The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1242 Analysis

The shock wave of invisible ripples swayed in that circle, and even shook out a lot of heaven and earth vitality, with a black and white halo, which stretched hundreds of feet away before slowly dissipating in the air.

In the center of the mental shock wave, the body of the boa constrictor, which was originally soft, swelled up at some point, and turned into a five-clawed dragon with fiery red scales that was about ten feet long.

In its empty eyes, two yellow balls of light larger than lanterns flashed, filled with a strong sense of madness, the thick true essence rolled in the body, and an incomparably angry voice came from the dragon's mouth: "Damn it. This guy actually ruined the old lady's avatar!"

Although the sound of the three-headed Jiaojiao was terrifying, the huge body seemed to have no strength. The dragon head and five dragon feet were drooping, like a body with no strength and no real essence.

Not far behind him, the body of the Dragon King Biao also turned into his main body.

This is a dragon-like creature with a length of five or six feet. It has a head like a dragon and a tiger, and an athletic body like a tiger. Under the skin covered with pale golden hair, there are solid muscles, and there is a flashing golden behind it. Light, like the tail of a soft whip.

The Oolong King looked at the burly man who was gradually receding in the distance, and his eyes flashed with horror.

At this time, the internal organs in his body were dim, and although there was still some vitality, the flow of blood and the nerves of flesh and blood were stagnant.

This special damage made it impossible to activate its metamorphosis power, and had to manifest its original form.

"Lu Kun's breath is gone!"

His tiger eyes suddenly narrowed, and in his field of vision, the burly man who flew hundreds of feet out of the sky flickered and disappeared out of thin air. With his divine consciousness at the level of God Transformation, he couldn't detect it, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at the human race in the distance. God.

Wulingguan Double Venerables, Mo Qing and Wu Wenxuan, after this moment of relaxation, have regained control of Zhen Yuan. They looked at the direction that Lu Kun was going away, and their faces were ugly.

Venerable Huo Ling moved his fingers and performed a mysterious magic. Then his face showed a look of surprise, as if he didn't believe it, and he moved several times, his face sinking like water:

"Our willpower, the mark of consciousness, and the breath of the five spirit plates have all disappeared without a trace..."

Venerable Ice Spirit put down the hands that were also casting spells, and said with a shocked expression, "This guy has the means to hide the Five Spirit Plate, why didn't he reveal it before, he was deliberately trying to lure me into the bait?"

Venerable Huo Ling thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Impossible, Lu Kun obviously used all his strength just now. If he wanted to deal with us, why would he rush to escape? Just now is the best time to attack."

"The only possibility is that he doesn't know whether this concealment method is feasible. The two five spirit disks that we didn't find are what he used to test."

Mo Qing of Qingyunmen did not sneer at this time, but said in a cautious tone: "Fellow Daoist Fire Spirit, what kind of supernatural power did Lu Kun just have, and he ignored the protection of his true essence and directly bombarded his internal organs and brain."

"If you hadn't reminded me, my body would have been destroyed..."

Thinking of the scene just now, everyone showed a look of fear. The Primordial Spirit chains they differentiated were wiped out, and the reaction was much slower under the implication, and it was too late to dodge the shock wave.

If there is no reminder from Venerable Huo Ling, they will only protect the fleshly body with True Yuan, where would they think of protecting the internal organs with Yuan Shen.

"What do fellow Daoists say about the magical powers of the Golden Armored Corpse, that short-lived top-level zombie?"

Venerable Huo Ling was silent for a while: "Fellow Daoist Wu should know that the seniors of our two sects surrounded and killed the golden corpse, and finally perished together."

Hearing this, Wu Wenxuan raised his brows and said, "It didn't take long for that senior in this sect to deal with the golden armored corpse, and the soul card in the door shattered. Did he hit the special shock wave just now?"

"Did your seniors from the Five Spirits Temple survive that battle?"

Venerable Huo Ling sighed: "There is only one senior left in this sect, Nascent Soul, escaped back, and died of serious injuries not long after."

He organized the following language and said: "The golden armored corpse in Zhongming Mountain has strange magical powers. It has no willpower, but it can control the vitality of the devil at the same time, and its physical defense is strong."

"However, its control over Yuan Qi is much weaker than our pseudo-god. The three seniors paid some price to capture him alive, using Yuanshen chains."

Hearing this, the Dragon King couldn't help frowning and said, "Then the golden armor corpse spit out the crystal of Lu Kun?"

Venerable Fire Spirit first nodded, then shook his head and said, "Something is different. According to the last words of the seniors of this sect, when they tried to search for souls, they found a crystal clear in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the golden armor corpse."

