The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1247 Fighting

Heifeng and the female demons around him, without any resistance, were pulled by this invisible force to the front of the two men.

The burly man said in amazement: "A seventh-level demon soldier, an eighth-level demon general, hey, he just broke through. Could it be that there are demons living in the broken country?"

Hei Feng was sent to the Immortal Cultivation World, and naturally learned the language here. After hearing this sentence, his eyes became even more incredible. This man with the power of a devil is really not a devil!

Then he heard the bald man say: "No, their flesh smells very fresh, they should have just come from the devil world."

very fresh?

Heifeng heard this, and couldn't help but look at the bald man, who was licking his lips, and his eyes seemed to be looking at some kind of food, which made him feel creepy.

The burly man said puzzled: "The ancient battlefield is still a few months away from opening, why did the demons come in earlier?"

The bald-headed man glanced at the silver-haired woman in the distance, and said lightly, "You can find out after searching for the soul, and leave it to me."

Hei Feng then felt his body loosen, and then an invisible squeezing force wrapped around them, pulling them to the front of the bald man. The surrounding force seemed to have decreased a lot, but he still couldn't break free.

"It's the power of the Demon King again!"

"With less than one million kilograms, the Demon General has mastered the power of the Demon King. This is impossible..."

The expressions of Heifeng and the female demons became dazed. They even forgot their own situation, and their eyes were a bit dull. What they had just encountered had a great impact on their cognition.

When they were absent, the bald man's hands were pinched around his scaled neck at some point.

The fingers of the smaller one turned into a purple-black liquid, and turned into deformed tentacles, which were plugged into the mouths and ears of the two demons.

"Woo... woo..."

The two demons snapped back to their senses, with painful howls in their mouths, and their bodies subconsciously struggled frantically. The liquid that entered their bodies was like countless demon insects, gnawing at every inch of their flesh and blood, causing heart-piercing pain. It keeps eroding nerves.

Even the bones in the body made a creaking sound, and the bones of the demon general level were no less than magic weapons, and they were swallowed by this strange energy.

After only a few breaths, the two demons stopped struggling, and their frightened eyes gradually dimmed. At this time, they could no longer feel the existence of the body, as if they had lost control of the body.

Moreover, the power of the demon king still appeared in their bodies, shackled the soul of the soul, and there was no chance of self-destruction.

Then a wave of spiritual consciousness in the middle of the Nascent Soul rushed over, and the two demons hummed their heads and fell into dizziness.


Lu Kun sighed as he watched Hong Yuntian control the two demons while raising his hands.

The Demon Zombie Body Refinement Technique is simply the nemesis of the Demon Race. Since Hong Yuntian has practiced it, he has swallowed an unknown number of Demon Corpses, and his understanding of the Demon Race body is probably more detailed than his own.

With the help of qi and blood magic power and qi and blood clone magical power, as long as the body is weaker than his, it will be swallowed and controlled by the clone.

"Hey, there's something written below..."

It was only at this time that Lu Kun discovered the text on the ground, but as soon as he was about to check it, he felt a terrifying consciousness with a cold will shrouding them.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he stood in front of Hong Yuntian. He stretched out his right hand, and the flesh in his palm split open, revealing a silver blade tip with a faint multicolored light flashing on it.

A frantic thought rushed out along with the silver blood mist, turning into an arc-shaped knife light, blocking the front.

"Furious meaning, Demon King?"

Fairy Beihan in the distance sensed this, her face changed slightly, the consciousness that contained will stopped, and she did not act rashly.

Liu Jinyuan, who was behind him, heard these words, and slightly fanned the fan in his hand, and a cloud of ice-blue aura gushed out, wrapping him and his twin sisters, turning them into a ray of light and leaving them far away.

If the other party is really a demon king, not only will they not be able to help, but staying here will also drag down the patriarch. Leaving the first time is the greatest help to the patriarch.

Although the twin sisters were equally astonished, they relaxed a lot when they thought that their ancestors were also cultivators of the Spirit Transformation stage.

In the light of escape, they looked at the magic circle at the entrance of the cave, and then looked at the two strange men who were suspected to be transformed into monsters in the distance, and they were a little muttered in their hearts.

Not long ago, according to Fairy Beihan's instructions, everyone set up a special magic formation, and with the help of the power of the nearby space, they broke the formation and broke the restriction of this cave.

But in the process of casting the spell, the power of the surrounding space somehow linked with the silver ban at the entrance of the cave, triggering some kind of hidden teleportation circle, and then the two men appeared here.


