The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1268 The magic fog attacked and killed

Above the silver valley, the majestic roar and the shock wave of vitality have never stopped. If it weren't for the surrounding nightmare fog and the solid space seal, I am afraid that the radius of nearly a hundred miles would be moved to the ground.

The faces of several fake gods were pale, and their eyes flashed with despair. They almost used all their cards, and even many magical powers hit the devil, but they did not affect the opponent's combat power.

The scales of the Black Wind Demon King were a little broken, and the bone spur on his right shoulder was also broken. As for the pseudo-devil emperor Xuexi, after the physical body was injured, the purple-black lightning current between the muscles turned for a moment, and it returned to its original state, as if it were an immortal body. generally.

"Boom", the edge of the silver valley, the blue light ball that kept moving finally squeezed out, the light dissipated, revealing a slender body, a female demon.

This female devil is eight feet tall, with a front and a back, and the lavender scales all over her body are like a close-fitting inner armor, which outlines her exquisite body.

There are two sharp horns in the short purple hair, and the scales on his face are extremely sparse, like a special totem face pattern, giving people a strange sense of temptation.

"Tsk tsk, Xuecheng, you have actually broken through to the pseudo-devil emperor. When did you get close to your sister? Even if your father, King Xue, was almost tempted by your sister back then." A coquettish voice came from the devil's purple lips. outgoing.

Bloody Cry continued to attack with a double axe, with a bit of disdain in his eyes:

"Zitong, my father didn't look for you back then, it wasn't because of your mediocre physical aptitude that you couldn't give birth to a child with high aptitude. Now this seat has advanced to become a fake devil emperor, and mating with you is a waste of blood and essence. "

Hearing the words, Demon King Zitong curled his lips and said, "Like your father, he has no interest at all. Is mating only used to reproduce offspring?"

Xuexiu ignored his words, his body suddenly stepped back, and he said: "These pseudo-gods are running out of fuel, and they are handed over to you. I will go after the fleeing human demon baby."

After finishing speaking, the short axe in his hand was retracted, his figure flashed, and he rushed directly into the magic fog.

Seeing this, Demon King Zitong snorted, and in her hand there was a giant sword about the size of her body. Demon energy surged in her body, with a black sword light several feet long, to counterfeit those who were trying to defend themselves. God cut it off.

On the other side, the Demon King of the Black Wind looked a little weird when he looked at the back of Bloody Weeping. When the other party attacked Wu Wenxuan, he sensed his pure and true demon meaning.

A demon general is at the peak of the middle stage, even if his physical talent is extremely strong, he can't have the meaning of the real demon without soaking in the water of the real demon, and a few people said before that the primordial spirit of the blood-crying is exhausted, which makes him feel Other speculation.

However, these thoughts just flashed in his mind, and the focus was on the pseudo-gods of the human race in front of him.

Otherwise, the three powerful demon kings will be besieged together, and when these human races are in despair, they may self-destruct Nascent Soul, and their trophies will be gone.

Sure enough, after seeing the fake devil emperor leave, Venerable Huo Ling felt that the control of spiritual energy had recovered a lot, and there was a hint of hope in their eyes.

There are a total of three Demon King-level powerhouses, and the space seal will definitely be destroyed by the Demon Race. Now that there is a chance, they will naturally find a way to save their lives. Several people secretly transmit their voices and plan to use the remaining True Essence to fight.


Blood weeps flying in the purple-black magic fog. His idea is the same as Hei Feng. He can't let these people explode. Human beings turn into gods. It is a great supplement and can greatly promote the cultivation of magic energy.

He entered the magic fog, on the one hand, he caught the human demon baby, and on the other hand, he was ambushed in the fog of nightmares. If the human race gods escaped, it would be easier to deal with.

Here, the bloody cry, the cruelty condensed from the primordial spirit of the late demon king, can have a large detection range. The other two demon kings are both in the early stage, and the detection range is much worse than his.

"The true devil's meaning of the famous clan demon is a little solid, as if stimulated by some kind of secret technique, it should not be affected by the nightmare image."

Thinking like this in my heart, Blood Tears secretly mobilized the magic energy in the body, and bursts of purple-black lightning flashed on the surface of the muscles, which were carefully sensed.

"The distance is very close. Although the solid will can resist the nightmare, but the consciousness in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, can't see through the mirage illusion here. I have the imprint of Lord Demon Lord, and it will not be affected at all."

A scale on Xuexiu's forehead flickered with a slight purple light to prevent him from stunning snakes. He put away his consciousness and flew slowly by relying on the naked eye and the induction of magic energy.

After a while, he came to the vicinity of the target, looked over through the illusion of a mirage mountain peak, and couldn't help but look stunned.

On the other side of the illusion, a burly man in a black suit was standing quietly. The clothes he wore seemed to be a defensive treasure, emitting a faint light to resist the invasion of the surrounding magic fog.

His right hand held a purple-black scaled armor, and on his left was a Nascent Soul wrapped in gray powder, with only a pair of pitiful eyes flashing begging for mercy.

"Any other human race gods rushed over?"

Xuexiu looked at this scene and made a judgment in his heart.

