The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1251 The Secret of Bloodline (Part 2)

Lu Kun was lying beside the wall, because the blood in his muscles was all concentrated in his body, he looked skinny and powerless.

There were strange changes in its body, and the snow blades were closely connected, and at some point they turned into the shape of an ellipsoid.

Under these blades, the internal organs were completely different from before. The boundaries between their organs disappeared and merged with each other, becoming an elliptical spherical flesh and blood hanging on the silver spine.

Its smooth surface is dotted with milky white brains, and there are stripes of flesh and blood. It looks extremely tough, but even so, there are still terrifying forces that make it shrink inward, but fortunately, it is blocked by the snow blade.

Lu Kun was at a loss about these situations, and his perception seemed to have entered a new space.

This is a closed elliptical space with a silver ocean surging in it. In the middle of the ocean, five small islands are floating gently. They are closely connected and surround a closed pool.

The pool was flashing with three colors of gold, silver, and black. From a distance, there was a small whirlpool rolling inside, and strange ripples rippling outside.

After the ripples hit the surrounding islands, they stirred up layers of waves, rolling outward on the vast silver ocean.

"What place is this, the breath is very familiar, hey, the silver ocean here is my blood essence, those five islands... are the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney?"

Lu Kun was extremely shocked, and then he focused on feeling inside.

"There seems to be a wisp of black air in the vortex in the pool..."

At this moment, the black air disappeared, and the vortex also stopped. The entire space of the ellipsoid seemed to have lost some kind of support and shattered.

He felt that the world was spinning for a while, and the consciousness was separated from the central nervous system and returned to the sea of ​​consciousness. All the blood and essence returned to the muscles, and the body became full.

Lu Kun slowly opened his eyes and looked at his body with a dull expression.

"Om..." At this time, there was a sudden sound of a knife in the body.

Hearing the sound of the Xue Po Dao, he looked stunned and said, "Xue Er, are you saying that the internal organs and flesh just collapsed inwardly?"


Hearing this, Lu Kun's eyes flashed incredulously, and he muttered: "After mixing into the central nervous system, the power of one element lost control, and a reverse force was generated, the organs formed an elliptical sphere, and after the power of one element disappeared, the internal organs returned to normal? "


After getting a positive answer, Lu Kun carefully sensed his internal organs, and found that these organs were not damaged, he took a deep breath, and his expression became serious: "If that's the case, then try again, Xue Er, help protect Live in the guts."

Hearing the sound of the knife in his body, Lu Kun's soft ribs poured out another ball of real magic water, which was about twice as large as before. He wanted to confirm whether the power of one yuan was the power to maintain the strange space just now.

While thinking about it, his body began to shrink again, the blood of the whole body gathered in the body, the power of blood surged, and once again turned the magic ape into a magical power.


Under the suppression of blood essence, the terrifying power was confined in the internal organs. Lu Kun did not hesitate at all. His consciousness quickly poured into the central nervous system. .

Lu Kun forcibly endured the heavy blow in his body, trying his best to sense the situation in his body.

He found that after the force of one element was suppressed by the blood, it produced a suction force that collapsed inwardly, merging the internal organs into an oval meat ball.

Due to his lack of control, this violent force is extremely unstable. Fortunately, there is a snow blade wrapped outside to maintain it, otherwise the internal organs would continue to collapse and be squeezed into blood.

After the meat ball was formed, Lu Kun's central nervous system sensed the elliptical spherical ocean space, apparently inside the meat ball.

"The silver ocean is my blood, the five small islands are the five internal organs, and the pool in the middle..."

While thinking about it, Lu Kun's perception came to the center of the space. The pool in the middle of the five viscera islands was a little weird, with three colors of gold, silver and black mixed in it.

The water pool is mainly divided into five areas, the largest one is gold and silver, occupying about 70% of the area, and the water droplets inside are also a bit strange. They are some kind of rune-shaped irregular water balls, and they roll freely inside.

In addition, the most conspicuous is the vortex, which is filled with water droplets composed of strange runes. They are black and gold, and under the stirring of a strong black gas, they oscillate in circles of ripples to the surrounding five viscera islands.

"The meaning of the devil!"

Lu Kun sensed the brutal thoughts in the black air and suddenly understood.

"This vortex is the release method of the Demon Ape Transformation!"

He couldn't help feeling it carefully, especially the rune-shaped water droplets inside.

It was found that these water droplets were three-dimensional with hyperboloids, like some kind of weird text, and like some kind of mysterious incantation, and these three-dimensional runes were composed of tiny particles.

These particles grow into strips, which seem to be shrinking muscle fibers, exuding a breath that Lu Kun is extremely familiar with, and between these particles, there are frantic thoughts flowing.

