The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1269 Demonic Mist Fierce Battle (Part 1)

"The power of the Devil Emperor turned out to be the power of the Devil Emperor!"

Bloody Cry hides behind a mirage illusion, and looks at the burly man who is standing still not far away, his mood is ups and downs.

What terrified him was that in addition to this terrifying power, the other party even displayed a power barrier. If it hadn't been for the power of will, Blood Cry would have even thought that he had encountered a demon emperor.

In addition, the magic energy in his body also sensed that there is a special energy in the opponent's body, which seems to be filled with the aura of destruction, and seems to be more overbearing than the magic energy in his body.

While watching the blood cry in the dark, the palm of the burly man grabbing the black tongue suddenly cracked a hole, and small purple-black tentacles emerged from it, like the teeth on the palm, and the three-foot-long tongue was pierced. gnawed in.

Xuexiu soon found that he had lost the sense of this tongue, and couldn't help but speak in the language of the Xiuxian world, his voice was still a little vague: "What race are you!"

Hearing this voice, the burly man looked left and right, as if he was looking for its location, but because of the illusion, there was nothing to gain, so he slowly said: "Lu is naturally a human race."


Bloody Cry feels that his IQ has been insulted. Can the human race have such a strong body? Can his palms grow black tentacles and sharp teeth and eat his tongue like food?

This guy is obviously a monster in a human skin.

Hearing the words, the burly man didn't say much, but said with a bit of curiosity: "Looking at your appearance and magical powers, you seem to be the devil of the demon race, what kind of energy is that purple-black lightning that can break free from Lu Mou's source? force field."

"Original force field..."

Bloody Cry fell silent. The word should refer to the power barrier. He had just fought for a short time. He knew very well in his heart that the opponent had the power of the devil emperor and suppressed him in power.

Although he has the source energy of magic energy to help, but who knows if the other party has other magical powers, one-on-one, he is definitely not the opponent of the other party.

Xuexiu thought of the scene where the other party devoured his tongue again, and there was a chill in his heart for no reason. He didn't say anything, and quickly went away under the cover of the mirage illusion.

"The demon baby seemed to know the route before, and I don't know how long this monster will be trapped here. It can't be dragged. We must immediately destroy the space seal. As long as the Holy Army comes over, we will not be afraid of any monsters."

Xuexiu's expression was solemn, and his figure quickly disappeared into the mist.


The burly man was naturally Lu Kun. After the other party was far away, his wandering eyes stopped in the direction where the bloody tears left, as if he could perceive the other party through the illusion.

"Is this the Demon King? My blood is actually in his hands. It seems that the old demon Nebula and the guys from the Yuan Demon Sect were killed by him. No wonder I sensed it according to the blood, and I didn't encounter other fake gods."

While thinking about it, Lu Kun continued to sense the direction of the blood, his figure flashed, and he flew forward.

After those twisted mirage illusions hit the twisting force field containing the power of one element outside their body, a hole appeared, and there was no blocking effect at all.

Just as he was tracking, Hong Yuntian's slightly excited voice came out of his body: "Lu Kun, this is not a demon king, it's the kind of demon who realized the source of the flesh in the later stage of the demon general."

Lu Kun was stunned and said, "You mean the fake devil emperor?"

"Yes, the body of the demon in this seat is the pseudo demon emperor, which is the same breath as the tongue just now."

Lu Kun recalled the information Wu Wenxuan had revealed to him, and suddenly understood.

"I know, when this guy was sent over, he wasn't a fake demon emperor. He killed Old Demon Nebula and others and devoured his Nascent Soul to break through. In addition to this strange magic fog formation, the demons have Mental arithmetic was unintentional, and all of a sudden those false gods were suppressed."

"I don't know how the space seal is now. If it is opened by the demons, it will be troublesome."

Thinking of this, he accelerated a bit...


In a magic fog near the seal of space, the violent waves of vitality kept rolling, and the battle between the pseudo-god of the human race and the demon king was transferred to the fog of nightmares at some point.

The formation of the seven pseudonymous gods also underwent new changes. The three-headed flood dragon turned into a red flood dragon with a length of about ten feet, and the other pseudonymous gods sat cross-legged with their backs crossed.

