The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1228 Special Artifact Spirit

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

They know that the main reason why Lu Kun can refine the Heavenly War Treasure is to rely on the magic dragon blade to melt its body and borrow its spirit.

Whether it is the magic weapon of the demon race or the heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure of the cultivator, there is a spirit in it, which is related to the power of will and the vitality of heaven and earth.

Now that the ghost of the magic dragon blade has dissipated, it not only means that the refining of Tongtian Zhanbao has failed, but even this treasure has been completely destroyed. Without the help of this treasure, Lu Kun would have no means of threatening the life of the gods. The deterrent power of those old monsters is greatly reduced.

Hong Yuntian looked at Lu Kun who was sitting on the ground, frowning and said: "The refining has not failed, as long as we can re-refine the new artifact spirit and try to combine it with the inner bladder, we also have the opportunity to continue. ."

Hearing this, Lu Kun smiled bitterly and said, "It's not easy to make sacrifices to the spirits, not to mention the heavenly treasures, even ordinary magic treasures are extremely rare, and most of them are made by luck."

"Back then, the Holy Demon King was guided by the second primordial spirit's spiritual sense, combined with the remnants of the dragon beasts, and consumed the souls of countless blood beasts of the blood beast gate, and barely succeeded."

He sighed: "If we do it, we must first prepare multiple high-level demon souls, and then find a large amount of blood and blood monsters, and try to refine the low-level blood sac liner."

"Blood beasts can go to the blood beast gate, but there are no live demons' flesh and blood internal organs at all in the Xiuxian world..."

Qin Yushu said at this time: "Pavilion Master, there are magic treasures of artifact spirits, there should be three more treasures in the treasure artifact pavilion, can you transfer those artifact spirits?"

Lu Kun shook his head and sighed: "The magic dragon blade is very special. It must have the characteristics of blood and magic power, otherwise it cannot be integrated into the inner bladder... Wait, if this is the case..."

Speaking of this, the words stopped abruptly, and he sat on the ground in a daze.

Hong Yuntian raised his brows and said, "What did you think of?"

Lu Kun was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "In addition to the spirits of monsters, the spirits of magic weapons also use the spirits of cultivators. We do have a chance to continue refining..."

"You wait a moment."

After he finished speaking, he stood up slowly, a top-quality spirit stone poured out of his ribs, which relieved the injury of his lower organs, then opened the door of the Rongyuan Demon Cave and walked out.

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, not understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Do you want to kill high-level immortal cultivators?

Or is it more likely that the soul of the cultivator will become an artifact spirit?

As soon as these thoughts crossed their minds, they saw Lu Kun walked into the treasure house opposite, and came out not long after, with a pair of crystal clear daggers in his hands.

The two small swords hummed, and they were wrapped around their palms spiritually, like a child, greeting Lu Kun.

"Is this a magic weapon with an artifact?"

When Qin Yushu saw this scene, he immediately saw something, but after he took a closer look, his pupils shrank suddenly: "This pair of magic weapons seems to be Xue'er's ice sword."

Lu Kun stroked the body of the sword, with memories, regrets, and grief in his eyes, he said softly, "This is not just the Han Bingjian, it's my Lu Kun's disciple, Zhao Xueer."

Everyone else was a little confused, but Hong Yuntian seemed to understand something after feeling the aura in the pair of magic weapons.

Lu Kun sighed softly: "In the process of breaking through the bottleneck of the bone transformation stage and integrating the body, Xue'er was backlashed by the magic power of blood and blood. At the moment of crisis, she concentrated her soul and flesh into the ice sword, and tried to survive. down."

"But at that time, the soul of the body repair was stored in the bone treasure, and the bone treasure was swallowed up, and the soul also dissipated. In the end, only the remnant soul and some flesh and blood essence remained in Xue'er, which was formed into a special artifact spirit by chance. "

He looked at the coquettish dagger in his hand, as if he saw Xue'er back then, the little girl he met not long after he entered the world of immortality.

When Hong Yuntian heard the words, he couldn't help thinking of his brother. Hong Yuntong had insufficient life expectancy back then. In order to reach a higher realm, he devoured the child with blood and blood magic, but he failed in the end, and was instead devoured by the blood and magic of the child.

The existence of those half-human, half-beasts in the World of Warcraft Garden is the product of the failure of the disciples of the One Yuan Sect to attack the Yuntong Body Refinement Jue. On the contrary, the breakthrough chance of the Demonic Zong Body Refinement Jue is greater.

And in order not to be swallowed up by bloodthirsty, he saved his life to pursue the path of demonic body refining, and the remaining deformed beasts, the disciples of Yiyuanzong's body refining line, were swallowed up by him in the end...

