The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1246 Weird Teleportation

On the northeastern edge of the Shattered Nation, in the space fissure that wraps the Arctic Mountain, there are two small bodies constantly scurrying.

Lu Kun took advantage of the skeletal properties of Yinlong Yuntie to reduce his body size by half. As for Hong Yuntian, his body can be turned into liquid, and it is not a problem to get smaller, but he has a layer of purple-black scales on top of his skin.

Due to the reduction in the size of the two, the gaps around the cracks appear to be quite wide.

The blue space power fell on Lu Kun's skin, barely scratching the slight bloodstains, unable to break through the next layer of muscles.

And the magic scales on the surface of Hong Yuntian's body are even harder, easily resisting the force of cutting.

For the body repair, as long as the defense is not broken, there will not be too much consumption of blood.

Lu Kun asked, "So, Arctic Mountain is the place where the One Yuan Sect reserves body-refining resources?"

Hong Yuntian said: "Yes, in my impression, in addition to planting herbs that are helpful for blood essence, there are also many blood essences from top demon races."

"They are made by the One Yuan Sect elders using the alchemy method, combined with the tyrannical mana real fire, to concentrate and refine all the fleshly bodies. According to this seat's judgment, the blood essence is not damaged."

"The disciples who practiced the Demon Spirit Art might be able to use these blood essences."

Lu Kun recalled the scene where the young ape stayed in the alchemy furnace and was refined alive, and sighed, but then he seemed to think of something and asked:

"Brother Hong succeeded in the absorption of the essence of the magic bone in the final stage of the Demon Body Refining Final, with the help of this blood essence refining secret technique. Does Brother Hong remember this refining method?"

Hong Yuntian said with a hint of reminiscence: "Although the elders have lowered a lot of requirements for this secret technique, it also needs to be activated in the late stage of Nascent Soul. At that time, I only had the cultivation base of forming pills, so I couldn't understand the secrets."

"But I made a copy and left it in the Arctic Mountain. Why do you need this secret technique?"

Lu Kunsi thought: "The final stage of our refining of the Snow Soul Sword is the use of Brother Hong's Demon Essence to deliver the True Demon Intent. Although the frenzied Demon Intent didn't last long, it also shows that this method of synthesizing will is correct. ."

"If you want to fuse in the body, it is much more complicated than refining. It is best to have controllable demon essence in the body. The secret technique of the elders of Yuanzong, if the demon king's body can be refined into blood essence, and then be I inhale it into the body to control it, maybe it will help the bloodline will synthesis."

Hong Yuntian pondered for a while, nodded and said: "It makes some sense, but let's break through to the later stage first."

"If my judgment is correct, the drop of blood essence you absorbed in the Warcraft Garden and the one stored in the North Pole Mountain came from the same giant ape, no, it should be said to be a giant ape."

"When the young ape found it, it was when the Demon King of the Tong-armed Demon Ape lost control and made a riot at the Demon Clan's camp."

"As for whether the bloodline of the same origin can make your physical strength go further, I don't know."

Lu Kun smiled and said, "Brother Hong, don't worry, I have deduced it carefully these days, and I have a good grasp of it."

"By the way, the herbs that supplement the essence and blood in the Arctic Mountains should be tens of thousands of years old. I don't know if they have any effect on the body repair of the bone degeneration stage."

Hong Yuntian hesitated and said: "Qi and blood grass is a different species that the elders mixed with several herbs. The biggest year of the year was only a few hundred years, and it was only effective for body refining disciples below the core."

"As for the tens of thousands of years of qi and blood grass, I can't determine what it does."

Anticipation flashed in Lu Kun's eyes: "When I enter the Arctic Mountain, I have to give it a try. As long as it can speed up the recovery of blood essence and blood during the bone transformation period, then... wait, the power of space!"

Suddenly, all the cracks in the surrounding space trembled violently, and a large amount of blue light gushed out, turning into mysterious trajectories, rushing towards the two of them.

"Triggered the ban?"

"Is this a magic circle composed of space cracks?"

Lu Kun's qi and blood were rolling in his body, his fists were clenched, and he was about to rush out, but Hong Yuntian seemed to feel something, and his pupils shrank: "This is the short-distance teleportation ban of the Yuan Dynasty, don't resist, otherwise it will stir into the space and turbulent flow. , we're in trouble."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two disappeared in place in a faint blue light.


In the ancient battlefield of the Shattered Kingdom, outside the valley filled with silver mist, four seventh-level peak demons were located in four positions, each with several long and narrow space cracks, and pure demons surging outwards. gas.

Suddenly, the most sturdy demon suddenly burst out with an astonishing aura, and a small purple-black Nascent Soul burst out from his head.

This Nascent Soul is more than an inch tall, and looks similar to this demon, but without scales, there are a pair of miniature horns on the top of its head.

