The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1258 Conspiracy

"Second Demon War?"

"The demons are going to invade again?"

After being in a daze for a while, only a few people came to their senses. The Lan sisters didn't have too many concepts, while Fairy Beihan and Liu Jinyuan were shocked.

As the high-level officials of the Northern Yuan Sect, they had seen many records of the ancient wars of the ancient demons from the sect classics. At that time, the entire world of cultivating immortals worked together to reluctantly defeat the demons.

In today's Immortal Cultivation World, the heaven and earth are chaotic, and the strength of Immortal Cultivators is much weaker than in ancient times.

Moreover, in the ancient times, the demon clan also participated in the war, but now, not to mention the decline of the demon clan, after being driven out of the land by the human race, it is difficult for the two sides to help each other.

Fairy Beihan looked at the two small dexterous bodies that were moving flexibly between the cracks in the dense space and gradually moved away, and suddenly thought of the previous conversation between Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian, as well as the calm look of the other party, her inner fear eased a little, and she became stronger. Calmly said:

"There is no demon clan, but now there is a body refining pavilion. Pavilion Master Lu and fellow Daoist Hong may be the back-up hands left by the One Yuan Sect. They seem to be well prepared."

Then she looked straight and ordered, "Jin Yuan, after you go back, arrange for someone to connect with the Southwest Chamber of Commerce. If there is really a war, this is the best channel for information transmission."

"Yes, Patriarch."

Fairy Beihan's consciousness sensed the two treasures in the storage bag that were obtained from the founder of the founder, and muttered: "Six hundred years ago, the sects in the extreme north have forgotten about this palace, and it's time to move around. …”


In the west of the middle of the Broken Nation, the ancient battlefield was shrouded in a white mist that covered the sky and the sun. Endless spiritual energy poured out from the cracks in the space, constantly replenishing into the mist, and mysterious forbidden fluctuations emanated from it.

Although the mist restriction is full of pure spiritual energy, it is a barren rock Gobi within a hundred miles of it, and the space cracks inside only have deep blue light flickering, and there is no spiritual energy overflowing.

This area that wraps the ancient battlefield is called the Ring of Desolation by the cultivators.

On this day, on a rocky slope somewhere in the Ring of Desolation, dozens of immortal cultivators gathered together, in groups of two or three, divided into more than 20 teams, all with five spirits in their hands.

Old Demon Nebula and Old Monster Xie were among them, but there was a bald old man beside them.

This old man is also the peak of the mid-term cultivation. Judging from his clothes, he is the elder of the Yuan Mozong. He is saying something eloquently, and it seems that he wants to win over two loose cultivators to join the Yuan Mozong team.

The other teams were also communicating with each other, all planning to act in groups.

The space seal that the demon king came from across the border is often loosened after the white mist restraint declines. Every time the demon king tries to get out, the seniors who transform into gods have already surrounded it.

The ancient battlefield has a range of 5,000 miles. As long as it is far away from the core position, it will not participate in the battle of the gods.

However, when the demon king crosses the border, some demon generals will come in, and some even reach the later level. These demons not only have exquisite magical powers, but also have extremely powerful bodies, and they can leapfrog battles.

If there are no great monks in the cultivator team, or if the number of people is too small, it will be dangerous to encounter a late-stage demon general.

With the passage of time, dazzling lights appeared one after another on the horizon, and even if they were separated by dozens of miles, they could feel the terrifying pressure of true essence.

"Senior Deity Transformation is here."

"There are a total of eight escapes before and after. Even if there are two demon kings, there is nothing to worry about."

"Then we can follow the seniors in."

"I heard that every time the ancient battlefield is opened, there is a hidden cave of the Yuan Dynasty manifested. We must carefully sense the spatial fluctuations."

"This time there may be more demons, and you must be vigilant at all times!"


Eight powerhouses at the level of pseudo-gods landed on a rocky Gobi more than ten miles away, which was close to the white fog ban outside the ancient battlefield.

Abbot Zhiyuan looked at the six pseudo-transfiguration gods headed by Venerable Huo Ling, and frowned: "Several of the primordial spirits seem to be damaged, what happened, the Broken Kingdom seems to have nothing to threaten you. "

He is a strong man who comprehends the power of will by himself. Although he did not enter the pseudo-god, his sense of the primordial spirit is not weaker than others, and he immediately found that the breath of these people was wrong.

