The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1224 Soul Protection Orb

A middle-aged man in a black robe was flying fast over the Zhongzhou of Wei State. The light black aura seemed to contain incomparably thick mana, but he was not ostentatious, his aura was restrained and not exposed.

This person is the Great Elder of the Lieyang Sect of the Chu Kingdom, the Daojun Heiyan with the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul.

While flying in the direction of the Yunling Mountains, he scanned the places he passed with his huge divine sense, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"The Jiang Xianzi I met before is a newly promoted swordsman in the Yuanying period. There are four Yuanying monks in Tianjian Pavilion, and even a big monk like Yue Longfei."

"And along the way, I also met seven or eight Pill Sword Cultivators."

"The strength of this sub-pavilion is like this. It is said that there are six major sub-pavilions in the body-refining pavilion. There is a lot of physical training for the physical body, and there are strong people like Lu pavilion that are comparable to gods..." Hei Yan Daojun speculated that the training The strength of the body pavilion is secretly startled.

He calmed down, a simple jade pendant appeared in his hand, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes.

"Listening to Pavilion Master Lu's message, I want to use my strange fire to refine a magic weapon, but the strange fire is too overbearing and not suitable for refining weapons at all. It is impossible for him to not know this."

Daojun Heiyan didn't know why, but suddenly thought of the shocking brick that appeared in Lu Kun's hands.

"Is it a special magic weapon for body training?"

After thinking about it, he gradually passed through Zhongzhou and came to the Yunling Mountains. In front of him was a thick, light-black mist, with a mysterious force of prohibition surging in it. It was obviously some kind of powerful prohibition formation.

Daojun Hei Yan's escape light stopped outside the fog. He didn't have the pressure of amplifying the monks. He honestly took out a sound transmission, whispered a few times, and threw it in.

He sighed in his heart. If he was in Chu, Daojun Heiyan would walk sideways wherever he went, but in the mountain gate of the Refinement Pavilion, he did not dare to be presumptuous at all.

Not to mention that a ray of soul is controlled by Lu Kun, with the strength of the other party, he has no resistance.

"Haha, if it wasn't for Junior Sister Jiang's message, Qin would not have known that fellow Daoist Hei Yan had arrived so soon." With a hearty laugh, the light black mist opened a gap, and Qin Yushu flew out slowly.

Daojun Heiyan looked at it and cupped his hands: "It turned out to be fellow Daoist Qin. I have heard for a long time that fellow Daoist is proficient in the art of refining weapons. It seems that this time I can see it with my own eyes."

Qin Yushu smiled and said, "This time Qin is also an assistant. The real refiner is the pavilion master."

"Lord Lu?"

Qin Yushu made a gesture of invitation and entered the Yunling Mountains with Daojun Heiyan, and said in his mouth: "Qin's artifact refining technique is only taught by the elders, and compared with the pavilion master, it is a lot worse. ."

Daojun Heiyan couldn't help but be more puzzled: "If I remember correctly, the pavilion master has special magical powers, and many spells can never be used. If the refining tool..."

Qin Yushu smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know when the time comes. Qin Mou will first introduce to fellow Taoists that the Yunling Mountains used to be the residence of the Demon Spirit Gate, and now it is the main mountain gate of the Refinement Pavilion, where is..."

Afterwards, in Qin Yushu's words, they went deep into the Yunling Mountains. On the way, they would encounter disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion from time to time. All of these people were strong and strong, and even female cultivators had clear muscle lines on their bodies.

Hei Yan Daojun looked at the coming and going of body repairs, and felt a breath of vitality, and he found a strange phenomenon, only when the body repair was flying, the mana aura was revealed, and those who were running in the mountains Human, he could not perceive the mana level of the other party, just like a mortal.

Although his consciousness was only swept away without careful investigation, he was a great cultivator. Could it be that hiding mana is also a characteristic of body training?

