The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1263 swallowing the baby

Somewhere in the ancient battlefield, stood a small hill several dozen feet high, surrounded by a few space powers like faint blue lightning, which shot out pieces of gravel from the top.

"Boom..." A roar came from the mountainside.

There was a forbidden spiritual light that kept flashing, and seven immortal cultivators were suspended in mid-air, urging their respective magic weapons to bombard, and Old Demon Nebula and Old Monster Xie were among them.

Except for their two loose cultivators, the other five were Yuan Ying elders of Yuan Mozong. Among them, a horse-faced old man and a good-looking middle-aged woman were both great cultivator-level cultivators. Their offensive is the most terrifying.


With the continuous bombardment of several people, this layer of powerful prohibition was broken, revealing the somewhat broken gate of the cave behind, and everyone's expressions were lifted.

The horse-faced old man looked back at the purple-black magic mist that was still on the horizon, and said cautiously, "The magic mist is still spreading outwards, and we must finish searching the cave before it comes."

A bit of fear flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged woman on the side: "Yes, the strange energy there is not something I can contend with. I am afraid that only the existence of a spirit like the uncle can resist."

The horse-faced old man pondered and said: "According to the information given by the uncle, I am afraid that a demon will have been sent out at this time. Just in case, Junior Sister, you and Junior Brother Wang will stay outside."

"Yes, Senior Brother." The middle-aged woman replied, although the two were both great cultivators, their words seemed to be quite awe-inspiring to this Senior Brother.

"Old Demon Nebula, Xie Xie, you will follow us to find treasures and distribute the treasures according to the method discussed earlier."

The old man with horse face saw that the two demon cultivators had no objection, so he went down. If Wu Wenxuan didn't open his mouth and asked him to keep an eye on these two people, he would be too lazy to take these two cultivators with him if there were special circumstances. build.

"What is the special situation that Uncle Shi said..."

The old man with horse face walked into the cave while thinking about it. Old Demon Xingyun followed behind with a bit of vigilance and caution, while the middle-aged woman and a rather handsome man stayed outside on guard.

The ancient battlefield is the area with the most dense space cracks in the Shattered Nation, and there are even many fragmented spaces. It is either a certain mountain gate building of the Yuan Dynasty, or a certain monk's cave. They seem to be due to the fierce battle. Space turbulence. Roll away, disappearing beyond the interface.

Whenever the ancient battlefield is opened and the demons are teleported across the border, the spatial turbulence will fluctuate violently, and some fragmented spaces will be affected. Through the space nodes and gaps, they will return to the world of immortality.

These Yuan Ying monks ventured into the ancient battlefield for the sake of the secret caves of Yuan Zong, which were involved in the fragmented space. The team of Nebula Old Demon and Yuan Mozong had good luck and happened to encounter a cave that manifested from the fragmented space.

"Hey, this is the corpse of the Demon Race."

The horse-faced old man walked in front and did not sense any restrictions, but found that many skeletons were lying in the hall of the cave.

"It seems to be a seventh-level demon soldier and an eighth-level demon general. The owner of this cave may have a cultivation base in the late Nascent Soul."

He was refreshed, and he couldn't help looking at the three secret rooms behind, while the two old Demon Nebula and the elders of the Yuan Demon Sect began to discuss how to divide up the demon corpses in the hall.

But at this moment, a short voice suddenly came from the direction of the entrance of the cave.

"Senior brother...ah..." The female voice's tone was full of horror, but it stopped abruptly after saying a few words, and then, a pale black magic light rolled inward from the hole.

"Junior sister! No, there is danger!"

The horse-faced old man reacted immediately, and the others were all excited, and moved closer to the late Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator. The magic power was surging, and they took defensive measures one after another, trying to resist this wave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this black demonic energy came into contact with them, an extremely brutal and terrifying will invaded. These people urged the defensive treasures without any blocking effect, and were directly invaded by this will.

The eyes of the four middle Nascent Soul Demon cultivators suddenly became confused, as if their minds were swallowed up by cruelty, and the defensive means in their hands collapsed.

"True devil's meaning! This is impossible, how could the devil..."

The horse-faced old man reluctantly murmured a few words, and the black shield in front of him also fell to the ground. The spiritual consciousness of the late Nascent Soul was rolling wildly in the body, and struggling flashed in his eyes, as if he was fighting the brutal invasion. intended to confront.

"Hey, the spiritual awareness is not bad, and it can resist it for a while."

An eight-foot-tall, incomparably strong demon man walked in slowly, the magic light flashing in his hands, each holding two Nascent Souls.

The horse-faced old man saw this scene, his eyes were terrified, but his consciousness was all competing with the true demon, and it was difficult to mobilize the magic, let alone escape.

The power of the will of the gods has an amazing suppressing power on the consciousness below the gods, not to mention this cruelty is more solid than his uncle Wu Wenxuan.

If the horse-faced old man hadn't been soaked in the water of true demons and was already preparing for a breakthrough, I am afraid that the moment he touched it, he would be swallowed up by him.

