The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1238 Discovery

Xu Junwen was flying rapidly in mid-air, and his eyes flashed a bit of disintegration. As long as he flew thousands of miles away, Lu Kun would release the second Nascent Soul. With Nascent Soul's teleportation supernatural power, he would soon be able to communicate with her body. confluence.

"Strange, why did Pavilion Master Lu fly out of thousands of miles? Our role is to cover him from entering the Broken Country?"

"By the way, he didn't take the Wuling Pan, and scattered them to escape. Could it be that..."

She seemed to have thought of something, her face changed slightly, aura flashed in her hand, and a colorful disc appeared, with a mysterious aura flashing inside.

At this moment, Xu Junwen suddenly felt that an unfathomable spiritual sense enveloped him, and there was even an ice-cold meaning that penetrated the soul, as if even the soul and magic power could be frozen, and it escaped for a while. Son slowed down.

"The power of will, the spirit of transformation!"

"Damn, Lu Kun was used as bait!"

Just as her thoughts flashed, a voice came from that terrifying spiritual thought: "I didn't expect Fairy Xu to enter the Shattered Realm. I remember that Fairy rejected Li Lanfeng's Wuling Pan before."

When Xu Junwen heard the name "Li Lanfeng", he hesitated and said, "Is it the predecessor of the Five Spirits Temple?"

That spiritual sense continued: "Old man, Venerable Bingling, I think you have cooperated with this sect, as long as you tell Lu Kun's whereabouts, I will spare your life, otherwise I will search for the soul directly, and you will also get what you want. Answer."

"For Pavilion Master Lu?"

Xu Junwen's expression couldn't help changing, and he hesitated with a bit of fear.

Venerable Bing Ling's voice came again: "I don't care what benefits Lu Kun has given me, just tell him what you did before, what do you think will happen to the Holy Church of Yin and Yang."

Xu Junwen's pretty face turned pale. Thinking of Pavilion Master Lu's behavior, he gritted his teeth and said, "Junior knows the whereabouts of Pavilion Master Lu, and can even track his location, but the price is very high. I hope senior can agree to a request from my concubine."

When Venerable Bing Ling heard the words, he immediately realized that Lu Kun had already entered the Shattered Realm. Otherwise, how could he be tracked down? He said in a deep voice, "How dare you bargain with this old man, you're just courting death."

At the time of these two sentences, Xu Junwen's consciousness was already able to sense a figure more than fifty miles away. The terrifying coercion unique to Zhen Yuan was definitely a cultivator in the Spirit Transformation stage.

She hurriedly said: "The second Nascent Soul of the junior is in the main body of Lu Pavilion, not only can he track the position of Pavilion Master Lu, but he can even help the senior pass the word.

"Second Nascent Soul? Well, the old man agreed and waited for me on the spot."

With these words, the terrifying pressure in Xu Junwen's perception gradually subsided, and the coldness in the other party's consciousness also disappeared. Although the pressure was greatly reduced, there was a bit of bitterness on her beautiful face. .


Lu Kun was flying on the river, and the spirit behind him didn't show any breath, so he pretended he didn't know it, and continued to fly away, secretly using his golden eyes to observe the scene behind him.

I don't know if it's because the distance is too far, or the power of Jinmu's magical power is insufficient, he can't see any figure for the time being.

"Xu Junwen, the second Nascent Soul, only has a peak cultivation base in the mid-term, and his escape speed is too slow. According to the speed of a cultivator in the spiritual transformation stage, it may be close to fifty miles at this time."

"As for the distance between me and the other five, it should be more than three hundred miles. Just in case, go a little further."

Lu Kun thought in his heart, and at the same time, through the nervous system and the liquid Hong Yuntian residing in his chest, he said: "Brother Hong, a transformation spirit is chasing after him. !"

The purple-black liquid trembled slightly, and there was a bit of chill in his voice: "These guys really still covet physical exercises, huh, if you don't give some harsh lessons, they won't have a long memory at all."

Following the words, an octahedral crystal appeared in the black liquid, and a tentacle was separated, spreading from the chest to the vertebrae, and the bones of the limbs climbed.

After a while, Lu Kun's inverted eyes shrank, "I see, this guy is thirty miles away."

