The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1267 Fake Demon Emperor

Several terrifying energy shock waves slammed into the air, and the black and white vitality waves slammed wildly in all directions. The surrounding magic fog rolled, and the ripples seemed to be surging into the distance.

The rotating round-headed hammer stagnated, and the distorted phantom outside distorted endlessly, causing the pure purple double-sided axe and the three-headed dagger to slow down. This shattered the invisible force field.

The four magic weapons together resisted the bombardment of the round-headed hammer. The two sides were at a stalemate, but they could see that the magic weapons of several pseudo-gods had a slight advantage, and slowly pressed the huge magic weapon back.

On the other side, the 10-foot-long magic sword light wielded by the Black Wind Demon King first slammed into the shadow of the mountain peak in Zhenyuehuan. On the cassock.

This golden cassock shone with a dark golden light, and a huge Buddhist swastika rose up. As soon as it appeared, it exploded with a bang. Under the bright dark golden luster, the black sword light quickly declined.

The remaining sword light was blocked by a azure wooden shield that shot from it.

Venerable Huo Ling and the others also discovered the dark shadow that suddenly appeared behind them, but they were fully focused on dealing with the Black Wind Demon King in front of them, and it was too late to rescue them.

Fortunately, Wu Wenxuan refined the Demon King's Armor in advance, and his whole body was covered with a layer of purple-black scale armor, even his head. The pair of delicate black hatchets were slashing on his shoulders, barely penetrating into the scales. .

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a group of purple-black lightning-like energy suddenly poured out from the short axe on his shoulder, as if seeing the Demon King's armor as nothing, it passed through it and poured into his body.

Then the demonic pseudo-god felt that every inch of flesh and blood in his body became extremely hot, and an explosive energy surged out from all parts of the body.

"Do not!"

Wu Wenxuan was extremely terrified. The next moment, under the impact of this energy, his body turned into a cloud of blood, and the purple-black scale armor collapsed inward, wrapping a one-foot-tall Nascent Soul.

But just as he was about to perform teleportation, the surrounding air suddenly became tight, and the endless force squeezed inward, directly interrupting it.

At the same time, a will that was several times stronger than the normal true demon's will attacked his soul. Fortunately, the efficacy of Wu Wenxuan's Yuan Lingdan had not been lost, and his will was so refined that it was not affected.

The magic pulp knife that he used to attack the Black Wind Demon King was recalled the moment he encountered a sneak attack. At this time, it just rolled back, and the powerful force of vitality transforming into shape, in the surrounding squeezing force field. Blast a small gap.

A black light flickered, and Wu Wenxuan, the Nascent Soul wrapped in purple-black scales, flickered, and the magic mist that jumped into the distance disappeared.

"This guy is quite alert."

The strong black-scaled demon body of Bloody Cry stood in front of Wu Wenxuan at some point, and a bit of regret flashed in his eyes. If his Nascent Soul teleported to other pseudonymous gods, he would be directly intercepted by him.

"In the armor made of the devil's flesh and blood, there are still remnants of this king's magical energy. A mere pseudonym, it is impossible to escape the fog of nightmares, and it is very easy to track."

Such thoughts flashed in Xuexiu's heart, holding a pair of hatchets, turned around, and looked at the remaining seven cultivators, with playful eyes flashing in their eyes.

On the other side, the Black Wind Demon King ended this wave of outbreaks, holding a round-headed hammer and a black magic knife in his hands, looking at the panicked pseudo-god, licking his lips with his tongue, and his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

As for the slopes in the distance, the few low-level demons, together with the magic circle, were smashed to pieces by the Primordial Sword and the Diamond Circle, but the surrounding purple-black demonic mist was still rolling, and there was no sign of fading.

When a group of pseudo-gods saw these scenes, they still didn't understand that they were deceived by the Black Wind Demon King. The magic circle on the slope had nothing to do with the surrounding fog at all.

The other party stayed there, on the one hand, to attract their attention, focus on the front, ignore the back, and on the other hand, want to take advantage of the crowd's magic weapon to attack the magic circle, rush out in vain, and catch them by surprise.

The eyes of the several gods were extremely solemn, and they had already readjusted their formations. The backs of the seven people were tightly pressed together, and a circle of defensive magic weapons was surrounding them, and the attacking magic weapons were suspended above their heads.

They either stood with their hands behind their backs, or tucked their hands into their sleeves, secretly absorbing the top-quality spirit stones in the storage bracelets, replenishing the slightly consumed True Essence.

Venerable Huo Ling looked at the extremely strong black-scaled demons behind him, and said solemnly, "We made a miscalculation. We didn't expect that the peak demon would break through to the demon king. It only takes two days..."

Hearing this sentence, the Blood Crying Demon King did not seem to be in a hurry, but said arrogantly: "The breakthrough of the Demon King will naturally take a long time, but this breakthrough is the realm of the fake devil emperor, although the realm is equivalent to the devil general. In the later stage, but the combat power is not weaker than that of the Demon King."

