The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1236 The spirits gather together

After a while, in addition to Zhiyuan and Venerable Bingling, four more figures appeared on the top of the central mountain of the floating island.

"So, the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion rejected our invitation? Zhiyuan, didn't you say that you have a good relationship with Lu Kun? It turned out to be a blow."

At this time, the person who spoke was a fat old man with a pair of mustaches on his chubby face, his nostrils facing the sky, and his small eyes were slightly slanted, exuding a faint sarcasm.

He is the Supreme Elder of Qingyunmen, and one of Dazhou's spiritual cultivators, Mo Qing.

Zhiyuan ignored the other party's tone and calmly said: "Don't take offense, Mo Daoyou. Pavilion Master Lu is a little wary of Dazhou Xianmen because of the previous incident. It is normal for people to do so."

Mo Qing looked at the fat monk's steady expression and felt a little boring. He glanced at a green-robed youth who was not far away from the Guiyuan River, and said yin and yang:

"Some people are too greedy. If the news of the Body Refinement Pavilion was announced, these things would not have happened."

The green-robed young man was Gu Deming. He turned his head and snorted coldly, "Mom, if you Qingyunmen discovered the Body Refinement Pavilion first, I'm afraid you would do the same thing."

Mo Qing sneered: "That old man wouldn't be like you, who was almost killed by someone. For so many years, I have never heard of the gods being so embarrassed, and even the sect can't bless them. already."

"You!" Gu Deming's face turned red and purple for a while, but then the meaning of life and life surged in his body, his emotions quickly stabilized, and he turned his head directly without saying a word.

Wu Wenxuan on the side couldn't help but said, "Old Monster Mo, it's not like you don't know the power of the Demon Dragon Blade. It's impossible for any of us here to face it alone, not to mention that fellow Daoist Gu has just advanced to God Transformation."

Hearing this, Mo Qing showed disdain and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Venerable Huo Ling.

"Old Monster Mo, put away your ridicule, the two demon daoists are here, don't fight with our own people."

The other gods also sensed something and looked towards the sky, only to see a pale golden light rushing towards here, surrounded by a halo of spiritual vitality, exuding a monstrous monstrous aura.

All the monks on the floating island felt a suffocating pressure, and the mana in their bodies even trembled.

"What a terrifying demon!"

"Original energy manifested, is that the demon king?"

"Could it be the Dragon King of the Five Dragon Seas?"

If they encountered the Demon King in other places, these Immortal Cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage would have fled immediately, but the Shattered Kingdom was opened, and all the gods of the Great Zhou gathered here. They were not afraid, but talked a lot.

Sure enough, the terrifying demonic aura quickly converged after approaching the floating island, and after the escaping light landed on the central mountain peak, the terrifying aura disappeared without a trace.

"Looking at the situation, this demon king is going to enter the Broken Realm with Senior God Transformation."

"Could the rumors be true? The cracks in the Shattered Kingdom's space are unstable, and there will be two demon kings coming from across the border."

"It's really possible. I heard that Pavilion Master Lu from the Southwest Immortal Cultivation Realm will also come here. The team of the predecessors of the gods is unprecedentedly strong. For us, this ancient battlefield is extremely dangerous."

Most of these immortal cultivators on the floating island are in the Nascent Soul stage, and the rest are cultivators in the late stage of the formation of pills. When they saw the demon king joining, many people looked solemn and felt a lot of pressure. Some people even beat them. Back off.


On the other side, on the top of the peak where the cultivator of the gods was, there was a man and a woman, not one of the demon kings guessed by the outside world, but two.

The man was eight feet tall and wore a pale golden robe. He was the Dragon King of the Five Dragon Seas.

The woman is bloated, with a thick body of a bucket, wearing a layer of dark red armor, but her face is charming and lovely, which is completely inconsistent with her figure. A ferocious aura.

Venerable Huo Ling looked at the huge woman, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "I didn't expect Fairy Jiao to come too, and the one who dispatched was the avatar of Huotou. In this way, the attack power of our team will be even better, and we will fight against the Demon King. Easier."

Fairy Jiao ignored Venerable Huo Ling, her eyes rolled around twice, and her voice was a little manic: "Didn't you say there is a human race that cultivates the flesh, why didn't you see it, the old lady wants to compare with him. "

Venerable Huo Ling sighed softly: "Pavillion Lu does not intend to walk with me, I am afraid that we will have to go to the ancient battlefield to meet."

When Fairy Jiao heard the words, her little face suddenly lost interest, she curled her lips and said, "I still specialize in cultivating the body, but I'm so timid, and I have limited ability to think about it. It's really boring."

Venerable Huo Ling smiled and said: "Pavillion Lu is not here, let's discuss how to deal with the two demon kings, then..."

He was talking, but his consciousness was merged with Venerable Bing Ling, Wu Wenxuan, Mo Qing, and the two demon kings. Gu Deming's brows twitched slightly, and he seemed to sense something, but he didn't say anything. Fate is even more imperceptible.

In the spiritual thoughts of these people, Venerable Bing Ling said: "Don't underestimate Lu Kun, this person is very alert and took eight five spirit plates, but six of them are below and given to others. People, respectively..."

