The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1270 Demonic Mist Fierce Battle (Last Part)

Xuexi and Zitong looked at the scene in front of them, and the magic eyes were about to pop out. If their eyes were not full, the second bald head that appeared on the other side had purple-black scales unique to the demons, and the extra two So are the arms.

It looks like the bodies of the demons and the human race are forcibly spliced ​​together, even if they have a lot of knowledge, there is a bit of horror in their hearts.

Such a monster actually said that he was a human race!

In the stunned effort of the two demon kings, Lu Kun completed the transformation, and the demon energy within a forty-meter radius around him rioted.

They were more than twenty feet away from Lu Kun, and within such a close range, they directly felt a terrifying force descending from the sky.

The surrounding air suddenly tightened, not only restricting the figure, but also with a powerful suction at the level of the Devil Emperor, sucking them towards the terrifying monster.

The scene where his tongue was forcibly pulled out before flashed in Xuexiu's mind, his eyes became terrified, and both arms could not be beaten, not to mention the current four, if they were sucked into close range, it would definitely be a storm to greet him. like attack.

As a result, the energy in the bloody weeping body was all agitated, and the whole person was wrapped in rich purple-black lightning.

After entering the fake devil emperor, the magic energy in the flesh and blood merged with the devil baby. Relying on this source energy and the strength of millions of pounds, he has the power to control the vitality close to the devil.

In addition to the magic energy, his primordial spirit also began to agitate. When the two energies exploded, the surrounding squeezing force and suction force were greatly reduced.

Zitong on the side is an orthodox demon king. Under the agitation of her primordial spirit, she barely controlled some demonic energy, plus the demonic energy in her body, which offset the surrounding force field, but it was a little slow to return it later.

Fortunately, at this time, Xuexiu grabbed his wrist, and the two of them exerted their physical strength together, and they completely got rid of the suction and quickly retreated back.

Suddenly, there was a harsh cracking sound in the air not far away.

"not good!"

When Xuexiu heard this voice, his face suddenly changed. In a hurry, he opened his mouth, and a mass of purple-black plasma spurted out, exuding a special energy aura.

As soon as he finished all this, a burly body slammed into the plasma, and his whole body was wrapped in lightning energy, and he seemed to be trapped in the middle for a while.

"Fast back, this guy's body is perverted, and the source of magic energy can't be held for long." Bloody Cry quickly said.

Demon King Zitong broke out in a cold sweat: "It's really cunning, if the two of us are involved in each other's passive barrier together, under the suppression of the four Demon Emperor arms, we won't be able to escape at all..."

When the two communicated before, they decided to deal with each other as a demon emperor. Their magical powers and magical powers are almost the same as those of a demon emperor. They have remote enchantments and passive force fields, and their range is even farther than ordinary demon emperors. .

But when he stepped back, Xuexiu was horrified to find that the other demon head opened his mouth and sucked in the purple-black lightning, and he lost the sense of the disappearing magic energy.

"Damn, why is everything restrained by this guy!"

Xuexiu felt aggrieved in his heart, but fortunately, the magic plasma delayed for a breath or two, allowing them to buffer it.

The opponent can borrow from the void, and with the power of the Devil Emperor, the natural speed is astonishing. The suction within the range of 40 meters before is even more terrifying, but they know that borrowing from the void and the remote power enchantment cannot be used at the same time.

In addition to Xuexi and Zitong, they both have experience fighting the Demon Emperor, and understand that only if they are far away from the opponent's passive field range can they have a chance to entangle with them, otherwise they will suffer continuous attacks if they are pulled into the close range.

Just observed, this two-headed, four-armed monster has a passive field range of eight feet, which is two feet more than the normal devil emperor, which means that with their strength, it is difficult to threaten the opponent.

However, the task at this time is not to defeat the opponent, but to delay time!

They took the moment when Lu Kun was trapped by the magic energy, and the distance between the two sides was pulled twenty feet away.

The big knife in the hands of Demon King Zitong had disappeared, and it was replaced by a long black whip, which looked like some kind of skeletal nodules, and exuded a charming aura.

The magic energy surged in her body, and the long whip swung forward, turning into a circle of black circles, covering the two-headed four-armed monster that had just escaped, but the opponent's four arms struggled outward, and the circle broke open inch by inch. Come.

Zitong continued to bless her true essence, and even mobilized the few magic energy in her flesh, her eyes flashed with shock.

"What kind of monster is it? Yuanshen is stronger than the Demon Emperor, and the will in the Succubus Whip has no effect on him. Hey, the blood in your hand is..."

On the other side, the short axe in Xuexiu's hand has also been put away, and a strange statue is suspended in front of him, about three feet high, depicting a demon with two horns and extremely thick muscles.

"Giant Golem!" After seeing this thing, Zi Tong's expression relaxed a little, and more magic energy in the body stirred up, trying to trap the other party.

One after another, purple-black lightning shot out from Xuexiu's hand, and a black ball of light flew out of his head, directly putting most of the primordial spirit in it, and then under the fluctuations of the real devil, the statue rapidly expanded stand up.

In an instant, it turned into a 30-foot-high behemoth, like a product of some kind of weird metal and flesh and blood, and the air within a foot of the body was twisted.

Its thick legs stepped on the void, and the horned devil statue rushed out, and the fists like grinding discs smashed the monster with two heads and four arms.

The monster's four arms swung forward, and four small fists slammed into the giant fist.