It seems that it is this demonic primordial infant who happened to meet this man and was restrained by him. He had the strength to imprison the primordial infant of the gods. This person was obviously at the level of gods.

Under the cover of the illusion, the cry of blood slowly walked forward, and the intermittent voice also reached his ears.

I just heard the burly man scolding: "I said Wu Wenxuan, didn't you mean to leave a mark, why are you still going around in this fog?"

Yuan Ying, who was wrapped in gray powder, said with a sad face: "I can't use any real essence right now. How can I sense the imprint? As long as Pavilion Master Lu releases the restraint, Wu will be able to point the way."

"There are two demon kings in the space seal. Friends of Fire Spirit must be in a hard fight. The third demon king will be teleported soon. If it's too late, it will be too late."

The burly man sneered and said, "I believe you, you bastard. You have repeatedly attacked Lu, and you are erratic. How do I know if you are setting up an ambush again?"

"Okay, I think about the way out, you better rest."

While speaking, he took out a black stone box, stuffed the gray Nascent Soul into it, and put it away together with the Demon King's armor. Then, with a stubborn and unyielding will, he probed the surroundings.

"The power of will is indeed a pseudo-god." Xuexiu was slightly surprised, but then he found that the other party's consciousness was distorted by the mirage in front of him, and he couldn't scan him.

"I didn't fall into a nightmare. This person's willpower is quite pure. It seems that this seat is lucky. I can harvest an extra Divine Transformation Nascent Soul. As long as it is demonized, it can absorb the energy source inside."

The bloody cry became excited. Although there was no need to continue to practice after entering the fake devil emperor, the next breakthrough of the devil emperor was surprisingly difficult, and there would be thunder tribulations. The more you have, the better your grasp of breakthroughs will be.

Thinking of this, under the cover of the mirage illusion, he crawled and approached behind the burly man.

The other party seems to be confused by the illusion, leaning on the illusion rock, the consciousness containing the will is exploring forward, and the fingers are still pinching at an extremely fast speed, as if carrying out extremely complicated calculations.

"Excellent sneak attack opportunity!"

Bloody eyes lit up, and the black body that was crawling came to the phantom rock behind the burly man, and the purple-black lightning energy in the body gathered towards the throat.

Then he stretched out his hands, an invisible squeezing force shrouded the other side, and at the same time opened his mouth, a barbed tongue with a purple-black halo, at the speed of lightning, the burly man The back of the waist lasing away.

"As long as the dantian is pierced and the Nascent Soul is restrained, no matter how powerful his magic weapon is, he will not be able to use it...hs...ah...what's the situation..."

Before the excitement in his eyes subsided, he felt that his invincible tongue, like a sharp sword, seemed to have hit the incomparably hard magic stone, and even the barbs on the tip of the tongue were cracked, and the strong pain was transmitted back.

Before Xuexiu had any other action, a hard palm like steel directly grabbed his tongue with a purple-black halo, and the tight air around it suddenly shattered.

A suffocating and familiar terrifying force erupted from the burly man's body, and the purple-black mist in the vicinity became solidified, making an unwilling whistling sound, being forcibly squeezed inward, and in turn turned the bloody cry. Body pressed.

And the burly man turned around at some point, and the other palm bone suddenly enlarged, turning into a size of several feet, pinching on the bald head of Blood Weeping.

Bloodshot eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He was startled by this situation, but his reaction was not slow at all. A large number of purple-black lightning flashed from the surface of the body, crackling, and strange energy spread out, and the incomparably tight air around him loosened. Little, and then his divine sense, which contained the meaning of pure and true devil, slammed into the opponent's head.

His body was half-squatting, his head was held down by the other's swollen palms, which contained an unstoppable force, and his tongue was also pulled, but his hands were in a state of liberation.

A pair of short axes suddenly appeared in the palm of the hand, with a thick layer of purple-black lightning lingering on them, and the isolated magic energy seemed to break free and converge towards the axe.

The muscles of Xuexiu's arms swelled for a while, and he slashed towards the opponent's waist fiercely.

The burly man had no idea of ​​dodging at all. He only saw layers of silver streamers emerging from his waist, exuding a terrifying power of qi and blood. It is a layer of bone armor that grows on the outside of the skin.

Immediately afterwards, the burly man exerted force with both hands at the same time, and Xuexiu felt an irresistible force acting on his tongue, his head creaked, and the tough tongue in his throat was constantly stretched.

At this time, the double axe also slammed into the opponent's waist, but under the violent attack power, the outer layer of bone armor first cracked a line of cracks, but then it was replenished by a steady stream of silver liquid inside. stand up.

The attack of the two magic weapons did not even break the opponent's defense.

Bloody tears showed a ruthless color, and took back the purple-black energy on the base of the tongue. The tongue lost its protection and broke off at the sound. Then he felt that the strength of the burly man was lost, and he seemed unable to retract it freely. The left palm also left his head.

So Bloody Cry took advantage of the air wave of the double axe bombardment and the recoil of the opponent's sudden release, the black scale body shone with thick purple-black lightning, rolling and crawling, extremely embarrassed to retreat to the mirage illusion...

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