These two people are Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian. After they were sent over, they naturally found the four immortal cultivators.

Although they noticed that the silver-haired woman was a god of transformation, they didn't have much reaction to them who had fought fiercely with the six gods. The two were more interested in the demons who were teleported.

"Who is fellow Daoist, and why are you in this Arctic Mountain?" Lu Kun ignored Liu Jinyuan and the three who were far away, looked at the goddess cultivator in front of him, and said lightly.

When Fairy Beihan heard the words, she moved up slowly and calmly, and opened some distance, her eyes narrowed: "This palace is the Supreme Elder of Beiyuan Sect, Fairy Beihan, where are you from, how do you know this place? Is it from the Arctic Mountains?"

Lu Kun pointed to the words on the ground, and said with a chuckle, "This is Hong Yuntian next to me. He is the master here, so he naturally recognizes it."

Fairy Beihan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the bald man who revealed the consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and said sarcastically: "The text below was engraved by the founder of this sect, if you say that your companion is Hong Yuntian, then he Isn't it more than 70,000 years old?"

Lu Kun nodded seriously and said, "If you count the time, Brother Hong has indeed lived for so long."

A bit of anger flashed in Fairy Beihan's eyes and said, "Your Excellency is making this palace a mortal. This is the Holy Land of Beiyuan Sect and does not accept outsiders. If you want to leave, this palace can lead the way, but if you have other ideas, just do it. Don't blame me for being rude..."

While speaking, a crystal clear blade appeared in her hand, like a crescent moon, surrounded by a halo of vitality, exuding an amazing pressure, it was actually a heavenly treasure.

At the same time, a mighty spiritual energy surged from the spiritual energy in the sky, forming a huge cloud of vitality, pressing down, and the surrounding purple-black magic energy ocean was suppressed by dozens of feet, as if this The spiritual energy of the whole world is under the control of Fairy Beihan.

Looking at this scene, Lu Kun thought of the previous scene of being besieged by the gods, and his tone was extremely cold: "So you made a breakthrough here, so what if it is in your vitality field."

"A mere pseudonym, how dare to talk to Lu like this! It's just courting death!"

At the end of this sentence, Lu Kun shot forward, the incomparable power of qi and blood tumbling in his body, the muscle fibers swelled up, the body size grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the hair on the surface of the skin also changed. became black hair.

In an instant, he had turned into a black giant ape five feet tall, and a terrifying sense of oppression permeated from that huge body.

"Ape Demon King!"

Fairy Beihan looked at the huge monster ape that rushed over a dozen feet away, her expression couldn't help changing, if it wasn't for her deliberately opening some distance before, I'm afraid she would have been close to her while she was reacting.

"Void Condensation!"

The black giant ape suddenly let out a roar, and the thick arms like Optimus Prime raised up, the two huge palms clenched into fists, and the violent power even brought bursts of air waves.

At this time, Fairy Beihan suddenly felt that the vitality of the nearby heaven and earth was out of control, as if being snatched by some domineering force, the cold moon blade in her hand trembled, and the vitality halo on it had a tendency to break away.

"This is my vitality field, how could this be, wait, those devil vitality..."

She was horrified to find that a large number of black halos appeared in the rich demonic energy below.

One black and one white, the two kinds of vitality quickly condensed in the void, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a pair of giant monkey fists that were extremely solid, with clearly visible palm lines and hair, and suffocating pressure spread from above.

"not good!"

Fairy Beihan gritted her teeth, and the thick real essence was running wildly, unable to mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth, she could only rely on the power of vitality in her real essence, the cold moon blade in front of her and the shield outside her body shined brightly, making her whole body radiate. All dyed ice blue.


The next moment, the black and white vitality fists and the ice blue light ball collided together, and the terrifying vitality power was crazily intertwined.

Although the violent air waves rolled in all directions, the surrounding demonic spirits did not stir, but gathered inwards, continuously blessing the giant fists.

In the ice-blue ball of light, there is also a terrifying real essence, which is deadlocked, but the aura above it flashes, as if it can't last for long.

It seems to sense this, the black and white fists have a new change, they suddenly closed inward, trying to merge into one, in the black and white halo, there is a faint golden light.

But then, the golden light disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, but the black and white fists that were about to close were stimulated and burst apart.

An aura that seemed to destroy the sky rose into the sky, and most of the spiritual light on the ice blue halo suddenly collapsed, and it was shot and flew out without any resistance. A floating island outside Zhang.

For a while, in addition to the rolling air waves, only this rumbling sound was echoing in this world...

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