath is very similar to the devil's bone, and contains a strong source of magic."

"Hey, it actually has a demon pill in its body!"

When Lu Kun said this, he opened his eyes. He turned the source power of his body, and the invisible power of the void penetrated from the dragon's mouth.

After a while, a fist-sized inner alchemy slowly emerged from it. It was gray and black, and there was no aura of demon spirit power in it, but it was filled with an extremely cold magic power.

Hong Yuntian sensed this aura, and the purple-black scales on his body suddenly trembled. He looked at the inner pill and exclaimed, "It turned out to be a ghost pill!"

When Lu Kun heard this, he looked at the dragon head in front of him and thought of the origin of the Great Maelstrom. He sighed, "It seems that this is a secret place for the Demon Race and the Underworld Zerg Race to transform the real dragon..."

While speaking, he threw out the inner alchemy in his hand.

Hong Yuntian held the dragon pill with one hand, feeling the excitement of the blood and blood magic and the flesh and blood of the demon, and muttered: "No wonder the essence of the demon reacts when entering this secret place, there really is the same source of underworld magic here. ."

"Its energy level has reached the tenth peak."

Lu Kun smiled and said, "Brother Hong, with the help of this thing, will greatly reduce the time it takes to condense the blood of the true demon. Directly extracting the magic power from this inner core is much more efficient than normal cultivation."


Hong Yuntian Zombie had a smile on his face, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, put it into it, turned it into a spiritual light, and sank into his chest.

His physical bones could not refine the storage magic weapon, and it was inconvenient to fight with a storage bracelet, so the Treasure Pavilion alone refined a storage magic weapon similar to the sternum, and wrapped it in the sternum.

Lu Kun turned his head to look at the dragon corpse, and said with some anxiety: "The body of this dragon king is so mixed, I don't know if the blood of the real dragon will be affected."

Hong Yuntian said: "The secret technique of extracting the source of blood is complicated. This is not a place for spellcasting. It is better to extract all its essence and blood first. Through its blood, you can also detect some situations."

Lu Kun nodded, qi and blood surged in his body, controlling the blood entering the dragon corpse.

After a while, the huge dragon corpse, which was more than twenty feet long, began to tremble, and bursts of powerful bloodlines rolled inside, and there were even dragon roars.

Lu Kun's expression was a little dignified, and more blood was expelled. Gradually, the power of qi and blood in the dragon's corpse began to subside, and the dragon's roar also disappeared.

He slowly pulled out his arm, and in the front of his palm, a huge silver ball with a diameter of two feet was suspended, and a cloud of dark golden blood was wrapped in it.

At the same time, the dragon corpse shrank slowly, the scales lost their luster, and the flesh and blood underneath also dried up, as if it had become a mummified corpse.

Lu Kun sensed the aura in the blood essence of the real dragon, and his expression was sometimes surprised, sometimes confused, and finally fell into contemplation.

Seeing this, Hong Yuntian couldn't help but ask, "But is there something wrong with this Dragon King's blood?"

Lu Kun didn't say anything, and was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "The blood in this dragon king's blood is very different from ordinary monsters. In some respects, it seems to be a bit like... my arm demon Ape blood!"

"Magic Ape?" Hong Yuntian was slightly taken aback.

Lu Kun put his silver blood into his body, leaving only the dark golden blood suspended in the palm of his hand, and the magic energy in the surrounding sea water gently rippling around, forming a halo.

He looked at this scene and explained: "In my induction, although the true dragon bloodline here has the meaning of pride, but the true devil's meaning is also in it, the two seem to be fighting in the bloodline, and the true devil's meaning is trying to Seize dominance.”

Having said that, he looked at the thin layer of water of true devil under the dragon's body.

"However, the magic pond is dry, and the meaning of the true devil is a rootless source. The arrogant meaning of the true dragon is supported by the primordial spirit and has the upper hand. Although it does not seem to have been successfully transformed by the demons, its degree seems to be higher than that of the past. Gibbons go deeper."

Hong Yuntian said in surprise:

"How do you see it? I know that the demonic ape of the year was a demon king who broke through during the transformation process. Not only did he escape from the control of the demons, but he also exploded with terrifying strength, setting off a storm in the demonic base camp. Bloody storm."

"I heard from the elders of Yiyuanzong that after this demon king broke through, he forcibly killed a demon king in the middle stage of the transformation of gods, and also contained a demon emperor. The combat power is invincible at the same level."

Lu Kun heard the rumors about the Demonic Ape from Fang Yuan, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce. He thought of his Demonic Ape turning into a magical power, and he pondered: "Brother Hong, we discussed before, the source of the magical power of the blood of the monster. , is to rely on the power of blood in the body to use the madness of blood inheritance in various ways."

"The bloodline characteristics of the pure gigantic giant ape is simply to increase its strength. According to the effect of the psychic giant arm, its physical strength is at least 50% higher than that of the monsters of the same rank."

