The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1240 fierce battle (2)

Hearing the words of Venerable Huo Ling, a flash of anger flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, his fists were clenched, and a cold voice came from his abdomen: "You old fellows, in order to plot Lu's practice, even this I can think of any excuse."

Venerable Bing Ling said indifferently: "So, you are unwilling to prove your identity with cultivation techniques?"

Lu Kun sarcastically said:

"If I say that this body training method can only be practiced before the age of fifty, and it can only be deduced to the late Nascent Soul, not to mention the Divine Transformation stage, even if the cultivator of the Nascent Soul stage obtains a pill, it will be of no use. ?"

Venerable Huo Ling was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It really is a cunning demon clan, and the lies are spread. If it is only deduced to the late Nascent Soul, how can Pavilion Master Lu of the Body Refinement Pavilion have the power to transform into a god?"

"As for whether you can cultivate, hum, the cultivation method of your demons, we immortal cultivators can transform into magic arts, not to mention the exercises that are suitable for human cultivation."

"Don't talk about it any more, either hand over the exercises for verification, or I will join forces to take you down."

Following his words, all the surrounding god-transforming existences released their respective coercion. The six tyrannical real essence accompanied by various primordial spirit wills, like giant peaks that cannot be climbed, pressed forward and pressed the past.

Lu Kun has no mana and magic in his body, and his true essence has limited pressure on him, but the layer of vitality light film on the surface of the body, under the pressure of the will of the six primordial spirits, trembled slightly.

Although the source force field under the fusion supernatural power contains the power of one element comparable to the real primordial spirit, the range is only one foot. When the six pseudo-transformed gods join forces, the primordial qi of heaven and earth tends to be out of control.

Feeling such a terrifying pressure, Lu Kun's tone became colder and colder: "Very good, last time it was Lu who softened his hand, and this time he won't hold back. If you want to take me down, you have to prepare for death."

As he spoke, his chest rose and fell slightly, and two special breaths were faintly surging.

Venerable Huo Ling sensed this, his pupils shrank, and his spiritual sense hurriedly said, "Do it!"

With this word, everyone moved.

Four small balls of light with different auras shot out from the four gods in the outer ring.

The red light ball contains the meaning of fiery, the ice crystal blue is the meaning of cold, the dark yellow contains the disgusting atmosphere of ridicule and ridicule, and the last one exudes the meaning of cruelty.

As soon as they left the body, as if teleporting, they appeared directly around Lu Kun.

Among them, the red and blue light balls merged into a large ball, and the breath soared in a circle, turning into a chain, tying up Lu Kun's deformed body covered with purple-black scales.

The other two balls of light followed closely behind, turning into a thin circle of yellow and black chains.

As if they were already prepared, these four spiritual monks teleported some of their primordial spirits out of the body, and used the primordial spirit chain magical power, which was more than double the strength of the previous primordial qi chain.

The black and white light film on Lu Kun's body shattered directly, and the white spiritual energy turned into a little spiritual light, but instead blessed the other party's primordial spirit.

At the same time, the Oolong Dragon King and the three-headed Jiaojiao rushed over, and their bodies had already changed.

The yellow robe on the former's body merged with the body, turning into pale golden fur and scales, the human face was twisted into a dragon-like appearance, and a pale golden soft whip appeared in his hand.

And the bloated body of the three-headed Jiaolong shrunk and elongated. In addition to the four limbs, there was an extra foot in the middle of the body, and the face turned into a red Jiaolong head.

The entire body is like a red long snake with five legs. Among the five dragon claws, each is holding a tooth-shaped dagger, exuding a faint red halo.

The Dragon King quickly approached, a layer of real light floated on his soft whip, and he threw away Lu Kun's arms, trying to add a layer of restraint to the Primordial Spirit chain.

The red long snake grabbed the dagger that was flashing with yellow light, and rushed towards its legs, as if trying to lock the opponent's legs.

The two-headed demon king's whole body is full of real energy, and it is difficult for them to mobilize their spiritual energy in the vicinity of such a powerful Primordial Spirit chain.

How rich is the battle experience of the existence of the gods, Lu Kun took advantage of the conversation time to breathe and recover his blood.

These old monsters secretly condensed their true essence and separated their primordial spirits. They knew that the opponent's advantage was speed. As soon as they shot, they suppressed the enemy's vitality control power with the power of thunder, and at the same time restrained the flesh with a powerful vitality.

When the existence of the transformation of the gods started, and the first step was to display the chain of the primordial spirit, Lu Kun also moved.

I saw its arms swell, the scales on the surface cracked inch by inch, and strange blades suddenly squeezed out of the muscles.

These sturdy muscle fibers twisted frantically, like hemp ropes, squeezing and tying these blades together, forming a pair of deformed arms that ran through the arms in the blink of an eye, mixing flesh and metal.

The right knife arm shines with colorful streamers, and the left knife arm is purple-black. They seem to grow on the arm, completely fitting with the muscle scales, and there are two unique wills surging inside.

"A weapon grows out of flesh?"

"The devil's true meaning! The demon king's madness!"

"What the hell is this?"