The surrounding strong demonic energy gathered here one after another, pouring into the demon baby continuously, and then a purple brilliance sprinkled from the little hand of this demon baby, like a little starlight, falling on its body.

This strong body seems to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation. The muscles under the scales slightly swelled and contracted, and the body made a creaking sound. Bone spurs gradually emerged from the joints, and a powerful coercion pressed in all directions. diffuse out.

But at this moment, the silver mist valley not far away suddenly tumbled, as if some kind of restraining force was touched, and the nearby space crack filled with demonic energy trembled.

And this one who just broke through the space crack next to the demons, even more bloomed a large blue brilliance, gushing out a lot of space power.

This Nascent Soul shivered, and quickly retracted into the body. Just as the strong demons opened their eyes, they were full of stunned expressions. Before he could do anything, he disappeared in this faint blue starlight...

The other three nearby demon races, sensing this scene, showed their astonishment.

"How can there be spatial turbulence."

"It's only been half a month, there's no possibility of spatial changes."

These seven-level peak demon soldiers hurriedly suppressed the magic power in their bodies, escaped from the breakthrough state, and flew to the location where the missing demon disappeared to investigate carefully.

"The surrounding space cracks seem to be related to the space seal formation below."

"Did Heifeng's breakthrough triggered the ban?"

"We have to change places to break through, and we can't covet the magic here."

"Yes, only by entering the Demon General can you help the Demon King!"

The three demons discussed it, then walked together and left the place.

Due to the change in space, this is the first time that they have teleported the demon soldiers ahead of time. They originally wanted to use the pure demonic energy near the space crack to break through. Who knew that the One Yuan Sect had also made arrangements, and the demons who had just broken through were actually teleported directly. gone.

This kind of formation involving the power of space is not something they can comprehend, and they can only find another place to break through.


"Damn, the One Yuan Sect even set up a secret ban!"

Hei Feng's eyes were full of lavender bloodshots, his scaled face was full of anger, and a square scale between his eyebrows was exuding a layer of light black light, protecting his body.

"This is an ultra-long-distance teleportation. Is the Yuanzong going to imprison me?"

This new demon general named Heifeng is trying his best to stabilize the turbulent magic power in his body. Thanks to the scales on his forehead blessed with magical powers by the elders of the demon clan, he can resist the power of space, otherwise the power of space brought by long-distance teleportation is not his. A newcomer will be able to resist.

A few thoughts flashed in his mind, the power of space quickly subsided, and a purple-black ocean of mist appeared in front of him.

"What a strong magic energy, hey, you were also teleported here."

Beside her, there was a female demon who was bulging forward and backward, wrapped in scales, and the scales between her eyebrows flashed black aura, wrapping her body.

"Heifeng...sir, you have broken through! This is..."

The female demons sensed the breath of the black wind and showed a charming smile. Just as they were about to say something, they were stopped by the other party.

Hei Feng narrowed his eyes, and his divine sense said, "Be careful, there seems to be an immortal cultivator in front of you, restrain your breath."

This thick magic fog is a natural barrier for the demons, and it has a certain bonus to its eyesight, which can clearly see the situation in the distance.

About twenty feet away, there was a platform on a mountain peak. There seemed to be some kind of restriction on it, blocking the thick magic fog.

On the ground of the platform, there is a huge magic circle with light blue space power flashing on it, and there are several immortal cultivators around.

There are two men close to the magic fog, one of them has a bald face, and the surface of his skin is covered with a layer of purple-black scales similar to those of the demons, while the other is wearing a black suit, with a burly body and a square face with short hair.

The moment Hei Feng saw the two of them, his pupils shrank suddenly, the scales on his body tightened unconsciously, and Xue Mei next to him was even more unbearable, and his body seemed to be trembling subconsciously.

"This kind of physical oppression seems to have been felt by Lord Demon King. The purple-black scales, are they the fleshly body after Lord Demon Lord seized the house?" The female Demon Race said through voice transmission, with a bit of excitement in her tone.

Hei Feng said calmly: "No, their spirit is the human race, don't act rashly!"

He looked into the distance again, and there were three women, one man, and four immortal cultivators, headed by a silver-haired woman in a long white dress, surrounded by an ice-blue halo.

Just as Hei Feng looked over, the silver-haired woman seemed to sense something, her pale blue eyes turned, and then the two demons felt an incomparably cold will invade, and their souls felt stagnant. .

"No, Immortal Cultivator of the Spirit Transformation Stage!"

Hei Feng's face changed, and he grabbed the female demon beside him, the magic power surged in his body, and he was about to fly away into the distance.

But at this moment, the surrounding magic fog suddenly became solid, and the endless squeezing force rushed towards them, and the two demons were directly imprisoned in mid-air. .

Hei Feng felt this power, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

"This is... the power of the Demon King!"

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