The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1221 The Six Pavilions

Wei State, Yunling Mountains.

The top of the peak of the mountain gate of the Lianti Pavilion was surrounded by a hazy white mist, and the power of deep restraint was surging.

Below the fog is an open-air pavilion with seven figures sitting inside.

On the first seat is a man with a bald head and a horse face, Hong Yuntian, the first Great Elder of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

The other six are the elders with real power from the Body Refinement Pavilion, the person in charge of the Sixth Body Refinement Pavilion, Yue Longfei from Tianjian Pavilion, Fairy Fang Yuan from Hualing Pavilion, Du An from Poison Refinement Pavilion, and Qin Yushu from Treasure Treasure Pavilion. Huang Xiaoyun from the Five Elements Pavilion, and Li Qianfeng from the Refining Demon Pavilion.

Hong Yuntian's face was expressionless, and his eyes glanced around indifferently. Everyone felt a pressure unconsciously, even a great cultivator like Yue Longfei.

He said indifferently: "In the future, every hundred years, the Body Refinement Pavilion will hold a collective discussion, and the deputy pavilion masters of the six major pavilions will all participate to discuss the current problems faced by the Body Refinement Pavilion and the improvement measures."

"Although the development of the Body Refinement Pavilion has begun to take shape, due to the existence of the Body Refinement Cultivation Technique, it is coveted by the Great Zhou Xianmen, and the current energy of the pavilion owner is focused on cultivation, so the first session of the meeting was held. Hosted by this seat."

After everyone heard the words, their expressions were a little strange.

Yuan Ying cultivators like Yue Longfei and Fang Yuan joined at the beginning of the Body Refinement Pavilion to conquer the Wei Kingdom together. Suddenly, a strange cultivator appeared sitting on his head, and he felt a little bitter in his heart.

Huang Xiaoyun and Li Qianfeng knew the price Hong Yuntian paid for exploring the way of body refinement, and they also understood that the pavilion master was able to successfully walk out of the path of bone transformation.

In addition, his physical strength is second only to Lu Kun, but they have no idea and respect him very much in their hearts.

Hong Yuntian glanced at everyone, especially the Nascent Soul monks, and said lightly: "The biggest problem facing the Body Refinement Pavilion now is the threat from the Great Zhou faction. If they join forces to attack the Body Refinement Pavilion, we will use our The current strength is hard to resist.”

"The Six Pavilions of Body Refinement need certain changes to prepare for a possible war."

Hearing this, Yue Longfei hesitated and said: "Elder, in the past few decades, not only have there been a few more Bone Transformation Stage Body Cultivators in the Body Refinement Pavilion, but also a few more in the Nascent Soul Stage."

"There are more than 20 Yuan Ying-level existences, and more than 90 people at the stage of forming pills. In addition, there are pavilion masters that are comparable to gods, so Da Zhou Xianmen will not risk attacking."

Hong Yuntian snorted coldly: "Elder Yue, you underestimate the attractiveness of body training exercises."

"A hundred years ago, although Lu Kun frightened several false gods in Da Zhou, in that battle, he also exposed the supernatural power of one yuan power, which is even more terrifying than the power of orthodox gods. strength."

"This kind of power is not limited by geographical restrictions, and can also control the vitality of demon spirits at the same time. If this kind of cultivation method appeared in the ancient times, the Supreme Elders of the One Yuan Sect would probably snatch it in person."

"Not to mention Da Zhou's pseudo-transformation gods who rely on partial breakthroughs. The reason why they don't do it is that they are entangled by the Broken Nation. "

Yue Longfei was shocked when he heard it.

He only heard Lu Kun say that the power of one yuan can transform the power into the body, but he didn't expect it to be so defiant.

His cultivation base is getting deeper and deeper, and he has begun to find a way to break through. He knows that in the current world of immortality, he can only break through by the method of pseudo-god, and there are many defects. According to Hong Yuntian's description, the power of one yuan is stronger than that of the real soul. The force is even more terrifying, and it is conceivable that it attracts pseudo-gods.

