The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1244 Arctic Mountain

The northeastern region of the Shattered Nation is a vast ice field. The sky is sprinkled with faint blue space cracks, and many even float on the ice.

Occasionally, some strange monsters appeared, and they did not dare to run fast on the ice field, for fear of being cut in half.

The further north, the more dense the cracks in the space, to the edge, even formed a cobweb-like sky, separating the Broken Kingdom from the extreme northern land of the Immortal Cultivation World.

On the northeastern border of the Shattered Nation, there is a huge mountain, stuck in a thick crack in space.

It stretches for hundreds of miles, and all the steep and rugged peaks are covered with white snow.

The bottoms of these ice-blue crystal peaks were shrouded in purple-black mist, making it impossible to see the scene at the bottom of the mountain.


On this day, a azure blue light suddenly lit up on the edge of the cliff of a certain crystal mountain, and there were lines of aura flowing in the thick ice blocks. pattern.

After a while, the spiritual light on the magic circle became more and more dazzling, and even the vitality of the nearby heaven and earth manifested, forming a hazy blue halo on the ice surface.

With a loud "bang", a force of space surged out, and the thick layer of ice on the formation burst violently, vaporized directly into mist, and swept away in all directions, in the mountains where the cold wind whistled, a rumbling sounded Long's echoing sound.

In the fog, three figures, one man and two women, gradually emerged.

The man looked to be in his twenties, wearing a white brocade suit and a scarf on his head, with a handsome appearance, holding a blue jade talisman in his left hand and a folding fan in his right.

He swayed slightly, then opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding scene. The folding fan in his hand opened with a swipe and fanned gently, like a rich young master traveling.

However, during the dance, the folding fan aroused the surrounding spiritual energy, fanning out strands of blue streamer light, forming a circle of body-protecting spiritual light around the three people, and it was also covered with a faint halo.

The two women behind him were both wearing blue long dresses, with delicate looks, almost identical in appearance. They were twin sisters, but one had a full chest, and the other was tall and slender.

At this time, they all closed their eyes tightly, holding the blue jade talisman, as if they were still in a dizziness after the teleportation.

After about ten breaths, the two of them opened their big eyes at the same time, feeling the cold wind and pure spiritual energy around them, and they were all shocked.

The plump woman looked around and said excitedly, "Sect Master, this is the North Pole Mountain? We have entered a broken country?"

The man said with a little emotion: "Yes, this is the holy place of this sect, the Arctic Mountain, and it is my first time here."

The slender woman looked at the cracks in the space dozens of meters away from the mountain, with a slightly frightened expression, and whispered: "Sect Master, I heard that every time the Shattered Kingdom opens, the top monks in Da Zhou will come in, and even some A lot of God Transformation seniors, will we be in danger?"

The man said in a gentle voice: "The space crack area outside the North Pole Mountain is thousands of feet long. To walk through the gap, you need to use strong mana to resist the force of space. With my cultivation at the peak of the great cultivator, I can only advance four points. distance of one."

"The seniors of the gods in Da Zhou are busy dealing with the demons. Even if the North Pole Mountain has nurtured a lot of ice-attribute geniuses, it is not worth them to spend real energy to come in."

The plump woman heard the words, her big eyes flashing with a crystal luster, and she said loudly: "Sect Master, what are you waiting for, let's go treasure hunting!"

Hearing the words, the man said with a somewhat serious tone: "Hmph, I let you Lan Sisters come in, not to search for treasure, but to open the inner space of the Arctic Mountain to find the seniors of this sect."

The plump woman heard the man's tone and couldn't help but feel a little dejected.

The man looked into the distance, and after a while, his eyes locked on the highest mountain in the distance, and a bit of hope flashed in his eyes: "It has been six hundred years since the last time it was opened. According to the records of this sect, the North Pole The interior space of the mountain is vast and full of vitality.”

"Master, her old man is the most talented person among the elders of this sect, and maybe she has broken through to the stage of spiritual transformation!"

The plump woman pouted and said, "Sect Master, you reached the peak of a great cultivator in your early 600s, and you are a genius when it comes to the speed of your cultivation."

The slender woman on the side blinked and whispered, "That's it..."

The man waved the folding fan in his hand, shook his head, and said, "You don't know, the master practiced the Bing Xin Jue, a technique that could comprehend the power of will. Based on this alone, I, Liu Jinyuan, are far inferior."

"Create your own exercises?"

"Understand the power of will!"

The twin women's expressions were shocked. As the elders who had appeared in the god-transforming sect, they naturally understood the meaning.

"Not much to say, we are ready to go."

Then the man named Liu Jinyuan took out a jade slip and looked around while consulting the map inside.

Inward from the cliff is a steep mountain road clinging to the rock face of the mountain. It is covered with ice, and outside is the abyss of the cliff. The purple-black mist billows at the bottom, like a terrifying monster, waiting for its prey to fall into its trap.

Liu Jinyuan lifted his feet a few feet off the ground, floated towards the mountain wall, and said cautiously: "Follow me closely, don't fly too high, although the space crack is dozens of feet away, there will occasionally be small space storms, and the suction is amazing."

