The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1225 Refining (1)

A week later, in addition to Lu Kun and the others, there was another young man with a calm expression in the Rongyuan Demon Cave.

This person is called Yu Lin. He is the second Yuan Ying monk in Treasure Pavilion. When he was a child, he followed Treasure Pavilion on Abyss Island and practiced on Yaoling Island. He was a disciple of the late Zhu Xiaofeng.

After so many years, he has gained a lot of cultivation resources by virtue of the qualification of fire and wood double spiritual roots, coupled with the opportunity of the rapid development of the body refining pavilion, and his cultivation level surpassed that of the former master. In just over three hundred years, he entered the Yuan Dynasty. Infancy.

Yu Lin started at the Treasure Pavilion since he was a child, and has a lot of experience in refining. Today's refining requires the assistance of two Nascent Soul monks who are proficient in refining. Apart from Qin Yushu, he is the only one who is suitable.


Daojun Heiyan sat cross-legged in the spiritual energy column, and he looked around in amazement. There is a magic pool in this cave, and there is such a pure spiritual energy.

At this time, he also fully understood that the cultivation method of the body has a great demand for demonic energy and spiritual energy.

He turned his eyes to his side, Qin Yushu and Yu Lin were checking a lot of colorful spiritual materials.

Outside the spiritual energy column, Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian stood in the magic energy, their hands flickered with aura, and a bunch of materials with amazing demonic aura were released, and there were even two demonic corpses with terrifying aura.

Daojun Hei Yan was dazzled. Although Lu Kun told him about the refining process not long ago, the amount of the spiritual material was too terrifying.

No wonder Lu Kun wanted to pay him. With so many high-grade materials and the cumbersome refining process, the mana consumed would definitely be less.

Thinking of this, he carefully felt the rich spiritual energy in his lower body, his expression relaxed, and casting spells in the spiritual energy column was equivalent to being immersed in the spiritual energy pool.

"Okay, there is no problem with the materials. Let's start refining. The first is to fuse the spiritual materials to refine the five-element attribute blade. Fellow Black Flame Daoist, let's urge your special fire."

Hei Yan heard the words and saw that Lu Kun had no other actions, so he couldn't help but said: "I also ask Pavilion Master Lu to bring out the refining furnace first."

Lu Kun smiled and said, "Just activate the flame."

Daojun Hei Yan didn't know why, but after hesitating, according to Lu Kun's request, the magic art in his hand flashed, and outside the white spiritual energy column, a dark flame appeared, burning the spirit and black flame.

This strange fire is extremely domineering. If an ordinary magic weapon sticks to it, it will damage spirituality, and only a mature magic weapon can resist.

The Zhaling soft armor on Lu Kun's body trembled slightly and retracted inward, revealing his sturdy arms. Invisible power surged around him, and a stream of spiritual material flew towards his palm.

Then, in the shocked eyes of Daojun Hei Yan, these materials and Lu Kun's palm entered the flame together.

I saw that pair of thick palms, like two hard iron felts, hit the spiritual material with terrifying force and made a dull sound.

The Great Elder of Lieyang Sect looked at the scene in front of him, showing an incredible color.

"This... use the palm of your hand as a furnace?"

Although he knew that Lu Kun's physical body was powerful, he never thought that the physical body could be used as a furnace.

Under the powerful firepower and violent shock force, these materials were split into small particles of spiritual material. The terrifying force kept beating, but there was no strong wind overflowing. Obviously, the power control has reached the realm of subtle.

"Black Flame, focus on controlling the strange fire!"

Heiyan Daojun heard the words, quickly restrained his mind, and concentrated on controlling the flame.

Lu Kun's steady voice continued: "Elder Qin, Elder Yu, are responsible for checking the structure and the miniature magic circle. If I make a mistake, I will remind you as soon as possible."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Qin Yushu and Yu Lin had solemn expressions on their faces, and they used the secret technique of unifying the consciousness.

The great cultivator's original fire is extremely powerful for their cultivation in the early stages of Nascent Soul. If they don't use the technique of unity of consciousness, they will be damaged for a long time.

