The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1249 The Great Reincarnation Array

Lu Kun finally understood why the Demon Race and the Underworld Zerg race were fighting for this place.

It may take thousands of years to cultivate a God Transformation, but under different time flow rates, other interfaces only need to wait about ten years.

This immortal world is simply a cradle for quickly cultivating strong people.

Hong Yuntian said with a complicated expression: "The human race in the upper realm is only able to gain a foothold in that terrifying interface only if we, the world of immortal cultivation, continue to transport the late stage powerhouses of the gods."

"Now that the Upper Realm has not been supported by ascendants for more than 700 years, coupled with the tragic interracial war, the situation of the human race may be at risk!"

Hearing that these interfaces were secretive, new doubts appeared in Lu Kun's heart.

The upper world, the world of immortals, and the earth, what is the special connection between these three?

If the time flow of this immortal world is very special, is it the same ratio as the earth?

He is now more than 460 years old. Isn't it just over four years old that the earth has passed?

What is the connection between the Lingming Stone Monkey, the Gibbon Monkey, the Biqi, and the Jieji that have appeared in the ancient myths of the earth?

Is the year when the myths and legends of the earth occurred, equivalent to more than ten to two hundred thousand years ago in the world of immortal cultivation?

Lu Kun took a deep breath and put away the mixed thoughts in his mind.

"If you can enter the upper realm, these questions may be answered."

"The most important thing now is to absorb the blood of the giant ape, break through to the late stage of bone transformation, increase the power of the flesh to two million kilograms, and forcibly enter the realm of refining the body with pure physical strength."

He looked at the cave next to him, which was shrouded in silver restrictions, and said slowly, "Brother Hong, we have to hurry up."

"Okay, the ban here has not changed, as long as there is a matching power of the soul, it can be opened."

While speaking, Hong Yuntian waved one hand, and the two bracelets fell off the wrists of the two demon corpses and threw them to Lu Kun.

Afterwards, he put away the demon corpse and walked to the cave, and the soul protruded from his body, forming a mysterious aura that shot forward.

Lu Kun took the bracelet and found that there were some stones that exuded purple-black light, similar to magic stones, and contained pure magic energy. In addition, there were some magic treasures and medicinal pills.

A few magic treasures don't seem to be weak, but they are not at the level of magic weapons. The magic tools that are comparable to heaven-spanning spiritual treasures are not available to the first-time magician.

After about ten breaths, the silver light curtain slowly opened, revealing the stone gate behind. Hong Yuntian's eyes showed a bit of nostalgia. He stretched out his hands and pushed forward.

With the rumbling sound, the scene inside came into view.

This is a cave house with a size of dozens of feet. There are nine houses lined up from left to right. The first eight are stone houses made of broken dragon stone, and the ninth is surrounded by a layer of colorful streamers. It can be seen that there is a house made of jade.

"Hey, I remember that there are only eight storage rooms, how come there is still the ninth one?" Hong Yuntian looked at the colorful jade house with a strange look in his eyes, and his consciousness reached forward.

Lu Kun also released his divine sense, but then his face turned pale, and he felt dizzy for a while, and quickly withdrew his divine sense. This multicolored restriction seemed to be able to swallow divine sense.

Hong Yuntian said in a strange tone: "Turn into a god! It's no wonder that the first elder left a secret method of spiritual consciousness, which turned out to be a method of deciphering."

"One Spiritual Ban?" Lu Kun asked curiously.

Hong Yuntian said: "This is a special prohibition of the One Yuan Sect. It can either be forcibly smashed with the power of the god-turning level, or cracked with divine sense."

"And even if you know the method of cracking, it is difficult to open it without the pure consciousness above the Nascent Soul stage."

Speaking of this, he said strangely: "The elder Taishang gave the method to decipher it, to test the purity of my spiritual consciousness, what is inside."

Lu Kun suddenly remembered the words on the ground at the door, and his expression changed: "Could it be the treasure that Senior Li said, the treasure that can understand the power of will?"

Hong Yuntian frowned and said, "This treasure has never been heard of in Yuanzong, wait, is it a legend..."