Hearing the word "Devil Emperor", the faces of the pseudo-realized gods changed greatly, and there was even a bit of despair in their eyes.

According to the demonic information they knew, the Demon Emperor was an alternative cultivation group in the Demon Clan, focusing on the cultivation of the physical body. Although the realm was comparable to that of the Demon King, its combat power was completely higher.

More importantly, the Demon Emperor can control the vitality of the demon spirits at the same time, and the combat power that erupts in the world of immortality is much stronger than that of the Demon King.

The battlefield in the ancient times, like the Shattered Kingdom, was also filled with the vitality of demon spirits. In that environment, even a human race powerhouse in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods would feel extremely difficult to fight against the demon emperor.

The Blood Crying Demon King looked at the expressions of these human races, and laughed wildly: "Today, let you weak human race pseudo-gods see what kind of terrifying magical powers the pseudo-devil emperors of the same realm possess."

As he spoke, the twisted air around him collapsed inward, and strands of purple-black lightning flashed from his muscles. The invisible power of the flesh merged with these lightnings, forming a purple-black light film on the scales.

The magic fog behind him began to violently churn, and the rich magic energy surged here. Not only that, the silver valley below was also affected, and the rich white spiritual energy surged out.

When he mobilized the vitality of these demons, he did not seem to mobilize the true demons, as if the manipulation of these vitality had nothing to do with the power of will, as if he was using the purple-black light film on the body surface.

The two kinds of vitality converged and merged on the two short axes in a special way, forming two purple-black axe blades several feet thick, with a terrifying aura of destruction churning inside.

The Black Wind Demon King sensed this fluctuation, a flash of amazement flashed in his eyes, and his arm shook, which also attracted the magic energy of the magic fog behind him, and the round-headed hammer and black magic knife lit up with a deep black glow.

A demon king and a false demon emperor rushed forward one after the other. They held weapons in both hands and waved with their powerful bodies. The four magic weapons turned into afterimages of Dao Dao vitality and slammed into a crowd of false gods. on the defensive magic weapon.

"Boom boom boom..."

Although the power of the two demons was astonishing, Venerable Huo Ling and the others had seven people after all. With all their strength, they were barely able to stop them, but facing the demons holding magic weapons, wave after wave, the continuous offensive, everyone could not stop them. No need for real dollars.

After switching from offense to defense, the situation on both sides was completely reversed, turning into demons to consume the true essence of the human race's false gods.

Although Venerable Huo Ling and the others knew the Demon King's fighting style from the classics, they couldn't adapt to such a fast attack rhythm when they really faced it, and their true essence was quickly consumed.

And because the pseudo-demonic emperor Bloody Cry mobilized the vitality of heaven and earth, the blue light ball in the silver valley squeezed outward at a faster speed, and the next demon king could soon cross the border...


In the magic fog, Wu Wenxuan's one-foot-tall little Nascent Soul was wearing a miniature purple-black scaled armor, holding the magic marrow knife in his little hand, flying carefully, and his consciousness occasionally probed back.

Even if the effect of Yuan Lingdan did not disappear, his consciousness could not probe too far in this strange fog, and he could only barely maintain clarity and avoid falling into a nightmare.

"There are actually two demon kings, plus the third one is about to be teleported, the space seal will definitely not be able to keep it, it is better to escape first and save your life."

Wu Wenxuan still had some lingering fears at this time. Although he knew that the Demon King had a certain restraint on the cultivator of the magic path, he didn't expect it to be so obvious that the opponent's energy attack directly penetrated the defense, and the force of will completely crushed him.

If it weren't for the effect of Yuanling Pill, let him resist the other party's true devil's intention, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape.

"Fortunately, I kept my hand."

As Wu Wenxuan thought about it in his heart, he sensed the imprint he had left before.

Unlike other pseudo-gods, he can control the magic energy, so in the magic fog, every time he passes through a space crack, he secretly leaves a mark, and following these marks, he can find the route at that time.

With the help of induction and consciousness, Wu Wenxuan's little Nascent Soul was not slow, and it didn't take long for him to come outside the space crack that was marked at the beginning, but he was still within the range of the magic fog.

"These strange mists spread outward. This is the place where they first came, and the area of ​​mist that has spread newly in the past two days. We can only calculate slowly later."

But just as Wu Wenxuan's Yuan Ying's little hand was pinching the magic, he suddenly found a firm and unyielding will, and probed from the periphery.

"Whose will is this?"

Wu Wenxuan was startled, his consciousness surged, and just as he was about to make contact with him, he felt an invisible force that was even more terrifying than the demon king just now squeezed in and bound him to the same place. The power was so terrifying, even The purple devil armor on his body made a creaking sound.

"Hey, isn't this Wu Wenxuan, why is there only Yuan Ying left?" A burly man in a black suit walked slowly from the purple-black mist ahead, tsk tsk.

After Wu Wenxuan saw this man's face clearly, he said in a panic, "Pavillion Master Lu!"

happy New Year to all!

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