Even if I told those old guys that it is difficult to get started with body training exercises over fifty years old, they probably wouldn't believe it. Thinking of the scene where several Da Zhou sects joined forces to attack, Yue Longfei couldn't help being silent.

Hong Yuntian looked at everyone's worried expression and said slowly: "In addition to Lu Kun's own magical powers, this seat and him have also created a new joint secret technique, which is comparable to the real powerhouse."

"If there is a war, we can find a way to force those pseudo-gods not to fight. The key to the war is the battle between the Nascent Soul Stage and the Core Formation Stage."

Speaking of which, several jade slips appeared in his hand, turned into streamers, and flew to several elders of the Yuan Ying stage: "These are the secret techniques of the Yuan Sect that I remember, and they are of great help to the traditional line of cultivating immortals."

Yue Longfei caught the jade slip, his consciousness swept away slightly, and his pupils could not help shrinking. The first secret technique that entered his eyes was called "the technique of nourishing the five qi".

This is a secret technique that uses a special formation to guide the spiritual energy of the five elements to nurture the meridians. Although it only works on immortal practitioners below the Nascent Soul, if enough resources and time are spent, it can even be upgraded to carry the power of the Nascent Soul. level.

Today's Tianjian Pavilion is a bit embarrassing. The magic sword art created by Dugu Yiming is powerful, but it is extremely difficult to cultivate. It has certain requirements on spiritual roots and physique.

And not everyone has the pure and powerful sword intent magic power like Dugu Yiming. Among the new generation of disciples, many of them were killed by the qi and blood magic when they were sacrificing the qi and blood demon sword embryo.

Heavenly Sword Pavilion only has top-qualified disciples who practice the magic sword art, and the rest of the traditional swordsmen are still practicing the heavenly sword art.

Lu Kun's method of strengthening the meridians with the essence of one's own flesh and blood can only be used once in a sword cultivator's life. If it complements this technique of nourishing the meridians with five qi, more traditional sword cultivators will enter the elixir stage and Infant period.

In addition to this method, there are also many battle formations in the jade slips that cultivators have joined together, and Yue Longfei is amazed.

In Fairy Fang Yuan's jade slip, there is a formation called "Blood Essence Differentiation Formation", which can transfer the blood of high-level monsters to lower-level monsters through the power of the formation. , and there are many secret techniques related to monsters.

The jade slips given to the Treasure Pavilion are some artifact refining methods. Although they are relatively basic miniature arrays, the unique method of depicting the consciousness inside makes Qin Yushu refreshing.

As for the jade slip in Du An's hand, it is the art of refining poison, and the poison involved in it can only threaten the stage of forming a pill.

Hong Yuntian waited for a while, then said: "I studied the body training in the Yuan Zong, and I didn't read many secrets, but these can improve the strength of the disciples of this pavilion in a short time."

Yue Longfei stood up and said in a slightly respectful tone: "Thank you, the elders, for giving the law. With this technique of nourishing the five qi, it is difficult to say for the swordsman in the Nascent Soul stage, but there must be more swordsmen in the elixir stage."

Speaking of which, he looked a little hesitant and said, "But the Great Elder, in this way, the disciples of the traditional swordsmanship of Tianjiange will develop more than the disciples who practice swordsmanship..."

Hong Yuntian waved his hand and said: "You don't have to worry, this involves the change of this seat."

He raised a finger: "First of all, all the disciples in the Tianjian Pavilion are transferred to Wuxing Pavilion. In the future, Tianjian Pavilion will only develop traditional swordsmanship. trick."

Looking at Yue Longfei's expression of wanting to stop talking, Hong Yuntian continued:

"You must be wondering why this seat is vigorously developing traditional swordsmanship. In fact, it is very simple. Physical training disciples have a fatal weakness, which is the lack of long-range attack methods. If there is a sect war, this point is likely to be used."

