The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1223 Risks and Choices

Yunling Mountains Demon Abyss, Rongyuan Demon Cave.

This cave full of demonic aura, at some point in time, was filled with pale silver blood mist. These mists exude the power of fiery Qi and blood, like the heat wave of a volcano, rolling outwards continuously, hitting the rock wall, and sending out a There is only the sound of the waves that exist on the sea.

Lu Kun's six-foot body was crawling in the center of the wave, muscles twitching violently all over his body, and a hot silver mist of blood continuously evaporated from the pores of his skin.

As time passed, the thick silver blood mist in the cave seemed to be attracted in some way and began to shrink inwards, surrounding him within four feet of his body, forming a mass of silver eggshells.

Suddenly, Lu Kun's body changed strangely. His limbs sometimes elongated and sometimes shortened. Several finger bones changed constantly. Sometimes they turned into hooks several feet long, and sometimes they shrank to the size of an earthworm. Even smaller.

Its head is even more hideous. The left and right sides are asymmetrically wrinkled and enlarged. The right eye is even torn into a long strip by the changed skull, and the corner of the mouth is also grinned to the ear, which is very scary.

At the same time as the deformity of his bones changed, a bulge appeared in each joint, as if something was about to break free from it.


Lu Kun didn't seem to be able to bear it anymore, he stood up suddenly, his cracked mouth roared in pain, his teeth burst out, like a monster with a bloody mouth.

With this roar, the bones in his body stopped changing, and the eggshell-shaped silver blood mist around his body seemed to be stimulated and began to twist.

The tiny silver blood particles gathered together, and gradually formed an ape that was more than ten feet tall. The sturdy arm that took up half of the body, and the incomparably majestic body exuded an ancient prehistoric atmosphere. .

At the same time, Lu Kun's body trembled slightly and floated without gravity, just in the ape's chest.

The surrounding aura was also attracted and gathered towards the giant ape phantom. For some reason, the milky white aura shone with colorful luster.

With the infusion of colorful spiritual energy, the phantom of the ape became clearer, the hair turned from bloody silver to pale gold, and the exposed skin on the face and chest turned dark brown, and the eyes were dark brown. It was even more flickering with golden light, and the monkey's face was full of wild colors, and the momentum was amazing.

After a while, the surrounding demonic energy also trembled, like a long black snake, submerging into the golden giant ape, the ape's wild and domineering face twisted, becoming extremely ferocious, and suddenly became fierce.

The golden hair on its body quickly turned pitch black, and after a few breaths, it turned into a black magic ape, and its aura became deeper and deeper.

The water of the magic pond not far away, after feeling this breath, rolled like boiling water, and strands of violent willpower spontaneously gathered towards this magic ape.

As if injected with some kind of energy, the black magic ape swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, one zhang, two zhang, and a full three zhang high, its facial expression became more and more brutal, pale golden eyes, full of tyranny. Color, the momentum has reached its peak.

But at this moment, a more vigorous energy of qi and blood suddenly surged out of his chest, exuding a mighty power that was no less than that of this devil ape.


In the silent cave, there was a sudden sound of a broken mirror, and the surface of the black-haired skin of the demon ape suddenly appeared several small cracks, and a dazzling silver light penetrated from it.

"Damn, it really will, what should I do, there is only one barrier to the breakthrough..."

Lu Kun's voice came out of the Demon Ape. He hesitated at first, but in the end, his tone became firm again.

"No, now is not the time!"

With these words, the surging power of qi and blood gradually subsided, the silver light from the cracks on the surface of the black demon ape dimmed, and the demonic aura spread outward. .

With a "thump", Lu Kun fell to the ground, his body shape completely returned to normal, and the silver blood mist disappeared.

He felt the situation in his body, his brows were furrowed, and he murmured.

"When we entered the middle stage of the bone transformation, a small part of the bloodline of the arm demon ape was compatible with the bloodline of the human race, and the feeling of being connected with the bloodline of Xiaojin also weakened a lot."

"The feeling just now should be correct. If I succeed in breaking through and reach the physical cultivation level in the late stage of bone transformation, the blood of the demon ape will be completely integrated with the blood of the human race, right..."

Lu Kun recalled how he felt before, and his pupils could not help shrinking.

"It should be said... the blood of the human race will devour the blood of the demon ape. After practicing for so many years, my Lu Kun's qi and blood are powerful, even the arm demon ape can't compare."

"When I first entered the middle stage of bone transformation, flesh and blood were transferred to each other, and the arm-tong supernatural power disappeared because of the fusion of a small part of the blood. Only Tongtian Roar and Demon Ape Transformation were left with supernatural powers that used the meaning of true demons."

"If you enter the late stage of bone transformation, these two magical powers may also..."

Lu Kun's expression was very complicated. If he was alone, he would not hesitate to run the blood all over his body to attack the last periosteal barrier, at least 70% of which would be successful.

But as the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, he has thousands of disciples, and the cultivation technique is coveted by the top immortals, so he has to worry more.

Although the combined magical powers of Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian can last for a quarter of an hour, they have many flaws.

That thin one-foot source force field can only barely condense vitality into the surface of the body, and there is no way to use vitality combat skills, let alone the void condensing vitality.

He has fought with the old guys from Da Zhou, and he knows very well that if there is no threat to the explosive power of the pseudo-god, it only takes two or three old guys to join forces to kill him.

And if there is a magic ape-turning supernatural power in hand, with his current visceral strength greatly improved, the supernatural power of Void Condensation can be used twice without overdrafting.

Even if you don't use the magic dragon blade, the powerful capture ability of the power of one yuan can suppress the power of the pseudo-god in a short time.

"The strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is not enough to disdain the world of immortal cultivation. For the sake of safety, it is better to suppress the breakthrough and try again after the end of the broken state."

"Although the origin of the blood of the true dragon has been refined over the years, the blood concentration has increased by 20%, but when the blood hits the outer layer of the compact bone, the stamina is still somewhat lacking, and there is a certain possibility of failure to break through."

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Brother Hong said that the One Yuan Sect once left behind the blood of the giant ape. Based on Xiaojin and I's perception, we might be able to find it in the Shattered Nation and make a breakthrough."

He touched his chin and pondered in his heart: "The transformation of the demon ape is a kind of use of the blood of the demon ape to the true demon. If it is compatible with the blood of the human race, this kind of utilization ability will be weakened a lot, the human race will be weakened a lot. if……"

Lu Kun had some headaches. He really couldn't think of any magical powers inherited by the human race. The human race's physical foundation can be said to be the weakest among several races.

His expression was a little irritable, and he was pacing back and forth in the cave with his hands on his back. Not long after, he suddenly thought of something, raised his hand to open the stone door of the Rongyuan Demon Cave, and his consciousness poked out.

He quickly sensed that a sound transmission was suspended outside the cave, he glanced at it, and he made a decision in his heart.

"It's only been three months, and they still need more than half a year to prepare the spiritual materials. During this time, they need to store more blood essence and ponder the refining of Tongtian War Treasure."

"If the refining is successful, then after I enter the late stage of bone transformation, I will have a new trump card."

So, Lu Kun sat cross-legged, qi and blood in his body rolled, and he spat out a cloud of silver blood, which did not sink into the jade bottle that appeared in front of him. He then ran the body training method, absorbed the magic spirit into the depths of the bone marrow, and began to generate blood...

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