The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1239 Fierce Battle (1)

With the violent energy, the muscle fibers in Lu Kun's abdomen were torn apart one by one like a woven bag.

A dark and deep magic light, as if bound by some invisible force, turned into a beam of light and shot into the air. The Nascent Soul at its peak in the mid-term self-detonated, which was equivalent to the attack of a great cultivator, and there were waves of turbulent spiritual energy. .

"Blasted his defenses?"

"Sure enough, like those monsters, the body is the biggest weakness."

As if there was a tacit understanding of the consciousness that contained the will, they rushed into the abdominal hole, trying to suppress the opponent with a joint will.

But then it was blocked by the surging power of qi and blood inside, the cracked muscles were reorganized, and the abdomen quickly returned to its original state.

These god-turning consciousnesses glanced at each other, but found that the internal organs seemed to be intact, and the surface of the internal organs was still flashing with a silver-black metallic luster.

"Even the visceral defense is so strong? No injuries?"

"What is this guy's blood made of, it can resist the power of will!"

"The vitality chain, can't let him leave!"

The exchange of light and flint between the gods and the senses found that the other party suffered little damage, and the power of will was immediately intertwined, and the surrounding aura showed a white halo that was comparable to the shape of vitality.

They are like ropes, constantly appearing in the void, tying up the burly body that was caught off guard.

This kind of magical power that manipulates vitality at intervals of dozens of miles, the pseudo-deity can only be used in their own vitality area, but now the will of several people are united, and this can also be done in other areas.

At the same time, with Lu Kun as the center, there is a flash of light rushing towards here in every direction. The halo of vitality and the monstrous aura are all divine beings.

At some point, they formed a large encirclement, waiting for Xu Junwen's second Nascent Soul to expose himself to create fighting opportunities.



Just as the ropes of vitality were wrapped twice, they shattered into a white halo that filled the sky.

Everyone's will and consciousness felt that an unimaginable brute force erupted inside, and the vitality of their joint control was directly robbed of the control.

Those scattered vitality did not disappear, all rushed to the body inside, in addition, there were demonic vitality manifesting around.

The two kinds of vitality are intertwined, forming a layer of black and white light film, like a layer of special armor, exuding the terrible pressure of vitality.

"Is this guy out of shape?"

"Isn't it turning into a giant ape? What kind of monster is this?"

After the six Huashen saw clearly what was under their vitality, they all showed surprise.

This is a strange humanoid creature, with a slender body than the original Lu Kun, a thick neck, a bowed back, and a row of sharp bone spurs on its back, like a sword-backed lizard. Under the black and white vitality armor, the skin The surface is densely covered with purple-black scales.

Although they were amazed by this change, these transformation gods did not stop casting spells and continued to control the surrounding heaven and earth vitality.

As for the blessed old man who had been following Lu Kun, Mo Qing of Qingyunmen, had already come to a hundred meters away. A dark yellow ring was suspended in front of him, and the surrounding spiritual energy spontaneously swirled outside the magic weapon.

In his hands, he quickly moved some kind of mysterious magic, and the real essence in his body was even more agitated. The ring magic weapon trembled and disappeared in place, as if teleportation, it appeared directly outside the humanoid monster.

A steady stream of spiritual energy gathered inward, and the phantom of a mountain peaked out, with an extremely heavy aura, binding the monster with purple-black scales in place.

At the same time, in other directions, three terrifying auras approached rapidly. To the east was a small knife exuding a faint purple halo. During the flight, the magic energy continued to gather far and wide, and the light became deeper and deeper, as if it could Inhalation of the human soul.

The other two directions are a fire snake and an ice snake, which are completely composed of ice and fire vitality, and the scales are clearly visible, like a solid body.

They had sharp teeth in their mouths, and they all contained a ball the size of a fist, exuding a terrifying aura of fiery heat and ice, and the spiritual energy was burned and frozen wherever they passed.

Seeing this, the humanoid monster let out a muffled groan, the air within a foot of the body fluctuated violently, the phantom of the mountain surrounding him suddenly twisted, and the dark yellow ring slid upwards over the body.

Mo Qing's face changed, and he felt an invisible terrifying force that squeezed his Zhenyuehuan upwards.

Moreover, within a foot range of the opponent's body, he could not compete with the opponent for vitality with this Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure.

"This is the power of the special primordial spirit that Wu Wenjun said? Only the orthodox gods can possess such a suppressing ability!"

"And that invisible force should be the demon king's supernatural powers, but why is Lu Kun's so much stronger? Even the demon king has to rely on powerful demon energy to break free from Zhen Yuehuan!"

"He seems to be relying only on strength..."

While surprised in his heart, Mo Qing did not give up, and continued to mobilize his true essence, trying to fight against it, but he was still unable to withstand the tyrannical power of the opponent.

After a few breaths, Zhen Yuehuan was squeezed out, and then the humanoid monster turned upside down, kicked it out, and blasted the magic weapon out.