He seemed to have thought of something, his figure flickered, and he landed outside the jade house. The incomparably condensed Nascent Soul mid-stage spiritual consciousness emerged from his body, forming a storm of spiritual consciousness, rushing into the multicolored ban with strange fluctuations.

"Yuanzong is indeed a top sect, and there are such strange formations."

Lu Kun sighed endlessly. He was only proficient in one artifact refinement. For formations and talismans above the Nascent Soul level, he smeared his eyes. When encountering top-level formations, he would only use brute force to break them.

After half an hour, the fluctuation of consciousness in front slowly calmed down, and the multi-colored prohibition also dissipated, revealing a jade gate with only a strange circular circle in it.

On the edge of the array, there are white jade balls, as many as eighty-one, and twisted auras emerge from them, forming a colorful hazy mist on the array.

Lu Kun's spiritual consciousness in the late stage of Yuanying was blocked as soon as he approached the fog, and it seemed that he could not detect the reality inside.

"This is... the great formation of reincarnation! This legendary formation turned out to be true!" Hong Yuntian seemed to recognize this formation, and his eyes flashed with shock.

"Reincarnation formation?"

Lu Kun asked curiously, "Is this the treasure that helps the power of will to comprehend?"

Hong Yuntian took a deep breath and exclaimed in his tone: "I told you before that the power of will is divided into two types, one is the characteristics of all things in the universe, the other is some kind of extreme emotion. manifest."

"The comprehension of the second will requires the immortal cultivator to seal his memory, transform the mortal world, and experience the various states of the world. It often takes hundreds of years."

"The reason why it took so long is because most mortals have a dull life, and only extremely rough experiences can help the understanding of will."

"And this great formation of reincarnation is to use the magical power of entering a dream to let the cultivator experience eighty periods of extreme life with ups and downs in a short period of time, thereby increasing the probability of comprehending the power of will!"

Lu Kun was stunned when he heard it, helping him to understand the will, there is such a terrifying formation.

Hong Yuntian looked at the jade ball on the edge of the formation, and said slowly: "We all thought this was a legendary formation, not because of its complicated layout, but because its materials were too rare."

"It requires the spiritual transformation seniors who understand the emotional will, the most impressive experience of entering the mortal, and engraving it with the spiritual mind and dreaming Dafa. After accumulating ninety-nine to eighty-one experiences of entering the mortal, the reincarnation formation can be successfully formed."

"Although the One Yuan Sect is powerful, each generation of God Transformation Elders only has five or six people who understand the existence of emotional will. Even if each person provides two or three stages of Mortal Transformation experience, it will take nearly 30 God Transformations to gather the reincarnation array. s material……"

Hong Yuntian said with complicated eyes: "The most important thing is that once this Great Reincarnation Formation is used, it will consume all the experience of entering the mortal world and directly scrap it."

Lu Kun sucked in a breath of cold air. The price of this reincarnation formation is too high, not to mention the experience of dozens of gods being gathered together, and the final formation effect can only be used once...

Hong Yuntian glanced at him and said lightly, "Lu Kun, do you want to go in and try?"

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "My goal is to insane magic, and the will of the spirit energy attribute already has the meaning of insanity. …”

Speaking of this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes: "By the way, Brother Hong, if you understand a new will, maybe you can also merge into a bloodline similar to the madness of the devil. Will!"

"Blood Will?"

Hong Yuntian pondered for a while, and soon understood: "You are the frantic bloodline of the arm demon ape, and you need to smelt the meaning of true demons in the bloodline, and finally form the frantic demonic will."

"If this seat enters the middle stage of the magical transformation, the essence of the demon in the body will be transformed into the blood of the real demon. If there is a will of the spirit energy attribute to smelt with it, there is a complete opportunity to create a bloodline will that controls the energy of the demon spirit at the same time!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. As he walked forward, he said: "The other stone houses, except for the blood essence of top-level monsters, are some manuals of exercises. You can collect them yourself."

"The prohibition of the cave can resist the attack of the gods, and this seat will not protect you."

After speaking, Hong Yuntian entered the jade house impatiently, and the colorful ban outside rose again...

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