The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1250 The Secret of Bloodline (1)

Lu Kun looked at the Jade Stone House, and suddenly there was some anticipation in his heart.

Although he has a clear path to becoming a god, it is difficult for other body repairs to replicate. After all, the disciples of the body refining pavilion are all human bloodline, there is no frenzied bloodline, and the physical strength is also ordinary.

According to Lu Kun's speculation, ordinary physique disciples still need to understand the power of will if they want to break through into the gods, and then find a way to integrate with the internal organs, disperse the will energy throughout the body, and increase the physical strength to two million pounds.

However, how the will is integrated with the internal organs, and how the energy of the will strengthens the physical body, he needs to study it when integrating the madness.

If Hong Yuntian also understands the power of will, then there will be an additional reference object, and the method of refining the body will be more perfect.

Lu Kun thought about it in his heart, walked into the eighth stone house next to him, and found two bookshelves lined up inside, filled with jade slips.

In addition to the special method for refining blood essence, there are also methods for cultivating Qi and Blood Grass, several refining methods for restoring blood essence and medicine, and some secret cultivation techniques related to body refining.

It is self-evident that these things can help the Body Refinement Pavilion, and Lu Kun put it away.

The seven houses in the back were built with Broken Dragon Stone. Despite this, he could also sense the strong energy of qi and blood inside, especially the one on the far left, which exuded the blood aura of the same origin as him. .

Lu Kun walked into the next stone house and looked at the ancient writing on a jade bottle in the middle, and couldn't help but wonder, "Is this the blood of Kui Niu?"

Then he opened it and took a look, and found that there was a strange elixir that seemed to be concentrated in flesh and blood. He couldn't help releasing a trace of silver blood mist and penetrated into the induction.

After a while, Lu Kun said thoughtfully: "It's like squeezing the flesh of a Kui cow into an elixir. Every inch of muscle, bone, and internal organs are smelted into extremely small units, and finally blended into the elixir state."

"It seems to be to facilitate the swallowing of blood and magic power..."

Lu Kun turned to look at the other two jade bottles in the room, both of which were top-notch bovine monsters. With a wave of one hand, they were all collected into the rib storage space and walked towards the stone house behind.

"Three-legged firebird, golden-winged flying eagle, mysterious turtle, colorful peacock, ice phoenix..."

In each stone house, there is a flesh and blood pill of the top bloodline, and there are several similar monsters of the inferior bloodline. In the penultimate room, there is actually the blood of the Qilin bloodline.

"In today's Immortal Cultivation World, not to mention these top monsters, even the bloodlines of the second-class are very few. Could it be that the Yuanzong encircled and suppressed the monsters for the sake of the human race's body refining line..."

With complicated eyes, Lu Kun walked into the last secret room, where there was only a jade bottle with the words "Giant Ape" written on it.

"The One Yuan Sect back then probably didn't know that this was the bloodline of the Tong-arm Demon Ape..."

He picked up the jade bottle and rubbed the words on it. According to the order of these stone houses, the gibbons and monkeys were the strongest bloodline of the demon clan in the eyes of Yiyuanzong.

Lu Kun stopped for a moment, walked out of the stone house, looked around, found a corner farthest from the jade house and sat down, took out another jade bottle in his hand, and drank the silver blood inside.

He had just turned into a magic ape to fight with Fairy Beihan. Although his internal organs were not damaged, he had consumed a lot of essence and blood.

After a while, Lu Kun opened his eyes again, opened the jade bottle of the blood of the arm demon ape, and poured out a pale golden flesh and blood elixir.

Looking at the appearance of this medicinal pill, Lu Kun seemed to remember something, and a look of unbearable flashed in his eyes, but after hesitating for a moment, he still swallowed it.

As soon as the flesh-and-blood pill entered his throat, it was wrapped in a cloud of silver blood.

"The method of extracting blood is to separate the essence and blood into various parts of the body. This medicinal pill itself contains the flesh and blood part, but it is more suitable for devouring and decomposing the blood and magic power."

Lu Kun disassembled it and transported it to various parts of the body, the surface of the skin and the internal organs of the body, gradually appeared strange lines made of golden flesh and blood.

"The blood in the depths of this group of essence and blood really contains the meaning of madness."

Lu Kun sensed this and couldn't help speeding up the absorption. As time passed, these lines gradually disappeared, and some pale golden blood and water impurities were spit out.

After a few days like this, Lu Kun opened his eyes, felt the incomparably filled blood in his body, twisted his body again, and found that his strength was still 1.2 million pounds, and his expression became solemn.

"Although there is a new bloodline source injected, the confidence of breaking through to the late stage of bone transformation has reached 100%, but the increase in the strength base is..."

What Lu Kun promised to Hong Yuntian before was just to comfort the other party, but in fact, even if he obtained the new blood of the Ape, he would not have much confidence in strengthening the foundation of his strength.

