The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1259 Encounter and Inspiration

Looking at the gradually thinning white mist, Venerable Fire Spirit said solemnly, "Although Lu Kun has the Wuling Pan in his hand, as long as he uses it, my junior brother and I can sense it, and it will be invalidated immediately."

"Regardless of whether this guy was taken away by the Demon Emperor's remnant soul, with its current attack power, it is difficult to break through the ban on the ancient battlefield from the outside. Let's deal with the Demon King who came from across the border first."

"If there is a demon king who is free, then he has the opportunity to echo the inside and outside of the demon world powerhouse, join forces to break the space seal, and must entangle them at the same time."

"Fortunately, there are two Yaozu Taoist friends to help, so it shouldn't be a problem, let's go."

After speaking, Venerable Huo Ling took the lead and flew forward, followed by other transformation gods, and the abbot of Zhiyuan could only put Lu Kun's affairs aside for the time being.

The Yuan Ying monks from a dozen miles away also noticed the change in the ban on the ancient battlefield, and were a little bit suspicious of their early opening, but when they saw that the seniors of the gods had passed by, they all turned to the dim people in groups. White mist flies away.


In the northeastern region of the Shattered Nation, Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian were galloping fast over the incomparably vast ice field.

While the two were flying away, their eyes were fixed on the Xue Soul Double Swords in Lu Kun's hands. The two weapons, which were comparable to the Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure, were now quite different.

The Xue Soul Spirit Blade in the left hand is silver-white in its entirety, more than four feet long, and the thick snow-bright blade is curved into an arc-shaped blade. There are subtle lines on the blade surface, which are slightly uneven, a bit like the lines of bones.

However, if you look closely, these lines are like some kind of mysterious runes. They are intertwined with each other and outlined together, and there is a sense of rough and heroic power, which is daunting.

As for the Snow Soul Demon Saber in the right hand, it has changed from black to dark gray. Except for the color, the size and shape are exactly the same as the other one.

A black and white halo of vitality circled outside the blade, the two long knives trembled from time to time, and there were bursts of cheering buzzing sounds, seemingly cheering for their complete formation.

Lu Kun looked at the Snow Soul Shuangdao treasuredly, and sighed: "This set of battle treasures has finally taken shape. I never imagined that in the late stage of bone transformation, the effect of blood coagulation and bone coagulation is so good, and it can also make the bone compact of silver dragon cloud iron material. Move over to make it much stronger."

Hong Yuntian also exclaimed: "With the supernatural powers in the later stage of bone transformation, the flexibility of the Snow Soul Dual Swords has greatly increased, and more fighting methods can be developed."

Lu Kun nodded, his expression changed, the snow-soul swords turned into clumps of silver blood, and poured into the arms along the openings in the palms, then the palms turned into hand-shaped knives, and the muscles and bones of both arms twisted at the same time.

The bones under the forearm were squeezed out from the muscles, turning into black-gray and silver-white blades, forming a perfect blade arc with the hand knife.

When he was fighting against the group of gods before, Lu Kun's knife arm was like muscle fibers forcibly tying the blades together, very rough, but now the knife arm is completely natural, like growing out of flesh and blood.

In addition, the degree of hardness is also very different. Dacheng's Snow Soul Saber can be said to be a fusion of Tongtian Lingbao and Bone Treasure. Even if there is no magical power of void condensing essence, it can be compared with the real Tongtian only by the material. Lingbao is facing the bang.

Hong Yuntian looked at the blade running around in Lu Kun's body, his expression became more and more amazed, and he had a lot of confidence in the future battle of the demons.

"Huh?" At this moment, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the plain below, where there was a hundred-zhang mountain shrouded by more than ten spatial cracks.

"What's the matter?" Lu Kun followed his gaze, spread his consciousness, and quickly sensed something.

"It seems that there are immortal cultivators here because of the artificial restrictions."

Hong Yuntian sneered: "It's Xu Junwen. She didn't even stay with those pseudo-gods, and she even ran to this icefield."

"is her?"

Lu Kun showed a bit of surprise. In order to break through the peak of power, he destroyed the golden eyes, and the power of spiritual consciousness was similar to the peak of the great cultivator.

And although Hong Yuntian has just broken through to the late Nascent Soul, but with the blessing of the power of will, the sensing power of his spiritual sense is not much worse than that of a pseudo-transformed god, and he even detected the other party through the prohibition.

Lu Kun looked at the mountain below, and his eyes became cold: "If it wasn't for the Xue Ping Dao to protect the body, the self-destruction of the Nascent Soul might have been a little troublesome, and now is the opportunity for the rise of the Body Refinement Pavilion, the sect of Yin Yang Sect. , there is no need to exist."