He recalled that the golden giant ape he saw when he first crossed over was completely different from the black-haired devil ape, and his thoughts became clearer:

"If my judgment is correct, the gibbon monkey has not been infested with demonic energy. After it is transformed into the gibbon gibbon, the biggest change is that the bloodline can adapt to the meaning of true demons and be able to use it."

"The Heavenly Roaring Supernatural Power is a kind of bloodline supernatural power produced by the consumption of the true demon's meaning. I can perform the magic ape transformation, and the arm-opening magic ape can naturally also."

"This kind of magical power is a deeper use of the bloodline to the true devil's meaning, and it can double the power temporarily."

When Hong Yuntian heard this, his expression suddenly became stunned. From this point of view, the arm demon ape broke through to the demon queen, and not only possessed true essence in his body, but his physical strength might also have reached the level of the power of one element.

With the help of powerful real essence to counteract the reaction force, he can really exert his full power. Coupled with the control supernatural power of Tongtian Roar, he can indeed kill the Demon King by surprise.

He thought for a moment and said, "Isn't it possible to think that the Armored Demon Ape is in the primary stage of blood fusion with the meaning of the true devil, and the blood can adapt to the meaning of the true devil, and can use it to use it to display the magical powers of the blood."

"Since the Demon Race wants to transform it into a magical beast, the ultimate goal is naturally to make the meaning of true devil replace the meaning of madness, and completely integrate with the bloodline, thereby essentially becoming a monster in the world."

"And after the demon beast becomes the demon king, the primordial spirit appears in the inner alchemy. With the help of the primordial spirit, the spirit and vitality can be controlled, and the meaning of the true devil in the bloodline may also be able to control the devil's vitality."

Hearing this, Lu Kun was silent and said, "Brother Hong is right, the bloodline of the Armored Demon Ape is only adapted to the meaning of true demons, but it cannot be allowed to survive in it, otherwise I will not be able to block it with the method of blood condensing crystals. The true meaning of the devil."

He looked at the blood in his hand, and continued: "I just checked carefully, in this dragon king's blood, the true devil's meaning can survive for a long time, although it is a rootless source, it also shows that the degree of transformation is far higher. Back in the days of the Armed Demon Ape."

"But I can't figure out why the underworld insect race and the demon race are transformed together, so that the energy in its body is more mixed."

Hong Yuntian squinted his eyes and said: "The bloodthirsty meaning of the underworld zerg will destroy the original consciousness of the creatures. I think they are like transforming zombies in the past, wanting this dragon to become a war tool without self-consciousness."

"And the demons want to enslave each other, or absorb them into demons. There are many conflicts in the behavior of these two races. It may be that they are trying to find common ground for each other to transform this dragon king."

"Since the Demon Race and the Underworld Zerg Race can capture the real dragon alive, there must be a stronger person with a deeper cultivation base, and the dragon's corpse is still alive. This round of transformation may be interrupted by the last battle of the Great Maelstrom."

Lu Kun looked at the dragon corpse below, which looked like a mummified corpse, with a little respect in his eyes: "This dragon king who has awakened the true dragon bloodline is really powerful, even if he dies, the will of the primordial spirit not only fights against the will of the true demon, but also keeps rejecting the underworld. The bloodthirsty meaning of the Zerg."

"The bloodline has not been completely demonized, and the flesh has not become a walking corpse."

Then he thought of the monster that looked like a dragon that the Holy Demon King encountered back then, and sighed: "The devil must have kidnapped a lot of monsters back then, and now there are monsters that have been transformed successfully..."

Hong Yuntian said with a solemn expression: "In the past, when the elders of Taishang raised their ranks, in addition to supporting the upper realm, there is another purpose, which is to use this heaven-defying move to strengthen the power of the interface."

"In this way, even if the space seal is broken, the most demon kings in the early stage of God Transformation will appear. Even if the number is larger, today's Immortal Cultivation World can barely cope with it, but if there are high-level Warcraft that can stimulate the vitality of demon spirits at the same time..."

Lu Kun was silent for a while: "The seal is guarded by those gods, so there shouldn't be a problem. What we need to consider is how to strengthen our strength. I don't know why, as the Shattered Kingdom is approaching, the sense of crisis in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. "

Hong Yuntian raised his brows and said, "A sense of crisis? The strength of our combined magical powers is comparable to that of a god. In this world of cultivating immortals, there is more than enough to protect ourselves."

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Anyway, entering the later stage of bone transformation is the safest."

With a wave of his hand, a cloud of gray stone powder appeared in the sea water, wrapped the dark golden blood into a stone ball, put it in a stone box and put it away, with an inexplicable color flashing in his eyes:

"This time the harvest is not small, although I don't know if the origin of blood in the blood of the real dragon is useful, but the idea of ​​​​the demonic transformation of the bloodline has given me a bold idea on how to understand the power of will... "

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