"In addition to the same dense cracks in the abyss below, there is also a strong magical energy."

"If you are involved, no one will be able to save you unless you transform into a spirit."

The twin girls only had cultivation in the early stage of Nascent Soul. After hearing the words, they nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and followed carefully. They were in the Northern Yuan Sect, specializing in the way of formation, especially the space teleportation formation. They knew this kind of thing. The power of chaotic space is the most dangerous.

The three of them flew slowly to the ground and circled to the other end of the mountain. There was a passage without space cracks, as if it had been created artificially, for the immortal cultivators to fly.

The plump woman couldn't help but said, "Sect Master, was this pioneered by the seniors of this sect?"

Hearing this, Liu Jinyuan slowly shook his head and said, "The ban on the Arctic Mountains, and even the distribution of space cracks, are all set by the ancient Yuan Dynasty."

"One yuan sect?"

"It is rumored that the founder of this sect is a disciple of the One Yuan sect, is it true?"

Liu Jinyuan said: "Yes, the founder of this sect is not only a formal disciple of the One Yuan sect, but also an elder of the gods."

"The master said that the One Yuan Sect accomplished the feat of ascending the school, is it true?"

"The exercises we practice are all top-level secret techniques of the One Yuan Sect? It doesn't seem to be as powerful as the legends."

"Sister, our cultivation technique is super powerful, otherwise, how could we always rule the extreme north, and those sects in Dazhou dare not come to grab the territory."

Listening to the chatter of the twins behind him, Liu Jinyuan looked down at the mountain range below him and sighed: "The meaning of that senior creating the Northern Yuan Sect is actually to guard this mountain range and maintain the stability of the cracks in space."

"Guard the Arctic Mountain?"

"Space cracks still need to remain stable?"

"You'll know when you get there."

Seeing the twin sisters' expressions of doubt, Liu Jinyuan didn't say much. The escape light accelerated a little, and the two women held their curiosity and followed closely behind.

Next, the three of them shuttled through the Arctic Mountains. As they went deeper, although it became colder, the spiritual energy became more and more pure.

There were also some special monsters on the road, but they were all based on the cultivation of Pill. A few people could easily solve it. In addition to some special ice-type materials, the twin women also got a pair of snow crystal leopard cubs, and they were very happy.

After a long time, the three came to the top of the highest peak of the Arctic Mountain, which is a hundred feet in diameter, like a man-made flat-topped square, and a small pavilion covered by ice and snow.

Liu Jinyuan and the others didn't pay attention to this, they all raised their heads and looked at the sky.

There is a huge space crack hanging there. It is twenty feet long and more than three feet wide. In the deep blue space, you can see a little bit of starlight, just like the sky in the middle of the night, emitting a charming light. .

The two women felt the power of the unfathomable space inside, and the pure spiritual energy flowing out from time to time.

A strange color flashed in Liu Jinyuan's eyes, and he nodded lightly:

"Yes, although there are other places in the Shattered Nation where there are anti-spirit passages, the North Pole Mountain is the most stable and safe, but even so, there is no cultivation level above the middle stage of God Transformation, and there is only a dead end."

"The god-transforming senior of my sect, not long after entering, the spirit lamp went out. In the world of cultivating immortals with only false gods, no one can use this to enter the upper realm."

The twin sisters suddenly understood.

"It turns out that our Beiyuan Sect guards this passage!"

"Since no one is going in, will the seniors from the upper realm use this passage to come down?"

Liu Jinyuan shook his head and said, "Probably not, otherwise the founder of the sect would definitely arrange for the elders to be stationed here, how could it be so hasty."

"Obviously it's an opportunity for the lower realm to soar."

When he said this, a thought suddenly appeared in his heart: "Wait, the One Yuan Sect is the strongest sect in the ancient times, with countless powers, obviously knowing that only false gods can be born in the world of immortality, but they still arrange the disciples of this sect to guard, it seems...'s usually reserved for someone."

"Could it be that the inner space of the Arctic Mountain is the same..."

Liu Jinyuan couldn't help lowering his head and looked at the center of the plaza platform, where there was a crystal clear circular ice surface, with a faint silver light flashing below, which seemed to be a hidden prohibition.

The twin sisters followed his gaze, and the plump woman asked, "Is that the entrance circle of the inner space? The restriction that Master has been studying for the rest of his life?"

Liu Jinyuan nodded first, then sighed and said, "Thousands of years ago, in an accidental situation, this entrance prohibition manifested itself. After being detected by the seniors of the sect, it was the secret space left by the One Yuan sect."

"It wasn't until 600 years ago that Shizu successfully entered it, but she did not expect that the spatial fluctuations of the ancient battlefield would affect this place, resulting in the sudden closure of the ban and being trapped inside."

"It was opened by your master six hundred years ago, so this time it's up to you."

"Leave it to us."

"Sect Master, don't worry!"

The twin sisters nodded earnestly, walked forward, and began to probe this entrance restriction...

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