Countless strong winds visible to the naked eye shot in all directions like a blade, and the magic fog in the distance was cut open after another. More than ten feet.

The two demons did not have the slightest hint of joy, and continued to cooperate. One controlled the golem, and the other continued to cast a stream of demonic light whips, knocking Lu Kun back with one punch.

Seeing that the golem had the upper hand with several punches, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, and even the suffocating pressure around them was relieved a lot.

Xuexiu looked at this statue with some distress. This is the treasure he left to Xuecheng, the heir, to press the bottom box. Even if he only has one, every time he is urged, he has to find a demon emperor to replenish his magical energy. great.

Fortunately, the Golem did not disappoint him. When this treasure was activated, its power was only a line away from the power of the Devil Emperor, but it contained many precious materials, and it was extremely heavy, weighing more than 100,000 kilograms. If the emperor is against the bomb, he can have a slight advantage.

However, it also has many shortcomings. There is no long-range power enchantment, and only a passive force field within a range of one foot. It can barely borrow force from the void, but due to its heavy weight, it is far from being able to move and turn.

"Fortunately, as long as you resist less than a quarter of an hour..."

Watching the giant golem hit Lu Kun four times, knocking the opponent back nearly six feet, the two demons felt a lot more secure.

Demon King Zitong had already swallowed an elixir to restore the magic essence, and relying on the full injection of the magic essence, she barely restrained Lu Kun. Just in case, while Xueqi was manipulating the golem, there was a mass of magic energy in her body. Plasma is always ready.


The giant spirit golem punched again, creating a wave of air, but the monster with two heads and four arms was not knocked away, but raised its four palms in front, supporting the giant fist of the golem. The air was squeezed into a twisted arc, inch by inch.

"Happy! Haha, I finally encountered something that rivals Lu's strength, but unfortunately, it's not enough!!!"

Accompanied by this excited roar, the monster with two heads and four arms swelled with a strong energy of qi and blood, and the six-foot-tall body actually swelled inch by inch.

Seven feet, eight feet, ten feet... The giant fist that used to hold the golem with four palms turned into three palms, two...

Under the stunned eyes of Xuexiu and Zitong, the monster's body swelled five times at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a height of three feet. Due to the existence of four arms, it looked even bigger than a golem. huge.

With the growth of his physical body, his control over the devil's vitality seemed to have risen to a higher level. When Zitong's magic whip halo was close to his body, it cracked inch by inch, and was shaken into pure devil's vitality, pouring into the surface of the monster's skin. in the black light film.

The huge monster with a height of three feet, waving four arms, the light film on the surface of the skin quickly converged to the palm, and countless black palm shadows, with terrifying power of shock, slammed into the arm joints of the giant golem. superior.

Bloody Cry then lost the perception of the golem's arm. He hurriedly manipulated the golem's legs, opened his mouth at the same time, and the purple-black plasma prepared in his body shot forward.

But the monster with two heads and four arms seemed to be prepared. It also opened its mouth, but spewed out a cloud of purple-black liquid. It hit the purple-black plasma, making a zizi sound, and the two were entangled in mid-air. It seems that no one can do anything about it.

Then the monster's limbs and palms wrapped around the golem's legs, the surrounding air twisted, making an overwhelmed roar, the monster turned its waist, made a spiral in the void, and sent the huge body of the golem to the blood weeping He threw it hard.

Bloody's face changed, and while dodging to the side, he urged Yuanshen to control the gigantic golem.

At this time, a strong wave of demonic energy suddenly came from not far away. Within a radius of 40 feet, there was another terrifying suction force, but this time it was different. Attracted and gathered here.

Xuexiu felt this and couldn't help but look over

I saw the three-foot-tall monster with two heads and four arms, and at some point in its four palms, a large black-gray sword appeared, with silver liquid twisted on it, and it was a full meter long.

The palms of the two black magic arms, as if the candles had melted, were directly fused with the knife handle, and the four arms raised the large knife high.

The swept-in magic energy condensed on the tip of the blade, forming a terrifying blade with a length of 40 meters. It was densely covered with runes, and there was a frightening aura.

At the same time, the strong suction of the Demon Emperor level was still rolling within the range of 40 meters. Xuexiu felt the pressure and did not care to control the golem.

On the other side, although Demon King Zitong was thirty feet away, in addition to the squeezing force and suction, his control over the demonic energy was suppressed, and the rich demonic energy outside could not be borrowed at all.

With the strong magic essence in her body, she could barely stay in place.

At this time, the monster with two heads and four arms waving a huge sword light of forty feet, aimed at Demon King Zitong and slashed down fiercely.

With the action of slashing, the female demon king felt that the hard scales on the surface of her body began to tremble, the magic essence outside her body kept dispersing, and a powerful force locked her tightly.

"Do not!"

Feeling the immobile body, Zi Tong gritted his teeth, and the magic energy and magic energy in his body stirred together, and a purple shield with barbs appeared in his hands, barely gathered on the top of his head, and then the whole body was covered with thick The sword glow submerged.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, a wave of air rolled in all directions, and the surrounding purple-black mist became sparse with this terrifying aftermath.

The pseudo-god in the distance looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

An incomparably huge knife mark was cut on the ground. The width was only a few dozen feet, and the length reached a hundred feet, and it kept splitting into the distance.

Demon King Zitong was lying on the ground, his exquisite body twitched unconsciously, the scales on his body were shattered, revealing vague lavender flesh, the bones behind were cracked, and the shield was thrown aside, the light dimmed. ...

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