While walking into the hall of Dongfu, the Demon King of Blood Cry opened the mouth of the blood basin, threw the two Nascent Souls in his hand, and began to chew.

Then he punched out several black threads, with a strong halo of demonic energy, tying them like ropes.

"This magical breath is only in the middle of the demon general..."

The horse-faced old man felt the magical fluctuations of the rope outside his body, and there was an incredible look in his eyes. He gritted his teeth, and his consciousness suddenly exploded, and he rushed to a jade talisman in the storage bag.

But because of the slack in his soul, he didn't have time to leave anything, and his consciousness was completely suppressed by the cruelty, and the whole person was tied in place like a puppet.

The Bloody Cry Demon King chewed his mouth and walked forward slowly. Between the scales and muscles on his body, purple and black lightnings jumped, and an inexplicable pressure filled the cave.

When he came to the five Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators, the purple-black lightning between his muscles disappeared again.

The Bloody Cry Demon King stretched out his barbed tongue, licked his lips, and his eyes were full of surprise: "This king finally understands why Lord Demon Lord didn't force his way in seven hundred years ago."

"The magic power studied by the One Yuan Sect is simply prepared for our saints. The original Yuan Ying of the cultivators needs to be demonized when swallowed, in order to refine the original spiritual energy."

"And this kind of magic cultivator's Nascent Soul instantly extracts spiritual energy, and it doesn't even need to be transformed, and can be directly absorbed by the energy of the magic source."

"The human race is a race with inferior bloodlines, and its physical aptitude is extremely poor. The Jindan Yuanying they cultivated, although the original spiritual energy was extracted from the spiritual energy, but it could not be integrated into the physical body. It is no wonder that there is no joint existence."

"This kind of Jindan Yuanying is a special elixir for other powerful races."

The Blood Cry Demon King felt a certain energy boost in the flesh, and was in awe of the foresight of Lord Demon Venerable.

"And these Demon Nascent Souls are equivalent to successfully refining medicinal pills. Lord Mozun regards this interface as a large-scale pill refining furnace."

"The human race immortal cultivators are herbal medicines, and the demon cultivators are medicinal pills. If the saints came in more than 700 years ago, not only will the vitality of Lord Demon Venerable be greatly damaged, but there are not too many demon cultivators here."

"Calculating the time ratio, more than 70,000 years have passed since this interface has been invaded by a large amount of demonic energy. There must be a lot of demonic cultivators here. It is a huge library of medicine pills."

"When the saints occupy this interface, the human race must be raised in captivity!"

The Demon King of Blood Cry looked a little excited, and the barbed tongue shot out and slammed into the dantian of an elder of the Yuan Mozong. .

With the surge of magic power, purple-black lightning flashed between his muscles, and he carefully sensed the situation in his body.

"Xuecheng's physical aptitude is not bad, and it has consumed a lot of resources of this king. The energy of the magic source in the flesh and blood has reached 90% of the energy of the demon baby. In the past, if he wanted to continue to refine the energy of the magic source, he had to break through. "

"But now that I have the will of the primordial spirit of this king, I can temporarily suppress the breakthrough, and then use the primordial infants of these immortal cultivators to increase the energy of the magic source to 100% in a short time, and then fuse it with the devil infant. You will be able to break through to the realm of the false emperor!"

The Bloody Cry Demon King showed excitement, swallowed another Nascent Soul, the purple-black lightning on the body became more intense, and the sturdy body began to tremble.

"I can't bear the growth of magic energy so quickly, and the aptitude of this fleshly body is still inferior."

The Bloody Crying Demon King felt the violent tumbling energy in his flesh and blood, and seemed to be prepared. A purple-black light ball flew out from the top of his head, exploded in the dark halo, turned into raindrops, and fell on his trembling body. , blood dissolved in water and submerged in it.

Then his barbed tongue sprang out again, strung the Nascent Soul of the remaining three demon cultivators together, and stuffed it into the big mouth of the blood basin.

The Bloody Crying Demon King bulged his mouth and was just about to devour Nascent Soul, when the scales on his face suddenly wrinkled, as if he had discovered something, the magic light rope that bound Old Demon Nebula's body flashed and squeezed in through the blood hole of his dantian.

After a while, a drop of silver blood the size of a fingernail fell in front of the Blood Cry Demon King wrapped in magic light.

"The power of blood is so strong, is it the blood of some kind of monster? Wait, this breath is a bit familiar..."

He seemed to remember something, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It's the Armored Demon Ape! No, it's mixed with other auras. How can such a powerful blood appear in the human race's body? How can such a weak body withstand such blood?"

"Damn, I ate too fast, I should search for the soul first."

"No, I can't hold back a bit."

The muscles on the Demon King's face trembled, and the purple-black lightning on his body jumped violently again. He quickly took out a jade bottle, put the drop of blood in it, and then chewed the Nascent Soul in his mouth, closed his eyes and began to absorb...

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