The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1265 Demon King now

Deep in the magic fog of the ancient battlefield, in the space seal valley, the silver fog that rolled like a giant fireball gradually calmed down, and there was a burly figure outside the silver light.

This is a nine-foot-tall Demon Race, with short dark purple hair, small and neat scales on his face, and he looks quite handsome.

"Welcome to the arrival of the Demon King!"

At the edge of the magic fog more than 20 feet away, several demons stood inside the protective cover of the slope and bowed to the man from a distance. The leader was the newly promoted demon general, Ye Ning, the previously unconscious demon. Clan, I do not know when to wake up.

Hearing these voices, the Black Wind Demon King looked over with his long and narrow eyes, his body flashed like a purple lightning bolt, ripples in mid-air, and landed in front of these demons, and a hoarse voice came out.

"Just breaking through, the soul is still a little unstable. You are the body that carries the Primordial Spirit of Blood Weeping? Where is the Primordial Spirit of Blood Weeping, and where is the Xuecheng that has just been transmitted? Shouldn't it be guarded here?"

Ye Ning was well prepared for these questions, he said respectfully: "Master Qi, after the arrival of Lord Bloody Cry, the primordial spirit was attacked by the space storm and was very weak. "

"As for Lord Xuecheng, as soon as he sent it over, he found eight pseudo-transfiguration gods coming here. In order to ensure the progress of the plan, Lord went out to find a place to break through two days ago."

"Blood cry is so unlucky?"

Heifeng Demon King was startled when he heard the first two sentences, but then he was a little dissatisfied: "How difficult is the breakthrough of the fake devil emperor, I really don't understand why Lord Demon Venerable arranged for the blood to come in, this guy's aptitude is obviously still a little short. ."

"Eight people are pseudo-gods, and it's just that this guy succeeds in breaking through. If he fails, the pressure on this king will be great."

Listening to these complaining words, Ye Ning, the new demon general, and the other demon soldiers bowed their heads and said nothing.

"Okay, you guys continue to stay here, this king goes to the fog of nightmare... Wait, the breath of the human race!"

Hei Feng suddenly narrowed his eyes, and a triangular purple-black scale on his forehead emitted a purple light, and the burly demon body rushed directly into the demon fog.

At the same time, the purple-black mist that was dozens of meters away suddenly tumbled, and several thick auras squeezed out from the purple-black mist, and a powerful divine consciousness with the same brutal meaning glanced around.

"Space seal! This time I found the right one."

"There are demons there, and there is a magic circle, maybe it is the eye of the circle!"

"Be careful, this time the Demon King's teleportation is real."

"The devil is gone, it's very likely that he's hidden in the magic fog!"

Immortal cultivators headed by Venerable Huo Ling, seeing the valley like a silver fireball, and sensing the incomparably rich spiritual energy here, first showed relief, but then became vigilant.

They didn't stop, the eight escaped lights flashed together, and flew directly to the top of the silver valley. One after another, the consciousness containing the power of will spread out in all directions, exploring this space full of silver light and aura. , for fear of the Demon King hiding around.

Soon, everyone found that there were only a few low-level demons on that slope. There was no difference in other places. There was pure spiritual energy everywhere. It was almost impossible for the demon king to hide here.

Just as they were searching for their spiritual sense, the silver valley below suddenly tumbled. In the depths of the silver mist, there was a faint blue ball of light and a large number of purple-black lightning, which was slowly moving outward.

"The Demon King's Cross-Border Teleportation?"

"The previous four fluctuations, three of which are fake, that is to say, only one devil came over, this is the second one."

"The vitality of heaven and earth around the space seal is several times stronger than that of 600 years ago, and the power of the seal has greatly increased. Judging from this speed, it will take at least two days for this demon king to teleport."

"Kill those devil cubs first, the magic circle under their feet is a bit weird."

Gu Deming swiped his right hand in front of him, and the surrounding spiritual energy quickly gathered, turning into a condensed sword energy exuding a blue halo, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, it shot towards the slope not far away.

The terrifying coercion of the energy transformation level filled the air, and the scales of the several demons, including Ye Ning, stood up, all showing horror.

At this moment, a black magic claws with a size of ten feet suddenly rushed out of the magic fog.

The magic light claws pinched the blue sword light, and the strong power of magic energy squeezed inward, and the sword light collapsed, turning into a little bit of aura that dispersed from the fingers.

Then this magic light claws took advantage of the situation to squeeze into fists, with monstrous magic power, squeezing the rich spiritual energy, and blasting at the group of gods.

