The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1222 War Treasure System

Not only Qin Yushu, but everyone present was stunned. Now, the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is the highest in the Southwest Xiu Xian world. Mobilize all disciples.

Qin Yushu pondered and said: "Dare to ask the great elder, what kind of magic weapon we want to refine, whether the material is difficult to find or the refining process is cumbersome."

Hong Yuntian waved one hand, threw a jade slip over, and said calmly: "This is what the pavilion master gave me half a month ago. After he leaves the customs, he will try to refine a piece that is comparable to a heavenly treasure. War treasure."

"What, Tongtian Lingbao!"

"The pavilion master can actually refine such treasures."

Everyone showed inconceivable expressions. The Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure was the most powerful magic weapon in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. The Primordial Infant cultivator possessed such a treasure, and he could even produce a divine-level energy-transforming form.

Now the Southwest Chamber of Commerce is gradually getting in touch with Fangshi in Dazhou. They know that such top-level treasures are only available in the sects before Dazhou. Except for the magic dragon blade that Lu Kun took away, the others are in the hands of monks in the spiritual transformation period. inside.

Moreover, according to rumors, Tongtian Lingbao is handed down from the ancient times from the Great Zhou Xianmen, and I have never heard that today's spiritual monks can refine them, and most of them are imitation Lingbao.

Hearing Hong Yuntian's words, they even had some doubts about their ears. The pavilion master wanted to refine such treasures, and it was also a war treasure. Obviously, the art of refining tools had reached a state that they could not imagine.

Hong Yuntian looked at everyone's expressions and shook his head slightly: "The pavilion master is not refining it out of thin air, but transforming it on the basis of the magic dragon blade."

"Although he can use this magic knife, the magic energy of the body repair and the source power of the body are extremely overbearing, and every use will cause a certain amount of damage to it."

"This guy has a deep fortune. In addition to the Demon Emperor's corpse, he also has a lot of materials that are almost extinct in the world of immortal cultivation. Only then can he have the opportunity to transform the Demon Dragon Blade into a heaven-penetrating battle treasure."

"And whether this refining is successful or not, it is an excellent experience for Lu Kun, and it is related to his speculation on the way of physical cultivation to generate the power of will."

"Training the body is like refining a tool. Master wants to use this to deduce the way to refine the body and transform it into a god!" Huang Xiaoyun showed a bit of surprise.

Yue Longfei said with a condensed expression: "Elder, Yue has a question, if the pavilion master fails to refine, will the magic dragon blade be destroyed because of it."

Hong Yuntian said in silence: "According to Lu Kun's method, failure means that this magic knife is completely damaged, but you don't have to worry, as long as this seat and the pavilion master are together and fight together, they also have the power of transforming gods, and even Outbreaks last longer."

Then he said with a slightly emotional expression: "This guy is really brave, even in Yuanzong, no one dares to test a rare Heaven-reaching Magic Treasure."

Everyone nodded in agreement, not talking about Hong Yuntian, they felt distressed just listening to it.

Hong Yuntian said with a straight face: "Let's get down to business, Elder Qin, when you see the contents of the jade slip, you should know why you gathered the power of the whole faction."

Qin Yushu has been investigating the jade slips. Hearing this, he raised his head and said with a look of amazement in his expression: "I didn't expect the refining of Tongtian Lingbao, the preparation of materials alone, would be so complicated."

"The required materials are those special spiritual materials that have been refined many times. Only in this way can we carry the power of the energy transformation."

"The battle treasure that the pavilion mainly refines, due to the special properties of magic energy, it needs to contain the attributes of the five elements and the magic attribute.

"There are so many spiritual materials, not to mention the collection of raw materials, if only refining, a great cultivator refining day and night, I am afraid it will take nearly two hundred years."

Hong Yuntian calculated with his fingers: "The pavilion master is preparing to attack the bottleneck in the later stage of bone transformation. According to my estimate, it will take a year at most to exit the customs, so these spiritual materials need to be prepared within a year."

He said in a serious tone: "In less than four years, this seat and the pavilion master will go to the Broken Country."

"If this Tongtian War Treasure can be successfully refined, not only will we not be in danger this time, but we can even completely suppress the old guys in Da Zhou and make them completely give up their thoughts."

He looked at Qin Yushu and said, "It would take a lot of manpower and time to prepare the materials for the One Yuan Sect, but the refining technique of the Body Refinement Pavilion is very special, and every body cultivator can participate in the refining of spiritual materials. Come in, if the arrangement is reasonable, a year should be enough."

Qin Yushu's expression was solemn and did not answer. Instead, he carefully read the contents of the jade slip. The palm of the jade slip trembled slightly. The complex and numerous spiritual materials in it made the principal of the Treasure Pavilion feel a heavy pressure. .

He knew about the spiritual material of the magic weapon, but only some special treasures with special magical powers needed it, and the spiritual material used would not exceed one kilogram.

But in this jade slip, the iron essence alone is as much as ten kilograms. This simplest spiritual material, ordinary cultivators in the formation stage extract from thousands of kilograms of iron essence, and it takes about ten years to extract six. Seven or two.

This is still the case for one spiritual material, let alone other things. According to Qin Yushu's estimation, if the Pavilion Master's Heaven-penetrating War Treasure is successfully refined, it may weigh tens of thousands of kilograms.

After a stick of incense passed, Qin Yushu took a deep breath and said, "Elder, if you want to do this, you must not only cultivate alone, but also participate in the cultivation of the Fa. Otherwise, I am not sure that it will be completed within a year."

With a big wave of Hong Yuntian's hand, a jade talisman appeared in front of him, with a flash of spiritual light on it, and with a bit of frenzied will, everyone present felt that the soul had a special response to it.