"This is the origin of blood and the meaning of madness!"

Lu Kun was extremely shocked.

"The origin of the bloodline is the basis for the construction of these three-dimensional runes, and the meaning of madness is their bond, forming this strange shape. These bloodline runes and water droplets are intertwined with each other, and under the stirring of the meaning of true demons, this demon is produced. The vortex of supernatural powers transformed by an ape!"

Lu Kun looked at the other three areas of the water pool. Although the water surface was calm, the water droplets inside still looked like strange runes, but the structure was different.

He suddenly became enlightened.

"I understand, this water area is the manifestation of the depths of the bloodline. The water droplets in it are composed of the origin of the bloodline and the meaning of madness. Every area here represents a kind of bloodline magical power!"

"Traditional cultivators have dantian meridians, and physical cultivation has always used the body as the meridian to circulate energy. Now it manifests, is it an existence similar to dantian?"

During Lu Kun's loss of consciousness, his consciousness was spinning for a while, and he broke away from the state just now. The small group of true demons dissipated, and his internal organs returned to their original appearance.

He opened his eyes and lay on the ground in a daze.

When Lu Kun first entered the world of cultivating immortals, he practiced traditional exercises. Naturally, he knew that the dantian was embodied in the body by immortal cultivators, a core space for storing energy.

Could it be because of the mysteries of the bloodline involved in refining the body and transforming the gods, this is the embodiment of the existence of the dantian similar to the cultivator?

Visceral Dantian?

Lu Kun's face twitched when he thought of the difficult way it was formed.

First let the power of one element erupt in the internal organs and blood essence, and use the buffering and suppression of blood essence to form an invisible force that collapses inward, condensing the internal organs, and then relying on the induction of the central nervous system to generate and sense this Visceral Dantian.

If it were placed a few years ago, when the power of one yuan erupted, his internal organs would collapse.

But now it is different. After encountering the powerful mental shock wave of the Great Maelstrom, Lu Kun's internal organs have been greatly improved. After entering the Shattered Realm, the power of the primordial spirits joined by the six gods, and the crystals of the ghosts are destroyed together. The tempering effect is even stronger than that of the maelstrom.

Coupled with the protection of the Snow Soul Saber, his current internal organs are barely stable under the collapse force of the force of one yuan, forming this strange oval dantian.

"My power of one yuan is generated by the power of blood, and the visceral dantian can only appear for a short time. If it is to exist stably, I am afraid that it will reach the realm of refining the body and transforming into a god, and the physical body will be stabilized in the realm of power of one yuan..."

He took a deep breath and activated the Demonic Ape Transformation again, repeatedly sensing this strange visceral dantian.

"The six internal organs form the diaphragm outside the dantian, which seems to be able to resist the force of collapse and contraction. The silver ocean inside is all the blood in the body."

"The waters surrounded by the five visceral islands can be called the pool of blood."

"The vortex that represents the transformation of the magic ape into a magical power constantly produces a ripple, which radiates through the five internal organs islands to the sea of ​​blood and essence outside, and then circulates throughout the body, so that the body can generate this terrifying power."

"This should be the principle of the bloodline magical power, and the strange rune structure of the water droplets in the vortex is the essence of this magical power. Different magical powers have different rune water droplets."

Lu Kun looked at the four areas other than the vortex, three of which were extremely calm, with only the water surface occupying 70% of the area, with slight ripples from time to time.

It seems that it does not need to form a vortex, and it can diffuse the power of supernatural powers through its internal organs.

"There is no need to actively use the bloodline supernatural powers. Does this bloodline pool represent the power talent of the Gibbon Ape? Passive bloodline supernatural powers that affect the basis of physical strength?"

Lu Kun suppressed his excitement and looked at the other three calm waters. With a thought, he tried to operate the supernatural power of Tongtian Roar. As a result, he was closest to the water surface where the magic ape turned and began to tremble slightly.

"The bloodline pool of Tongtian Roar."

Lu Kun knew it in his heart, and then he sensed the remaining two, and found that in one of the golden pools, there was a faint ripple emitting to the liver island.

He pondered for a while, and turned the golden light divine purpose to attack the divine power. As a result, the pool also began to vibrate.

"The bloodline pool of the Golden Light God's Eye is strange, plus the magic ape transformation, the roar of the sky, and the power talent of the giant ape, there are a total of four bloodline supernatural powers, why are there five bloodline pools here?"

"Wait, could it be..."

Lu Kun seemed to have thought of something, and secretly condensed a magical power that he had not used since he entered the middle stage of bone transformation, and then found that the pool was shaking slightly, but there were no ripples gushing out of it.

"Is this the magical power of the arm that has disappeared?"

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