The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1241 Fierce Battle (Last Part)

A few old monsters in the distance are urging the greatest power of Tongtian Lingbao, while the nearby demon king has just wrapped around the arm of the magic knife. Facing the changes in the electric light and flint, his reaction was slow.

I saw that the muscles near Lu Kun's pelvis swelled rapidly, and the legs of the sword seemed to have no joint restrictions.


Several terrifying auras comparable to the transformation of Yuan Qi rose into the sky, and the violent waves rolled in all directions, the two demon kings surging in the body, and a layer of solid light shield appeared on the body surface, blocking this residual power.

The three primordial spirit chains trembled, then shattered and turned into three balls of aura.

The invisible force field on the surface of Lu Kun's body was distorted, frantically condensing the scattered vitality, and the black and white light film on the body surface flickered slightly, as if it was about to manifest again.

Immediately afterwards, his pair of sword legs flashing with black and white sword lights twisted again and slammed into Wu Wenxuan's Primordial Spirit Chain and the Demon King wrapped around his arms.

However, after this moment of delay, the dragon king and the three-headed Jiaojiao had already reacted. They opened their mouths slightly at the same time, and two yellow and pale gold spiritual balls shot out from them, turning into two primordial spirits full of madness. chain.

The golden soft whip extended outwards, and the three-headed Jiao threw out two daggers, which, together with the Primordial Spirit chain, wrapped around Lu Kun's knife legs.

Although the sword legs wrapped in the vitality of the sword are terrible, but suddenly facing the two chains of the primordial spirit, the two magic weapons of the demon king's life, the power is somewhat insufficient. trend.

At the same time, the three balls of Primordial Spirit scattered around the right arm flashed again, forming Primordial Spirit chains, and the terrifying Primordial Qi restraining force reappeared, even more terrifying than before.

Lu Kun's light film, which had not yet condensed and formed, collapsed again.


The demon king's primordial spirit chain and weapons collided with the double sword legs, and the white sword light was greatly suppressed, and it collapsed directly.

Although the remaining black magic knife light was amazing, after colliding with the soft whip dagger, it was completely at a disadvantage, and the radiance of vitality was dimmed.

Immediately after, the two chains transformed by the demon king Yuanshen bound Lu Kun's legs.

At the same time, the soft whip of the Dragon King continued to extend, like a long golden rope, after wrapping around the legs, it went around the right arm that had just been liberated, and finally the end was caught by the other hand of the Dragon King. .

This demon king had a serious look on his face, the turbulent real energy in his body rolled, and his hands tightly pulled the soft whip, exerting both his physical strength and real energy to the extreme.

On the other side, the body of the three-headed Jiaojiao was also elongated, like a red python, bending and swimming, following the soft whip, locking Lu Kun's limbs.

At this time, the other four primordial spirits, together with their arms and torso, bound Lu Kun's upper body again. The difference was that Wu Wenxuan's true demon chains were tied to his hands and thighs.


There was a whistling sound, and Mo Qing's Zhenyuehuan teleported over at some point, with a dark yellow solid halo, wrapping it over.

The six primordial spirit chains, a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, the physical power and magic weapon of the two demon kings, they echo each other and bind the enemy to death.

Moreover, under this combined power, the source field of Lu Kun's body kept shaking and pressing down inch by inch. It seemed that it would not take long for these terrifying magical powers to directly act on his flesh.

Seeing this, the four gods in the distance did not intend to relax at all, and their expressions became more cautious. They slowed down the urging of Tongtian Lingbao and put most of their minds on the chains of Yuanshen.

Most of these old guys have fought against Demon Kings and have rich fighting experience. After learning about Lu Kun's magical powers and the bloodline of the Arm-Through Demon Ape, they found the most secure way to fight.

That is to bind the body and chop off its arms!

However, several people looked at each other's legs with flesh-and-blood knives, and their eyes met, and they decided to cut off even their legs.

Venerable Huo Ling showed a bit of rejoicing. Fortunately, there were two demon kings to help, otherwise they would not be able to capture this Pavilion Master Lu alive.


Lu Kun gritted his teeth and his face was extremely ugly. Although he almost got out of trouble with the help of the flexible changes of the dual swords in his body, he was quickly controlled by the two demon kings, unable to move.

At this time, in his body, the two fused spiritual thoughts were rapidly communicating.

"The six-path primordial spirit chain is so terrifying, it not only suppresses primordial qi, but the power of primordial qi transforming into shape is even more astonishing. Thanks to the power of primal qi, otherwise these primal qi powers would directly act on the flesh, with the current power of qi and blood. , it won't last long at all."

"Damn, we made a mistake in our judgment. Although the fusion of the magical powers gave birth to the power of one yuan, the range of the source field is only one foot, which is not even as good as the body repair in the early stage of bone transformation. It can resist at most two chains of false gods."

"The combination of supernatural powers and dual swords of snow, facing up to four pseudo-gods!"

