The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1261 Fusion

In the depths of the ancient battlefield, the valley shrouded in silver mist became more and more dazzling, and the majestic silver light was like a huge fiery fireball that kept rolling, occasionally exuding a faint blue space power.

Around the valley, an incomparably thick purple-black mist gushed out at some point, which was not only filled with pure magic energy, but also contained a strange energy that made people drowsy and filled with nightmares.

With the silver valley as the core, these magic fogs continue to stretch in all directions, covering a range of dozens of miles, and they continue to spread.

As for those magic spots in the air, whenever the magic fog approached, they collapsed and turned into a thick purple-black fog to replenish them.


At the junction of the magic fog and the silver valley, a lavender shield fell on a slope, and seven demons stood in it, and a magic circle with totem patterns was also outlined on the ground.

The newly promoted demon general called "Ye Ning" was closing his eyes at this time, and groups of black halo balls emerged from the demon mist and gathered towards his body.

However, only a small amount of these demonic energy entered the head, and most of them collapsed, turning into pure demonic energy and pouring into the magic circle on the ground.

After a while, Ye Ning slowly opened his eyes, and a terrifying wave of divine soul disappeared in a flash, he looked at the magic soldiers with awe-filled faces around him, and slowly said: "Those beasts are all put into the nightmare. It's foggy."

"Yes, my lord, with your help, there are three more ten-level monsters than before, and I will definitely be able to block the human race from the outside." One of the demons said flatteringly.

Ye Ning said disdainfully: "These mixed-species monsters are mediocre in strength, and they are too different from the monsters in the Holy Realm. Their function is to rely on the fog of nightmares to mislead... eh? The teleportation has begun."

Ye Ning suddenly changed his expression and looked towards the silver valley ahead.

I saw the huge silver mist jumping like a flame, and in addition to the power of the blue space, there were also purple-black lightning bolts.

The demons could vaguely see that in the staggered lightning, a small blue ball rolled and squeezed outward little by little, with a dark figure inside.

The silver mist around it was intertwined with lightning and flames, and the blue ball was continuously impacted. If it weren't for the countless purple-black lightning that gushed out of thin air, I'm afraid this ball would have been smashed long ago.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ning breathed a sigh of relief: "Although due to the nightmare formation, the surrounding spiritual energy has gathered and provided more energy to the space seal, but for Lord Mozun, this little resistance It's nothing."

"The only things that hinder the adults are the spatial turbulence and the power of the interface. Now it seems that the transmission speed will be much longer. It is not a big problem. According to the previous plan, the transmission should be..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly raised his brows, turned his head and looked to the southeast, only to see the magic fog on the edge of there suddenly rolling violently, ripples like waves around him.

"The human race came in so quickly, one, two, three... How come eight came all of a sudden, fortunately the Nightmare Formation has been formed, otherwise it will be troublesome."

Ye Ning's face was a little ugly. He looked at the few demon soldiers on the side, and immediately ordered: "You guys, make every effort to mobilize the formation and keep this defensive aura working."

"Yes, my lord." The six demons at the level of formation of pills quickly surrounded the formation on the ground, with their palms on the edge of the formation, and the magic power was poured into them continuously, and the shield that enveloped them became more and more thicken up.

Ye Ning looked at the tumbling magic fog in the distance. Although it fluctuated violently, the position basically did not change. The slightly nervous expression relaxed, and he said with a chuckle:

"This fog of nightmare is motivated by the supreme treasure made by Lord Mozun with the mirage beasts. Although it is suppressed by the power of the interface, it is a little reluctant for the real monks, but it is very difficult to deal with those fake gods. Much easier."

The surrounding Demon Soldiers were a little frightened when they heard it, watching the mist that kept hitting the surrounding shields, and more focused on injecting magic power.

If such a terrifying formation at the level of the gods is attacked, their souls will probably die in a nightmare.


Time went on and on, one day passed, the fluctuations in the magic fog still existed, only advancing for a few miles, the speed was very slow.

Ye Ning didn't look at the magic fog again, but stared at the silver valley in front. At this time, the blue space ball had been squeezed out, and with the explosion of a circle of purple-black lightning, a figure staggered out of the valley.

This is an eight-foot-tall burly demon, with dark black scales lined up all over his body, and his muscles are extremely thick, as if full of explosive power.

