The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1248 Secret

"The human race is a god, and you are not determined to live or die. I will spare your life today, and hurry up!"

The thick voice seemed to penetrate the clouds and mist, swaying a circle of spiritual energy, exposing the bottom of the floating island, where a huge pothole was forcibly blasted.

Fairy Beihan was bleeding from the corners of her mouth, and her limbs lay in it weakly. The pale white dress on her body was wiped out, replaced by a blue inner armor, like the scales of some kind of creature, extending all the way to her limbs, wrapping every inch of her skin, making her exquisite curve is outlined.

This goddess cultivator's eyes were full of fear. At this time, her body had lost most of her consciousness, and even the meridians in her body had been broken. Heavy damage, many special magical powers cannot be used.

A cloud of blood spit out from her mouth, Fairy Beihan endured the pain in her body, and the will of the primordial spirit permeated, and the surrounding aura immediately poured out a white halo, covering her body, supporting her severely injured body and flying out of the pothole.

"Suppressing the primordial spirit of this palace, there is such a terrifying power, this guy is the real demon king? Wait, he just seemed to say that the human race turned into a god..."

Fairy Beihan's frightened eyes were filled with some doubts, she glanced at the mountain below, turned and flew high into the sky.

The strength displayed by the other party has formed absolute suppression on her. If it wasn't for the inner armor left by Li Beiyuan, her body would have been destroyed.

Although the current injury is terrifying, as long as the injury is healed for a period of time with true essence and medicinal herbs, it can be restored to its original state.

At the entrance of the space, the three of Liu Jinyuan saw that their patriarch was seriously injured, they dared not speak, and flew out.

As soon as she left the inner space, Fairy Beihan let out a light hum, and the ice blue aura flashed, and the surrounding magic circle was blown into pieces, and the silver light in the middle reassembled, closing the entrance.

Liu Jinyuan suddenly said at this time: "Master, this disciple knows who the senior below is."

Fairy Beihan's pale lips moved slightly, and her voice was a little hoarse: "Is he really a human race?"

Liu Jinyuan smiled bitterly and said, "Can transform into a black giant ape, surnamed Lu, and possess such terrifying strength, he must be the pavilion master Lu of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"Body Refinement Pavilion?"

He reviewed the news obtained by the disciples in the sect, and continued: "The Body Refinement Pavilion is located in the Southwest Xiu Xianjie.

"If it wasn't for Pavilion Master Lu who fought against the two gods in the Great Zhou Dynasty, I'm afraid this sect would continue to hide."

Fairy Beihan nodded silently in her heart. The opponent's strength has definitely reached the level of orthodox gods, and the two fake gods may also be at a disadvantage...

She murmured, "Could it be that this body-refinement technique can enable monks to master the true power of primordial spirit in the turbid primordial qi world, by the way, this guy can also control demon primordial qi?"

When Liu Jinyuan heard the words of the master, he was calm, and he couldn't help sweating, and hurriedly said:

"Master, you must not covet the exercises of the Body Refinement Pavilion. It is for this reason that the Holy Demon Sect of Dazhou was disabled by the master of the Lu Pavilion. Even the Taixuan Sect, which has the transformation of the gods, has lost most of its strength."

"We Beiyuan Sect can't afford to provoke such a strong person who will be punished."

Fairy Beihan was silent for a while and said, "Go and search around for resources. When the Broken Kingdom is over, we will leave this place."

Liu Jinyuan looked at the silver restriction in front of him, hesitantly said, "But Shizu, let's seal the entrance..."

A chill flashed in Fairy Beihan's eyes and said: "He has the ability to come in, and naturally he has the ability to go out. Why, do you have an outsider in your heart?"

"The disciple dare not."

"Let's go, swept away the resources outside the Arctic Mountains."

"Yes, Master."


In the inner space of the Arctic Mountain, on the mountain platform in the sea of ​​demonic energy, Hong Yuntian pinched two demons and closed his eyes, as if he was still searching for his soul.

Lu Kun stood aside, watching Fairy Beihan leave behind a cloud in the sky, and saw that there was a silver aura shrouded there, showing a thoughtful look.

