The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1235 Floating Island

In the northern part of Dazhou, countless blue rays of light are scattered in the air. They are connected to each other and woven together like a vast and boundless fishing net.

These dense rays of light are the natural restrictions on the edge of the Broken Nation. The gaps filled with the power of space are extremely small, and can only accommodate things the size of a rabbit to pass through.

But being so close to the crack in space, even if this rabbit had the Nascent Soul-level aura shield, it couldn't resist the terrifying power that ripped everything apart.

This continuous wall of space cracks did not change until the Guiyuan River in the center of the northern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At the end of the river that runs through the Great Zhou, between the dense space cracks, the rushing river water is surging outwards. They are like thousands of waterfalls gathered together, crashing down, making a deafening roar.

In the bursts of colorful water mist, the Taotao River water, which is mixed with aura, demonic energy, and a small amount of cold energy, flows from the Shattered Kingdom into the Guiyuan River, and the violent aura can be felt hundreds of miles away. storm.

And on the river surface more than ten miles away from this thousands of waterfalls, there is a huge island, and an amazing aura is flashing around it.

Relying on the power of the mysterious formation, it was suspended in the air hundreds of meters high, and on its edge, there were several giant spirit boats that were hundreds of meters long.

This island is the floating island where Wanxianwu is located.

Wanxianwu was jointly established by the top immortal gates of Dazhou. In addition to building a spirit boat to facilitate the passage of immortal practitioners from various states, the biggest task is to guard the source of the Guiyuan River and the gate of the broken country.

The abnormality of the cracks in space a hundred years ago was discovered by Wanxianwu. Finally, the monks of the Great Zhou Dynasty gathered together, performed secret techniques, and sensed the shattered kingdom through the river water.


On this day, on the ferry on the edge of the floating island, nearly a hundred immortal cultivators gathered. They have a strong aura, most of them are monks above the Nascent Soul stage, and there are new escapes from time to time in the distant horizon. fly.

On a peak in the center of the island, stood two immortal cultivators, one was as short as a child, an old man with blue beards, and the other was a monk with a fat head and big ears. of mortals.

The short blue-haired old man frowned and said, "Zhiyuan, Pavilion Master Lu really doesn't give face, and doesn't want to wait with me?"

Zhiyuan smiled bitterly and said, "Fellow Daoist Bingling, please forgive me. Pavilion Master Lu's body training method is special, and he has been coveted by Taixuanzong and Holy Demon Sect. It is inevitable that there will be some gaps in Dazhou Xianmen."

"But he promised Lao Na that he would meet us on the ancient battlefield in half a year to deal with the devil together."

Venerable Bing Ling was silent for a while and said, "He took all the eight five-spirit plates?"

Zhiyuan said a little embarrassedly: "Pavillion Lu doesn't want to let the disciples miss the opportunity."

He coughed and changed the subject: "Speaking of the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is really not easy, apart from Pavilion Master Lu, Lao Na also saw the Great Elder of the Body Refinement Pavilion, unable to see through his strength, the only one who could feel the cultivation level, Yue Longfei, also gave it to him. Lao Na is a little oppressed."

Venerable Bing Ling narrowed his eyes, thinking of what Li Lanfeng said about the Void Spirit Sword Qi, and sighed lightly, "If that's the case, I won't force him."

Zhiyuan chanted a Buddha's name and said, "It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha. With the addition of Nascent Soul-level physical training, even if there are more demon generals in the ancient battlefield, it will be much easier to deal with."

Venerable Bing Ling nodded lightly, and didn't say anything, but took out a jade slip, the real essence in the body surged slightly, and it seemed that he began to study some kind of secret technique.

When Zhiyuan saw this, a string of Buddha beads appeared in his hand, and he recited words in his mouth, reciting some mysterious scriptures.

However, he didn't find that Venerable Ice Spirit's tyrannical consciousness secretly probed towards the group of Nascent Soul monks in the distance, silently sensing something.

"This Lu Kun is really cautious, but fortunately, we have long expected this, the eight five spirit plates are made by my brother and I's true essence fire, and there are special marks in them, which can be sensed within a certain range. "

"Hey, there are really two here."

Just glanced at it for a while, Venerable Ice Spirit sensed something, the huge consciousness unique to the God Transformation Stage floated past, it was two gray-haired old men.

"The peak cultivation base in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, this is Nebula and Xie Sanyuan. How can two magic Taoist cultivators have the Five Spirit Plates of the Body Refinement Pavilion?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and directly eavesdropped on the voice transmissions of the two with the powerful supernatural power of the God Transformation Stage.


Xie Sanyuan Shennian was a little excited: "I didn't expect that we would be able to get the Wuling Pan. There are more opportunities in the ancient battlefield than outside."