While speaking, his body fell straight down, his right arm was raised, and the silver-white blade and arm on it swelled at the same time.

In the late stage of bone transformation, blood and bone transfer, even ordinary body repair, can use the magic of heaven and earth, and the same is true for the Xue Po Dao with the blessing of blood and bone.

I saw that Lu Kun's right arm kept extending, and the muscle fibers on the forearm gradually sparsed and transferred to the big arm. The arm knife in front was directly magnified three times, and it rose to three feet.

Lu Kun's eyes were full of bloodshots, and a terrifying power of one yuan poured out of his body.

Countless white halos gathered here, squeezed and condensed into a silver-white sword light that was 30 feet long, just like a real thing, with countless mysterious curved runes flashing on it, and a terrifying breath rose to the sky.

Before this huge blade fell, the small mountain below trembled violently, the ice and snow above kept shattering, and cracks appeared on the mountain, as if it could not withstand the majestic pressure.


The top of the mountain, along with the surrounding space cracks, was hit by this silver-white blade, and under the violent vitality energy, the entire mountain disappeared directly by one-third.

However, at this time, the bloodshot in Lu Kun's eyes quickly receded, and the source of his physical body quickly recovered. The huge silver-white blade of thirty feet seemed to sway twice in dissatisfaction, but there was no follow-up strength to support it, so it could only collapse.

In the ruins of the mountain that was only half a foot tall, a pink and tender Nascent Soul that was two feet tall was also collapsing, and soon disappeared, leaving behind a small Nascent Soul that was half a foot tall, with an extremely weak aura.

Xu Junwen, the top genius of the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect, who was rarely encountered in tens of thousands of years, was killed just like that, and he didn't even have time to escape. If Lu Kun hadn't received the magical power, his second Nascent Soul source would probably have turned into nothingness.

Lu Kun shook his restored arm, looked at the mini Nascent Soul below, and frowned slightly: "It seems that the power of one yuan will not be able to be controlled until the body's nerves are fully developed."

"I can't search for the soul that dissipates at any time. Brother Hong, try it."

While the two were talking, they had already landed on the ruined mountain. Hong Yuntian's consciousness poured directly into the dim Nascent Soul, while Lu Kun stretched out his hand and took the two storage bracelets on the ground and probed them at will.

After a stick of incense, Xu Junwen's second Nascent Soul completely dissipated, and his soul was completely destroyed.

Hong Yuntian said thoughtfully: "It turns out that this guy who is neither male nor female, got the magic magic child and mother art left by Han Ting in the secret realm of one yuan, and this created the practice of double yuan infant."

Lu Kun heard the words, his consciousness swept slightly, took out a simple jade slip, and threw it over, "It seems that this is it."

Hong Yuntian took the jade slip, glanced at it, and said lightly: "I didn't expect Han Ting to modify the magic magic child and mother art again, and there is a secret art of dividing and combining divine consciousness, even if there is no basic magic cultivation, practice This secret technique can try to control the sub-body."

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "I understand, this technique is created to cooperate with the refining magic."

"On the one hand, the disciples of the Han family can help the Demon Zombie Cultivator to purify their souls and make them immune to the will of the True Demon. On the other hand, they can also filter this will through the Demon Zombie and directly absorb the water of the True Demon to cultivate."

Hong Yuntian sighed lightly, and said with a complicated expression, "I had a slight prejudice against her back then, but now it seems that this woman has spent a lot of energy on the training, and I don't know if she has created any damage after entering the upper realm. A brand new magic."

Hearing this, Lu Kun suddenly remembered that he overheard a secret about Qian Jingshan in Pang Lao Modong Mansion, and couldn't help but say, "The Magic Refinement Art was also placed in the One Yuan Secret Realm, but it was obtained by Qian Jingshan."

"This person first practiced the Phantom Demon Child and Mother Art, and then used the Magic Refinement Art and the Demon Zombie clone to soak in the water of the True Demon, and he broke through to the late Nascent Soul. ."

Hong Yuntian was stunned and said: "No wonder, that Le Yanjun's demon was made from the body of a demon, but it fits very well with this seat. It turned out to be tempered with the magic sword."

"Illusory Demon Zi Mu Gong, Demon Refinement, Demonic Body Refinement..." Lu Kun murmured in a low voice, thinking flashing in his eyes.

"Yeah, these are the cornerstones of the One Yuan Sect's body-refining line, but unfortunately, there is only one person left in the end... Hey, what's wrong with you." Hong Yuntian suddenly noticed that Lu Kun kept whispering, as if he was thinking about something.