Hong Yuntian patted Lu Kun on the shoulder and said slowly, "The level of body refining is too risky. So many disciples in the One Yuan Sect tried all of them and failed, and if I don't meet you, I am afraid that The ashes are gone..."

"Although the path of the Body Refinement Pavilion is more complete, the risks are still not small. It is not easy to have so many famous bone transformation stage body repairs now."

Lu Kun naturally understood the difficulty of the road of body training. He looked at Hong Yuntian, and then at the dagger around his hand, and said softly, "Xue'er, Xiaoyun and Xiaoyanzi have both made breakthroughs, Zhao Qiming benefited from you all. Inspired by him, he has also successfully entered the period of bone transformation, and the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is not what it used to be."

"But with the development of this pavilion, we have been exposed to the world of immortal cultivation, and are threatened by the monks in the spiritual transformation period and the top sects of the Great Zhou Dynasty. For the teacher, we need to refine a battle treasure comparable to the heavenly treasure to fight against it. "

"You are willing to help your teacher to refine this treasure dedicated to physical cultivation and turn it into an artifact spirit. We will jointly protect the disciples of the Refinement Pavilion."

The pair of ice daggers seemed to be able to understand these words, the swords trembled violently in mid-air, and everyone could feel a special spiritual sense cheering, as if echoing Lu Kun's words.

At this time, everyone understood that Lu Kun wanted to integrate the artifact spirit that Zhao Xueer's body and soul transformed into due to his failure to break through into the Heaven-reaching War Treasure.

Hong Yuntian felt the aura of the spirit in the Frost Sword, and murmured: "The spirit of the magic dragon blade is made by the second soul of the holy devil, which forcibly combined the remnant soul of the dragon beast with the blood of the beast. "

"And the artifact spirit that Zhao Xue'er transformed into is an accidental product of the body's self-refining and the body being swallowed by the blood and magic power."

"The blood and magic power of body repair is extremely pure, and the bone treasure also contains magic attributes. Although it can't be compared with the remnant soul of the dragon beast, it is more suitable for the battle treasure."

The Frost Sword in midair continued to tremble, and the buzzing sound became louder and louder. On the surface of the crystal clear sword body, bloodshots gradually appeared, and the spirit inside clearly showed joy and excitement.

The golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and he saw the situation inside the magic weapon. The essence of flesh and blood in it was madly infiltrating the Frost Ice Sword, trying to get out of it.

He showed a bit of joy, then took a deep breath and said, "Xue'er, you still have some regrets. Since that's the case, then our master and apprentice will try our best."

While speaking, Lu Kunshi held the Ice Sword with both hands, and the violent power surged on it. Cracks began to appear on the blade, which was mixed with bloodshots. After a few breaths, it shattered. A fist-sized blood cell.

This artifact spirit is different from other magic weapons. It is not a pure soul mind. It is combined with the essence of flesh and blood and exists in the form of an entity.

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Xue'er, you also have the characteristics of blood and magic power. Enter this blood sac and try to swallow it as the essence of flesh and blood. The probability of fusion with it is very high!"

While speaking, not far away, the long-knife-shaped, densely covered inner bladder floated over, and the blood balls flashed and rushed in directly.

Immediately afterwards, the unique breath of blood and magic power emerged from it, and the knife-shaped inner liner suddenly twisted wildly, as if struggling to resist. Obviously, there was some kind of conflict between Zhao Xue'er's flesh-and-blood artifact and the inner liner.

Lu Kun's expression immediately became solemn.

The inner bladder of this blood sac is made from the flesh and blood of the Devil Emperor. The material of the original inner bladder is also a demon dragon beast at the level of a god. It is not at all that Zhao Xueer's residual flesh and blood essence can devour the ground.

"Help you for the teacher!"

While speaking, the muscles in his chest opened again, revealing his sternum, and the inner bladder of the blood sac was cut into his chest under the action of the power of the void, but unlike the last time, the inner bladder was squeezed directly from his chest this time.

The blood vessels in Lu Kun's body were twisted one after another and grafted onto the softened knife-shaped inner liner. Silver blood was poured into it continuously, and his sturdy six-foot-high body was visible to the naked eye. shrunken.

The knife-shaped liner slowly expanded, stuck in the center of his internal organs, like a brand new organ.

At this time, what Lu Kun displayed was the supernatural power of the flesh and blood clone created by Hong Yuntian.

After the body repair enters the bone metamorphosis stage, the blood contains the phagocytic properties of Qi and blood magic, but the essence of its flesh is not pure liquid, and the blood sac needs to be incorporated into the body.

In this way, the Rongyuan Demon Cave fell into silence again, and everyone looked nervously at Lu Kun, whose muscles were constantly shrinking...

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