"The corpse of the golden armor blew up this crystal that seemed to condense pure consciousness, and the turbulent special spiritual power seemed to be a deadly enemy with the will of the primordial spirit, causing the three seniors' primordial spirit chains to lose control."

"Just like what happened just now, the weird mental shock wave directly shook the internal organs and brains of several seniors into blood, and their bodies were completely destroyed."

"And the golden armor corpse lost this crystal, and the bloodthirsty meaning appeared in the body, regained control of the body, and took advantage of the gap to swallow the Nascent Soul of the three seniors."

"In order to prevent the Golden Armored Corpse from continuing to break through, several seniors directly blew themselves up in their bodies, and both parties perished together. The senior in this sect relied on the Nascent Soul to differentiate magical powers and barely survived, but unfortunately he was seriously injured and died soon after returning to the door. now..."

After everyone listened, there was silence for a while, and the three-headed Jiao suddenly said: "After Lu Kun used it, why can he escape? He can even use the means to hide his figure, as if it has no effect."

Before Venerable Huo Ling could speak, Wu Wenxuan suddenly thought of something and said, "I see, that crystal is a sacred relic of the Underworld Insect family, not Lu Kun's own divine consciousness."

"Underworld Sacred Artifact?"

Others were a little stunned.

Wu Wenxuan said: "Hundreds of years ago, I went to Zhongming Mountain to fight against the corpse king. The other party has a kind of magical power that can burst out the strength of a golden corpse, and his eyebrows are inlaid with this crystal."

"Later, I checked some information and found that this is a sacred object of the ancient ghosts, which is equivalent to the effect of the real devil pool on the devils, and it is the key to the advanced gods of the ghosts."

"But immortal cultivators can't use this thing, but the One Yuan Sect seems to be able to use the sacred worms to purify the water of true demons."

Thinking of the previous scene, everyone understood.

"In this way, the sacred worm may be the crystallization of some kind of spiritual condensed spirit, just like the crystallization of the soul of the golden armored corpse."

"Lu Kun seems to use his powerful blood to stimulate the spiritual power inside, so as to collide with the will of our primordial spirit and generate that terrifying spiritual shock wave."

"This perverted internal organ has endured the self-destruction of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage without damage. Obviously, its defensive power is amazing and can withstand this kind of mental shock."

"However, the state just now was the best time to counterattack, but he turned around and fled, apparently unable to continue fighting."

"As we guessed before, this guy hasn't reached the stage of divine transformation, it's just a short-term outbreak."

"On the flesh-and-blood magic knife, I felt the breath of the magic dragon blade. It seemed that he had made two treasures. It didn't have the original terrible magical power, otherwise we wouldn't be able to bind it so easily."

"Lu Kun's form is weird this time, and he didn't transform into a tunic ape."

"Is it because the power of qi and blood consumes too much, every time he runs his magical powers, there is turbulent qi and blood."


"What do we do now, this guy has hidden magical powers, if it is in the dark, it would be troublesome to sneak attack on us."

The existence of these gods and your words, I quickly analyzed Lu Kun's state, and then worried about the other party's revenge.

Venerable Huo Ling said in a deep voice, "Although he covered up the Five Spirit Plate, as long as I use it, I can feel it, and I can destroy it with a little spell."

"If Lu Kun still has the magic dragon blade in his hand, it is possible to forcibly break the ban on the battlefield. Unfortunately, the two heaven-penetrating treasures in his hand are not so powerful."

"If this guy can't enter the ancient battlefield, he can't interfere with me."

"If our judgment is correct, Lu Kun should still be at the late stage of Nascent Soul, and let him enter the divine transformation, then it will be troublesome."

Speaking of this, his tone gradually became cold: "As soon as the secret realm is over, we will publicize that Lu Kun is the soul of the demon king lurking in the world of immortals, and the body-refining pavilion is the inner response of the demons, making him the public enemy of the world of immortality."

"If he knows each other, it's enough to hand over the exercises. If it doesn't work, we will kill him directly without leaving future troubles."

"Cultivation methods that can simultaneously stimulate the vitality of the demon spirit and the power of the orthodox divine essence must be made public, just like the Buddhist sect at the time."

The rest of the people, including the two demon kings, agreed with this plan.

"The hatred between the two sides is irreconcilable, and the knife will cut through the mess."

"Okay, let's do that."

"Next, let's heal together. It's best to study some secret techniques for physical detection."

After discussing some details, these spirits left the place.

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