The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1234 Ready to set off

In the Yunling Mountains, on a small pavilion on the top of the Lianti Pavilion, Zhiyuan and Hong Yuntian whispered. Lu Kun sat next to him, holding a jade slip in his hand, reading it carefully.

After a while, Lu Kun raised his head and sighed: "It's a pity..."

He threw the jade slip in his hand to Zhiyuan and said, "The practice of Huatian Temple is a practice centered on the soul and consciousness, and it also involves the comprehension of Buddhist teachings."

"The way of our physical cultivation is focused on the physical body, and the spiritual consciousness is also different from the traditional cultivator. They are two completely different paths."

Zhiyuan took back the jade slip, smiled and said: "Let's not talk about Pavilion Master Lu, other great masters in the world of immortality have also studied it. If you want to cultivate, you must escape into Buddhism, otherwise the violent spirit of the devil will fill the soul, extremely It's easy to go crazy."

"When the Great Spirit King Buddha announced the exercises to the public, it was also a last resort."

Lu Kun showed a thoughtful look, and said silently: "Speaking of which, Master Abbot came to visit, I don't know why you are doing it."

Zhiyuan put her hands together and said, "It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha, Lao Na came here this time because of the entrustment of two Taoist friends from Wulingguan, and invited Pavilion Master Lu to go to the Broken Kingdom together."

"It's best for me to wait for the gods to get together and discuss how to deal with the demon king. After all, according to the state of the space crack, it is very likely that two demon kings will cross the border. This time there is more pavilion master Lu, and the cooperation between them also needs... …”

Hearing this, Lu Kun interrupted: "I've been bothering the abbot. Lu has already made plans. The Broken Nation will go there on his own. As for the gathering of gods, there's no need for that."

Zhiyuan's fat face trembled and said with a wry smile: "Pavillion Lu still doesn't trust Da Zhou's spirit transformation, his strength has reached our level, it is a crushing existence for the great monks, and belongs to the top combat power in the world of immortality. Every one's existence is extremely rare."

"Even if there is a fight between them, it will never endanger their lives. Everyone must guard against and resist the threat of the demons. This is the consensus of all the gods in the world of immortals. If there is an act of killing the gods, they will definitely be killed by the other gods. Joint pursuit."

Speaking of this, he looked a little scared and said: "Fortunately, Pavilion Master Lu let go of Gu Deming, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable..."

Lu Kun sneered: "Not life-threatening? Humph, Lu only believes in absolute strength. The so-called two fists are invincible to four hands. I'd better go alone."

Zhiyuan hesitated and said, "It's natural for Pavilion Master Lu to act alone, but if we fight the devil..."

"Don't worry, Lu is very interested in the Demon King, and naturally he won't miss the battle. The abbot will give you a map and tell you the location and approximate time."

Zhiyuan sighed lightly: "Well, the area where the Demon King appears is the ancient battlefield, where the ban is special, and there is no corresponding formation token, it is difficult for the pseudo-god to break."

"This kind of restriction involves the restriction of the five elements of vitality. Only the Taoist friends of the Five Spiritual View have the strength to refine them. This time, they specially refined eight five-spirit disks for the body refining pavilion."

As he spoke, aura flashed in front of him, and several discs exuding colorful lights appeared, spinning in the air, full of spirituality, exuding a special five-element aura.

Zhiyuan continued: "This five spirit disk itself is also a powerful defensive magic weapon. After activation, it can even resist an attack of the energy transformation level, but this level of attack can only be resisted once, and its power will be exhausted. "

"I don't know how many five spirit plates are needed in the Body Refinement Pavilion. Not only will there be two demon kings in this ancient battlefield, but maybe there will be some demon generals. The risk of passing the Nascent Soul is extremely high. Pavilion Master Lu should be careful when bringing his disciples."

Lu Kun stretched out his palm, and an invisible force brought all the discs in front of him. The corners of his mouth curled slightly and said, "Risk is accompanied by chance. Since there are eight, I will go to eight of them in the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Zhiyuan's expression froze, he had already informed the danger, and the other party took it all without hesitation. It can be seen that the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is indeed powerful, but with high-level body training, the pressure on other Nascent Soul monks will be much less.

Thinking of this, a jade slip appeared in front of him, handed it over and said, "This is the map of the Shattered Nation, and it has marked some areas that have been explored."

"A year later, the space cracks in the Shattered Kingdom will begin to decay. At that time, the cultivators of the Nascent Soul can enter. After half a year, the ban on the ancient battlefield fluctuates for a short time, and they can be opened with the Five Spirit Disk."

"We might as well meet in the ancient battlefield in about a year and a half. The area is not big. With the magical power of Pavilion Master Lu, we should be able to sense the existence of other gods."

