The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1266 sneak attack

The turbulent air waves kept rolling, and the Black Wind Demon King was like a small whirlwind, stepping on the void, waving a round-headed hammer, constantly resisting magic weapons.

The roar of the waves of vitality hitting the surroundings, and the sound of the interlaced collision of weapons, can be heard endlessly.

In addition to Zhiyuan and Mo Qing recovering the willpower that was lost in the previous two days, Wu Wenxuan also joined the battle, but due to the demon king's suppression of his primordial spirit, he had to be at the end of the team, close to the magic fog in the back, to stimulate the devil's vitality Bless on the magic marrow knife to attack.

At this time, the Black Wind Demon King, in addition to holding the magic weapon with both hands to control the magic energy, the incomparably thick magic energy in the body is also injected into the weapon, which makes the halo outside the round-headed hammer even thicker, which is barely able to block the six pseudonyms. God's attack.

"This guy threw aside the speed advantage of the Demon King and defended the magic circle. Obviously, the magic circle under him is the eye of the surrounding magic fog."

"The combined offensive of the six of us far exceeds the demonic energy that this guy can control. He can only resist it with the help of demonic energy."

"If he keeps defending, the magic essence will be exhausted sooner or later, but if he escapes into the fog, then we can destroy the magic circle calmly."

"No matter what, as long as this continues, the advantage is waiting for me."

Venerable Huo Ling and several people showed excitement after feeling the other party's mobilization of the demon energy in their bodies.

Under the circumstance of sufficient vitality, a powerhouse at the transformation level can perform an attack at the transformation level of vitality just by manipulating the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the consumption of real energy is extremely low.

As long as there is a steady stream of vitality, the true essence of the existence of the gods will hardly be exhausted. This is the power of the gods. Unless the monks in the Nascent Soul stage are in a space without vitality, it is difficult for any human sea tactics to exhaust this level. exist.

The human race's pseudo-gods deal with the demon king from across the border, and they use various methods to first consume the opponent's demon energy and kill the opponent.

The last time they entered the ancient battlefield, they waited outside the space seal.

After the Demon King came out, he immediately bound it with the Primordial Spirit Chain, just like he did against Lu Kun before, and then he took advantage of the crowd and kept manipulating the Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi to bombard the opponent.

Four pseudo-gods and a demon king, even if their vitality is the same, the attack is more powerful if the number of people is the same. The demon energy in the outside world is not enough to defend, and the demon king can only consume his own demon energy.

While the real essence of the human race was almost not lost, the demonic essence of the demon king kept running away and was forcibly consumed to death.

However, this time, there was a change in the ancient battlefield, and there was a terrifying purple-black magic fog, so that these pseudo-gods did not arrive at the first time, and did not get the first move.

Fortunately, in order to protect the eyes of the Demon King, he had to fight against them and fell into a disadvantage.


The two sides attacked and defended like this, and waves of vitality surged in all directions, hitting the purple-black magic mist, but these magic mists seemed to be endless, and they did not become thin due to these shocks.

With the passage of time, the expressions of the fake gods became a little suspicious. The demon king's demon energy was almost consumed by half, but the other party's expression was still very calm, and there was no feeling of defeat.

"The demon king six hundred years ago, when half of the demon energy was consumed, has completely exploded its origin. Why is this guy in front of me..."

Venerable Huo Ling frowned more and more deeply, but at this moment, he inadvertently glanced at the silver valley below, his face changed wildly, and he lost his voice: "How can this happen!"

The other pseudo-gods heard the exclamations, and all followed their gazes and looked over in shock.

"How did the second Demon King's transmission speed become so much faster?"

"It's only been a few hours, how come more than half of the distance has been crossed."

"It was estimated to be two days before, but now it seems that it only takes one or two hours to come out!"

I saw in the silver mist below, the dark blue ball wrapped in purple-black lightning, only a mere twenty feet away from the edge of the space seal. Although the movement speed was still slow, it was several times faster than before. .

Seeing the panicked appearance of the other party, the Demon King of the Black Wind finally changed his expression. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly:

"You stupid human race, can't you see that the space seal is because a large amount of spiritual energy is squeezed inside, which leads to a great increase in the power of the seal, which suppresses cross-border transmission?"

"Now that you have joined forces to deal with this king, a lot of spiritual energy inside has been guided out, and the power of the space seal has naturally decreased."

"Hahaha, let's see if the next demon king will send over first, or if this king's demon energy will be consumed first."

Hearing the words of the Black Wind Demon, all the pseudo-gods came to their senses. When they first came here, they found that the space seal was increased due to the strong energy of vitality, but they did not expect that arousing the vitality of heaven and earth would cause the space to be sealed. The power is restored as before.

Demon King Black Wind said proudly: "This king has an idea. As long as you also use True Qi, it will not affect the space seal, but it depends on whether you can consume more than this king."

While speaking, his wrist trembled slightly, and a fist-sized purple medicinal pill flew out from the storage bracelet and was swallowed by it. Immediately after that, the consumption rate of the magic energy in the Black Wind Demon King's body became slow.