"The Yunling Mountains are the devil's veins. The body repair I just encountered revealed the aura of mana, and there was no magic power. Why did you choose this place as the mountain gate?"

The more he saw, the more doubts appeared in Hei Yan's heart.


Both of them were monks in the Yuan Ying period. Under Qin Yushu's lead, they soon came to Moyuan deep in the back mountain.

Over the abyss filled with rich demonic energy, a dark yellow mist shrouded in it, exuding a strong earth-attribute aura.

Daojun Heiyan sensed it, and his face changed slightly: "Is this the Qi of Xuanhuang?"

"That's right."

Qin Yushu nodded, there was a magic plate in his hand, he played a few magic tricks, and forced a drop of blood essence into it.

After a while, the black and yellow aura mixed with demonic energy seemed to be pushed aside by two big hands and shrunk downward, revealing a feasible passage for two people in the center of the abyss.

Qin Yushu said with a serious expression: "Fellow Daoist Heiyan, the Demon Abyss is where the pavilion master's cave dwelling is located. The forbidding power is amazing, follow me closely, don't stay away, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will lose your bones..."

Daojun Heiyan froze in his heart, he didn't dare to be careless, and flew forward following Qin Yushu.

He looked around carefully and found that there were gray rocks on the cliffs.

"This seems to be the Broken Dragon Stone, the same as the one at the bottom of Horseshoe Mountain, but how can restrictions be placed here?"

He turned his eyes and looked out of the passage, and found that the black and yellow aura there was very tight, as if it was solidified by some kind of force. Apart from that, there was no restraint. He couldn't help thinking of Lu Kun's terrifying invisible power. .

"If it is squeezed in, it is equivalent to bearing the supernatural power of Pavilion Master Lu, as well as the gravity of Xuanhuang Qi, this..."

Daojun Heiyan's pupils shrank, and he stopped investigating. He followed Qin Yushu to the bottom of the abyss and landed in front of an ordinary stone house.

"Pavilion Master, fellow Daoist Hei Yan has come." Qin Yushu said loudly.

As if hearing this sentence, the door of the stone house opened directly, and the inside was empty, with only one stone-stair passage leading to the underground.

"Friend please."

Qin Yushu stepped forward first, and Daojun Heiyan followed closely and walked into the stone steps passage.

"This is also the Dragon Broken Stone?"

Daojun Heiyan was walking in the passage. He looked at the Broken Dragon Stones around him. For some reason, he thought of the scene in the abyss outside.

If in the passage of the Broken Dragon Stone, pavilion master Lu's supernatural power suddenly spews out...

Thinking of this, a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and at this moment, a cold voice came from the other side of the passage.

"Lu Kun, you are 70% sure that you have retreated. As a cultivator, especially in physical training, you should have the courage to move forward. If you are so timid, it will only be more difficult to hit the bottleneck next time."

Hei Yan Daojun heard this sentence, he was shocked, who was talking, and dared to reprimand Pavilion Master Lu.

breakthrough? Seventy percent sure?

Could it be a breakthrough in the Divine Transformation Stage?

Don't say 70%, even if it's 10%, Daojun Heiyan will do it.

Immediately after, another voice came: "It's not that Lu is cowering, but after the breakthrough in the realm, although the comprehensive strength will be greatly improved, my explosive supernatural power is likely to disappear."

"In this way, we have no means of threatening the Divine Transformation Stage."

"So we have to refine this treasure first. If successful, Lu will dare to break through directly. No matter what happens to the magical power after the breakthrough, I can still suppress those pseudo-gods with this treasure."

"Brother Hong, we are not a loose cultivator. There are thousands of physique practitioners in the Refinement Pavilion that need me to wait for protection. How can we act willfully?

Threatening the cultivator, is that the supernatural power that was on the Demon Island back then? Daojun Heiyan immediately thought of the terrifying black magic ape.