An irrepressible thought was popping up in Lu Kun's mind. Hearing Hong Yuntian's call, he took a deep breath and said, "Brother Hong, are you really willing to be the only one left in the body-refining line?"

When Hong Yuntian heard these words, he couldn't help falling into silence.

He thought of his own brother Hong Yuntong, who founded the Yuntong Body Refinement Art. The strange energy of qi, blood and magic is not only the core of the Demonic Body Refinement Art, but even the body refining of the Body Refinement Pavilion. not open.

However, due to the unknown path of body training, his brother and countless disciples of Yuntong Body Training Jue were all swallowed up by the blood and magic power, and the cultivation process of the disciples of Demon Zong Body Training Jue was full of pain and cruelty.

In the end, he succeeded in breaking the pill, and the Demon Zong disciples who slept with him were also devoured by bloodthirsty due to the research on the Demon Refining Art, leaving him alone.

Thinking of this, Hong Yuntian said in a solemn tone: "In order to perfect the Demonic Stress Refinement Technique, the body refinement line of the One Yuan Sect has sacrificed too many disciples, and I naturally don't want this technique to disappear."

"But I have to admit that compared to your technique, the Demonic Stiff Body Refinement has too many flaws."

Lu Kun slowly shook his head and said, "You are wrong!"

"Wrong?" Hong Yuntian frowned.

Lu Kun asked back, "Brother Hong, if you compare the Demonic Toughness Refinement with the Five Elements Refinement, why not combine the advantages of the two?"

"Combining advantages?"

Lu Kun didn't answer, and said to himself: "The practice of the Five Elements Body Refinement is also full of risks. The most difficult level is the bone transformation stage. Not to mention breaking through the difficulties, it will turn into a pool of pus and blood after failure."

"We thought of the Transformer Spirit before, a way to survive in another way, but what if these disciples practiced the Mysterious Soul Secret Art of Illusory Demon Child Mother Art and controlled a demon general's corpse before breaking through?"

Hong Yuntian was stunned: "Bone Treasure Dacheng's body repair, separate thoughts to control the devil's body?"

"Yes, in this way, even if the body of these disciples is devoured by the blood and magic power, but with the traction of the Illusory Demon Child-Mother Art, the remaining souls can be wrapped in the blood and magic power and live in the demon."

Speaking of this, Lu Kun thought of the three disciples who died tragically in the calamity. Xue Er has now turned into a snow soul knife to accompany him, but Yuxuan and Zhao Qingtian were left with no bones and souls. He couldn't help pinching it. Fist, emotionally a little excited:

"With the Demon Zombie Body, the disciples who failed to break through can not only survive, but also continue to practice the Demon Zombie Body Refinement Technique! There is even a chance to transcend the Tribulation twice!"

Hong Yuntian seemed to have been struck by lightning in his brain, and murmured: "After the devil's body refining and breaking the pill, the body turns into a pool of qi and blood magic power, which is the same as the failure to break through the bone transformation period, which is also devoured by the qi and blood magic power. What is the difference between body cultivation disciples, they can completely enter into Demon Zombie cultivation.”

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with enthusiasm: "And in this case, the training resources of the Demonic Body Refinement will be greatly reduced, as long as there are demon-level corpses."

"Looking back, we annexed the Blood Refining Sect, and with the help of their orthodox demon cultivators, we used the Demon Refinement Art to purify the body of the Demon Zombie disciples, making them immune to the meaning of true demons."

Under the guidance of Lu Kun, Hong Yuntian's thinking suddenly opened up: "The energy of blood and blood can't swallow up the demonic stiffness of the demon general level, so it can be used as a treasure to refine. After the body is integrated, the source energy of the body will be generated."

"At that time, they should be the same as this seat. The source of the flesh is based on the body of the demon, and it cannot be fully integrated with the blood and magic. They need to sleep with secret techniques. When the source is truly formed, they will fall into the catastrophe and carry out Second Tribulation!"

Lu Kun's expression became more and more fanatical: "Not only that, we can even hide these disciples in the secret realm of one element, so that they can sleep for at least tens of thousands of years, and these sleeping disciples will become the foundation of the sect! "

"The longer the time is, the more disciples these Xue Zang will have. If the Body Refinement Pavilion really encounters any crisis, awakening them at a critical moment means that there will be more than a dozen, or even dozens of Demon Transformation Stage Body Cultivators!"

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian's dark eyes flashed a glittering color. He clenched his fists tightly and his fingernails were plunged into flesh and blood: "In this way, the Demonic Body Refinement will be passed on forever!"

His voice was a little hoarse: "The disciples of Yiyuanzong's body refining line have not sacrificed in vain..."

Ahem, dare to ask for votes...

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