These **** transformations stared at this scene in a stunned manner. Before the surprised look on their faces took shape, a surging qi and blood force and an invisible force field surged from the purple-black knife arm on Lu Kun's left.

The surrounding spiritual energy did not move, but the demonic energy gathered towards it like a madness, forming a layer of purple-black sword light with a length of one foot outside the blade arm.

The condensed light flashed with mysterious runes one by one, and a terrifying aura rose up, causing the three Primordial Spirit chains wrapped outside to tremble.

Lu Kun gritted his teeth, and the flesh and blood in his body surged toward his shoulder joints, causing his shoulders to bulge high, as if he was wearing a shoulder pad.

Immediately afterwards, the left-hand magic knife arm with a violent force of two million kilograms swiped outwards fiercely.


The left side of the three Primordial Spirit chains was directly cut off by the purple-black sword light, and the suppression of the surrounding spiritual energy appeared neutral. On his right sword arm, a faint white sword light appeared.


From the appearance of the Primordial Spirit Chain to Lu Kun's arm growing a strange flesh-and-blood knife arm, this change happened between lightning and flint. It can be said that he has just been trapped and will break free the next moment.

If it is an immortal cultivator below the spirit-transforming stage, it is too dizzying and too late to react, but after the cultivator enters the spirit-transforming stage, his thoughts and reactions have entered a new realm.

Several old monsters reacted immediately.

The golden soft whip that the Dragon King had planned to bind Lu Kun's arms quickly turned and wrapped around the opponent's purple-black sword arm.

He saw that the vitality attributes of the left and right blade arms were different. Under the joint suppression of the three gods of Ice and Fire, Mo Qing, the five-color blade arm of the right hand was extremely difficult to exert.

But Wu Wenxuan was the only one who was bound by the magic energy, and could not suppress the deformed magic blade arm.

If Lu Kun completely shatters the Primordial Spirit chain and releases the other blade arm that controls the Spiritual Primordial Qi, then they will lose the opportunity.

The golden soft whip is like a dexterous little snake, going around the magic blade arm that continues to slash towards the Primordial Spirit's chains.


The pale golden true essence and the black sword glow are violently intertwined.

The dragon king's expression changed, and the dragon claws holding the soft whip almost loosened. The blade light of the knife arm, which was suspected of Tongtian Lingbao, offset the power of his soft whip, but it still contained an incomparable savage power.

If it wasn't for the blessing of True Essence, the weapon might have been thrown out of his hands. He had to grab the soft whip with both hands, urging True Essence with all his strength to compete with the opponent's strength.

But even so, Lu Kun's left magic knife arm was not locked, but continued to chop at the broken Primordial Spirit chain, only at a slower speed.

Fortunately, at this time, the three-headed Jiaojiao rushed over and stuck the five sharp-toothed daggers outside the purple-black blade light, which made the magic knife arm unable to move.

And the four gods in the distance also have new actions.

Their disintegrated primordial spirits reunited, and the two chains of ice, fire and mockery all flocked to Lu Kun's right sword arm, completely suppressing the white sword light that had a tendency to take shape.

And Wu Wenxuan's brutal Primordial Spirit chain helped the demon king wrap around the magic blade arm, and the latter's purple-black blade light finally dimmed.

Lu Kun's abdomen roared, as if his body was completely restrained, unable to move in place.

Seeing this, Venerable Huo Ling in the distance breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly, "His arms are weird, we will use the greatest power of the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure to break his arms!"

Along with this sentence, the four gods in the distance maintained their Primordial Spirit chains while casting spells in their avatars, and magic weapons with amazing breath appeared in front of them.

In front of the Wuling Guan Shuangzun, there are a pair of identical axe, one is fiery red, the other is ice crystal blue, and the back of the axe blade with the size of the palm is five barbs. As soon as the two magic weapons appeared, the surrounding spiritual energy disappeared. Spontaneously surrounds it, forming a red and blue circle outside it.

With the casting of the two, the barbs behind the axe blade intertwined, forming a double-edged axe, with powerful ice and fire essence surging inside, and a faint aura of destruction emerged.

Wu Wenxuan took out the magic pulp knife, his expression was solemn, and he shot a magic light inward.

As for Mo Qing, the dark yellow circle was still in his hand. He did not attack, but activated his true essence, and circles of dark yellow halos floated out, blessing everyone one by one.

Lu Kun, who kept roaring in his abdominal cavity, was filled with calmness in the depths of his pupils. He saw the divine transformation in the distance casting spells, and his muscles trembled again.

I saw that the blade arm, which was bound by the Primordial Spirit chain and the demon king, suddenly made a swooshing sound, the blade body retracted directly into the body, and then the muscles rose and fell, as if something was squirming under the skin.

Immediately afterwards, on the surface of his sturdy legs, the purple-black scales split inch by inch, and just like the previous arms, blades grew out one by one.

The flesh-and-blood knife on Lu Kun's arm was transferred to his leg in an instant.

The vitality of the surrounding demons suddenly boiled, and a foot-long black and white light flashed from the two knife legs that were not bound. Power is soaring into the sky!

"not good!"

Seeing this incredible scene, the old monsters around them all changed their expressions...

Working overtime again... A chapter is out. The plot has been coherent recently, and I don't want to break it...

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