But this time delay, the magic marrow knife and two vitality snakes have already rushed over.

The humanoid monster's eyes were calm, its figure flashed, and it turned into afterimages to dodge to the side, but these three attacks seemed to lock him, and continued to chase after crossing a curve in the air. and flexibility is rapidly increasing.

The two sides chased in mid-air for several rounds, and the three attacks have converged into a mixed aura.

The humanoid monster squinted, no longer dodged, curled up, bent his legs, received the lower abdomen position, crossed his calves in a cross shape, and the arms of his upper body also made a cross action, with his elbows close to his knees.

The limbs form a double cross in front of the body, and in the seven crossed holes between the arm bones and the leg bones, there are vortexes of primordial qi that seem to be lit up. Suction and terrifying agitation.


The violent vitality energy rose into the sky, and the red, blue, black, and white halos turned into a mushroom cloud and exploded on the water.

The river water below was squeezed by this terrifying pressure to form a huge vortex with a diameter of hundreds of feet. Circles of giant waves of Jiang Tao mixed with oscillating aura, tumbling away in all directions.

Within a few hundred miles around, all creatures who sensed this terrifying power all fled to the distance in a madness.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In the roaring sound of the huge waves, there were suddenly three harsh sounds of breaking through the air.

Mo Qing seemed to have discovered something, his face changed, Zhen Yuehuan appeared out of his body at some point, the yellow halo flashed, and the aura of vitality formed a phantom of a yellow mountain, wrapping his body.


As soon as he finished all this, a flying knife of several inches stuck on the shadow of the mountain, making a crisp sound, but there was no vitality on the flying knife, there was only a terrible impact, which was blocked by the shadow. down.

Seeing this scene, Mo Qing remembered the battle described by Wu Wenxuan, looked forward vigilantly, and caught the other two squeaks, which were the Xuan Bingzhu and Xuanhuozhu of the Wulingguan Double Venerable.

The two beads also contained terrifying power, and slammed into the air respectively, knocking out two invisible figures.

One of them was the Dragon King Ou, his eyes were solemn, his right hand was in front of him, and a layer of light golden vitality dragon claws flashed on it, and he grabbed the Xuan Bingzhu.

On the other side, there was a bloated and pretty-looking three-headed Jiaojiao. She stared blankly at her chest. The Profound Fire Orb hit the armor, and the violent power even knocked out a trace of her armor. Tiny cracks.

Afterwards, the two ice and fire beads and the magic marrow knife flashed aura in turn, turned back in three directions, and fell into the hands of Wu Lingguan Shuangzun and Wu Wenxuan respectively.

After this moment of battle, all the gods came close.

At this time, their formation was very cautious. The three-headed Jiaojiao and the dragon king were located within twenty feet of the humanoid monster, and the other four were in the outer circle of fifty feet away.

"Two demon kings and four gods, you really look down on me, Lu Kun, for such a big deal." The humanoid monster didn't open its mouth, and made a deep voice from its abdomen, full of sarcasm.

Hearing this, Mo Qing stroked his moustache, shook his head and said, "The demons are really good at disguising, but they actually lied to be the pavilion master Lu, don't argue, we have already received clear news that there is a demon king who survived from ancient times lurking in the immortal cultivator. among."

"Since your Excellency has been discovered by us, don't hide it."

The humanoid monster was stunned for a moment, then narrowed its eyes, and a cold snort came from its abdomen: "You old man looks bad, using the Zhenyuehuan of Qingyunmen, I think it is Mo Qing."

He glanced at the surroundings one by one: "The magic power of ice and fire attributes, you two are the two gods of the Five Spirit Views. This aura is somewhat familiar. It must be the Dragon King of the Five Dragon Seas."

"Hey, where are you the demon king, the strength seems to be the weakest, and you dare to deal with Lu Mou."

When the bloated woman heard this, she said in a irritable tone: "Damn, what is the weakest strength, my mother is the three-headed Jiao King of the East China Sea, this is only a third of the avatar, boy, you are very strong, dare you dare to be with the old lady Body gestures and gestures."

Lu Kun ignored it, looked at the last eagle-nosed old man, and said slowly in his stomach: "Wu Wenxuan, last time Lu didn't do anything to you, why, do you want to try the magic dragon blade this time? "

Wu Wenxuan's face sank, and just about to say something, Venerable Fire Spirit on the other side said: "Listening to your tone, it really looks like Pavilion Master Lu, but the source of information I'm waiting for is also very reliable. If your Excellency is really Pavilion Master Lu, you must confirm own identity."

While Lu Kun was talking, he silently absorbed a bottle of stored blood in his body, replenishing the previous consumption, and a layer of black and white vitality light film reappeared outside the body, he stared at the red-haired old man, and said slowly: "I want to how to prove?"

Venerable Huo Ling chuckled and said, "Many years ago, Pavilion Master Lu had exchanged cultivation experience with us. As long as you have no shortage of body training exercises, we will be able to prove your identity after mutual verification."

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