Seeing this, the faces of several pseudo-transfiguration became even more ugly, the environment of the immortal world changed greatly, the vitality of heaven and earth became chaotic, many heaven and earth treasures could not grow, and there were no herbs that could be used in the spirit transformation period, let alone restore the truth. The elixir of Yuan is gone, and it can only be replaced by top-quality spirit stones.

If it was the ancient battlefield in the past, they would not be afraid of the demon king swallowing pills, because they could continue to use the vitality of heaven and earth, but doing so now will only make the other party's support come faster.

What the Black Wind Demon King said about the true essence versus the demon essence, even if they use the best spirit stone, they may not be able to consume the demon king who has the medicine pill.

"Zhiyuan, Mo Qing, you are almost recovered. Destroy the magic circle. As long as this strange fog disappears, we will divide into two teams according to the original plan, and we will not be afraid of the two demon kings."

"Yes, three people entangled this demon king, and the other five ambush the second one with Primordial Spirit chains, and kill them first."

"Yes, otherwise this devil king is backed by the magic fog, and the three people may not be able to entangle him."

Everyone's consciousness exchanged in an instant, and the two diamond circles on Zhiyuan's hands spurted out and instantly merged together, drawing an arc on the edge of the magic fog, adsorbing the spiritual energy and the magic energy, forming on the surface. A dark golden Buddhist swastika.

Mo Qing's Zhenyuehuan fell from the other direction, with the phantom of a yellow halo mountain peak, toward the slope where the formation was arranged.

"Don't try to succeed!"

The Black Wind Demon King roared, and bursts of purple-black lightning-like energy surged out of the muscles under the scales of his arms, which were quickly injected into the magic weapon in his hand. Hammerhead phantom composed of totems.

Then he raised the magic weapon high and threw it fiercely forward. The huge round-headed hammer, together with the phantom outside, twisted the air and rumbled forward in a spiral.

As the hammer approached, everyone in the distance felt their bodies tighten, and the surrounding air seemed to tighten up suddenly, squeezing inwards, as if a strange force bound them.

"Supernatural powers!"

Venerable Huo Ling's eyes sank, and he quickly said in his heart, "Daoyou Wu and Daoyou Gu also help Zhiyuan and them, our brothers and the two demon kings defend!"

At the same time as the sound transmission, he and Venerable Ice Spirit seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection. While mobilizing the vitality of heaven and earth, the true essence in the body also surged, and the two axe and tomahawks in the air quickly merged together, turning into a red and blue double face axe.

The red and blue halo above quickly merged with the rotation of the double-sided axe and turned into a pure purple halo.

The five tooth-shaped daggers of the three-headed Jiaojiao surrounded the purple double-sided axe and flew out with it.

The tiger roared and the dragon roared in the mouth of the dragon king, the body swelled, the human head was twisted into a dragon-like head, and scales poured out of the body, transforming into a half-human, half-beast form.

He swung the golden soft whip with both hands, and under the blessing of millions of pounds of strength and true essence, he kept bombarding the void in all directions, and the tight air quickly relaxed.

Not to mention the changes in the magical powers of several pseudo-gods, after the Black Wind Demon King threw the hammer, a large black knife appeared in his hand.

On the other side, the King Kong Circle, Zhenyuehuan, Hunyuan Sword, and Demon Marrow Knife were divided into four directions, trying to avoid the Demon King's defense.

But who knows, the Black Wind Demon King didn't stop a few magic weapons at all, but bent his legs and kicked, and the whole body shot forward like an arrow.

He held the black magic knife high, the magic energy in his body surged, and a sword of vitality several meters long appeared in the front section, and the energy of purple-black lightning flashed again from the arm, with distorted air, fiercely forward chop off.

If the round-headed hammer that was just thrown was aimed at Venerable Fire Spirit and the others, the magic knife at this time was aimed at the remaining four.

Seeing this change, Zhiyuan gritted his teeth, and the diamond circle continued to bombard forward, and the golden cassock outside his body lit up, turning into a long strip to block the front.

Mo Qing did not hesitate to use a secret technique, the real essence in his body was agitated, and Zhenyuehuan in the distance flickered, appearing on the top of his head like a teleportation, and a concentrated yellow halo mountain peaked forward.

Gu Deming squinted his eyes. He was in the safest position among the crowd. A shield made of wood appeared in front of him, and the Primordial Sword in the distance continued to move.

Although Wu Wenxuan was at the back of the team, he cautiously moved a spell, and a layer of armor with purple and black scales appeared outside his body. Then his eyes narrowed, and the magic pulp knife turned upside down, chasing the devil from behind, wanting to use it. Offense is defense.

But at this moment, in the magic fog behind Wu Wenxuan, a sturdy black figure suddenly shot out. Those thick arms were holding a short axe, and they were surrounded by solid magic energy and purple streaks. The black lightning exudes a terrifying pressure that is no less than that of the Demon King.

Wu Wenxuan's face changed greatly. In order to better condense the magic energy, he was only ten meters away from the magic fog, and he had no time to react. He could only desperately inject the magic energy in the body into the armor outside the body, and the whole person was wrapped in black magic light. ...

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