The magic weapon that suppresses the transformation of the gods, is it refining the heavenly treasure? It is rumored that Pavilion Master Lu has captured a magic treasure from Da Zhou. If he holds two Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures, in the way of Pavilion Master Lu...

"Fellow Daoist Hei Yan is here. He hasn't seen him for a hundred years, and his cultivation base is getting deeper and deeper."

As soon as the cranky Daojun Hei Yan walked down the steps of the passage, a voice came from his ear. He looked up, and Lu Kun was not far away, with a horse-faced bald man standing beside him.

Without the Dragon Broken Stone blocking him, he immediately felt the oppression emanating from Lu Kun's body, which was a kind of coercion against the flesh.

The bald man exudes similar coercion. Although he is not as powerful as Pavilion Master Lu, he has an evil aura that makes goose bumps all over his body stand up.

He mobilized the mana, and the strong power of Nascent Soul circulated in the body, which was much better.

Daojun Hei Yan had a bit of fear in his expression, cupped his hands and said, "Hei Yan has seen Pavilion Master Lu, I don't know who this is..."

While speaking, he looked at the bald man.

Lu Kun introduced: "This is Hong Yuntian, the Great Elder of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"It turns out to be fellow Daoist Hong, Hei Yan is polite." Daojun Hei Yan quickly bowed his hands.

In the Xiuxian sect, the position of the great elder is usually held by the strongest person with supernatural powers.

As the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, Lu Kun's strength is of course needless to say. This great elder can sit on the position of the head of the Body Refinement Pavilion. He just reprimanded Pavilion Master Lu, and I am afraid that his strength is close to that of a god.

Lu Kun looked right and said, "Brother Lao Heiyan helped me this time. It's not a secret. The treasure refined by Lu is called Tongtian Battle Treasure, and it exists at the same level as Tongtian Lingbao."

"Battle of the Heavens!" Hei Yan murmured, although he had some guesses, he was still extremely shocked when he heard that it was such a treasure.

"Not only is it cumbersome to refine, but several raw materials are extremely difficult to smelt. Ordinary great monk's Nascent Soul Fire is not enough firepower and needs top-level abnormal fire. Moreover, due to the long refining time, the mana consumption is amazing, so Lu Mou is ready. For the reward, Brother Heiyan will definitely be satisfied."

Having said that, he glanced at Qin Yushu, the latter understood, a dark yellow appeared in his hand, and floated towards Hei Yan Daojun.

This bead, like some kind of wood, is made of wood, and the light on it flows, exuding a fresh breath, which makes people feel refreshed.

Lu Kun said: "This is the magic weapon for the defense of the soul, the soul protection bead, which was developed by the treasure pavilion using the ten thousand-year-old demon soul wood and the refining techniques of the ancient times."

"After the immortal cultivator is refined, it can not only nourish the consciousness, activate it, but even resist the will of the god, but every time after resisting the will, it takes time to cultivate and repair."

"This magic weapon is used as a reward for this assistance."

Daojun Heiyan looked at the wooden beads in front of him, felt the breath above, and his face showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect that there was such a special magic weapon against the true meaning of God Transformation.

He had originally planned to refuse and to curry favor with Pavilion Master Lu, but after seeing this magic weapon, he put aside his previous considerations and accepted it.

"Brother Heiyan, let's refine this treasure now. In the process of refining the Heaven-reaching Battle Treasure, there will be more than one force of will. Only after refining the Soul Protector Orb can we participate in refining, otherwise the soul will be injured. risk."

"Yes, Pavilion Master Lu, Hei Yan is refining here."

"Elder Qin, let's sort out the refining method first."

After speaking, the three of Lu Kun walked into the Rongyuan Demon Cave, and as the stone gate fell, only Daojun Heiyan was left in the hall.

He looked at the wooden beads in the palm of his hand, and his expression was quite excited. He did not expect that in the next refining, he would also be able to come into contact with a variety of willpower. This is also a rare opportunity for him.

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