The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1260 Weird Demon Spot

After a while, Hong Yuntian spit out a turbid breath and said: "This seat understands you now. The current exercises in the Body Refinement Pavilion are all closely related to the demons."

"It's not enough to kill the demons alone. If the Body Refinement Pavilion wants to continue to pass on, it must also keep the demons in captivity."

He looked up at this piece of heaven and earth, and said slowly: "The Broken Country, which is surrounded by cracks in space, is an excellent captive area."

"But whether we can do this or not, we have to plan carefully."

At this moment, Hong Yuntian recognized Lu Kun's decision from the bottom of his heart and began to analyze it seriously.

"The first problem is to integrate the world of immortal cultivation, not to ask the body refining pavilion to dominate the world, at least to be the leader, and let the traditional immortal cultivators listen to our commands."

Having said that, Hong Yuntian glanced at Lu Kun and said, "I have just searched Xu Junwen's soul, and I learned that this person had investigated the truth of the Body Refinement Pavilion decades ago and handed it over to the Wulingguan."

"Even if your combat power is stronger than those of the fake gods, the strength of their sect is far beyond that of the Body Refinement Pavilion. With the strength and prestige of the Body Refinement Pavilion alone, it is no problem to dominate in the southwest.

Hearing the words, Lu Kun immediately understood: "No wonder these pseudo-transfiguration gods acted directly. It turned out that the overall strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion was insufficient."

Then he frowned tightly: "As for how to dominate the major sects, I have some eyebrows, but I have to wait until the space seal is really broken."

"You're good to know."

Hong Yuntian nodded slightly, and said, "Just now on the road, this seat carefully reviewed the information left by the elder Taishang. The seal of this space is not so easy to break."

Lu Kun said strangely: "If it can't be broken, why did the demons keep sending the demon king over?"

Hong Yuntian didn't answer directly, but asked with a slightly gloomy expression: "Lu Kun, do you know why the Demon Race can send the Demon King to cultivate the Immortal Realm, but our Human Race's Seniors from the Upper Realm can't communicate with the Lower Realm?"

Hearing this, Lu Kun had some guesses in his heart: "Could it be related to the strength of the two clans?"

Hong Yuntian sighed and said: "The demons have a terrifying existence at the level of integration, and the human race has the highest strength, only in the late stage of refining."

"With the supernatural powers in the fusion period, high planes can communicate with low-level interfaces, and the demons are only able to transmit across borders with the assistance of such terrifying existences."

"And our human race, at most, relies on the method of incarnation outside the body of the elders to pass the information reluctantly. Now that the Yuanzong has soared, the two worlds have directly cut off contact."

Lu Kun listened quietly. From this alone, he could feel the pressure faced by the human race in the upper realm. There was a huge gap between the transformation of the gods and the late Nascent Soul, not to mention the difference between the fusion and the virtual.

Hong Yuntian continued:

"Behind the space seal of the ancient battlefield, there is a strong body of demons sitting in the town. This kind of terrifying existence is more suppressed by the power of the interface, and there is no way to destroy the space seal from the air."

"But if there is a demon king here to cooperate with his spellcasting, he can guide the power of a strong fit into the space crack and destroy the seal in one fell swoop."

"The demons continue to send demon kings here, just to find opportunities to succeed, and cooperate with the demons to cast spells."

Hearing this, Lu Kun flashed admiration in his eyes and said: "We have been here for five hundred years, and the demon world has only five years. It seems that this space seal has a deeper meaning. The combined powerhouse is restrained."


Hong Yuntian looked to the west and said, "Although those pseudo-gods say that there will be two demon kings, they can't guarantee it, so you have to be careful to hide to the side. If those old guys have the upper hand, you must help the demon king secretly."

He looked coldly and said: "But if you are discovered, you must silence these people, otherwise you will spread the word. You Lu Kun are a traitor of the human race. How can you lead the world of immortal cultivation, but other false gods can't all die..."

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Understood, I now have the power of one yuan, the magical power of physical cultivation, it should be no problem to be careful."

"It's not the most troublesome."

Speaking of this, Hong Yuntian said solemnly: "If the demon king successfully destroys the space seal, then they will continue to send the demon king regardless of everything. If the eight demon kings come together, even if you Lu Kun join forces with other pseudo-gods, it will be extremely dangerous. "

"So at this time, you have to find a way to trigger a node in the space crack to interrupt the other party's teleportation. Under the eruption of space turbulence, it can block teleportation for at least a hundred years."

