The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1243 Demon Race Now

After another half day, a burly naked figure appeared in vain on a water surface hundreds of meters away from the battlefield. It was Lu Kun.

His eyes flickered with golden rays of light, silently watching the direction where the group of gods were going away, after a while, the Zhaling soft armor appeared outside the body, and gradually twisted into a black armor.

Hong Yuntian's furious voice came from his body: "These damned guys, it seems that they want to enter the Body Refinement Pavilion together after the Broken Kingdom is over."

"Lu Kun, we have to find a way to kill a few, otherwise the big sects will join forces to attack, and even if we are fine, the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion will be in trouble."

"Especially Li Qianfeng and the others will definitely be the subjects of research."

Lu Kun squinted his eyes and said in a calm voice: "If they really kill one or two gods, they will be able to slander us as demon spies. After all, over the years, human gods have never killed each other. "

"The way to deal with it, we must take a long-term view."

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian seemed to be even more angry: "But even if you don't do it, these guys will use this excuse to enter the world of immortal cultivation in the southwest. Since the war between the sects is unavoidable, it is better to do it first!"

"Could it be that you plan to hand over the exercises? In this way, the body training pavilion will appear weak and deceitful, and the enemy will gain an inch, and they must pay the price of blood!"

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "I, Lu Kun, are the leader of the faction, the founder of the body repair system, how could I submit to them!"

"But the most important thing at the moment is to break through to the late stage of bone transformation and completely shape the dual swords of snow soul."

"The crystals of the underworld spirit have been used up, and we have lost the magical power of fusion, and we are in danger of even saving our lives."

"Everything in the world of immortality is based on strength! Brother Hong cannot fail to understand such a simple truth."

Hong Yuntian was silent for a while, and seemed to have calmed down a lot. He said in a voice: "Okay, let's find the blood of the giant ape first, but you must remember that one of the reasons that persuaded me to join the Body Refinement Pavilion was that Guard the body refining line!"

Lu Kun took a deep breath and said with a firm look in his eyes, "Of course I remember!"

After saying this, he shot towards the northeast, and his figure gradually disappeared into the air.


On the west bank of Dayuan River, Xu Junwen was flying in the air. She was holding a jade slip, and her slightly pale face was full of surprises.

"As expected, what really helps me is the secret technique of separating the original power of Nascent Soul."

"With it, coupled with the yin-yang son-mother technique, I can divide the origin of Nascent Soul into three parts, and plant them into the golden pills of my disciples. The latter has a great chance of breaking through to Nascent Soul. Expect."

"Although Ji Yang Nascent Soul blew itself up, its origin is still in the body. The Nascent Soul planted by this method is equivalent to my Nascent Soul clone."

"As long as you cast a spell, you can easily swallow it."

"My yin and yang body has an innate ability to purify these two kinds of yin and yang primordial infant power. In this way, one is divided into three, and the three infants are united. Repeated several times, not to mention the great cultivator, even if it is a spirit transformation stage, I All have great confidence!"

Xu Junwen's big eyes flashed brightly. She had witnessed the failure of the previous Yin-Yang Holy Master to break through to the divine transformation, and she knew the two major difficulties in it.

One is that the power of Yin-Yang Nascent Soul must be extremely pure, and the other is the difficulty in merging the two souls.

But she is different from the Holy Masters of the past dynasties. The Yin-Yang Child-Mother Art is the method of dual Nascent Soul cultivation.

As for the cultivation of the power of Nascent Soul, one can completely use the secret technique of transforming one qi into three purifications, planting the source of yin and yang, and finally combining the three purifications into one, and then purifying them with their talents.

With the fusion of the six Yin-Yang Nascent Souls before and after, the power of the Nascent Soul can reach the extreme, and then with the secret techniques of the Yin-Yang Holy Sect, it is very possible to enter the Divine Transformation Stage.

After a while, the joy on her face gradually subsided, she turned her head and looked back, her expression full of fear.

"Pavillion Lu dares to use his physical body to contain Nascent Soul. He is definitely not afraid of self-destruction. He can't fully believe the words of the god-turning old monster. In the past few years, he has separated the origin of Nascent Soul, and he can't return to the sect in a short time..."

Then a jade slip appeared in her hand, and she carefully identified the map inside.

"In the Broken Nation, the ancient battlefield and the northeast region have the most space cracks. The northeast is still an ice field, and there is nothing of value. Pavilion Master Lu should not go there."

Xu Junwen thought about it in his heart and changed the direction of the escape light.


An area to the west of the central part of the Broken Nation is filled with a large number of space cracks. These cracks are different from other places. In addition to the faint blue light, black and white clouds and mists are constantly being exhaled.

However, on the periphery of this area, only white clouds and mists gushed out of the space cracks. They merged with each other in a special trajectory, and were framed by the faint blue space cracks, forming a dense fog of white mist.

This is the ancient battlefield of the Shattered Realm.

In the depths of the ancient battlefield, there was a valley shrouded in silver mist. The mist was flickering with a faint blue luster, and the power of space was rolling in it.

Suddenly, purple-black lightning bolts appeared in the fog of this valley. They became denser and denser, and gradually turned into spots larger than buckets, there were hundreds of them.

In each spot, there is a gradually clear face, and their faces are covered with black scales with different patterns, like some kind of special totem.

Except for these scales, its head is five or six points similar to the human race, some have long and narrow faces, some have round faces, but their hair and pupils are purple-black.

Over time, these hundreds of faces became clearer and clearer, and even the excited expressions above were seen.

But just as these heads were about to spew spots, the surrounding silver mist suddenly rolled up, and the blue light inside flickered wildly, entwining each other, forming a tornado-like whirlwind, and the power of space was even more turbulent. .

The purple-black spots affected by the cyclone were directly shattered, and the heads inside were twisted and dissipated. However, the number of space storms was not particularly large, and many spots remained intact.

In the remaining spots, the scaly heads let out a silent roar, struggling to the outside, and the strong bodies gradually crawled out.

But at this time, as if some kind of restriction was triggered, in addition to the space storm, a large amount of silver lightning gushed out of the silver mist.

Some of the bodies struck by these lightnings screamed, and some continued to struggle outwards with hideous faces, but no matter what they did, they all retreated without resistance, and their spots disappeared.

Despite this, there were still nine figures rushing out.

They have faces similar to human races, and they wear some kind of metallic luster armor. The scale patterns on their faces are different, and they are filled with a deep magical atmosphere.

Six of them were burly and massive.

The other three faces are slightly smaller, with soft looks, slightly slender bodies, and straight chests, except for the scales and strange faces on the body surface, they are like women in the human race.

If there are immortals here, they will find that these creatures are the same as the descriptions of the legendary demons.

These demons looked at the silver mist below, showing the color of the rest of their lives, and then spontaneously surrounded the male demon with the strongest body and lavender scales on the edge of the body.

The demon said with a bit of excitement: "Very good, this time we not only entered nine people, but also three of them are the peak of the seventh-level demon soldier."

"The next time the power of space weakens will be half a year later. In addition to Lord Demon King, there will be several Lord Demon Generals here. Before that, I and the other two will seize the time and try to break through to level 8."

"The rest of the people find out the situation nearby, especially the monsters left by the previous predecessors, see how far they have grown, and conquer them as soon as possible."


After a few words, the six figures shot towards all directions, and the three demons with the deepest breath stayed near the silver mist, chose a few places with strong demonic energy, and began to practice...

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