"This is a decree drawn by this seat on the mountain of oath. As long as this decree is activated, the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion will feel it. No one can refuse the task related to preparing spiritual materials."

The Mountain of Oaths in the Body Refinement Pavilion has many wonderful uses. The authority of each elder and pavilion master can engrave decrees through the Mountain of Oaths and arrange for disciples to do things.

Qin Yushu respectfully accepted the decree, clasped his fists and said, "This disciple is going to arrange the collection of raw materials. It takes a few elders to go to several major markets."

"Okay, Elder Qin can make arrangements."

"I'm waiting for my full help."

The pavilion master took the risk of damaging the magic treasure to refine the treasure, and they naturally couldn't hold back.

After discussing for a while, they made arrangements. Yue Longfei brought Pan Yan and went to Da Zhou to purchase the main materials. The two attacked and defended, and the security was greatly increased. Fairy Fang Yuan went to Chu State, while Li Qianfeng and Du An and the others Collect magic materials in Qi State.


After a while, only Huang Xiaoyun and Hong Yuntian were left in the open-air attic.

Huang Xiaoyun hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Elder, does the Heaven-reaching Battle Treasure that Master wants to refine, can make the bone-transformation stage body repair, and display the Void Condensing Primordial Divine Ability."

Hong Yuntian nodded and said: "Yes, in the name of Tongtian, naturally the characteristics of Tongtian Lingbao are the same, but it can be motivated only after the cultivation of the late bone transformation."

He paused and said, "Actually, the new war treasure created by the pavilion master is only a mid-level war treasure. With the help of the special magic treasure of the Demon Dragon Blade, it is possible to use the special magical power of the Heaven-penetrating War Treasure."

Huang Xiaoyun asked curiously, "Intermediate War Treasures, are there still beginners and higher ones?"

The battle treasure was created by Lu Kun, a special weapon that matches the body repair, but they don't have many opportunities to use it in actual combat.

The physical body of physical cultivation is the most powerful magic weapon. Unless the enemy and the enemy are evenly matched, or the enemy is extremely strong, the war treasure is used to help.

Hong Yuntian pondered and said: "This is the classification of war treasures summed up by this seat. The first-level war treasures are actually the transfer of the source force combat skills to the magic weapons, so that the body repair has an additional combat skill in the battle, and at the same time increases the Physical training's long-range attack method."

"And the middle-level magic weapon, on the basis of it, can also strengthen the absorption ability of the body repair to the vitality of the sky and the earth."

"Arouse the vitality of heaven and earth?" Huang Xiaoyun's eyes couldn't help but light up, even if the ordinary body cultivator reached the middle stage of bone transformation, he couldn't use the combat technique of Jeet Kune, let alone stimulate the vitality of heaven and earth.

Hong Yuntian glanced at him and said, "Don't think too much, according to your master's inference, the middle-level war treasure can only be motivated by the cultivation of the late stage of bone transformation."

"The late stage of bone transformation..." Huang Xiaoyun's face collapsed. He has been in the bone transformation stage for almost a hundred years. Even if it goes well, it will take thirty or forty years before he has the opportunity to try to break through. The later stage of bone transformation is even more distant.

Hong Yuntian continued: "The refining principle of the intermediate-level war treasure is similar to that of the first-level war treasure, but with the injection of blood magic energy, it can become as large as the magical power of the world. In this state, the war treasure and the physical body of physical cultivation , connected by blood, as one."

Huang Xiaoyun pondered for a while, and murmured: "Disciple understands, the supernatural power of the middle-level war treasure can be said to expand the scope of the body cultivation source force field from another perspective, and the natural energy of the heavens and the earth will naturally increase."

"In other words, a mid-level war treasure is a small magical power of heaven and earth."

Hong Yuntian nodded and said: "The bigger the war treasure is, the more the energy of heaven and earth will be absorbed. If you use the medium-level war treasure after casting the magic, the attack power that will burst can almost reach the extreme of a great cultivator. ."

"However, the consumption of these two magical powers is astonishing, and they cannot last for too long. Moreover, huge weapons are not as flexible as small war treasures."

As a disciple of Lu Kun, Huang Xiaoyun was very familiar with several realms of bone metamorphosis, and quickly understood its principles, and nodded frequently.

Hong Yuntian continued: "As for the high-level war treasure, that is, the Tongtian war treasure, it is refined on the basis of the middle-level war treasure, but there is more bloodline willpower that the pavilion master guessed."

"Blood Will?"

"If the middle-level war treasure is the body of the high-level war treasure, then the bloodline will is its internal organs. With this will and the pavilion master's millions of kilograms of source power, theoretically, you can use the magic dragon blade to display the void congealing essence. Supernatural."

"The most difficult part of refining this time is the smelting of the bloodline will. If it is successful, it means that the bloodline will can also be smelted in the body of the body. This is a breakthrough way of refining the body and turning it into a god."

"Melting the will in the blood..." Huang Xiaoyun heard this, combined with his own cultivation path, various thoughts surged in his mind.

Seeing this, Hong Yuntian snorted coldly: "Don't be too ambitious, your current goal is to find a way to enter the middle stage of bone transformation. This kid Pan Yan will leave the Gorefiend Mountains immediately. Just in case, you can go there and sit in town."

Huang Xiaoyun's expression froze, and he said respectfully, "Yes, Great Elder."

After speaking, it turned into a golden light and left the attic.

Hong Yuntian slowly stood up, looked at Mo Yuan deep in the Yunling Mountains, and murmured, "Before you retreat, let this seat start preparing the materials for the refining, so it seems that this time the bottleneck is not guaranteed. Small."

"I don't know what kind of changes will be made to the body repair in the later stage of bone transformation and the magical powers..."

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