The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1227 Refining (Last Part)

"Comparable to the secret technique of the second primordial god?"

When the others heard the words, they were all shocked. This did not refer to the divine soul of an ordinary immortal cultivator, but the divine soul of a spiritual cultivator who had already condensed his will.

Their pavilion master's consciousness has only reached the late Nascent Soul, and it is still some distance away from the peak. How can they achieve this?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lu Kun smiled and said, "I also used a secret technique to control the spirit of the magic dragon blade. The real second soul can only be achieved by a cultivator."

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian couldn't help snorting coldly, "That's not your method, it's the secret art of flesh and blood avatar created from the combination of the Demonic Stiff Body Refinement Art and the Phantom Demon Child-Mother Art, which took hundreds of years. "

Lu Kun laughed and said, "That's right, it's Brother Hong's secret magic power."

Looking at the confused appearance of others, Lu Kun did not explain too much. Only he and Hong Yuntian understood the reason.

This Heavenly War Treasure with the magic dragon blade as the cornerstone, the main structure is flesh and blood, the inner gallbladder is shaped like the internal organs, plus the original artifact spirit, it can already be regarded as a special kind of flesh and blood life.

After Hong Yuntian woke up in the one-yuan secret realm, in order to separate the bloodthirsty meaning, he tried his best to create a supernatural power of flesh and blood, and parasitized the essence of human flesh and blood in other creatures.

This magical power first controls the body of the host, uses the strong blood and blood to resist the blood-devouring intention, and then manipulates its soul, actively absorbing this thought, so as to keep the main soul from being eroded.

The control of the host's flesh and blood relies on the magic power of blood and blood, but the control of the soul is a mysterious technique of the soul that Hong Yuntian extracted and developed from the phantom magic child and mother art.

Lu Kun is now borrowing the supernatural powers of flesh and blood clones, using himself as the mother body, and Tongtian Zhanbao as the host of the child body, controlling the flesh and blood liner and the soul of the magic dragon blade, making it a part of the body, so that it can be manipulated freely.

He looked at the silver ball floating not far away, and said with anticipation: "The secret technique can only be attempted after the remodeling of the inner liner is completed and the blade body is completely refined."

"The remodeling of the inner bladder that we are currently carrying out is divided into two small stages. First, the internal organs and flesh and blood of the devil emperor are used as new materials, which are blended with the original magic dragon blade to refine the new blood bladder inner bladder. , and the second is to separate the spirit of the magic dragon blade and the meaning of killing."

While speaking, Lu Kun waved one hand, and the two Demon Emperor corpses on the ground slowly floated over. He looked at the corpse that lacked the upper body, showing a bit of sigh.

The broken body of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Spirit Island where it was located were deeply related to him.

Now he already knows that this island is actually a cultivation resource left by the One Yuan Sect for Hong Yuntian. The elder Taishang felt that after the demonic body refinement reached the Nascent Soul stage, he needed the corpses of the demon king and the demon emperor for cultivation.

Moreover, in order to prevent the corpses from being corroded by the years, the One Yuan Sect not only preserved the remnants of these demons, but even set up a special magic circle, so that after Hong Yuntian came over, he could find the fresh demon corpses and facilitate the next practice. .

But Yiyuanzong did not expect that a series of changes occurred later.

First, the ban on Demon Island was triggered and revealed to the world.

And the Blood Refinement Sect did not know where to know that there was a demon king's soul in the Demon Island, and they arranged a precise plan to try to seduce the demon soul to refine the demon soul pill.

What Lu Kun encountered was the Demon King Heisha, the second escaped demon soul. This guy did not know what kind of secret technique he used. With the help of the Demon King and the corpses of half Demon Emperors, he transformed Tian Renjie, who had only been at the peak of Foundation Establishment, into a half demon. Half-human body, leaving only half of the corpse inside...

The breakthrough direction that Hong Yuntian has found now does not require devouring the corpses of the demon race. The things prepared by the One Yuan Sect will finally be cheaper for him, Lu Kun. Otherwise, in today's world of immortality, there is no way to find the material for refining this kind of inner liner. .

"Brother Hong, borrow the Purple Gold Magic Axe."

Lu Kun shook his arm, took the giant axe, and slashed it at the waist and abdomen of the intact corpse.


Without the protection of the devil's vitality, the Devil Emperor's corpse, although strong, could not withstand the continuous slashing with a force of one million kilograms. After about ten rounds, the scales cracked open, revealing the internal organs.

"Brother Hong, it's up to you next."

Hong Yuntian nodded and walked to the two corpses. The power of the void surged, and the two groups of purple-black internal organs were detached from the inside, exuding a smooth luster, as if they had just died.

Then, in the horrified eyes of Daojun Hei Yan and others, Hong Yuntian's mouth enlarged several times, swallowed these internal organs, and then sat cross-legged between the two corpses.

His hands turned into black liquid, pouring in from the gap in the Demon Emperor's corpse, forcibly swallowing and separating the flesh and blood of the Demon Race inside.

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun sighed in his heart.

Back then, the Holy Demon King thought of various methods in order to refine the flesh and viscera of the dragon beast into a blood sac that could store the power of soul and will.

In the end, he still sought help from the Blood Beast Sect, exhausted all its blood beasts, and with the help of a large amount of blood and blood magic, it was barely refined.