Gu Deming was also aware of it, and his eyes flashed a sarcastic look: "I said earlier, that guy Lu Kun has strange supernatural powers, amazing explosive power, and is more troublesome than the Demon King. How can he be so easy to deal with."

Abbot Zhiyuan was shocked and said, "Are you going to deal with Pavilion Master Lu?"

Venerable Huo Ling said with a serious expression: "Yes, no."

"What's the meaning?"

Venerable Huo Ling said slowly: "We fought against Pavilion Master Lu, but we suspect that he is an immortal cultivator who was taken away by the remnant soul of the demon race."

"Seize the house?"

Zhiyuan shook his head repeatedly and said, "Impossible. At that time, fellow Daoist Wu and I both sensed that Pavilion Master Lu is a pure human soul."

Venerable Huo Ling heard the words, but did not speak, the real essence surged in his body, and a line of spiritual light shot out, and a handsome young man condensed in the air.

"This person seems to have a bit of an impression. I saw it at the entrance. It is a Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator." Zhiyuan felt a little familiar.

At this time, Venerable Bing Ling said: "Wisdom, I have investigated on the floating island, and this person has five spiritual plates in his hand, which are the ones you gave to the body training pavilion."

After his reminder, Zhiyuan suddenly remembered that those few people seemed to be the magic cultivators of the Southwest Immortal Cultivation World.

"Could this person be transformed by Pavilion Master Lu?"

Spiritual light flashed in Venerable Fire Spirit's hand, and a milky white jade pendant appeared. He said with a serious expression: "You should know that after entering the Broken Realm, I will always feel the one yuan jade pendant."

"The old man originally wanted to go to Huolongtan to have a look. Who knew that he met this person on the road, and suddenly there was a weak reaction after approaching the one-yuan jade pendant, so he planned to investigate it carefully."

Having said that, the spiritual light in front of him was distorted, and the young man outlined by the spiritual light changed. He became hunched over and bent over. Purple-black scales grew on his body, and two rows of bone spurs were squeezed out from his back. The appearance of a humanoid monster.

"This looks like a demon?" Zhiyuan said with some hesitation looking at the monster's appearance.

Venerable Huo Ling nodded and said: "Who knew that this guy would directly change into this appearance after seeing me, and even used the unique supernatural power of the Demon King. If the old man was defeated, he secretly called a few people with the Ten Thousand Miles Talisman. Fellow."

"When we join forces to stop it, this monster claims to be the pavilion master Lu, saying that gods can't kill each other."

Speaking of this, he said with an ugly face: "Just as the two sides were at a stalemate, this guy suddenly spit out the sacred relic of the ancient underworld Zerg, and blew it up. Our Primordial Spirit chain was out of control and directly destroyed it."

"Finally, he escaped..."

Abbot Zhiyuan changed his face slightly and said: "The sacred object of the insect race, this thing cannot be activated by immortal cultivators, the body of the demon race, the reaction of the one-yuan jade pendant, it may really be the remnant soul of the demon race, but he calls himself Pavilion Master Lu, maybe it is I want to be framed."

Venerable Huo Ling narrowed his eyes and said, "There is indeed such a possibility, but the five spirit disks on his body will never be fake. These strange things made the old man a little suspicious of Lu Kun."

He asked, "Zhiyuan, Gu Deming, did you feel the one-yuan jade pendant when you fought against Lu Kun?"

The two shook their heads, how could they have thought of using this kind of thing to absorb the soul of the devil.

Venerable Huo Ling said with a solemn expression: "Think about it, Lu Kun's supernatural powers are so incredible that he turned into a monster like a monster, and the ape of the arm demon is only a short-lived in the ancient monster war..."

The dragon king on the side added at this time: "This king knows from the bloodline memory that the arm demon ape of the year flew up to the upper realm shortly after the war."

"In today's world of immortality, not to mention the gibbous ape, even the gigantic giant ape has become extinct, and it is impossible to have a bloodline to pass down. "

"If it is a demon soul that survived from ancient times, it is possible to know the mysteries of the magic ape's magical powers."