Gu Deming felt this powerful power, his hands surging, and he drew three blue sword qi at once. They shot forward and merged together during the flight, becoming a surging three surging mysterious runes. Ruler long sword.


With a crisp sound, the black magic light fist turned into a shiny black scale shield at some point. It was a little dim under the bombardment of the cyan long sword, but it still pressed forward.

At this time, Venerable Fire Spirit and Ice Spirit shot at the same time, a ball of fire shining with a fiery halo intertwined with a blue ice cone, the two mixed into a red and blue two-color light ball, which was filled with some kind of destruction breath.


The scorching sun-like halo lit up, and the black magic light quickly dissipated and disappeared without a trace. The remaining magic energy was squeezed outward by the invisible waves of spiritual energy, and ripples rippled around the surrounding magic fog. .

Half of the pseudo-transformation gods here have never fought against the demon king. Seeing the simple fight between the two sides, they suddenly have a concept in their hearts. They need three people to work together in the home field of spirit energy.

"You guys reacted very fast, you left the magic fog at the first time, and this king plans to sneak around and attack." A somewhat annoyed voice came.

The figure of the Black Wind Demon King appeared from the magic fog. He was suspended on the slope and looked at the eight pseudo-gods in the distance.

Venerable Huo Ling ignored the words of the Demon King, he looked around and said through a voice transmission: "There are many space cracks around the magic circle guarded by the low-level demons, and their aura is strange, it is likely to be the surrounding fog. eyes."

"There is a strange magic fog. Even if we have an advantage in numbers, we can't take down this demon king. When the second demon king comes over, it will be troublesome."

"Destroy the magic circle of the Demon Race first!"

After a few voice transmissions, they quickly made their assignments. Venerable Huo Ling, Bing Ling, and Gu Deming all mobilized the real energy in their bodies.

A pair of fiery red and ice crystal-colored axe, gray-white Primordial Sword, and three treasures of the Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure level, under the urging of several pseudo-gods, gathered a lot of heaven and earth vitality.

The terrifying aura rose into the sky, and the three streamers shot straight towards the magic circle on the slope, and also brought a lot of white halo tail smoke.

Seeing this, the Black Wind Demon King said arrogantly: "With this King here, you can't even think of destroying this formation."

As he spoke, a five-foot-tall round-headed hammer appeared in his hand. The entire body of this weapon was dark red, and the hammer at the front was like a huge iron ball, which looked extremely heavy.

Dark Demon King's body surged with thick demonic energy, and the black demonic energy of the demon mist behind him rolled over and gathered towards this weapon.

The air in front of the round-headed hammer kept twisting, as if there was some invisible force tumbling. In the twisted air, the rich magic energy condensed into a circular black halo of the hammer, and an invisible pressure rippled out.

The Black Wind Demon King let out a roar, and the muscles under the scales of his arms bulged and swung forward fiercely with a whistling sound.

"Boom boom boom!"

His sturdy arms kept waving, and this huge round-headed hammer seemed to have no weight. In a short period of time, it collided with the several heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures in front of him three times, and the violent air waves were surging.

Each strike was precisely hammered on each piece of Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, not only smashing its vitality and aura, but also knocking it back, but the magic light of the round-headed hammer also dissipated, revealing the blood-red hammer head. .

The Black Wind Demon King stepped back by about a mile, and he casually carried the round-headed hammer on his shoulders. It looked quite relaxed. Under his protection, the prohibition and demons on the slope behind him were not affected in the slightest.

Several people from Venerable Huo Ling had already expected this. This demon king relies on the magic fog, and the demon energy can be said to be continuous. Moreover, he is fighting with a magic weapon. With the explosive power of the flesh, he can make multiple attacks in a short period of time, which is far more than The power of the cultivator to remotely control the magic weapon.

If the demon king has sufficient demon energy, the supernatural powers are a bit stronger than the three pseudo-gods.

However, they are not three people fighting. The magic weapon such as the Hunyuan sword crossed an arc in mid-air, replenishing the spiritual energy. The golden whip of the dragon king and the dragon claw dagger of the three-headed Jiaojiao also joined in. During the battle, the rest of the people watched the battle while taking advantage of the pure vitality to restore the wear and tear in the magic fog.

The area where everyone is located has sufficient spiritual energy and very little real energy consumption. At this time, it is natural to take advantage of the large number of people.

Seeing this, the Black Wind Demon King changed from holding a round-headed hammer in one hand to a two-handed hammer, and more demonic energy gushed out of the demonic fog behind him.

He didn't mean to dodge, it seemed that the magic circle behind him was the most important thing and could not be destroyed by immortal cultivators...

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