"I underestimate these old guys. I haven't entered the late stage of bone transformation, and the Snow Soul Sword has not really taken shape. I should use the magic ape transformation to escape from the beginning!"

"Then what are you waiting for, it's still too late to use it! One yuan force plus a three-foot source force field, as well as a five-zhang-high body, combined with the double swords of snow soul, will definitely be able to break free!"

"Magic ape needs internal organs. In our current state, the internal organs are concentrated in the spine. If you want to transform, you must first remove the supernatural power."

"In this way, the power of one yuan will have a neutral position. Facing the chains of the six primordial spirits and the two-headed demon king, the physical body can only resist for a moment, and under such a huge binding force, I am not sure I will grow bigger."

"With a body of five feet and a source force field of three feet, the supernatural power of the power of one yuan can be fully exerted, and if you transform in a hurry, the opponent will seize the opportunity to seriously damage the body."

"Then merge the snow-soul swords! You and I lose half of the flesh and blood, and stimulate the madness of the devil. The terrifying golden sword light can definitely suppress their Primordial Spirit chains, and even kill one or two!"

"No, we lost half of our flesh and blood, our strength has been greatly reduced, and we have no spare energy to escape, and I will lose a lot of madness, and there is no way to break through in the secret territory."

"Lu Kun! It's life-saving now, without paying the price, how can we hurt them and these old monsters, and how can we have a chance to escape? We have no other means other than the golden sword light!"

"Don't pay the price? Wait, we don't have to pay the price of the flesh, we still have a means!"



Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian's fusion of spiritual thoughts seemed to communicate for a long time, and only two or three breaths passed outside. Although the old guys in the distance focused most of their energy on the Primordial Spirit chains, they were full of True Essence and the radiance of the Heavenly Spirit Treasures. More and more prosperous, as if the next moment will be inspired.

At this moment, Lu Kun's eyes suddenly showed a ruthless look. The source force field that had been pressed to three inches on the surface of his body suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and even the flesh knife on his leg was retracted into his body.

The golden soft whip and the three-headed scorpion, which were trying their best to restrain the primordial spirit chain, slammed directly on the body surface covered with purple-black scales, and the terrifying power rose into the sky.

The seemingly hard purple-black scales shattered in an instant under the power of several energy transformations. From the flesh and blood below, silver blood essence continued to pour out, which competed with the incomparably thick energy of blood. .

But even so, those muscles are melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When a few old guys in the distance saw such a scene, they were all stunned for a moment. Before they could figure out what Lu Kun meant, they saw the other party opened his mouth, and an eight-sided crystal immersed in purple-black blood appeared inside.

I saw this crystal clear and swiftly dissolving, and gusts of invisible energy poured out. Its breath was like a soul, like divine consciousness, and even a bit of the coercion of willpower.

As soon as this energy appeared, the six surrounding Primordial Spirit chains trembled all of a sudden, splitting into six spheres of spiritual light, rushing towards this invisible energy frantically, as if encountering some kind of enemy, with a kind of immortality.

Everyone's expressions changed, and at this time they all lost the control of the Primordial Spirit Chain.

Seeing this scene, Venerable Huo Ling suddenly remembered a rumor recorded in the door, his face became extremely pale, and he roared: "How can this lunatic have the magical powers of that golden armored corpse! Everyone, hurry up and mobilize the energy in your body. God, protect the internal organs and the sea of ​​consciousness!"

As soon as the words fell, the six-path primordial spirit light ball collided with this crystal clear energy.

At this moment, everyone has the illusion that time is frozen, as if a moment has passed, and it seems like a long time has passed.

Then I felt a terrifying invisible shock wave gushing out from Lu Kun's bloody body, turning into a circle of ripples, rushing away in all directions.

After being swept by the ripples, the three-headed Jiaojiao coiled on Lu Kun's body heard bursts of blasting sounds. Those wide eyes seemed to burst into blood plasma, and the body immediately softened.

And the Dragon King Biao, who was holding the golden soft whip, reacted a beat slower after he felt that the primordial spirit he had differentiated had been completely wiped out.

He only had time to protect half of his internal organs with his primordial spirit, and then he felt a terrifying mental shock wave approaching. It seemed to ignore the defenses of his physical body and his true primordial essence, and acted directly on his internal organs.

"Pfft", the dragon king's eyes were covered with bloodshots all of a sudden, he spat out a cloud of blood foam from his mouth, and his figure flew out.

The four old monsters of the human race that were fifty feet away were much better. Although the primordial spirits they differentiated were also wiped out, before the shock wave approached, they protected the internal organs and the sea of ​​consciousness with the primordial spirits in their bodies in time.

But even so, when the shock wave approached, several people were staring at gold stars, as if their brains had been severely hammered, and the primordial spirits in their bodies were shaking.

In that slightly blurred line of sight, they watched the humanoid monster in the distance, turned into a burly man, and fled in the distance, leaving a sound of breaking through the air...

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