Without waiting for Zhiyuan to speak, Wu Wenxuan said again: "Zhiyuan, you should know that I sacrificed an external incarnation made from the internal organs of the demon king to barely control the dragon blade."

"But when Lu Kun uses it, there is no sense of stagnation at all. If the other party is a demon soul, it makes sense."

Speaking of this, a bit of fear flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to be a little afraid: "The other party controls two kinds of vitality at the same time, as well as that unique supernatural power, maybe it was taken away by the devil emperor!"

"The Devil..."

Hearing these two words, Zhiyuan and everyone else showed fear.

Zhiyuan was silent for a while and said, "Lao Na has been to the Body Refinement Pavilion and has also met a disciple of Pavilion Master Lu. That person cultivated at the Nascent Soul stage and has supernatural powers, so he can't be a Devil Emperor."

Venerable Huo Ling didn't answer directly, but said: "There should be records in your sect, that there is a secret realm where the demon soul is sealed in the One Yuan Sect, which is located in the Southwest Xiuxian Realm, and the demon soul escaped 20,000 years ago."

"As a result, it was captured by the Great Elder of the Blood Refining Sect. This person refined it into a Demon Soul Pill before breaking through to God Transformation."

Zhiyuan nodded. There is a record in Huatian Temple. That person went to the Holy Demon Sect 20,000 years ago to snatch the magic dragon blade. In the end, he was not only injured, but also caught by the Great Zhou Huashen.

"After knowing the news, my elders wanted to search for the secret realm called Demon Island, but I was blocked by Senior Yin."

"With that god-turning powerhouse who has lived for 10,000 years in charge, even if there are residual demon souls in that secret realm, there will be no changes. Several seniors did not continue to investigate."

His expression gradually became solemn: "Calculate it now, the rise time of the Body Refinement Pavilion seems to be after the fall of Senior Yin."

"If it is true that the demon soul from that secret realm escaped, it is very likely that there is more than one demon soul."

"As we all know, demon souls have been captured more often than immortal cultivators. If this remnant soul suspected of being a demon emperor was captured in ancient times and passed through the arm demon ape, he might have brought supernatural powers into Lu Kun's body."

"Of course, this is also the deity's speculation."

Venerable Huo Ling said slowly: "According to this inference, Lu Kun's various strange magical powers, and the method of manipulating the vitality of the devil at the same time, it is said that they all rely on the power of the devil's remnant soul."

Speaking of this, he said with a very serious face: "If this is the case, then our risk will be great. As long as he turns his back on the Demon King and destroys the space seal of the One Yuan Sect when the ancient battlefield is opened, I am afraid that the world of immortality will be destroyed. Facing the second invasion of the demons!"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Abbot Zhiyuan was disturbed by the analysis of Venerable Huo Ling. He suddenly thought that the great elder named Hong Yuntian he met in the body training pavilion seemed to know a lot about things in the ancient times.

In particular, there were many secrets of Buddhist names in Buddhism in ancient times. This kind of thing during the war between the demons, even the Five Spirit Views, is not necessarily recorded.

After a long time, the abbot Zhiyuan chanted a Buddha's name and said: "It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha, these are the speculations of the Fire Spirit Taoist friends, but if Pavilion Master Lu is a rare genius that has been seen in tens of thousands of years, he created the human race to train the body. ,so what."

Venerable Huo Ling heard the words and said calmly: "That's very simple, as long as it proves that the human race can really cultivate, not relying on the power of the demon soul."

"In order to dispel his concerns, I will use the stone of oath to set a ban. We are only scrutinizing this practice, and we will never spread it."

Hearing this, Gu Deming couldn't help but look up at everyone, and found that everyone looked righteous, only the three-headed Jiao had a strange look on his face, his lips moved slightly, as if he was muttering something in a low voice, he sneered in his heart, But he did not speak, but remained silent.

Zhiyuan sighed, and just as he was about to speak, a loud noise suddenly came from his ears, and everyone couldn't help but look over.

I saw that the white mist not far away suddenly rolled up, and some purple-black spots appeared on it, and the profound restraint fluctuations quickly weakened.

"what happened!"

"The ancient battlefield actually opened half a month in advance."

"This has never happened before, what's going on inside?"

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