The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1262 Terrible Magic Mist

Somewhere on the periphery of the magic fog, a group of false gods were sitting on the ground. Their faces were pale, and the robes on their bodies were somewhat damaged. The violently rolling magic fog around them was gradually calming down.

Abbot Zhiyuan fiddled with a string of Buddha beads in his hand, and recited some kind of Buddhist scriptures in his mouth. The meaning of compassion turned into circles of pale golden ripples that filled the surroundings, protecting everyone in it.

When the fog outside meets this golden will, it is like a current encountering a reef, splitting into two and continuing to flow into the distance.

At this moment, everyone suddenly opened their eyes, as if sensing something, and turned their heads to look in the same direction, but there was a majestic mountain several thousand feet high.

"What a strong spatial fluctuation!"

"More than fifty miles away, it seems to be the direction of the space seal!"

"The demon world has begun to teleport?"

"This mirage is too realistic. It turns out that this direction is where the space seal is located."

Venerable Fire Spirit looked at the mountain not far away, and said with a slightly relaxed expression: "From the perspective of fluctuations, it should not be the teleportation of the devil."

He looked at the other person and said, "Fellow Daoist Wu, you came here 600 years ago, how do you feel?"

Wu Wenxuan said slowly: "Although this fluctuation is fleeting, it is more than a bit weaker than the power of space when the demon king teleports. The demons are the same as before, and they start to teleport the demon generals first."

The body of the three-headed Jiao woman leaned weakly against a rock. Her body recovered a lot, and she was barely able to transform into a human form, but this body was unable to fight and could only rely on her true essence to cast spells.

She said coldly: "The fog here is so strange that even our consciousness will be invaded and we will fall into nightmares, plus there are mirage-like illusions everywhere, and the distance of dozens of miles, I don't know how long it will take to wear it. Pass."

The Dragon King said gloomily: "Huo Ling, what are you going to do? The strange energy in the magic fog can only be resisted by the self-comprehension will of Zhi Yuan and Mo Qing."

"Even if we arrive at the space seal under their protection, how can we exert our strength in such an environment, I am afraid that a demon king will be enough."

Hearing the words of the two demon kings, everyone else fell silent.

At the beginning, although they found that the strange energy in the fog was the same as the magic spot outside, it would make people drowsy, but after entering this magic fog, they found that it was much more terrifying than they thought.

As soon as the consciousness was released, the energy eroded in all directions, everyone fell into a nightmare, and then various mirages appeared around.

Due to the influence of nightmares, they even fought with each other. If it weren't for the absence of spiritual energy around them, Zhiyuan and Mo Qing woke up one after another and awakened others with a strong will. The consequences would be unimaginable.

With a chance to breathe, everyone discovered that the strange energy in the magic fog, to disguise the primordial spirit and consciousness of the gods, could not be completely blocked, only pure willpower could resist.

Among these people, only Zhiyuan and Mo Qing have the will of self-comprehension, and after the compassion of Buddhism is fully motivated, they even completely cut off the energy that makes people fall into nightmares.

Venerable Huo Ling looked around and said solemnly: "This strange magic fog is inspired by those magic spots, I am afraid it is the great supernatural power exerted by the demons across the border, the purpose is to isolate us, so that the demon king who is teleported over Calmly destroy the space seal."

He was silent and said: "We can leave here, but when the space seal is opened, it will not be as simple as two demon kings, but will face the invasion of the entire demon race."

"Now is the time when we have the best chance."

Gu Deming frowned and said, "The invasion of the demons must be stopped, but now the first thing to do is to break the demonic fog."

Venerable Ice Spirit said with a thoughtful expression: "We have been in the ancient battlefield for a day before the demons sent the first demon general. It was not so slow before."

When Wu Wenxuan heard this, he said lightly: "If you say that, the space seal is still in operation, and even more powerful, the strange magic fog comes from the cracks in space, and a lot of spiritual energy there can't be completely dissolved, and it is very likely that they will all gather in space. The location of the seal."