"It is said that the Yuan Zong studies are all the most primitive magic methods. As long as there is something to gain, it may be possible to transform into a god."

Old Demon Nebula calmly said: "Opportunity comes with risk. It's an area where demon kings are haunted, and there will be battles at the level of gods. If we're not careful, we may end up here."

Xie Sanyuan said: "Haha, chances are naturally accompanied by risks. The competition in other regions of the Shattered Kingdom is too fierce. The ancient battlefield is different. Those monsters that transform into gods are busy dealing with the demon king and strengthening the space seal. We just need to be careful and it will be fine."

"But having said that, the Southwest Chamber of Commerce is so powerful that it was able to take out the Five Spirit Plates for auction. If we hadn't come across it by chance, I'm afraid we would have missed it."

Old Demon Xingyun said: "The Southwest Chamber of Commerce is dominated by the Body Refinement Pavilion. Maybe it was specially refined by the Five Spiritual Temple in order to make friends with it."


"Well, you Lu Kun, you actually sold our Wuling Pan, you really don't take the Wuling View in your eyes!" Venerable Bingling couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart when he heard this.

"I don't believe you sold it all."

He suppressed his anger, and placed an invisible mark on Xie Sanyuan and Old Demon Nebula, and continued to investigate the rest.

"The rest were distributed by us before. The Shattered Kingdom will open in a week. Could it be that none of the people from the Body Refinement Pavilion have come yet... Hey, there are four Five Spirit Plates approaching?"

His divine sense went into the distance, and there was a joint escape light rushing towards the floating island, exuding powerful magic fluctuations, and there were two men and two women inside.

One of the women had a baby-fat face, with the deepest magic in her body, exuding the coercion of a great cultivator, next to a man with stiff skin.

Venerable Ice Spirit could feel a vague corpse aura, as well as the magic power of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage that contained the cold attribute.

"The appearance of this woman is that of Le Yanjun of the Blood Refinement Sect. This man's aura is a bit strange, like a top-level demon. Li Lanfeng once inquired about it. For the devil's sake."

He recognized the two and looked at the other couple.

The woman is unparalleled in beauty, her body is bulging forward and backward, exuding charming charm. The man beside her is handsome and looks very young. Both of them are surging with fluctuations that are close to the peak of the middle Nascent Soul.

"Xu Junwen of the Yin-Yang Sect? The Nascent Soul aura of these two people is yin and yang. It seems that there is some kind of special connection. Lu Kun gave four of them to the Blood Refinement Sect and the Yin-Yang Sect?"

Venerable Bing Ling's eyes were gloomy, and his divine sense penetrated the shields of several people silently, listening to the other party's voice transmission.


The handsome young man was talking at this time: "Fairy Le, I heard that Daoyou Qian retreated and impacted the spiritual transformation period. I don't know what the result will be?"

Le Yanjun said with a bad look on his face: "It's not that easy to break through the spirit transformation stage. Brother Qian has been in retreat for many days. Although there are some vitality and celestial phenomena, he disconnected in the middle. After that, Brother Qian's spirit lamp went out."

"Hmph, then Lu Kun is not trustworthy. He agreed to protect the law for Senior Brother Qian, but he did nothing."

The man with a stiff face and suspected of being a demon suddenly said: "Junior Sister Shen Yan, Pavilion Master Lu is not something we can provoke. Besides, he also gave two five spirit disks, so that we have the opportunity to explore the ancient battlefield."

Le Yanjun looked around nervously, but didn't say much.

At this time, Xu Junwen chuckled and said, "Sister Le is content. The two five spirit plates from the Yin-Yang Holy Sect, Pavilion Master Lu is a big lion, and the sect spent a lot of magic materials, and this was reluctantly exchanged."

"Sister is still calm. You and I have to support each other. In such a dangerous place, life-saving is the most important thing."

"That's natural."

As these people spoke, they quickly landed on the edge of the floating island and gathered with those cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage.


Venerable Bing Ling felt a little irritable when he heard the words of several people.

"The Body Refinement Pavilion only retains two five-spirit plates? Could it be that Lu Kun noticed something and wanted to use the six mixed dishes that he sent out to watch?"

"According to Wu Wenxuan's news, the magic dragon blade spirit has been destroyed. Without the help of the Wuling Pan, he is unlikely to break the ban on the ancient battlefield."

"Or, this guy has the means to cover up the aura of the Wuling Pan. Hey, senior brother and the others are here."

Venerable Bing Ling suddenly raised his head and looked towards the west sky. There seemed to be nothing there, but he could feel that there were several terrifying auras rushing towards here...

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