The Dragon King Ou, Gu Deming, Venerable Binghuo, and Mo Qing were in five-element orientation, with their palms facing each other, and their respective magic weapons were suspended above their heads.

The five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth gushed out from each person's body, and with the help of their respective magic weapons, a five-color light curtain was formed, wrapping everyone together with the red dragon below.

Zhiyuan was located in the center of the crowd, with a certain scripture reciting in his mouth, and a 10-meter-long Buddhist swan was suspended in the sky, exuding a strong sense of compassion, resisting the strange energy in the mist.

The two demon kings, Heifeng and Zitong, were holding magic weapons and attacked continuously from the outside, but the five-color light curtain seemed to be extremely strong, and no matter how they attacked, they could resist.

The red Flood Dragon kept twisting its body, trying to escape into the distance, but two demon kings were on either side of it, an invisible force field squeezed its body, and the speed was very slow.

At this moment, the silhouette of blood crying in the distance flew over, and a group of false gods saw the three demons communicate, and then a demon king flew into the depths of the fog, seemingly going to the location of the space seal. Leave the false emperor and the female demon king to surround them.

These pseudo-gods could not help but fall into despair.

"That Demon King must have gone to open the space seal."

"This Five Elements Essence Transformation Technique, although it has mid-term defensive power, can't be stopped once it is used. If we don't leave the fog when the True Essence is exhausted, we will be dead."

"Damn Lu Kun, if it wasn't for the fact that the old lady's body was severely injured by him, he would have broken free from the demon king's shackles long ago."

"It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha, if a few of them cooperated with Pavilion Master Lu from the beginning, they wouldn't fall into the fields they are today. Everything has its own cause and effect, the invasion of demons, and the destruction of life, all of which are caused by the greed of a few."

Hearing Zhiyuan's words, the others fell silent, but it was useless to regret at this time, they couldn't do anything, they could only be beaten passively, feeling the passing of their true essence in their bodies.

I am afraid that in the end, there is only one way to self-destruct Nascent Soul...

Just as the real essence of several people was gradually exhausted and the colorful light curtain outside began to dim, a sigh suddenly came from the purple-black mist in the distance.

"Unfortunately, Lu came too early. If it was later, it would be better for you old guys to die."

Following this sentence, the surrounding mist suddenly stirred up, and the demonic energy inside gathered inward, forming two black fists nearly ten feet in size.

They stood in front of the two demon powerhouses, one on the left and one on the right. The demon energy above them was incomparably condensed, twisting mysterious runes one after another, and with unparalleled power, they slammed outward fiercely.

When Xuexiu heard the sound, his face changed slightly, and the demonic energy behind him also rushed towards him, and the double axe in his hand shone with bursts of purple-black lightning, slashing forward fiercely.


In addition to the terrifying wave of vitality, it also stirred up violent waves of terrifying power. Although the blood cry smashed the fist of vitality, but under this wave, his body retreated ten feet before stopping.

The Zitong Demon King on the other side was even more unbearable. With his body and the big sword attached, he was shot more than 20 feet away, and his lavender eyes were full of shock.

As the two demons retreated, Lu Kun's burly body swept an arc in the mist, and with the sound of air bursts, it landed in front of the fiery red Jiaolong.

Seeing this man, the seven dying pseudo-gods were all shocked, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

"Pavillion Lu!"

"Lord Lu, it was a misunderstanding before..."

"Be careful, Pavilion Master Lu, here is a fake demon emperor, a demon king, and another demon king who has gone to the space seal."

"Pavillion Lu, there is still a chance to stop it if you go to the space seal now."

When these people saw that Lu Kun raised his hand, they repelled the two demon powerhouses, and their tone was both pleasantly surprised at seeing hope and deeply fearful.

Lu Kun glanced back and sneered: "Didn't you say that Lu is a demon, so you're not afraid that I will help the demon king break the space restrictions?"

Except for Zhiyuan and Gu Deming, the expressions of the others were a little embarrassed. Venerable Huo Ling took a deep breath and said, "We misunderstood, as long as Pavilion Master Lu stops the demons, I will definitely follow suit. How to make amends, please listen. Respect."