Venerable Huo Ling nodded and said: "I also judged the same, this magic fog is a cross-border display of demon powers, and it is extremely difficult to break, but if we reach the space seal and have plenty of spiritual energy, we can let go. battle."

After he finished speaking, he found that the other gods, especially the two demon kings, were still hesitant, and Venerable Huo Ling couldn't help but sighed, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a jade bottle appeared.

He said with some pain: "These are the few Yuan Lingdans left in this sect. Its greatest use is to help the great cultivator integrate the power of will."

"If I wait to use it, although there is no way to improve the primordial spirit, the power of will can be temporarily strengthened. I have tried it before, at least it is stronger than the will of Zhiyuan and Mo Qing at this time."

While speaking, Venerable Fire Spirit opened the jade bottle, threw seven pieces to the others, and then said, "If the Demon King has teleported before we reach the space seal, then take the Yuanling Pill, at least within a day. Inside, don't be afraid of these magic fogs."

"It turned out to be Yuan Lingdan!"

"It's no wonder that your Five Spiritual Temples have been incessant for so many years, so there are such elixir."

Several human race gods seem to have heard of this medicinal pill, and they all accepted it with joy. The dragon king and the three-headed Jiao carefully sensed it with their spiritual senses. In fact, they all accept it with confidence.

"Fellow Daoist Huo Ling, what shall we do next?" With this, the fear of these people is much less.

Venerable Huo Ling looked around, but he was not polite, and directly commanded: "Yuan Ling Pill cannot be used easily, if we walk slowly, the impact of the energy in the magic fog will be minimized, even if the distance of dozens of miles, even if Yes, it's not too far."

"However, I can't release my consciousness, and there are mirage-like illusions in the magic fog, and it's easy to get lost."

He pondered and said: "The protective effect of compassion is stronger, we might as well divide into two teams, me and my junior brother, plus Mo Qing, and the others. Zhiyuan and Mo Qing released their will to protect everyone. "

"The two teams are 30 feet apart. With the help of the position where the space fluctuations just appeared, we made calculations based on the three-point orientation, and repeatedly verified the correct direction."

Everyone thought for a while and found that this was the safest way at present, so they began to follow this team, and the two groups of people were separated by twenty or thirty feet, and began to set off into the depths of the magic fog.

Although they had Yuan Lingdan in their hands, all the changes in the ancient battlefield made everyone's heart sink. However, in the face of the threat of the second Demon Race, they had no choice but to protect the space seal.


In the depths of the magic fog, the Bloody Crying Demon King, who had occupied a brand new body, was looking at the silver valley. In the depths of the silver fog, purple-black lightning and a dark blue ball of light surged again.

He turned his head to look at the calming demon fog behind him, and murmured, "Those human races have already escaped from the nightmare, and they must be coming here."

Bloody's lilac face was rather solemn.

"It took a day for Lord Demon Lord to send a demon general in the middle stage, and it takes at least two days for the demon king."

"Except for the unexpected number of human pseudo-gods, everything else is basically planned."

He whispered a few words, and suddenly there were seven incomparably dark tokens engraved with some kind of alien beast pattern in his hand. He opened his mouth slightly and spit out several magic lights.

Four of the tokens all lit up with black light, and there was a faint roar of beasts inside, and then they shattered and turned into gravel and fell to the ground.

Xuexiu turned over with one hand and put away the remaining three. He looked around the surrounding magic fog and found that the fog in four places began to roll, and then four faint blue rays of light flashed past.

Sensing three spatial fluctuations, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Even in the early stage of God Transformation, the consciousness cannot be probed in the fog of nightmares for a long time. Coupled with the mirage-like illusion inside and the four false spatial fluctuations, the advance time of the human race will be greatly delayed."

"The original plan was to wait for the demon king to send over, and then the king would leave, but now that there are eight false gods, it is not safe. To be safe, this king will be dispatched now."

Xuexiu whispered a few words, ignoring the nervous demon soldiers below, his strong black body flew up, and plunged into the thick purple-black demonic fog...

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