"With this time buffer, we can plan well, block the Broken Country, and completely limit the second Demon Race to this area."

Listening to Hong Yuntian's analysis, Lu Kun said with an excited expression: "Brother Hong is still thoughtful, the eight demon kings gathered together, I am afraid I can only protect myself, but if the battlefield is expanded to the entire Broken Country, it will be different. "

Hong Yuntian gave him a cold look and said, "Don't be too happy. Although this seat knows where the nodes that cause spatial turbulence are, in order to smash them, you must have an attack power close to the limit of the interface."

"That is to say, you can at least hit the explosive force comparable to the middle stage of God Transformation, and it is possible to successfully disrupt the spatial turbulence."

"Middle stage of God Transformation..."

Lu Kun's expression was stagnant, but then he remembered the golden sword light that appeared when the Xue Soul double swords merged for the first time, the terrifying coercion, even if he looked back now, he still felt heart palpitations.

While thinking about it, his hands twisted for a while, and two four-footed broadswords extended from flesh and blood. Looking at the pair of weapons, he fell into contemplation.

Hong Yuntian said: "It seems that you have thought of it, but at that time we only temporarily merged the mad magic, not only the casting is extremely long, but the duration is extremely short, but if the demons break the seal, we have a little chance of attacking the space node. It's fleeting, if you're not careful, you fail."

Lu Kun took a deep breath, put away the dual swords of the snow soul, and said slowly: "There is still time, as for how to quickly integrate the crazy magic, we will discuss as we walk."

Hong Yuntian nodded, then remembered something, and said, "By the way, Xu Junwen's storage bracelet is given to this seat, and there seems to be an interesting secret technique in it."

Lu Kun threw it away, and then the two flew into the sky and left the mountain that looked like ruins.


On the edge of the ancient battlefield, eight pseudo-god powerhouses have passed through the white fog. They stayed in the air and looked at the scene in front of them, each with a look of surprise.

After the fog was banned, countless purple-black clouds appeared in the air as far as the eyes could see. They were big and small, like spots, dotted in the air.

Wu Wenxuan's consciousness swept through the recent purple-black clouds, and his eyes flashed a little blank, but then he came to his senses, and said with some fear: "What is this? In addition to the pure magic energy, there seems to be a kind of dizzying. Sleepy breath."

The faces of the other pseudo-gods were a little pale, and they seemed to be affected by these purple-black clouds.

"All the cracks in space have turned into this kind of magic spot, as if someone is arranging the magic circle behind the crack..."

"Have you noticed that the cracks in the space that should have overflowed with spiritual energy have all dimmed and lost their luster."

"Wait, my spiritual detection range has been suppressed!"

As everyone probed, their expressions became more and more dignified. This situation has never been encountered in tens of thousands of years.

Venerable Fire Spirit said solemnly: "The Shattered Nation was not opened a hundred years ago, and the space fluctuations at that time were extremely violent. Now it seems that it is very likely that the Demon Race powerhouse has some special magic circle arranged in the boundary."

"The scope of the detection of spiritual consciousness has decreased, and the spiritual energy has become more scarce. In this environment, our strength has been suppressed, and the demon king has been strengthened. Everyone, this time, we must use all the means of pressing the bottom box."

"By the way, inform the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period behind that there has been a change in the ancient battlefield, so don't go deeper."

"it is good!"

Everyone's expressions became extremely solemn, even the dragon king and the three-headed Jiaojiao. Although they had a bad relationship with the human race, they at least stood on the same line in the face of the demon race.

After a few discussions, they left behind a few syllables and flew straight to the depths of the ancient battlefield.

After a while, the cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage also passed through the fog restrictions one after another. Several of the great cultivators quickly discovered the sound transmissions left by their elders. After seeing the contents, all their expressions changed.

Soon, these cultivators in the Nascent Soul period knew about the changes in the ancient battlefield. Four or five people hesitated and left, as if they did not want to take risks.

The rest of the people discussed it, from ten teams to five teams, each with seven or eight people, they carefully avoided the magic spot in the air, and slowly flew into the ancient battlefield...

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