However, this also leads to a flaw in the magic dragon blade, that is, every time it is activated with the tool soul, it has to make up for a large amount of flesh and blood essence. The monk killed by it, whether it is in the Nascent Soul stage or the spirit transformation stage, will be killed by all flesh and blood. Devour it completely to make up for the consumption of the inner gallbladder. If it cannot be swallowed, it is likely to devour the master.

It is precisely because it contains the characteristics of blood and blood magic that the elders of the blood beast gate can use the blood and magic power to motivate the dragon blade.

The refining of this kind of inner bladder is extremely difficult for the Holy Demon King, but for Hong Yuntian, it couldn’t be easier. Just use his blood and magic power to devour the demon corpse, and finally circulate it in the body. The structure easily blends the flesh and viscera of the Demon Emperor.

Lu Kun, who was on the side, stretched out his palm and brought in the inner bladder of the original blood sac of the Demon Dragon Blade, and said, "Brother Heiyan, reduce the power of Yihuo to 30% of the maximum power."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dim black flame floated under the inner gallbladder. He grabbed the blood sac with both hands, and his fingers sometimes turned into silver needles and sometimes a rolling pin, constantly kneading and beating.

Gradually, the streamlined lines on the blood sac gradually fell off and turned into a special powder.

At the same time, Lu Kun observed the silver ball that trapped the soul of the tool, and found that there was no special response to the aura inside. He breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that the soul of the tool would dissipate.

What he is now refining is the magic mind powder that depicts the magic pattern. This special material needs to be refined by the magician god himself. The body refining pavilion cannot find this material at all. It can only be peeled off from the original magic dragon blade. In addition, the formation pattern of the new inner tank also needs to add five elements jade powder.

To put it simply, Lu Kun's material for refining the inner liner is much more precious than that of the Holy Demon King back then. Not only did it double the weight, but he also used the body of the Demon Emperor, which was of better quality.

After half a day, the stripped clean inner bladder was also swallowed by Hong Yuntian and fused with the new inner bladder.


A few days later, a machete-shaped blood sac that was 50% larger than before appeared in front of everyone, with a purple-black luster flashing on it, with a smooth and delicate surface, like a special viscera like a piece of nature.

"Brother Hong, the unity of consciousness and consciousness, you pay attention to the inspection, the depiction of the lines on the inner gallbladder, there is only one chance!"

Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, and according to the previous cooperation methods, they carefully assisted Lu Kun to depict the complex miniature magic circle.


More than half a month later, there were four things suspended in front of everyone, a five-element blade body, a magic blade body, a brand-new purple-black inner liner, and a silver ball wrapped around the soul of the tool.

Lu Kun adjusted his breath for a few days and restored his consciousness to the peak. Looking at the small ball, his eyes flashed with golden light.

"The second stage of reshaping the inner gallbladder is to strip the tool soul from the meaning of killing and transfer it to the new inner gallbladder blood sac. In this way, they can truly be combined and become a brand-new blade."

"Using Brother Hong's secret technique to refine it into a daughter body, you can move it like an arm and enter the final step of melting the bloodline will."

Lu Kun's spirit is a little excited, and the refining has been completed by most of the time. As long as there is no problem in the direction of his bloodline's will to smelt, this Tongtian War Treasure can be successfully refined.

He took a deep breath and calmed down, then opened his mouth and swallowed the small ball that contained the meaning of killing and the soul of the weapon.

"Brother Hong, the crystal of the underworld spirit!"

Hearing the words, Hong Yuntian came to Lu Kun's back, grabbed the eight-sided crystal in his hand, pressed a palm on his neck, and his palm melted into black water. With the help of his qi and blood, he stimulated the spiritual power of the worm crystal. .

Lu Kun closed his eyes, the Zhaling soft armor on his chest opened, the flesh and blood in his chest separated, revealing the silver sternum inside, and then he called with one hand, and the new purple-black inner bladder flew to the position of the sternum, like a soft arm. Knife, cut in the chest.

And behind the breastbone, a small silver ball could be vaguely seen.

He wants to use his internal organs and spiritual energy to attract the meaning of killing, and then transfer the soul of the tool into the new inner tank. After all, the new inner tank is an upgrade of the old one. This pair has the characteristics of blood and magic power and greed. The soul of the tool has great attraction.

At this time, through the silver ball, you can see that the spiritual light inside is shaking violently, slowly separating into two colors.

The black killing intent wanted to rush into Lu Kun's internal organs and six costs, while the blood-red soul surged toward the new inner liner, and the two auras gradually separated in the small ball.

Lu Kun narrowed his eyes slightly, seized an opportunity to stimulate the blood, and quickly opened two gaps in the front and rear of the ball, and the two auras, one red and one black, were completely separated.

The black killing intent seemed impatient, and even forcibly ripped off some of the red aura.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun couldn't help but exclaimed.


The next moment, a terrifying mental shock wave erupted in his internal organs, and the red light of the remaining artifact spirit in the silver ball dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Kun's face changed suddenly: "Damn, the soul of the tool is too weak, and it is partly involved in the meaning of killing, no, you can't dissipate it!"

In his roar, a new blood wrapped the dim soul of the weapon and rushed into the inner gallbladder outside the sternum.

But as soon as all this was done, Lu Kun clearly sensed that the weak tool soul had completely dissipated.

At this time, the power of the mental shock wave in his body also reached its peak.

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