At first, when he finished refining the Snow Soul Saber and supplemented the meaning of madness, he had a feeling of unfinished business. He felt that by integrating more origins of the blood of the gibbous ape, and then condensing the meaning of madness, he would be able to increase his strength.

But later on the way to the Broken Country, he repeatedly pondered, and the more he studied, the more he felt that this method might not be successful.

"Those top-level monster bloodlines can be separated into bloodline origin and willpower."

"The blood of the true dragon is the origin of blood and the meaning of pride, and the blood of the gibbons and monkeys is the origin and meaning of madness."

"The source and the will correspond one by one. The blood essence that has just been absorbed contains the meaning of madness. It has been combined with the source of the blood. How can I inject more willpower?"

Lu Kun hesitated for a moment, waved one hand, a black rock with a metallic luster appeared in front of him, frantic thoughts surging inside, it was the frenzy that he collected from the Mountain of Oaths before going out.

"Anyway, let's give it a try."

Then he held the black rock with both hands, blood flowed out from between his fingers, like roots stuck on it, strands of frantic thoughts trembled, and soon entered the blood.

"Hey, blood can continue to absorb will?" Lu Kun showed a bit of surprise, which seemed to be different from what he had judged before.

After a long time, he stopped, the black rock in his hand still had a lot of madness, and the blood could no longer be absorbed.

Lu Kun opened his eyes and looked at his body with some anticipation. His nerves trembled and his muscles began to contract, but then he found that his strength had not changed, it was still 1.2 million pounds.

"Failed? Then why do my blood still need to absorb the will of madness. After these wills enter the bloodline, they cannot disappear. Where is its energy reflected?"

Lu Kun murmured with a puzzled look on his face. Fortunately, he had certain expectations in his heart, and after being a little absent, he fell into deep thought.

"The will in the bloodline has been saturated, but the blood's desire for the meaning of madness has not diminished. Wherever the newly integrated meaning of madness has gone, there must be a mystery in the depths of the bloodline that I have not discovered."

"In the refining method of the magic dragon blade, there are many strange runes, which realize the melting of will. Will these runes be related to the mysteries in the bloodline?"

"Gibbon monkey blood can increase power, what kind of way..."

Lu Kun suddenly had a lot of doubts about bloodlines in his mind. He had a vague feeling that if he got the answers to these questions, he might be able to find a way to increase his strength, and even help to integrate the madness and magic.

Lu Kun fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, the strength of my internal organs is amazing now, and I have the protection of the Snow Soul Saber. Can I suppress the burst of the power of one yuan at the beginning at the moment when the magic ape changes, so as to sense the operation of the blood energy?"

Thinking of doing it, Lu Kun did not hesitate, the muscles in the flesh shrank, as if they had lost moisture, and all the blood of the whole body gathered to the internal organs, and then a small group of water of true demons poured out from the ribs, blood and demons in the body. Can surging, hits in the chest.


Lu Kun's skinny body was crawling on the ground, bloodshot eyes were all over his eyes, and the essence and blood of his whole body were concentrated in the center of his internal organs, forcibly trapping the violent energy burst of one yuan force in the center of his internal organs.

This terrifying bloodline energy could not be vented, and it became more and more violent. Although it was wrapped in the incomparably exuberant blood essence, there was still a terrifying force that spread outward, and the smooth internal organs were trembling.

Lu Kun endured the throbbing pain in his internal organs and sensed it with his divine sense.

"This is the active magical power of the bloodline. On the original gibbons and monkey bloodline, the energy that erupted after absorbing the meaning of true demons."

"How on earth are they released."

"Damn, the origin of the bloodline, the aura of the madness and the true devil can be sensed, but the combination of the three can't be detected at all..."

"How can it not be detected!"

"Could it be that the depths of the bloodline exceed the detection limit of divine consciousness?"

The bloodshot in his eyes deepened, and the divine consciousness was in close contact with the power of will, which caused the divine soul to be somewhat affected, and his expression became crazy and restless.

"Since the consciousness can't sense it, then use the central nervous system. I don't believe it. There are things in the flesh that I can't sense Lu Kun!"

Lu Kun's face was crazy, his spiritual consciousness retracted into the sea of ​​consciousness, the brain pulp of his head collapsed suddenly, turned into a milky white liquid, rushed into the spine along the occipital bone, and then turned into roots under the traction of the spinal nerves. White silk threads poured into his internal organs.

But because the consciousness was taken back, the control of blood essence and blood was greatly reduced, and the energy of the power of one yuan that was suppressed by him suddenly erupted.

Lu Kun felt that he had been punched from the inside of his body, his soul was a little confused, and the whole person slammed into the rock behind him.

And the internal organs wrapped by the Snow Soul Saber in the body violently tumbled like boiling water...

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