"The North Pole Mountain is located in the Broken Country. The three Nascent Soul monks from the Northern Yuan Sect should have been sent in from a special place while the country was opening."

"This world is that Fairy Beihan's vitality domain. It seems that she has been trapped for six hundred years."

Seeing that the other party closed the entrance, Lu Kun was not worried. From the words on the ground, it could be seen that this place was left to Hong Yuntian by the One Yuan Sect. As the master, he was naturally familiar with the restrictions here.

Seeing that Hong Yuntian was still searching for his soul, Lu Kun closed his eyes and sensed the situation in his body.

I don't know if it's because of Xue Po's double swords to protect the body, or because the internal organs have been tempered again.

Although the battle just now was short, he was equivalent to using the power of one yuan three times. Two void fists were twice, and the fists were closed once again. If it was a hundred years ago, the internal organs would have been overdrawn.

"With the help of the power of life, the devil's vitality seems to be able to fuse for a short time. The golden light is the product of the fusion. Unfortunately, they are not stable."

"The conflict between two different vitality, just like magic and mana, erupted with terrifying destructive energy. If you look at it this way..."

Lu Kun recalled the golden sword glow that exuded endless power when he was refining the Xue Soul Double Swords, and gradually had an idea in his heart.



The power of the two souls scattered around, the bodies of the two demons fell to the ground, Hong Yuntian opened his eyes, and the tentacles returned to his body, he sighed softly:

"The demon soul was indeed banned, and the information detected was limited. I only know that this time the cracks in the space were loosened a lot. When the Shattered Nation opened, nine demons of the dandan level crossed over."

"This demon general was sent here by mobilizing the power of space at the time of his breakthrough."

Lu Kun nodded lightly, pointed to the ground and said, "Brother Hong, look here."

Hong Yuntian was busy searching for his soul just now and didn't pay attention to his surroundings. Then he saw the text on the ground, glanced at it, and his pupils shrank: "Li Beiyuan, this is Elder Li!"

Then his eyes became dazed, and a strange wave suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

The silver restraint at the entrance of the cave next to him seemed to sense something, and suddenly the light burst out, and a silver lightning bolt shot out, slamming straight towards Hong Yuntian.

"not good!"

Lu Kun's face changed, his arms crossed, and he blocked directly in front of him, but who knew that this lightning bolt ignored his body and passed through, giving him the feeling that it was some kind of divine soul attacking supernatural powers, just like the golden eyes.


The speed of this silver lightning was astonishing. After passing through Lu Kun, it landed on Hong Yuntian's head.

"Brother Hong!"

Lu Kun's eyes turned red all of a sudden, but then he found that his soul aura had not changed, he just stared at the words on the ground in a daze, and it looked nothing out of the ordinary.

"What's the situation?" Lu Kun looked puzzled and didn't understand what the situation was, but seeing that Hong Yuntian was fine, he was still slightly relieved and waited aside.


After about a stick of incense, Hong Yuntian's eyes recovered, he let out a long sigh, bowed to the rock mound in front of him, and said in a respectful tone, "Elder Li, disciple Hong Yuntian is back."

"Elder, rest assured, the disciple has successfully taken that step, and the Spirit Transformation stage has a direction. More importantly, I met a guy who has completely perfected the path of body refinement, and the human race body refinement line has been formed."

He said firmly: "We will definitely go to the upper realm in the future, and together with the One Yuan Sect, we will jointly defend against the alien race!"

Lu Kun said with concern: "Brother Hong, just now a silver lightning like a divine attack hit you, are you alright?"

Hong Yuntian shook his head and said, "It's alright, it turns out that too few elders left a seal in my consciousness. Only when I see the word 'Li Beiyuan' will it be completely unsealed."

"Seal?" Lu Kun was taken aback, but he didn't expect this.

Hong Yuntian said with complicated eyes: "It's some information left by his old man, as well as the improved Demon Refining Art. What I didn't think about before, now I finally understand."

"Devil Refinement? Is it that made you immune to the meaning of true demons?" Lu Kun couldn't help looking at a piece of text on the ground.

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "You've seen the handwriting of Han Jing from the blood beast door, you should know that after this seat fell asleep, the Han family took the blood beasts of the body-refining lineage and the disciples of the devil's body-refining technique to cultivate some kind of magic. achievement."