Lu Kun took the jade slip, glanced at the contents inside, and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Master Abbot this time. Lu must hurry up and make some preparations, so he won't keep it, and the two elders of this pavilion will send the abbot away."

As he spoke, his lips moved slightly, and two people flew from the mountain in the distance and landed outside the pavilion. It was Yue Longfei and Pan Yan.

Zhiyuan knew that Lu Kun had some gaps with the Dazhou sect, so he hesitated and said, "After seeing Pavilion Master Lu show his magical powers last time, the old man felt a little familiar, so he went back and checked it, only to realize that it is the legendary short-lived magic ape."

Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "What does Master Abbot want to say?"

Zhiyuan stood up and said, "If there is a chance in the future, Pavilion Master Lu can come to Huatian Temple. This temple records some secret stories about the monsters related to the giant ape."

"Maybe Pavilion Master Lu can be a good opportunity for the demons and humans to reunite."

"Secret news, opportunity?"

Zhiyuan didn't say much, clasped her fists and said, "I'll know when Pavilion Master Lu comes over next time. I won't bother you today, I'm leaving."

"Brother Yue, Xiaoyanzi, give Master Abbot a good gift."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Then Zhiyuan, accompanied by Yue Longfei and the two of them, left the Body Refinement Pavilion.


The small pavilion fell into silence. After a long time, Hong Yuncai said: "Eight five spirit plates, including you and me and Xiao Jin, can't repair this number in the bone transformation stage, do you plan to dispatch all of them?"

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "It's the two of us who went there. The Wuling Pan is made by an old monster of the Wuling Temple. Maybe there is a way to track it, and the other six are used to cover up the whereabouts."

"Covering your whereabouts? Did you fail to break through?" Hong Yuntian frowned. In his opinion, Lu Kun, who was in the late stage of bone transformation, and the dual swords of Xue Soul, were not afraid of anything at all.

A bit of excitement flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and he said that he wanted to find the blood of the giant ape, and put it into more madness, and then made a breakthrough.

"Are you sure? When you break through the late stage of bone transformation, you can have the power of two million pounds of flesh?" Hong Yuntian murmured, his eyes filled with shock.

Lu Kun handed over the map jade slip in his hand, and said solemnly: "It's just that there is a great possibility, but Brother Hong still needs to look at the map first, whether the blood essence of the giant ape left by the One Yuan Sect is broken. in the kingdom."

Hong Yuntian took the jade slip and said with a cautious expression, "It's a treasure in the body-refining lineage. This seat naturally knows where it is. I'll take a look."

After speaking, he turned to the map and checked it carefully.

"Sure enough, the ascension of Jupa made Yuan Kingdom fall into a vortex of space and became fragmented. This should be the Yuanbao Mountain back then, and this is the Jiuzhuan Mountain Range. Hey, the location of the ancient battlefield turned out to be the gate of Yiyuanzong. Send the soaring position!"

Hong Yuntian checked it out, as if thinking of something, his expression suddenly moved.

"By the way, the monk said that when the Yuan Kingdom was broken, there was an influx of pure demonic energy. Could it be that the space storm caused by the ascension of the school caused the demon world to open a gap there?"

Hearing the words, Lu Kun shrank his pupils and said, "You mean, the ascending faction of the One Yuan Sect, the unexpectedly enlarged space crack, and another fight with the Demon Race?"

Hong Yuntian's face changed for a while: "It is very likely that the country of Yuan was the center of the ancient world of cultivating the immortals, how could it be possible to fight the demons there."

He squeezed the jade slip tightly in his palm, and an inexplicable color flashed in his eyes: "No wonder the location of the secret realm of Yuanyuan is far away from the Yuan country. It turns out that the elder Taishang is to protect the disciples left in the immortal world..."

"Ascension of the faction, to resist the space storm, and to face the attack of the demons, this..." Lu Kun murmured, shocked by the handwriting of the One Yuan Sect.

After being silent for a while, he slowly said: "This is just a guess. We will know the specifics when we go to the ancient battlefield. Brother Hong, have we found the location of the blood of the giant ape?"

Hong Yuntian suppressed the throbbing in his heart and looked at the map again. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "I found it, Arctic Mountain. I didn't expect the Shattered Nation to be called this name. Hey, the space cracks here seem to be very dense."

He pointed to a mountain range in the northern part of the Shattered Nation, where dense patterns were drawn, filled with spatial cracks.

"After so many years, the blood is still there, I can't guarantee it."

Lu Kun said with a happy expression: "No matter what, we have to search for it. Time is running out. Let's prepare separately and set off in three days!"

"it is good!"

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