With the guidance of his spiritual sense, he told the other six people below who had the five spirit plates of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

In addition to the Demon King, the biggest target of these people is Lu Kun, and they all probed down to find out that these six people are ordinary Yuan Ying monks, and there is nothing unusual, but Wu Wenxuan, who has read more about the devilish man. Eye.

"The remaining two have not appeared. Either Lu Kun covered it up with a supernatural power secret technique, or he didn't come." Venerable Ice Spirit's spiritual sense was a little anxious.

Mo Qing's voice transmission echoed in everyone's consciousness: "Tsk tsk, that is to say, your Five Spirits Temple has already lost six Five Spirit Plates. If you are deceived by him, you will lose your face."

Venerable Fire Spirit snorted coldly: "Don't worry, when the Shattered Kingdom opens, there will be chaotic tides emerging. At that time, junior brother and I will cast spells together, and use the five elements of vitality in the tides to mobilize the spiritual power in the five elements."

"I'll give you the secret technique of sensing the fluctuations of the five spirit disks, and we will investigate together when the Broken Kingdom opens. I don't believe that Lu Kun can sneak in under our noses."

"If we find him, we'll keep quiet for a while, and then we'll... like this..."


A week passed quickly. There were more than 100 cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage gathered on the floating island, and there were also 20 or 30 cultivators in the latter stage of the daring core formation.

At this time, almost all the monks stopped communicating and stared at the thousands of waterfalls at the end of the Guiyuan River.

As for the monks in the spiritual transformation stage in the center of the floating island, many people have a bit of gloom in their eyes, and Zhiyuan also looks suspicious. Among all the immortal cultivators, they have not found Pavilion Master Lu.

Wu Wenxuan sensed the primordial spirit in his body, and sighed in his heart. The trace of his primordial spirit that entered the Demon Dragon Blade had long since disappeared, otherwise he would have taken the opportunity to find out Lu Kun's location.

Now we can only rely on the method of the Five Spiritual Views.


Suddenly, the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth fluctuated violently, the space cracks at the end of the Guiyuan River began to tremble, and strong space fluctuations spread in all directions.

The rumbling waterfall suddenly stagnated in the air, and the roar that echoed for dozens of miles also stopped abruptly. The waterfall shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

Then the space cracks that exuded faint rays of light disappeared together, and replaced by a huge void that was several miles long.

One after another brilliant multicolored brilliance accompanies a large piece of river water, like a huge wave in the sea, smashing down towards the vast river surface as if covering the sky and the sun.

When the immortal cultivators on the floating island saw this scene, they all showed eager expressions, turned into various colors, and rushed straight to the colorful Jiang Tao.

This wave is a sign of the opening of the Shattered Nation, but when these rivers ebb and flow ends, the spatial crack at the entrance will resurface, and it will not open again after five years.

At this time, the monks in the spiritual transformation stage on the mountain peak, except for the ignorant wisdom and Gu Deming who did not want to intervene, the powerful spiritual consciousness of the rest spread out, scanning every immortal cultivator who entered the broken country.

A distance of more than ten miles would not take long for the cultivators in the late stage of the formation of the pill and the cultivator of the Nascent Soul.

Soon, the last immortal cultivator also passed through the giant waves of Jiangtao, and the eyes of several god transformation cultivators flashed with suspicion.

"Impossible, there is no extra breath of the five spirit plates."

"There is no other immortal cultivator in a radius of more than 100 miles!"

"Hey, this Lu Kun is a bit interesting. He seems to have tricked the monk. I'm afraid he has no plans to enter the Shattered Nation."

"Then we are wasting our efforts."

The consciousness of the few people was vaguely communicating, and the Dragon King and the Flood Dragon seemed to have thought of something, took a few steps back calmly, and looked at the others with vigilant eyes.

Seeing this, Zhiyuan was slightly taken aback and said, "What's the matter, everyone, aren't we going in yet?"

Venerable Huo Ling said solemnly: "Xiao, three-headed Jiao, this time my real purpose is to deal with the devil, no matter what, the deity promises nothing less."

Hearing the words, the Dragon King Biao nodded slightly, thinking about the contract he signed with Venerable Huo Ling not long ago, ruling out the possibility of these people using Lu Kun as an excuse to ambush him.

At this time, Venerable Huo Ling said at the same time: "If he really hides the investigation, he will definitely go to the ancient battlefield. Let's first grab the six people who have the five spirit plates of the Refinement Pavilion and question them. Maybe they will go to the battlefield. what do you know."

"No matter how bad it is, we can meet in half a year. There is time to solve the devil queen."

"If Lu Kun doesn't come, or keeps avoiding us, then wait until the end of the Broken Kingdom and go to the Body Refinement Pavilion together!"

"That's all it takes."

"Okay, that's it."

"Without the ties of the Shattered Nation, the Body Refinement Pavilion would be impossible."

"Let's go!"

Following the words of Venerable Fire Spirit, everyone turned into astonishing escaping lights, rushing towards the giant waves that began to fall back...

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