Under the power of his golden eyes, he barely caught a faint figure, approaching at an astonishing speed.

"Twenty-five miles, twenty miles, ten miles, five miles, Brother Hong is ready, eh? Wait..." Lu Kun suddenly let out a sigh in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Hong Yuntian asked.

"Strange, the guy's speed dropped, and he maintained a distance of five miles, and he was not in a hurry to catch up."

At such a close distance, Lu Kun, with the help of his supernatural powers, could barely see the figure. It was an old man with a fat figure, squinting eyes, and a moustache on his mouth.

"Hidden figure hanging behind?"

Seeing such a bizarre scene, Lu Kun pondered for a while, and Shen Nian communicated with Ji Yang Yuan Ying in his body and said, "Xu Xianzi, is there anyone following you now?"

Yuan Ying, who looked like a cute little boy, hesitated for a while, and said, "Ge Master Lu, the concubine's body is special, and the body has a faint feeling of being spied on, but after the spiritual investigation, there are no immortal practitioners within more than 70 miles, I don't know. Is it an illusion?"

"Understood, continue to fly away, if there is any abnormality, contact immediately."

"it is good."

When Lu Kun heard the words, his divine sense entered his ribs again, and through the Wanli Talisman inside, he communicated with the old demon Nebula, but the other party's feedback did not find the tracker.

He had some doubts in his heart, and said to Hong Yuntian, "These gods are all secretly following the cultivators who have the Five Spirit Plates. Although we don't know what to do, we can take the opportunity to fly farther."

Hong Yuntian agreed: "It's better to pull it farther away, but if the guy in the back gets closer, we'll do it directly, at least hit him hard."

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Lu Kun maintained the escaping speed at the peak of Nascent Soul's mid-term, observing the surrounding scenes, and verifying each other with the map of the Broken Country.

The vast river under him, called the Dayuan River, is the upper reaches of the Guiyuan River. There are many strange creatures living in it, and there are even ancient monks' caves at the bottom of the river.

Immortal cultivators below the middle stage of Nascent Soul basically will not go deep into the Broken Realm, and the Great Yuan River alone is enough for them to explore.


Time passed slowly, while Lu Kun stared at the old man who was behind him, he flew along the river surface, flying for thousands of miles without interruption, and he could already see the vast mountains on the river bank, and the faint blue rays of light in the sky looked like slender clouds. , dotted in the air.

It seems that there are more space cracks on the land than the Dayuan River.

"This guy is still following, it has been more than a thousand miles..."

He looked at the old man several miles away and felt a little more suspicious. During this time, he also communicated with Xu Junwen and Old Demon Xingyun. The former still had the feeling of being spied on, but no one was tracking him.

"Six ways of transforming the gods to escape, follow our direction, but why don't they do it? If there is no great benefit for the existence of gods, there is no need to waste time on the monks in the Yuan Ying stage..."

"It's far enough now that even if there is a battle, the rest of the gods will not follow in a short time."

Lu Kun made a decision in his heart: "Brother Hong, I'm not sure what those old guys are thinking, we just use our magical powers to leave. There are more cracks in the land space, which is more suitable for flying."

"it is good."

At the same time, his soul said to Jiyang Yuanying: "Xu Xianzi, your second Yuanying can leave."

Xu Junwen's voice came: "Didn't Pavilion Master Lu say he wants to fly away thousands of miles?"

"No wait, you're leaving now."

As he spoke, Lu Kun restrained the aura of Xue Po's inner gallbladder, and let go of the restraint on Ji Yang Nascent Soul.

At this moment, his face changed suddenly, the consciousness locked on him was no longer obscure, it was manifested in a generous way, and a sneering and mocking idea permeated.

In addition, there were five other spiritual senses that appeared out of thin air, mixed with various terrifying wills, and rushed towards his body.

"not good!"

Lu Kun's body gushed out the power of qi and blood like an ocean, forming layers of crystallized armor under his skin, trying to block the invasion of these wills.

As soon as he finished all of this, he felt a violent energy emerging from his waist and abdomen, and the little boy's Jiyang Nascent Soul blurred for a while, blooming with a deep black light.

"Xu Junwen!! Damn, I've been tricked!"

The next moment, the mid-term peak Nascent Soul, located below Lu Kun's internal organs, exploded directly in his body...

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