The bone spurs between its joints are nearly two feet long. There is no hair on the head, but black water chestnuts that resemble rocks. The scales on the face are lavender, and two fangs several inches long are exposed in the mouth.

Ye Ning saw this person, and his excitement flashed from his pupils, and the spirit that exuded the meaning of true devil surged and made his debut: "Very good, I didn't expect you to be the first to come here."

The strong demon man felt the breath of the soul, his figure flashed, and fell in front of Ye Ning, he knelt down on one knee, and said with awe in his tone: "Xuecheng has seen my father."

The demon soldiers who were casting spells behind heard this sentence and looked up in surprise. With their strength, they could not feel the breath of this new teleportation demon, but from the perspective of oppression, it seemed that it was just a demon. Will.

Ye Ning raised his hand and said, "Get up, is it going well with Lord Mozun?"

Xue Cheng respectfully said: "The human race seems to have another arrangement in the space crack. Lord Demon Venerable is cautious, and only sent a demon general to the child. Now he should be preparing for the teleportation of the two demon kings."

Ye Ning nodded lightly, he felt the breath of the mid-term peak of the descendant demon general, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Xuecheng, you know why Lord Mozun gave up the peak demon general, but sent you here."

Xue Cheng heard the words, with a hint of pride in his eyes: "My father once said that the child is the most promising demon general under your sect to advance to the demon emperor."

Demon Emperor...

The few demon soldiers in the back, when they heard this word, shivered violently, and the magic power in their hands was slightly stagnant.

Ye Ning reached out and patted Xue Cheng's shoulder, and there seemed to be something meaningful in his smile:

"But Xue Cheng, the physical cultivation of your kid can only be ranked fourth among the disciples and descendants of this king. Why is the potential first?"

Xue Cheng was stunned for a moment and said, "Father, you said that the child's soul is special, and it has the highest degree of fit with the physical body, which is more in line with the breakthrough conditions of the Devil Emperor."

The smile on the corner of Ye Ning's mouth became brighter and brighter, and a purple-black magic light flashed in his eyes. He said lightly: "It is indeed the fit of the soul, but it is not with your body."

"Isn't the fit of the body?" Xue Cheng was a little dazed.

"It's the fit with this king's soul..."

As soon as Xue Cheng heard this sentence in his ears, he felt that mysterious rune restrictions suddenly poured out from the depths of his soul. The light in his eyes quickly dimmed, and his figure was sluggish.

Immediately after Ye Ning's head, a purple-black magic ball of light flew out, and there was a face with a purple face and fangs.

Then a terrifying wave of divine soul tumbled inside this sturdy demon body.

Seeing this scene, the few Pill-forming Demon Soldiers in the back were terrified. They didn't dare to make any changes, and cautiously continued to control the formation, for fear of being surprised by the master's spellcasting.

After about a stick of incense, the eyes of "Xuecheng" gradually lit up, and between the strong muscles under the scales, streaks of purple-black lightning jumped, and there was a crackling sound in the body.

The surrounding demonic energy seemed to be attracted in some way and gathered here one after another.

"Can't break through yet, scattered!"

"Xuecheng" opened his mouth and uttered a drink, the essence of the true devil spread out, and the gathered devil energy was forcibly dispersed.

"As soon as the soul is fused, and the essence of the primordial spirit is combined with it, there are signs of breakthrough. It is worthwhile for this king to try every means to give birth to such a child who is compatible with the soul."

"Xuecheng" felt the incomparably fit body, and his expression became more and more excited. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "For six hundred years, my Blood Crying Demon King has prepared for a full six hundred years to change his body."

"At the risk of the primordial spirit being swallowed up by the cracks in the space, it was only then that Lord Mozun took action and pulled away the origin of primordial spirit. Otherwise, the primordial spirit in the later stage of the devil would not be able to fuse with the divine soul inherited by blood."

"As long as we break through to the realm of the pseudo-devil emperor, then we are equivalent to the arrival of three powerful demon kings. After breaking the seal, completing the task of Lord Demon Lord, and getting rewards, this king will have the opportunity to enter the next big realm in the future. ."

The surrounding Demon Soldiers in the Core Formation Stage could not help shivering when they heard the man's wild laughter. Demon powerhouses were moody, and they might be silenced when they heard such secrets.

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