"Traditional sword cultivators have the ultimate long-range attack power. Only when the two cooperate with each other can they maximize their combat effectiveness. Therefore, the traditional sword cultivator line of Tianjian Pavilion cannot be weakened, and must develop together with body cultivators."

"In addition to improving the most basic cultivation level, Tianjian Pavilion's focus should be placed in two directions. One is to find the ultimate long-range attack magic power, and the second is to study the sword formation combined with the disciples of the sword body."

While speaking, Hong Yuntian threw another jade slip to Yue Longfei and said, "These are some plans of this seat. If Elder Yue has no objection, just go ahead and implement them."

Yue Longfei took the jade slip, and while looking at the detailed plan inside, he sighed in his heart that Hong Yuntian's words could be said to have touched his heart.

Deep down, this sword cultivator still prefers traditional sword cultivators, and these measures are completely in line with his ideas.

The grudge against Hong Yuntian in his heart was completely dissipated, and he said respectfully, "Follow the decree of the Great Elder."

Hong Yuntian could naturally see the change in Yue Longfei's attitude, nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Fairy Fang Yuan.

"This seat and the pavilion master have already discussed the breakthrough direction of refining the body and transforming the gods, and the spirit pavilion needs to adjust the target according to one of the directions."

Fang Yuan heard the words "refining the body and transforming into a god", and said with an excited expression: "Elder, please speak."

Hong Yuntian said: "One direction of body refining is to comprehend the power of will. Let's not talk about this for the time being, and the other direction is to directly raise the power of the flesh to two million, forcibly breaking through to the level of the power of one yuan."

"The difficulty of breaking through in this direction is no less than comprehending the power of will. It requires extremely powerful talents. Like Xiaoyun and the others entering the late stage of bone transformation, the power of the body is at most over one million pounds."

"Only a pavilion master with a strong foundation of strength can achieve 1.8 million catties in the late stage of bone transformation. It only needs to increase another 200,000 catties to reach the limit of one yuan of power."

Fang Yuan glanced at the jade slip in her hand, thinking of the "Blood Essence Differentiation Formation" inside, and her expression changed, "The pavilion master has the bloodline of the giant ape, so he has such a powerful foundation of strength."

"Ordinary physique practitioners need to have similar bloodlines in order to do this. What does the elder mean to let Hualing Pavilion study higher bloodlines?"

Hong Yuntian smiled slightly: "Yes, the goal of Hualing Pavilion in the future is to find or create a half-demon bloodline with power talents."

"If it is successful, then the physical cultivation of the Yaoling Art will be a group of disciples with a strong foundation of strength. In the future, they will have the opportunity to forcibly break through to the divine transformation with the power of the flesh."

"If you practice the exercises, the Hualing Jue and the Yaoling Jue coexist. The former mainly cultivates monsters and studies the formation of fusion blood, while the latter continues to deduce the Yaoling Jue."

Having said that, he also threw out a jade slip and said, "This is the experience of this seat and the pavilion master in studying blood, and there are some specific implementation strategies, you can take it for reference."

"Yes, Great Elder."

"The mission of the Five Elements Pavilion remains the same, to steadily develop the disciples of physical cultivation. As for the disciples with disabilities, other disciples who want to get started will accept it as well. In the event of a war, the disciples of the physical cultivation will benefit the most."

"Disciple understands!"

"The Poison Refinement Pavilion is still the same as before, responsible for making various poisons for body cultivation..."

Finally, Hong Yuntian turned to look at Qin Yushu, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Elder Qin, everything in the Treasure Pavilion is the same as before, but now there is an important task for you."

Qin Yushu quickly said respectfully, "Elder, please instruct me."

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "This seat needs you to make overall arrangements, gather the strength of the whole body of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and prepare the materials for a magic weapon."

Qin Yushu was taken aback for a moment: "A material for a magic weapon? Gather the power of the whole faction?"

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