Lu Kun nodded. When he first saw it, he was very angry.

Hong Yuntian sighed softly: "This is the decision of the Supreme Elder. He wants to suppress the bloodthirsty intention with the true devil's will. Han Ting can also try to extract the frenzied magic through the blood and blood monsters."

"Although the frenzied demonic intent was unsuccessful, great progress has been made in suppressing the bloodthirsty intent. Han Ting used other demonic body-refining disciples to experiment repeatedly, and finally created the demon-refining art."

"She temporarily refined the sleeping body of this seat into a daughter body, soaked it in the water of true demons, and purified it through the refining magic. Although she did not eliminate the bloodthirsty meaning, it made this seat immune to the meaning of true demons."

"The other demonic disciples in the one-element secret realm have not experienced the perfection of the magic art. Only one person in this seat is completely immune. Otherwise, all the disciples who woke up back then will regain their sanity."

"The elder Taishang left in the consciousness of this seat is the final perfect refining magic art."

"So that's the case." Lu Kun's expression was stunned, and many doubts in his heart were solved.

Why is the place in the One Yuan Sect called the Demon Refinement Cave, why the demonic disciples have the meaning of true demons left in their bodies, and why Hong Yuntian is immune to the meaning of true demons.

He glanced at the text on the ground and asked curiously, "If that's the case, why did the senior put down this seal? If you don't come here, you won't be able to unseal it?"

Hong Yuntian sighed: "To be honest, even if I don't meet you, I will use the Broken Kingdom to open and return to the Arctic Mountain after I get out of trouble."

"The silver lightning just now is specifically aimed at the devil's soul. After all, the magic island's formation can make the devil's soul survive and prevent me from being taken away. The old man did his tricks and used the activation of the seal of the gods to move the North Pole Mountain. the power of restraint."

"If it's a human soul, it won't be damaged."

Lu Kun was dumbfounded: "So cautious?"

A rare smile appeared on Hong Yuntian's stiff face: "The way to be immune to the meaning of true demons cannot be known by the demons."

He said with respect in his tone: "Elder Taishang arranged all this so that this seat can break through to the stage of spiritual transformation."

"And the demon kings that Broken Kingdom brings in every five hundred years can be left to me to absorb and capture after breaking through, and secondly, I can let the demon cultivators in the immortal world continue to study special magic, and that holy demon king almost succeeded."

"The third is to let the high-level immortal cultivators in this world maintain a sense of crisis, and avoid the cultivators fighting each other..."

Lu Kun sighed: "As expected of the senior of the One Yuan Sect, considering so far, presumably those old guys didn't kill them at the beginning because of the crisis of the Demon Race."

"Hmph, those guys are too narrow-minded."

Hong Yuntian looked at the first sentence on the ground: "According to the arrangement of the elders, this Immortal Cultivation Realm is the back-up interface of the upper realm. Whether it is this seat or other people, as long as they have the ability to soar, it means that they are here. In the turbid vitality environment, it has the combat power of the middle stage of God Transformation,"

"The exercises he cultivates will definitely be of great help to the tragic war in the upper realm."

"Such an environment is to force out such a genius."

Hearing this, Lu Kun suddenly felt a little puzzled: "But if the war in the upper realm is really tragic, how can we human cultivators support it for more than 70,000 years?"

Hong Yuntian did not answer directly, but instead asked: "The energy of heaven and earth in the upper realm is relatively unique. Various races fight each other for resources, but our world of immortality is full of pure spiritual energy. Why do the demons and the worms come to snatch it?"

Lu Kun was stunned, yes, why, these two alien races are so full, what are they doing to compete for this alien energy interface, there must be interests behind them to attract them.

"The back-up interface of the human race, the war in the upper realm lasted for 70,000 years, and so on..."

Lu Kun connected several questions, and suddenly an unbelievable answer appeared in his heart. He murmured, "Could it be that... the time flow rates of the two interfaces are not equal?"

Hong Yuntian raised his head and looked up at the sky, and said silently, "Yes, one hundred years in this world, one year in the upper world!"

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