The spiritual sense and mana of the two are not enough to participate in the refining, but they have rich experience in refining magic weapons. Structure in mind.

Lu Kun needs to focus on fusing materials and depicting the magic circle. The steps of refining treasures are extremely cumbersome. He is not sure to portray each magic circle perfectly. He needs someone to help him and remind him to pay attention.

What is going on now is the first step, refining the five-element blade. This blade alone needs to be divided into dozens of parts for refining. Every error in the structure will cause problems with the closing of the blade.

In other words, this five-element blade is also a complex combination magic weapon. The subtleties of the structure also need to be repeatedly reviewed by outsiders who are proficient in refining. Qin Yushu and Yu Lin are this role.


Time passed slowly, and dull slaps echoed in the Rongyuan Demon Cave.

As the spiritual material was shaken into fine particles, some slightly dim particles were repelled.

At this moment, a trace of silver blood poured out of Lu Kun's fingertips, twisting into pale silver muscle fibers, like thin threads, interspersed between the spiritual materials.

Those colorful spiritual material particles were woven together in a special five-element orientation, and gradually, ten kilograms of spiritual material were refined into a colorful blade the size of half a palm.

"Brother Hong!"

Following Lu Kun's words, Hong Yuntian's consciousness rose into the sky, intertwined with Lu Kun's, and a spiritual consciousness no less than the peak of the great cultivator emerged.

A pile of spiritual material powder extracted from the Five Elements Jade turned into a streamline and flew over.

At the same time, the precious light of Lu Kun's right finger flickered and quickly shrank. The five fingers were like tiny silver needles. With the amazing spiritual sense, they moved on this colorful scale, depicting the A small and complex miniature magic circle.

Before the Holy Demon King made the magic dragon blade, he wanted to make a treasure that could stimulate the vitality of the magic spirit at the same time, but finally found that the meaning of killing was pure magic, and it could only be refined into a magic treasure.

However, the five-element miniature array he envisaged was still preserved in the refining method, otherwise Lu Kun would not have prepared a lot of spiritual materials.

These internal formations of the Holy Demon King allow the power of will and the strong demon essence to activate the magical power of the Demon King.

Lu Kun couldn't discard this kind of miniature magic circle that restrained vitality through will, otherwise it would be useless even if he successfully smelted the will of blood.

The structure he is designing now is to give new protection to these miniature circles.

The experience in refining battle treasures for many times has made Lu Kun's understanding of the magic treasures of physical cultivation more and more profound.

The primary war treasure needs the life force of the robbery to maintain the stability of the magic energy input. When it comes to the intermediate war treasure, this can be solved in another way.

Because in the late stage of bone transformation, blood can transform skeletal cells, and it can also hold magical energy, and the force of life can be transferred to the war treasure through blood flow to maintain its stability.

The blood of body repair is an indispensable material.

Using blood as the veins to connect with each other, a small blade made by refining seems to be firm, but under the weaving of blood muscles, it is soft like a piece of cloth.

But if it is injected into the blood in the later stage of bone transformation, the scale will be covered with a layer of bone layer on the basis of flexibility, and become as strong as bone treasure, and the inner magic circle will not be destroyed by magic energy and source power at all.

And there is another advantage of refining in this way. The blood and muscles soften the material, enhance the flexibility, and reduce the difficulty of depicting the miniature magic circle by half.

The Holy Demon King was the top cultivator in the Immortal Cultivation World back then, and the number one powerhouse in that era. This kind of miniature magic circle did not have an extremely strong sense of consciousness, and could not be portrayed at all.

With the help of Hei Yan's peculiar fire, Lu Kun barely reached the calcination intensity, and then combined with Hong Yuntian's divine consciousness, plus many conditions such as freehand refining, can complete the depiction.

After about half a day, the outline of the miniature magic circle on this blade was completed. Qin Yushu and Yu Lin checked it repeatedly. After confirming that it was correct, the blade slowly rose and hovered three feet above the black flame.

Then Lu Kun ingested a bunch of spiritual materials and continued the same action.

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