The appearance of Lu Kun is simply the dawn of these pseudo-gods. The demons don't know, but they know very well that Lu Kun's strength is definitely not inferior to the real demon king. Now it seems to be stronger and has a chance to stop the demons.

Lu Kun didn't answer, but asked, "Can you sense the location of the space seal?"

This sentence made everyone stunned, and then they showed a wry smile.

Zhiyuan said: "Pavillion Lu, this fog restriction is too weird. I was able to find the space seal before, and it was by sensing the spatial fluctuations of the demon king breaking the world."

"I wonder if Pavilion Master Lu has magical powers..."

Lu Kun looked at the two demons gathered in the distance, frowned and said, "It was also a coincidence that I was able to find you. By the way, when the demon king broke the seal of space, would there be any fluctuations? "

Venerable Huo Ling hesitated and said: "The seal is opened, and the spatial fluctuations are naturally very obvious, but at that time, the army of the demon world will come, even if it can pass, it will be useless."

Zhiyuan said: "For today's plan, the only way is to leave as soon as possible and organize the strength of the Xiuxian world. We still have a chance to fight against the demons. If we all die here, the Xiuxian world will have no strength to fight at all."


The two demons not far away have gathered together, and through Xuexi's retelling, the Zitong Demon King already knew that Lu Kun was the monster with the physical power of the Demon Emperor, showing the appearance of an enemy.

Bloody Cry didn't plan to continue to attack, now their main task is to delay time, the speed of the space seal is lifted very fast, and it won't take too long.

But after listening to the words of a few people, he couldn't help but say, "Are you really a human race?"

Lu Kun smiled slightly, showing his white teeth and said, "Naturally it's a human race. Lu Mou wanted to fight the Demon King from a very early age, but he didn't expect that this time there will be not only the Demon King, but also a fake Demon Emperor."

There was still an unbelievable look in Xuexiu's eyes. He paused for a while and then said coldly: "This person is indeed not your opponent, but the two of us are in the fog of nightmare, and we can at least entangle you for more than a quarter of an hour."

"When the seal is opened and a few more demon kings come to support him, even the real demon emperor will only have one way to go."

Hearing this, Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "That is to say, Lu Mou will take you a quarter of an hour to kill you, and then find a way to seal it in space, right?"

When Xuexiu and Zitong Demon King heard this, their expressions became furious.


"This is the first time this king has seen such an arrogant human race."

Lu Kun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, today, I will let you two demons see the newly realized supernatural powers of Xia Lu after breaking through the pseudo-transfiguration!"

As he spoke, the power of qi and blood on his body tumbled violently, and the muscles in the shoulders suddenly cracked, exposing the silver-white bones inside. The bones of the two shoulder joints were twisted, and a silver bone spur grew outward.

The two bone spurs grew longer and thicker, first the size of the arm bone, and then formed the elbow joint, the forearm bone, and even the palm bone.

At the same time, the vertebrae on its back bulged outward, bifurcated at the position of the thoracic vertebrae, growing a branch of the spine, climbing towards the neck, squeezing out from the right side of the neck, the silver blood twisted and formed a piece Block the cervical vertebrae, then begin to outline the shape of a skull.

On the shoulders and neck, clumps of purple-black liquid gushed out following the bones. They turned into countless tiny tentacles and climbed on the newly grown silver bones, turning into tiny muscle fibers. , woven into each other and turned into purple-black flesh.

After a while, a bald-headed horse-faced head grew on the right side of Lu Kun's head, with a stubborn and unyielding will surging in it. On both sides of his shoulders, there were a pair of thick, purple-black scales. arm.

The twisting force field that was originally outside Lu Kun's body quickly extended outwards, from five feet at the beginning, to six feet, seven feet, and then stopped at the range of eight feet.

The surrounding magic fog boiled, and the magic energy inside turned into a thick black halo and gathered towards Lu Kun's body, and the magic fog within 40 meters suddenly became empty.

The next moment, those thick black halos collapsed inward together with the eight-foot twisting force field, as if the source energy of the flesh and the magic energy were fused, forming a layer of black light film armor on the surface of the body.

A suffocating terrifying pressure permeated, and Lu Kun changed from a human body to a hideous and abominable monster.

Double heads! Four arms!

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